Can sections be applied in Footer of Webi Report - sap

I am in a situation where i need to apply section in my Report Footor. But it is not happening. If anyone have gone through such situation please help me..

I have checked and sections cannot be applied to report footers.


Ejs formatting on save

Whenever I save an ejs file on vscode, it randomly reformats it like this, and I am having difficulty reading it.
Does anybody know the solution to this problem? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
I tried almost every existing solution by modifying settings.json.

Printing RDLC on client-side

I tried to print an RDLC upon a button click. I followed this walkthrough: It worked well in localhost but when I uploaded it on the server, it is not printing. I read many articles about this and I tried most of it but I can't get a work-around. This is my first time and I really need help on this matter. If possible, I really need the actual codes to print the RDLC on the client-side. Thank you.

Preview and PDF are not the same in Birt

As you can see on the below image everything looks fine on PDF but on Web Viewer/Preview the numbers are not aligned nicely.
I don't understand this ... what can I do to display the numbers like in PDF form? FYI this is a column of a row of a table and the content is a 1x2 Grid, has two data elements one in 1st column other in 2nd column. Both data elements are right aligned. I tried to fix this problem with padding the first element 30 from left but didn't help. I would be glad for your tips!
The Previewer tends to offer less then optimally formated or fully functional design. Open the report in the format/tool that will be used in the final delivery for true testing durring design. Personally I have Apache on my test server and do all of my preview testing as a web page.
Edit based on comments
I don't recall ever seeing anything like this occur. If you create a new report using the sample data base, do you get the same issue? If no, then you have something off on this report, it might be easier to create a fresh report, without the issue. If yes can post your report with example data at so others can see if they see the same issue.

How to add subreports to the main report while creating a pdf in JasperReports (iReport)

I have a word doc (135 kb) that is to be converted to a pdf. I am using iReport fot this.
I created a main report (with title, page header, column header,detail, page footer,column footer,summary). Then I created three reports (with only detail bands in it).
Now I am trying to import these three reports as subreports in the main report. I am doing this because I need the page headers pecified in the main report should come in all pages of my pdf.
I am unable to preview the finished pdf.
Am I proceeding in the right way or else what should I do?
Please help and thanks in advance.
Can you explain how you added the sub reports to your report? Are you able to preview the report in iReport? Does it give you any error?
The more info you include, the easier it would be for us to help you out.
Screen shots might be helpful too.

SSRS 2008 -- Data Missing when run in BIDS mode

I am having a really weird issue with a report built in SSRS 2008. When the report is set to export as a PDF, all data fields are showing up properly on each page as intended. However when the report is run in BIDS mode or exported to Word/CSV/Excel formats there are several data fields that show up as a blank.
One weird thing Ive noticed is that if I set the data fields that are missing as First(Fields!datafield.value) instead of Fields!Datafield.value then they will show up.
Has anyone ever seen any instances of this happening or have any ideas how to correct this issue without redoing the report? I can include the .rdl file if that would help.
I've seen something similar when coloring fonts. The pdf export didn't pick up all the formatting. Check to make sure that your visibility and color settings for the fields in question are what you expect. Try setting those all to default to see if that fixes the issue.