How to bridge TVML/JavaScriptCore to UIKit/Objective-C (Swift)? - objective-c

So far tvOS supports two ways to make tv apps, TVML and UIKit, and there is no official mentions about how to mix up things to make a TVML (that is basically XML) User Interface with the native counter part for the app logic and I/O (like playback, streaming, iCloud persistence, etc).
So, which is the best solution to mix TVML and UIKit in a new tvOS app?
In the following I have tried a solution following code snippets adapted from Apple Forums and related questions about JavaScriptCore to ObjC/Swift binding.
This is a simple wrapper class in your Swift project.
import UIKit
import TVMLKit
#objc protocol MyJSClass : JSExport {
func getItem(key:String) -> String?
func setItem(key:String, data:String)
class MyClass: NSObject, MyJSClass {
func getItem(key: String) -> String? {
return "String value"
func setItem(key: String, data: String) {
print("Set key:\(key) value:\(data)")
where the delegate must conform a TVApplicationControllerDelegate:
typealias TVApplicationDelegate = AppDelegate
extension TVApplicationDelegate : TVApplicationControllerDelegate {
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, evaluateAppJavaScriptInContext jsContext: JSContext) {
let myClass: MyClass = MyClass();
jsContext.setObject(myClass, forKeyedSubscript: "objectwrapper");
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, didFailWithError error: NSError) {
let title = "Error Launching Application"
let message = error.localizedDescription
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle:.Alert ) self.appController?.navigationController.presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: { () -> Void in
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, didStopWithOptions options: [String : AnyObject]?) {
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions options: [String : AnyObject]?) {
At this point the javascript is very simple like. Take a look at the methods with named parameters, you will need to change the javascript counter part method name:
App.onLaunch = function(options) {
var text = objectwrapper.getItem()
// keep an eye here, the method name it changes when you have named parameters, you need camel case for parameters:
objectwrapper.setItemData("test", "value")
App. onExit = function() {
console.log('App finished');
Now, supposed that you have a very complex js interface to export like
#protocol MXMJSProtocol<JSExport>
- (void)boot:(JSValue *)status network:(JSValue*)network user:(JSValue*)c3;
- (NSString*)getVersion;
#interface MXMJSObject : NSObject<MXMJSProtocol>
#implementation MXMJSObject
- (NSString*)getVersion {
return #"0.0.1";
you can do like
- (void)boot:(JSValue *)status network:(JSValue*)network user:(JSValue*)c3 );
At this point in the JS Counter part you will not do the camel case:
but you are going to do:
Finally, look at this interface again:
- (void)boot:(JSValue *)status network:(JSValue*)network user:(JSValue*)c3;
The value JSValue* passed in. is a way to pass completion handlers between ObjC/Swift and JavaScriptCore. At this point in the native code you do all call with arguments:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSNumber *state = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:status];
callWithArguments:#[networkChanged, #0, state]];
In my findings, I have seen that the MainThread will hang if you do not dispatch on the main thread and async. So I will call the javascript "setTimeout" call that calls the completion handler callback.
So the approach I have used here is:
Use JSExportAs to take car of methods with named parameters and avoid to camel case javascript counterparts like callMyParam1Param2Param3
Use JSValue as parameter to get rid of completion handlers. Use callWithArguments on the native side. Use javascript functions on the JS side;
dispatch_async for completion handlers, possibly calling a setTimeout 0-delayed in the JavaScript side, to avoid the UI to freeze.
I have updated this question in order to be more clear. I'm finding a technical solution for bridging TVML and UIKit in order to
Understand the best programming model with JavaScriptCode
Have the right bridge from JavaScriptCore to ObjectiveC and
Have the best performances when calling JavaScriptCode from Objective-C

This WWDC Video explains how to communicate between JavaScript and Obj-C
Here is how I communicate from Swift to JavaScript:
//when pushAlertInJS() is called, pushAlert(title, description) will be called in JavaScript.
func pushAlertInJS(){
//allows us to access the javascript context
appController!.evaluateInJavaScriptContext({(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
//get a handle on the "pushAlert" method that you've implemented in JavaScript
let pushAlert = evaluation.objectForKeyedSubscript("pushAlert")
//Call your JavaScript method with an array of arguments
pushAlert.callWithArguments(["Login Failed", "Incorrect Username or Password"])
}, completion: {(Bool) -> Void in
//evaluation block finished running
Here is how I communicate from JavaScript to Swift (it requires some setup in Swift):
//call this method once after setting up your appController.
func createSwiftPrint(){
//allows us to access the javascript context
appController?.evaluateInJavaScriptContext({(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
//this is the block that will be called when javascript calls swiftPrint(str)
let swiftPrintBlock : #convention(block) (String) -> Void = {
(str : String) -> Void in
//prints the string passed in from javascript
//this creates a function in the javascript context called "swiftPrint".
//calling swiftPrint(str) in javascript will call the block we created above.
evaluation.setObject(unsafeBitCast(swiftPrintBlock, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "swiftPrint" as (NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol)?)
}, completion: {(Bool) -> Void in
//evaluation block finished running
[UPDATE] For those of you who would like to know what "pushAlert" would look like on the javascript side, I'll share an example implemented in application.js
var pushAlert = function(title, description){
var alert = createAlert(title, description);
alert.addEventListener("select", Presenter.load.bind(Presenter));
// This convenience funnction returns an alert template, which can be used to present errors to the user.
var createAlert = function(title, description) {
var alertString = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
var parser = new DOMParser();
var alertDoc = parser.parseFromString(alertString, "application/xml");
return alertDoc

You sparked an idea that worked...almost. Once you have displayed a native view, there is no straightforward method as-of-yet to push an TVML-based view onto the navigation stack. What I have done at this time is:
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
...then on the JavaScript side:
function showTVMLView() {setTimeout(function(){_showTVMLView();}, 100);}
function _showTVMLView() {//push the next document onto the stack}
This seems to be the cleanest way to move execution off the main thread and onto the JSVirtualMachine thread and avoid the UI lockup. Notice that I had to pop at the very least the current native view controller, as it was getting sent a deadly selector otherwise.


Audio session .ended isn't called with two AVPlayers

Here are steps to reproduce:
Activate AVAudioSession with .playback category.
Register for AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification
Create two AVPlayers and start them
Interrupt playback by calling Siri/receiving a call by Skype, Cellular and etc.
Expected behavior:
Receiving notification of the audio session interruption with .began state at the start and .ended at the end. Also, as a side effect, Siri doesn't respond to commands.
Real behavior:
Only .began notification is called.
To bring back .ended notification (which is used to continue playback) remove one player.
Question: how to handle the audio session interruption with more than 1 AVPlayer running?
Here I created a simple demo project:
Tested on iOS 14.4
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let player1: AVPlayer? = {
$0.volume = 0.5
return $0
private let player2: AVPlayer? = {
$0.volume = 0.5
return $0 // return nil for any player to bring back .ended interruption notification
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
player1?.replaceCurrentItem(with: makePlayerItem(named: "music1"))
player2?.replaceCurrentItem(with: makePlayerItem(named: "music2"))
[player1, player2].forEach { $0?.play() }
private func makePlayerItem(named name: String) -> AVPlayerItem {
let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(
forResource: name,
withExtension: "mp3"
return AVPlayerItem(url: fileURL)
private func registerObservers() {
self, selector: #selector(handleInterruption(_:)),
name: AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification,
object: nil
private func startAudioSession() {
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback)
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
#objc private func handleInterruption(_ notification: Notification) {
let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
let typeValue = userInfo[AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey] as? UInt,
let type = AVAudioSession.InterruptionType(rawValue: typeValue)
else {
switch type {
case .began:
print("Interruption BEGAN")
[player1, player2].forEach { $0?.pause() }
case .ended:
// This part isn't called if more than 1 player is playing
print("Interruption ENDED")
[player1, player2].forEach { $0?.play() }
#unknown default:
print("Unknown value")
I just ran into the same issue, and it was driving me crazy for a few days. I'm using two AVQueuePlayer (a subclass of AVPlayer) to play two sets of audio sounds on top of each other, and I get the AVAudioSession.interruptionNotification value of .began when there is an incoming call, but there is no .ended notification when the call ends.
That said, I've found that for some reason, .ended is reliably sent if you instead use two instances of AVAudioPlayer. It also works with one instance of AVAudioPlayer mixed with another instance of AVQueuePlayer. But for some reason using two instances of AVQueuePlayer (or AVPlayer) seems to break it.
Did you ever find a solution for this? For my purposes I need queuing of tracks so I must use AVQueuePlayer, so I'll probably file a bug report with Apple.

How to use an Objective-C function with block in Swift4 in a #noescap way?

I'm developing an iOS app in Swift4 with an Object-C framework called 'YapDatabase'. There is an Object-C function with a block like this in class 'YapDatabaseConnection':
- (void)readWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction))block;
I use the function in this way:
static func readNovelIds() -> [String]? {
let account = XFAccountManager.share().account
var events: [XFNovelClickEvent]?
OTRDatabaseManager.shared.readOnlyDatabaseConnection?.read({ (transaction) in
events = XFNovelClickEvent.allNovelClickEvents(accountId: account.uniqueId, transaction: transaction)
guard let clickEvents = events else {
return nil
let readNovelsIds = {
$0.bookId ?? ""
return readNovelsIds
I thought the closure will be executed immediately after the 'events' parameter declared. In fact, the closure doesn't be executed before result returns. To search the reason, I open the file named 'YapDatabaseConnection.h(Interface)' generated by Xcode (with cmd+shift+o), found the function has been translate to Swift in this way:
open func read(_ block: #escaping (YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> Void)
So, how do I use this function in a #noescap way?
As the caller, you can't change when the closure is executed. That's up to the read() function. If you control that function, you'll need to modify it to call the closure immediately. If you don't control it, then you can't modify how it behaves.
You can convert an asynchronous call into a synchronous call using a DispatchGroup as described in Waiting until the task finishes. However, you can't make a database call on the main queue; you risk crashing the app. As a general rule, you should just use async calls in this case (i.e. make readNovelIds also be asynchronous and take a completion handler).
The reason why Xcode bridged the objective-c block as #escaping is because the block may be executed after the function return.
Since you don’t own YapDatabase, you couldn’t modify the source code to make it non-escaped, so you may wanna make your readNovelIds function takes a closure as parameter and pass the return value through closure.
static func readNovelIds(resultHandler: #escaping ([String]?) -> ()) {
let account = XFAccountManager.share().account
var events: [XFNovelClickEvent]?
OTRDatabaseManager.shared.readOnlyDatabaseConnection?.read({ (transaction) in
events = XFNovelClickEvent.allNovelClickEvents(accountId: account.uniqueId, transaction: transaction)
if let clickEvents = events {
let readNovelsIds = {
$0.bookId ?? ""
If the method is in fact synchronous (i.e. it will not allow the block to escape its context), the Objective C header method should be decorated with NS_NOESCAPE. Looking at the documentation (which does say it is synchronous), and the implementation, it should be annotated that way.
- (void)readWithBlock:(void (NS_NOESCAPE ^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction))block;
That, I believe, should allow the Swift interface importer to add the #noescaping declaration. You should probably file a bug request on the YapDatabase project; they can change it there.

How does asynchronous closure works in Swift

I am using a nsurlssesion based wrapper class written in objective-c in my swift project. Everthing is working except I am not able to undertand how the closure works in swift.
In my swift viewcontroller:
DownloadManager().downloadFile(forURL: url, progressBlock: { (progress) -> () in
print("current progress is \(progress)")
}, completionBlock: { (completion) in
print("is completed : \(completion)")
}, enableBackgroundMode: false)
In my Downloadmanager class (which is objc based) whenever nsurlssession delegate is called this happens:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
download.progressBlock(progress); //exception when progressblock is nil
Download object have a block type property called progressBlock :
typedef void(^TWRDownloadProgressBlock)(CGFloat progress);
current progress is 0.0908259372799894
current progress is 0.272477811839968
current progress is 0.363303749119957
current progress is 0.454129686399947
current progress is 0.544955623679936
current progress is 0.635781560959925
current progress is 0.726607498239915
current progress is 0.817433435519904
current progress is 1.0
Flow of the code:
NSURlsession calls it's delegate method.
DowloadManager updates Download object's progress variable.
Somehow in my viewcontroller I can see the updated value of the progress variable inside the closure.
How is point-3 happening?
Is this the standard way closure behaves in swift? Specifically, I would like to know if the closure is automatically called everytime Dowload object changes?
According to The Swift Guide:
Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code. Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages.
Closures can capture and store references to any constants and variables from the context in which they are defined.
In this case, a closure is defined within the view controller, then passed
around and called later.
The flow would be as follows:
Make a new instance of TWRDownloadManager() and call its downloadFile method.
In this call, pass the progressBlock: ((CGFloat) -> Swift.Void) closure (it takes CGFloat as a parameter and returns nothing).
Down the line, this block is what gets assigned to TWRDownloadObject().progressBlock
Further down the line, NSURLSession Delegate method calls download.progressBlock(progress), which simply calls the closure from #2 and passes the CGFloat value as its parameter.
Here is quick Playground example:
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
import TWRDownloadManager
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
let downloadManager = TWRDownloadManager()
let url = ""
let progressClosure: (CGFloat) -> () = { (progress) in
print("current progress is \(progress)")
let completionClosure: (Bool) -> () = { (completion) in
print("is completed : \(completion)")
forURL: url,
progressBlock: progressClosure,
completionBlock: completionClosure,
enableBackgroundMode: false

Establish callback in Swift for PubNub 4.0 to receive messages

It appears to me that the documentation PubNub has for getting started in Swift don't apply to versions earlier than PubNub 4.0. I can't successfully establish a callback to register with PubNub.
My code:
class Communicator: NSObject, PNObjectEventListener {
var pubNubClient: PubNub
override init(){
let config = PNConfiguration(
publishKey: "my_publish_key",
subscribeKey: "my_subscribe_key"
pubNubClient = PubNub.clientWithConfiguration(config);
pubNubClient.subscribeToChannels(["my_channel"], withPresence: false)
func didReceiveMessage(client: PubNub!, message: PNMessageResult!){
Digging into the PubNub source a bit, this is the area that seems to be having problems:
- (void)addListener:(id <PNObjectEventListener>)listener {
dispatch_async(self.resourceAccessQueue, ^{
if ([listener respondsToSelector:#selector(client:didReceiveMessage:)]) {
/* this block is never reached!!! */
[self.messageListeners addObject:listener];
/* Remaining Lines Stripped Away */
I'm still relatively new to Swift and integrating with Objective C. I'm curious if there's a problem with the respondsToSelector since the Objective C code is referencing Swift code.
The messages are definitely getting passed; there's another lower level function in the PubNub library that's logging all the messages received.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Versions prior to 4.0 are deprecated and wont work exactly how they used to.
I would recommend migrating over to the newest (4.0) SDK entirely, the new iOS SDK has removed a lot of bloat and compiles much faster. To get started view this tutorial.
To summarize, instantiating a PubNub client look as follows:
let config = PNConfiguration(
publishKey: "Your_Pub_Key",
subscribeKey: "Your_Sub_Key")
client = PubNub.clientWithConfiguration(config)
client?.subscribeToChannels(["Your_Channel"], withPresence: false)
And the new didReceiveMessage function looks as follows:
func client(client: PubNub!, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult!, withStatus status: PNErrorStatus!) {
//Do Something like
Resolved by adding:
func client(client: PubNub!, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult!) {
The documentation on how to parse the received PNMessageResult is scant. Here's how I handled it:
func client(client: PubNub!, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult!) {
let encodedMessage ="message") as! NSDictionary
let messageType = encodedMessage["meta"]! as! String
let messageString = encodedMessage["data"]!["msg"]! as! String
print("PubNub: [\(messageType)] \(messageString)")
add _ client works for me!
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult) {
print("Pubnub Message: \(message)")

Completion handler for property in swift

I'm trying to use a control called MZFormSheetController in swift. In the example given it provides a property as a completion handler, if I understand correctly, but I'm having difficulties translating it in Swift. Any help would be appreciated.
This is in the obj-c example.
controller.didPresentContentViewControllerHandler = ^(UIViewController *content) {
[self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];
I tried many variations and did an extensive search in the web but I could not find anything that could help me so I'm stuck here
controller.didPresentContentViewControllerHandler = (content:UIViewController() -> () {
println("did present1")
Here are the relevant docs: Cocoa Docs:: MZFormSheetPresentationController:: didPresentContentViewControllerHandler
If you need to access the view controller then do it like this,
controller.didPresentContentViewControllerHandler = {
controller in
println("did present1")
Or if you dont need the reference to the view controller, you can simply do,
let controller = Controller()
controller.didPresentContentViewControllerHandler = {
_ in
println("did present1")
Try add a variable after opening brace
controller.didPresentContentViewControllerHandler = {
vc in
println("did present1")