Programatically creating dstreams in apache spark - testing

I am writing some self contained integration tests around Apache Spark Streaming.
I want to test that my code can ingest all kinds of edge cases in my simulated test data.
When I was doing this with regular RDDs (not streaming). I could use my inline data and call "parallelize" on it to turn it into a spark RDD.
However, I can find no such method for creating destreams. Ideally I would like to call some "push" function once in a while and have the tupple magically appear in my dstream.
ATM I'm doing this by using Apache Kafka: I create a temp queue, and I write to it. But this seems like overkill. I'd much rather create the test-dstream directly from my test data without having to use Kafka as a mediator.

For testing purpose, you can create an input stream from a queue of RDDs.
Pushing more RDDs in the queue will simulate having processed more events in the batch interval.
val sc =
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val inputData: mutable.Queue[RDD[Int]] = mutable.Queue()
val inputStream: InputDStream[Int] = ssc.queueStream(inputData)
inputData += sc.makeRDD(List(1, 2)) // Emulate the RDD created during the first batch interval
inputData += sc.makeRDD(List(3, 4)) // 2nd batch interval
// etc
val result = => x*x)
result.foreachRDD(rdd => assertSomething(rdd))
ssc.start() // Don't forget to start the streaming context

In addition to Raphael solution I think you like to also either can process one batch a time or everything available approach. You need to set oneAtATime flag accordingly on queustream's optional method argument as shown below:
val slideDuration = Milliseconds(100)
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("NetworkWordCount").setMaster("local[8]")
val sparkSession: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.config(conf).getOrCreate()
val sparkContext: SparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext
val queueOfRDDs = mutable.Queue[RDD[String]]()
val streamingContext: StreamingContext = new StreamingContext(sparkContext, slideDuration)
val rddOneQueuesAtATimeDS: DStream[String] = streamingContext.queueStream(queueOfRDDs, oneAtATime = true)
val rddFloodOfQueuesDS: DStream[String] = streamingContext.queueStream(queueOfRDDs, oneAtATime = false)
for (i <- (1 to 10)) {
queueOfRDDs += sparkContext.makeRDD(simplePurchase(i))
queueOfRDDs += sparkContext.makeRDD(simplePurchase((i + 3) * (i + 3)))

I found this base example:
The key here is calling the "store" command. Replace the contents of store with whatever you want.


Scalding Unit Test - How to Write A Local File?

I work at a place where scalding writes are augmented with a specific API to track dataset meta data. When converting from normal writes to these special writes, there are some intricacies with respect to Key/Value, TSV/CSV, Thrift ... datasets. I would like to compare the binary file is the same prior to conversion and after conversion to the special API.
Given I cannot provide the specific api for the metadata-inclusive writes, I only ask how can I write a unit test for .write method on a TypedPipe?
implicit val timeZone: TimeZone = DateOps.UTC
implicit val dateParser: DateParser = DateParser.default
implicit def flowDef: FlowDef = new FlowDef()
implicit def mode: Mode = Local(true)
val fileStrPath = root + "/test"
println("writing data to " + fileStrPath)
.from(Seq[Long](1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
// .map((x: Long) => { println(x.toString); System.out.flush(); x })
The above doesn't seem to write anything to local (OSX) disk.
So I wonder if I need to use a MiniDFSCluster something like this:
def setUpTempFolder: String = {
val tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder
val root: String = setUpTempFolder
println(s"root = $root")
val tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory(setUpTempFolder).toFile
val hdfsCluster: MiniDFSCluster = {
val configuration = new Configuration()
configuration.set(MiniDFSCluster.HDFS_MINIDFS_BASEDIR, tempDir.getAbsolutePath)
configuration.set("io.compression.codecs", classOf[LzopCodec].getName)
new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(configuration)
val fs: DistributedFileSystem = hdfsCluster.getFileSystem
val rootPath = new Path(root)
However, my attempts to get this MiniCluster to work haven't panned out either - somehow I need to link the MiniCluster with the Scalding write.
Note: The Scalding JobTest framework for unit testing isn't going to work due actual data written is sometimes wrapped in bijection codec or setup with case class wrappers prior to the writes made by the metadata-inclusive writes APIs.
Any ideas how I can write a local file (without using the Scalding REPL) with either Scalding alone or a MiniCluster? (If using the later, I need a hint how to read the file.)
Answering ... There is an example of how to use a mini cluster for exactly reading and writing to HDFS. I will be able to cross read with my different writes and examine them. Here it is in the tests for scalding's TypedParquet type
HadoopPlatformJobTest is an extension for JobTest that uses a MiniCluster.
With some hand-waiving on detail in the link, the bulk of the code is this:
"TypedParquetTuple" should {
"read and write correctly" in {
import com.twitter.scalding.parquet.tuple.TestValues._
def toMap[T](i: Iterable[T]): Map[T, Int] = i.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
HadoopPlatformJobTest(new WriteToTypedParquetTupleJob(_), cluster)
.arg("output", "output1")
.sink[SampleClassB](TypedParquet[SampleClassB](Seq("output1"))) {
toMap(_) shouldBe toMap(values)
HadoopPlatformJobTest(new ReadWithFilterPredicateJob(_), cluster)
.arg("input", "output1")
.arg("output", "output2")
.sink[Boolean]("output2")(toMap(_) shouldBe toMap(values.filter(_.string == "B1").map(_.a.bool)))

create a dataframe with all the responses from the api requests within foreachPartition

I am trying to execute an api call to get an object(json) from amazon s3 and I am using foreachPartition to execute multiple calls in parallel
df.rdd.foreachPartition(partition => {
//Initialize list buffer
var buffer_accounts1 = new ListBuffer[String]()
//Initialize Connection to amazon s3
val s3 = s3clientConnection()
//api to get object from s3 bucket
//the first column of each row contains s3 object name
val obj = getS3Object(s3, "my_bucket", fun.getString(0)).getContent
val objString = IOUtils.toString(obj, "UTF-8")
buffer_accounts1 += objString
From the foreachPartition I would like to store the string responses from all of the api calls made into a single dataframe. So if within the forEachPartition if I make a total of 100 api calls I would like to create a single dataframe that has all the 100 responses.
To do this I am creating a mutable list and want to convert it to a dataframe within foreachPartition but we cannot create a dataframe outside of the driver.
I am trying to create a dataframe with all the responses from the total api calls within the foreachPartition so that I can apply further transformations. How can this be achieved?
Note:- I could write every response to disk as json and read them back in but that results in performance degradation because of a lot of disk I/O operations.
It can be achieved using mapPartitions
val df_response = df.mapPartitions(iterator => {
val api_connect = new s3clientBuild()
val s3client = api_connect.s3connection(AccessKey, SecretKey)
val resp = =>{
val name = getS3(row.getString(0), s3client)

How can i save the Kafka read Structured Streaming data as a Dataframe and apply parsing on it?

I am trying to read realtime streaming data from Kafka topics through Spark Structured streaming, However my understanding i would need the streaming to stop at sometime so i can apply my parsing logic on it and push it to MongoDB. Is there a way i can save the streaming data into a separate dataframe with/without stopping the streaming?
I checked the guide and other blogs and i am not getting a straight forward answer for my requirement
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host:9092, host:9092, host:9092")
.option("subscribe", "TOPIC_P2_R2, TOPIC_WITH_COMP_P2_R2.DIT, TOPIC_WITHOUT_COMP_P2_R2.DIT")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
val dfs = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
val consoleOutput = dfs.writeStream
I need the streaming data to be saved somehow in a dataframe either by stopping the streaming or without stopping
Below is the parsing logic what i have and instead of picking dataset from a file path i need the streamed data to be my new dataset and should be able to apply my rest of the logic and get output. Saving it to Mongo is not my primary focus now;
val log ="csv")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
val df = spark.sql("select _raw, _time from logs").toDF
//Adds Id number to each of the event
val logs = dfs.withColumn("Id", monotonicallyIncreasingId()+1)
//Register Dataframe as a temp table
val = spark.sql("select Id, value from logs")
//Extracts columns from _raw column. Also finds the probabilities of compositeNames.
//If true then the compositeName belongs to one of the four possibilities
val extractedDF = dfss.withColumn("managed_server", regexp_extract($"_raw", "\\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\]",2))
.withColumn("alert_summary", regexp_extract($"_raw", "\\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\]",3))
.withColumn("oracle_details", regexp_extract($"_raw", "\\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\] \\[(.*?)\\]",5))
.withColumn("ecid", regexp_extract($"_raw", "(?<=ecid: )(.*?)(?=,)",1))
.withColumn("composite_name", col("_raw").contains("composite_name"))
.withColumn("compositename", col("_raw").contains("compositename"))
.withColumn("composites", col("_raw").contains("composites"))
.withColumn("componentDN", col("_raw").contains("componentDN"))
//Filters out any NULL values if found
val finalData = extractedDF.filter(
col("managed_server").isNotNull &&
col("alert_summary").isNotNull &&
col("oracle_details").isNotNull &&
col("ecid").isNotNull &&
col("CompName").isNotNull &&
col("composite_name").isNotNull &&
col("compositename").isNotNull &&
col("composites").isNotNull &&

Case Class serialization in Spark

In a Spark app (Spark 2.1) I'm trying to send a case class as input parameter of a function that is meant to run on executors
object TestJob extends App {
val appName = "TestJob"
val out = "out"
val p = Params("my-driver-string")
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
import spark.implicits._
(1 to 100)[Int].flatMap(i => Dummy.process(i, p))
.option("header", "true")
object Dummy {
def process(i: Int, v:Params): Vector[String] = {
Vector { if( i % 2 == 1) v + "_odd" else v + "_even" }
case class Params(v: String)
When I run it with master local[*] everything goes well, while when running in a cluster, Params class state is not getting serialized and the output results in
Could you please help me understanding what I'm doing wrong?
Googling around I found this post that gave me the solution:Spark broadcasted variable returns NullPointerException when run in Amazon EMR cluster
In the end the problem is due to the extend Apps

How do i create a TCP receiver that only consumes messages using akka streams?

We are on: akka-stream-experimental_2.11 1.0.
Inspired by the example
We wrote a TCP receiver as follows:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val serverFlow = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
.map(message => {
target ? new Message(message); ByteString.empty
conn handleWith serverFlow
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)
However, our intention was to have the receiver not respond at all and only sink the message. (The TCP message publisher does not care about response ).
Is it even possible? to not respond at all since takes a flow of type: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Unit]
If yes, some guidance will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
One attempt as follows passes my unit tests but not sure if its the best idea:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val targetSubscriber = ActorSubscriber[Message](system.actorOf(Props(new TargetSubscriber(target))))
val targetSink = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)
You are on the right track. To keep the possibility to close the connection at some point you may want to keep the promise and complete it later on. Once completed with an element this element published by the source. However, as you don't want any element to be published on the connection, you can use drop(1) to make sure the source will never emit any element.
Here's an updated version of your example (untested):
val promise = Promise[ByteString]()
// this source will complete when the promise is fulfilled
// or it will complete with an error if the promise is completed with an error
val completionSource = Source(promise.future).drop(1)
completionSource // only used to complete later
.via(conn.flow) // I reordered the flow for better readability (arguably)
// to close the connection later complete the promise:
def closeConnection() = promise.success(ByteString.empty) // dummy element, will be dropped
// alternatively to fail the connection later, complete with an error
def failConnection() = promise.failure(new RuntimeException)