How to add a device to MobileFirst Operations Console? - ibm-mobilefirst

How to add a device to MobileFirst Operations Console ?
I face issue in identifying my device in the MobileFirst Operations Console.
Please let me know how to configure my device to be detected in the console .

The only feature related to "devices" is adding device simulation in the Console's Mobile Browser Simulator as described in the following user documentation topic:
The other feature related to devices is Device profiling, as described in the tutorial Getting Started tutorial:
Device profiling will be made possible after applications that are installed on simulators or devices are used and connect the MobileFirst Server. You can then create device profiling based on... devices.


There is no prompt to select USB device using navigator.usb.requestDevice() on Zebra Enterprise Browser

I am trying to use Web USB API to communicate with USB relay. The web page is running on Zebra device. It is working fine in Chromium. I am getting a prompt to select USB device.
device = await navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [{ vendorId: config.VENDOR_ID, productId: config.PRODUCT_ID }] });
The Zebra device comes with Enterprise Browser. It is similar to Chromium. But I do not get the prompt to select USB device when running the same web page in Enterprise Browser.
Does anyone know how to get this working in the Enterprise Browser?
Or is there any way that navigator.usb.requestDevice() returns the device without user's action?
Thank you.
I recommend reaching out to Zebra's support channels with questions about their browser. Even if it is based on Chromium it may not include or have disabled components of the WebUSB implementation.
The WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls enterprise policy allows an administrator to pre-grant permission for a site to access USB devices but that depends on the browser having the complete WebUSB and enterprise policy engine from the upstream Chromium project so there's no guarantee that it will work without reaching out to Zebra.
Zebra Enterprise Browser may be based on Android WebView instead of Chromium. While Android WebView is itself based on Chromium it doesn't include the code necessary to support the WebUSB API. Adding support for WebUSB to Android WebView is tracked by Chromium's issue 933055.

USB device listening OSX objective c using peertalk

I developed a OSX application that listening the USB devices that connected from OSX and application runs fine before submit to app store. At the time of submission to app store I enabled the "App Sandbox" and enabled USB in App Sandbox. But after enable this application is not able to get the list of USB connected devices. I am using peertalk library from github. Link is below:
So now please can anyone suggest the solution for this. or suggest any option to get the devices list which is connected from osx using USB.

Geofence Testing on Devices

I'm new to IBM Worklight and understand that Worklight has Geofencing capabilities and testing within the mobile simulator. Does Worklight have some way to test geofencing on actual devices, while still anaylzing location/wifi data?
For testing on actual devices, beyond physically moving the devices, you would have to use simulation tools available outside of IBM Worklight. For example, for iOS this would be in XCode and for Android you could either utilize a location simulation app, or embed mock locations yourself (see location testing on the Android development site).
Additionally, if you want more comprehensive testing, which includes the ability to simulate GPS as part of your tests, you may want to check out IBM Rational Test Workbench.

Share one android device for developing

We are several people (in different cities) developing on titanium. We have only one device to check how the application works on a real device.
Can we share somehow one device to check how application works on a real device?
The idea is to have one PC with remote access and Titanium running with connected git\mercurial repositories. Android device connected to this PC by USB. The user connects by Remote Control to the PC, pulls data from repository and runs application on the device.
The problem that we have is how to get access to screen of the Android device on the PC to control it.
Does someone have an idea how it could be organized?
This link ( says it will help, but it has limitations. I guess this solution would make sense if you are doing most of the testing on the local emulator and the physical device is a final check for functionality.

need help for bluetooth framework on mac osx

i'm an iOs developer and I actually need to make a mac application that use bluetooth framework to connect to another device (not iOS device).
I'm actually showing a modal view showing the connected bluetooth device with IOBluetoothDeviceSelectorController and I get the user choice with [modal getResults] but I don't know how to initiate the connection with the selected device and I can't find a simple way to do it on the mac dev library.
is anyone know a tutorial or sample code that could help me advance in my project?
The Mac Developer Library has two sample Bluetooth projects; connecting to a health thermometer and connecting to a heart rate monitor. There is also video available of the Advanced Core Bluetooth WWDC 2012 session.