Date format problems when passing information from Access to Excel -

just for documentation and future readers, the problem was solved and the answer is in the discussion between me and #varocarbas
My Application is reading a few columns from access data base and joining those columns into an existing datatable. one of the columns in the database has dates, the column is configured as date and time column in the database and in the data column of the datatable. the problem is when i am extrcting it into excel ,some of the dates are behaving in the oposite direction (i think the term is "english date"). what that i mean by "behaving", is that excel recognize the monthes as the days and the days as the months, for example a date that should be 11 in september 2015 the excel formula month(11/09/2015) is showing that the month is november and not september.
also, the date values in the access column are from sharepoint list that is also configured as dateandtime.. i have a filling that this behaving maybe belongs to excel(?),
here is the importent parts of my code:
' declaring the dateandtime column
Dim colString As DataColumn = New DataColumn("changed")
colString.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")
Storing it from the database:
If Not (IsDBNull(UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("spcall"))) Then
spcall = UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("spacll")
rowNum = Searchbinary(spcall) ' check that spcall exist in Projects table via binary search
If rowNum > -1 Then
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("PmUserName").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("OpertionalStatus").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("CrmCallNum").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("OperationStart").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("Approved").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("somecolumn") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("GeneralStatus").ToString
UnitedTable.Rows(i).Item("changed") = db.ReadDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(rowNum).Item("Changed")
' the spcall not exist add it to arraylist
End If
Then I am populating it to excel with nested loop.


Access claiming duplicate record with no unique fields updated with Update Recordset/Addnew

I'm trying to allow my client to add a bunch of dates in a row with the few fields copied. None of these fields are unique in the table but it keeps flagging them as duplicates records. When I got into the the table the new records are not added to the table despite there not being any duplicates.
This is the code (edited for silly mistakes)
Public Sub Create_Click()
Dim rsEventDayGroup As DAO.Recordset
Dim NextDate As Date
Set rsEventDayGroup = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From tblEventDays")
NextDate = Me!Start.Value
While DateDiff("d", NextDate, Me!End.Value) >= 0
rsEventDayGroup!Start.Value = NextDate
rsEventDayGroup!EventID.Value = Forms!frmEvents.Controls!ID.Value
rsEventDayGroup!DayType.Value = Me!DayType.Value
rsEventDayGroup!Period.Value = Me!Period.Value
NextDate = NextDate + 1
Set rsEventDayGroup = Nothing
End Sub
I'm trying to copy fields EventID, DayType, and Period and create records for each day someone inputs. tblEventDays has it's own unique ID, called just "ID" that is an autonumber. I suspect it's the code screwing up somewhere, but as it was working just yesterday and I haven't changed it, I'm not sure what it could be. When I go to debug it highlights "rsEventDayGroup.Update" I've also tried changing Select * from the table with no luck.

Add Query with Month filter to an Access Database with Date/Time Field

I have an Access Database with many fields connected through a datagridview in my project. Two of these fields contain Date/Time Values. I want to create a query through the query builder that uses input from the user to find records that match the dates the user wants. This "where clause" works :
This creates a toolstrip in which I can input 2 dates so that the query can fill the datagridview with the records.
What I want now is to make a query like the above only this time the user inputs the name of a month he wants (ex. February or 02 ). Is there any way to do that ?
EDIT: Tried using Plutonix's code (Sailing is the Column name) :
WHERE SAILING BETWEEN #01/31/yyyy# AND #03/01/yyyy#
and I got this error: "Cannot convert entry to valid datetime TO_DATE function might be required"
EDIT 2: I have created a combobox containing all 12 months and I have a commandbutton. I want to find a way so that if the user selects one of the 12 months from that combobox and clicks the commandbutton, to have the datagridview control (access database) show him only the records that go with that month based on their datetime(Short Date) fields. What code should I put in my commandbutton_click ?
Eventually I created a long query where I added a "Between ? and ?" in my where clause for every Year included in the database (2004-2015), created a huge if clause that gives the beginnings and endings of the month requested for every year and used all those strings to query the database.
If Month.Text = "JANUARY" Then
A04A = "01/01/04"
A04B = "31/01/04"
A05A = "01/01/05"
A05B = "31/01/05"
A06A = "01/01/06"
A06B = "31/01/06"
A07A = "01/01/07"
A07B = "31/01/07"
A08A = "01/01/08"
A08B = "31/01/08"
A09A = "01/01/09"
A09B = "31/01/09"
A10A = "01/01/10"
A10B = "31/01/10"
A11A = "01/01/11"
A11B = "31/01/11"
A12A = "01/01/12"
A12B = "31/01/12"
A13A = "01/01/13"
A13B = "31/01/13"
A14A = "01/01/14"
A14B = "31/01/14"
A15A = "01/01/15"
A15B = "31/01/15"
A16A = "01/01/16"
A16B = "31/01/16"
ElseIf etc etc

Access SQL Randomizer Not working as intended

I'm using the below mentioned code to select a record ID from an Access Database that wasn't already selected in the last day and add it to an array.
The general goal is that a record that matches the initial "Difficulty" criteria will be retrieved so long as either the record was never selected before OR the record wasn't chosen in the last 2 days. After the loop is done, I should have x amount of unique record ID's and add those onto an array for processing elsewhere.
Private Function RetrieveQuestionID(questionCount As Integer)
' We're using this retrieve the question id's from the database that fit our arrangements.
Dim intQuestArray(0 To questionCount) As Integer
Dim QuestionConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = |DataDirectory|\Database\MillionaireDB.accdb;")
For i As Integer = 1 To intNoOfQuestions
'TODO: If there are no valid questions, pull up any of them that meets the difficulty requirement....
Dim QuestionConnectionQuery As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT Questions.QuestionID FROM Questions WHERE (((Questions.QuestionDifficulty)=[?])) AND (((Questions.LastDateRevealed) Is Null)) OR (Questions.LastDateRevealed >= DateAdd('d',-2,Date())) ORDER BY Rnd((Questions.QuestionID) * Time());", QuestionConnection)
QuestionConnectionQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", intQuestionDifficulty(i - 1).ToString)
Dim QuestionDataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(QuestionConnectionQuery)
Dim QuestionDataSet As New DataSet
QuestionDataAdapter.Fill(QuestionDataSet, "Questions")
intQuestArray(i - 1) = QuestionDataSet.Tables("Questions").Rows(0).Item(0)
Dim QuestionConnectionUpdateQuery As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("UPDATE Questions SET Questions.LastDateRevealed = NOW() WHERE Questions.QuestionID = [?]", QuestionConnection)
QuestionConnectionUpdateQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", intQuestArray(i - 1).ToString)
Return intQuestArray
End Function
However, looping through the array will show that there are records are somehow being repeated even though the record updates during the loop.
Is there another way to loop through the database and pull up these records? I even attempted to move the .Open() and .Close() statements to within the For...Next loop and I'm given worse results than before.
As Steve wrote, the >= should be a < .
In addition, your WHERE clause is missing parentheses around the OR part.
It should be (without all unnecessary parentheses):
SELECT Questions.QuestionID
FROM Questions
WHERE Questions.QuestionDifficulty=[?]
AND ( Questions.LastDateRevealed Is Null
OR Questions.LastDateRevealed < DateAdd('d',-2,Date()) )
ORDER BY Rnd(Questions.QuestionID * Time());
Also have a look at How to get random record from MS Access database - it is suggested to use a negative value as parameter for Rnd().

Filter and Merge Dataset in Vb.Net

I am working on VS 2010 - Vb.Net, Having a syntax clarification on Filter & Merge DataSet
My dataset - ds has 23 tables. In which, i need to filter one Table with certain criteria.
tempDs.Merge(ds.Tables("p_tree_categories").Select( "GROUP_CODE <> 'PA.43.948'"))
On writing Merge Syntax,
I am able to see only selected table : p_tree_categories in the tempDs. We need the remaining 22 tables along with the filtered record of p_tree_categories.
How can i achieve this ?
It sounds like you only want the filtered rows of table p_tree_categories. This being the case, I would:
Generate a copy of the p_tree_categories which only contains the rows you are interested in.
Remove the existing p_tree_categories from tempDs.
Merge the copy into tempDs as p_tree_categories.
These steps could be implemented something like this:
Dim originalTable As DataTable = tempDs.Tables("p_tree_categories")
Dim filterView As DataView = New DataView(originalTable)
filterView.RowFilter = "GROUP_CODE <> 'PA.43.948'"
Dim filteredTable As DataTable = filterView.ToTable
filteredTable.TableName = "p_tree_categories"
' Remove old, add the new.

Unable to read new records from a table

I have a data adapter with 4 tables in a dataset. When I update a new record to the table it appears in the SQL database and the associated datagridivew has been reloaded with the dat in the table, but when I try and read the new record using the following code it can't find the record.
Dim row As DataRow = dsSrvAV.Tables("ServiceAvailability").Select("ID = " & intRecordID).FirstOrDefault()
The same code is used to read other records that were in the database when the application opened, it's just new records that it can't read.
This is the code that writes the new records
Dim newAvailability As DataRow = dsSrvAV.Tables("ServiceAvailability").NewRow()
'Add some data to it
newAvailability("Service_ID") = cboServices.SelectedValue
newAvailability("Date") = Format(dtpDate.Value.ToString, "Short Date")
newAvailability("Downtime") = nudDowntime.Value
newAvailability("Notes") = txtNotes.Text
newAvailability("MajorIncident") = txtMajorIncident.Text
newAvailability("ActionsTaken") = txtActionsTaken.Text
newAvailability("Type") = cboType.SelectedValue
newAvailability("Root_Cause") = txtRootCause.Text
'Add it to the table
'Update the adapter
daSrvAv.Update(dsSrvAV, "ServiceAvailability")
Can anyone offer any thoughts as to why this won't allow new records to be read back.
Per comments - this solved the issue.
Close your dsSrvAv dataset, and then re-open it, and then do the select.
Regardng performance: are you adding 1 record per second of 1,000,000. If its 1,000,000 then yes there's an overhead. If its 1 per second there isn't any noticable overhead.