GCM does not send message to notification_key & returns with an empty response body - google-cloud-messaging

We're using notification_key to group multiple devices. Since yesterday we're unable to send a message to a notification_key. The GCM endpoint returns with status 200 but the response body is empty. The GCM diagnostics inside Google Play shows that no message has been sent to the device and we additionally checked that the message does not arrive at the device.
However, sending a message to a single registration_id (one of which is managed by notification_key) works as expected.
We haven't touched the GCM related code on our side and it was working as expected the days before. I would like to know if this error is known and if other apps are affected as well. Also happy to hear from Google if they were any changes in the last few days.

The issue has been resolved by Google. This is the answer I got from the Google Group thread I've created for this issue:
Hi Andreas,
We had a recent issue in the send API, affecting a subset of the
notification_key requests. That issue should be fixed now.
Please try again. If the API is still not working for you please
report back using:
- Diego


is this wrong result return with YouTube Data Api v3 or Is this my mistake. This is big problem to me

I subscribed to this YouTube Channel which has channel id "UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw"
The total link of that channel is - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw
Then I checked whether my subscription exists by using google developer page- https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list
under "check whether a subscription exists"
but for only above channel it returns empty result. for another channel ids its working properly.
what is this problem.i am android developer and i see this behavior on my android project.i work hard for find this error. but ultimately i see this error for this channel id only.I implemented this error using google developer page for your simplicity.
please help me...

APISubscriptionError 400 Unable to reach callback URL

I found a lot of posts about this issue, but none is like mine.
I have a website that subscribes to IG real-time updates. Since some time ago trying to subscribe to new notifications returns the above error. Seems like IG can't reach the callback_url.
Interesting findings while troubleshooting:
I tried to manually (directly) access the callback_url and it works flawlessly.
When I run the site on my local machine and make sure the callback_url is to my server + the verify_token is a valid one then it all works as it should! IG reaches the callback_url.
I used the apigee console to make the subscription request and there it sometimes works.. Meaning - I craft the request to IG API and click Send. If it fails then I click again (I don't change parameters) and then it works..
Web server logs are in line with the results I get (when it complains it can't reach then there's no log of a request).
Does anyone have any tip or suggestion how to fix this?
While chasing my own tail for a solution I also contacted IG support. I described the issue using same description as above.
After 2 weeks suddenly everything started working again. Magic! Suddenly no errors at all! Needless to say nothing has changed on my end (hardware / network / code).
I didn't receive any response from their support, but considering that a previous email to them a few months ago took about 2 weeks to answer then I am quite sure some support guy simply fixed the issue on their side and didn't even bother to let me know what was going on.
This could be related to the fact that they killed most of their real time notifications API.
Anyway, leaving this here so that if anyone encounters a similar issue then just know you may need to email IG support.

Telegram bot and the method getUpdates

I have a question about Telegram bot, I created a bot some weeks ago, it works fine but there is a strange behavior with the method getUpdates; indeed if I use the link:
now I can't see any message, but if I start a new bot this link works fine like the first day when I created the other bot.
There is a particular interval of time after which this link stops working?
There is a way to re-enable it?
Thanks in advance
From Telegram Bot API documentations:
Incoming updates are stored on the server until the bot receives them
... but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.
So, getUpdates did not stop working. Old messages got deleted after a finite amount of time.
Use #BOtFather And /revoke command to Get New Token for your bot.
I had an issue with my bot API were it mysteriously crashes. I found it was due to it returning this HTML page instead of a JSON string very rarely. Even though the getUpdates interval was a fair 3 seconds. I've patched an update not long ago.
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
The only time the bot token becomes useless is when it's been manually /revoke on BotFather on the target bot.
If you still having issues. You could try my TelegramBot class that uses the getUpdates method that should be easy to use. I have no issues running my bot on Android and Windows 10 Node.js servers. https://github.com/NightfallAlicorn/telegrambot-nodejs-getupdates Be aware it's not 100% complete but it's stable and has all functionalities except inline bot stuff.
It can happen if someone get updates already. Maybe your bot is running somewhere. I also had this problem when the bot was not running for me, but something still received these updates. I think it will help you to get a new access token via /revoke in #BotFather, after that everything work good in my case.

iPhone local notification still showing old message

I am currently creating an application that uses local notification. Previously, I coded the message as XXXX, then a few weeks later, I coded the message to be YYYY. And now when I do a test run on my app. Sometimes I get the notification with message XXXX and sometimes I get it with the message YYYY. Anyone has an idea of what is causing the issue?
Found the answer. Apparently, I still have old notifications which shows XXXX

Trouble sending multiple notifications using APNS

I'm trying to send multiple notifications using my PHP script. But after sending about 50 or so out of the 10k users, I get a broken pipe warning. I'm not sure whether that message is sent.
From various other posts, I learnt that it could be because of a invalid token. However, my feedback service returns no invalid tokens. (ssl://feedback.push.apple.com:2196) Tried this both in production mode and sandbox mode.
What other reasons could cause this invalid pipe issue?
My exact problem is explained here by someone else as well.
Apple's servers will drop the connection as soon as there is something wrong in the stream of your push messages.
Be careful with mixing device tokens between sandbox and production modes. There's an article here that describes the issue.
Also, have you tried using the enhanced notification format described in Apple's documentation? The response might tell you what's wrong.