Where is the UML Diagram option in IntelliJ? - intellij-idea

I am trying to generate a diagram from IntelliJ 14. It is told in the documentation to install the UML Support plugin. I do not find a such plugin on my computer:
What am I missing?

The solution is: don't use the community edition. It is limited in respect to diagram options.

As I also mentioned here:
The community edition only supports a limited number of plugins. The
class diagram plugin is only supported in the Ultimate edition if I
remember correctly.
You can always try a 30-day free trial of IntelliJ Ultimate in order
to generate your class diagrams.

I recall reading that one has to pay for IntelliJ to get that functionality. It is not in the free version.

I use Code Iris and PlantUML. It is a very useful tools especially PlantUML. Other tools of this type in the IDEA are paid.
Below PlantUML.
I hope it will help you.


How to get the exact edition of a JetBrains IDE from a plugin?

I'm developing a plugin for all JetBrains IDEs.
The plugin needs to know which exact flavor of JetBrains IDE it's running, some sort of string like "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate", or "PyCharm Educational".
ApplicationInfo has some vague references to the IDE edition like /idea_community_about.png as the aboutImageUrl property but there doesn't appear to be anything concrete. Is there a standard way to get this data?
To get this information about the IDE, use
From the doc string in the source:
Returns full product name with edition. Vendor prefix is not included.
Use only when omitting an edition may potentially cause a confusion.
Example #1: include the edition in generated shortcuts, since a user may have several editions installed.
Example #2: exclude the edition from "Restart ...?" confirmation, as it only hampers readability.
Rarely needed, consider using getFullProductName() instead.
As mentioned here: if you only need to know whether you are dealing with IntelliJ or PyCharm (Community or Professional does not matter) it is often enough to use fullProductName instead.

How to build EMOF models in IntelliJ and generate code from them?

What is the best way to build models in IntelliJ, in the style of Eclipse EMF ?
Is there an equivalent of Eclipse EMF in IntelliJ ?
And is there something that adheres to standards such as EMOF in the same way that EMF Ecore is aligned to it ?
I found a plugin that seems to help with that here, but I am wondering if there are other/better options.
Checkout the Working with Diagrams docs. JetBrains provides UML modeling and supports both forward and reverse engineering. Although this is not EMF, it appears to be IntelliJ's equivalent in terms of functionality.
Note this feature is exclusive to the IJ Ultimate Edition.

intellij: wizard to create facades for my entities

Right now I'm doing a tutorial in Java EE. Problem is:
The tutorial says that I have to create facades of my entities from my database. The tutorial is designed for the NetBeans IDE, but at work i must use IntelliJ. I'm not a big fan of IntelliJ at the moment but i have no choice. So like the title says: is there an easy way to create facades for my entities like there is in NetBeans?
Thanks in advance :)
Uhm, no there is no such thing. IntelliJ actually requires you to be able to code yourself. Netbeans lacks that feature I think :).

Component Diagram eclipse Plugin

I've been looking for 3 days for a an eclipse plugin that helps you to create a visual component diagram. I also want to be able to extract the XMI file that corresponds to the diagram I create. So far I tried EMF, and GMF, but after installing them, I couldn't find what I need. I only got stuff like this:
I have no problem with using a non-eclipse based tool, as long as it serves my need.
Any help? Thanks.
Try Papyrus. EMF and GMF are frameworks to create your own diagram editors, Papyrus is an open-source tool which is based on them. Component diagram is one of supported UML diagrams. Steps to create a new diagram are described here.
What worked for me is Altova UModel 2014. I downloaded a trial version, and it perfectly matches my need. I can buy it later. No problem.

Any SQL formatter plugin for Eclipse avaialble?

I am not finding any standard open source sql formatter eclipse plugin on net. I am using eclipse helios. I can find Edit-->FormatSQL but that does not seems to be working. Found one at http://ventralnet.blogspot.in/2010/11/sql-beautifier-eclipse-plugin.html
but formatting is not good. Any suggestion will be helpful. For info I am using sqlserver sql scripts.
Toad eclipse-extension (community edition), will get you almost everything you want in an SQL editor, including formatting (ctrl+shif+f). Search for 'toad' in eclipse market place. It has very good Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL support.
Take a look at Installation instructions and screenshots.
Another option is http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/download/#eclipse (Which is very good and also has a standalone version)
Some of my favorites are:
Eclipse SQL Explorer at: http://eclipsesql.sourceforge.net
DBViewer at: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/zigen/home/plugin/dbviewer/about_en.html