A program that can display charts with data entered from textbox - vb.net

i want to create a program,whereby my users can enter data through text boxes and it shows on the chart. And they can store it so that the next time the program
is opened it displays their data. How do i go about the saving the data and entering data through text boxes.

You can just set all de userinput in a string. For storing that string you can maybe put it in a text-file.
"This text will be added to the text file",True)
You can output the userinput back again by reading from the text-file.
And set it in a label.


How do I make my program in VB show the number of letters in a text box, into a tab box?

I'm making a program whereby it takes text and 'encrypts' it. I managed to do the caeser cypher part, but another part was to get the string value in the encrypted text, and display the number of characters in it. I decided to get the text from a text box, and display it in a tabcontrol box. What would be the code to get the values from the textbox, list what they are, and how many times they appear in the text box?
use this code below; will gets you the character length in your textbox

Pick up whatever has been entered in Text Box in VBA

I would like some code which can:
Pick up a number that has been entered in a text box in a user form.
The text box is called Height
You can get the value from the text box like this.
Dim heightInput = Height.text
However, you should do some validation before assuming it is a valid number.
such as
Dim validHeight as Integer
If int.TryParse(heightInput, validHeight) then
' Put code here
End If
for more

Visual Basic read, split, modify .txt file

I'm using visual basic 2010 and im a new user. I have my project called mini database.
I want to export and display my text file in my program.
42348564041|Not Working|Jean
I have my 3 columns table and i want an unlimited rows. The rows and depends on how many lines are there in the text file.
The first column a text box, which i can modify what i like to enter on it.
The second column is a combo box which i can select if it is working or not.
And the third column is also a textbox which i can type the name of a user.
Please help me to have my project. Thank you stackoverflow!
Make a form with a textbox, combo box, and a second textbox.
Add a command button to save the data, one to show data, and possibly one to cancel and one to exit.
Fill the combobox with the appropriate items.
In the click handler for the save button, write the data to a file with "append".
The show data button can read the file display the text in a multiline text box or rich text box.

Populating label from user input on another form

I have populated a label in VB.Net using what has been input in a text box on another form however, when i then try and use the content of that label in a piece of code, it shows that there is nothing in the label?

Access 2007: Append data to memo field using a command button

I have a database based on the 'Issues.accdb' template, and I want to modify one of the forms.
In the 'Issue Details' form there is an open text box which appends data to a memo 'Comments' field when the record is saved. The history of this comments field is shown in a locked text box below.
I want to change the behaviour of the form so that instead of the user entering a new comment into an open text field on the form, a command button is clicked and it opens an input box; the comment is then input into this.
I also want to enter validation so that no one can enter a blank comment.
The quickest way I could see to rigging what you already have to what you requested would be to do this:
Since you already have a bound memo field for the insertion, just make it invisible. In the onClick event for your command button, you'll just populate that memo field with an InputBox with something like
dim cmt as String
cmt = InputBox("Please provide a comment.")
if cmt = "" then
msgbox("Comments cannot be empty")
me.myBoundMemofield = cmt