What is the difference between JOIN USING and JOIN ON? - sql

In general, is there any difference in result set or query performance between:
SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB USING (id);
SELECT * FROM tableA ta JOIN tableB tb ON (ta.id = tb.id);
If so, what is the difference?
Pros / Cons to using one over the other?

When you say USING, then the columns are treated differently in the query:
Both tables must have the same columns and names for the join keys. (I think this is a good practice anyway, but USING requires it.)
The keys used for the join can only be used without a table alias in the rest of the query.
If you do SELECT *, then the join keys are only returned once.


Using SQL Alias vs Inner Join, what is the difference?

In http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_alias.asp, it mentions using alias to do the following query,
Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate, Customers.CustomerName
Customers, Orders
Customers.CustomerName = "Around the Horn"
AND Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;
This confuses me with the usage of JOIN. Isn't this kind of query joining the columns from two tables? What are the differences between this kind of query and JOIN?
JOIN and alias are two differnt concept .. the alias is for create a substitutive name (shorter usually) for a more easy object reference and for a more easy read .. so you can have column name alias or table name alias eg:
select a.col1
from my_table as a
a is an alias for the table my_table
select a.col1 as c1
from my_table as a
where c1 is an alias for col1
JOIN are for build relation between table
The Join can be implict or explict
In your code you are using implici join and the condition between the tables that keep the relation is based on where clause
but you could use a more espressive way using explict join
SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate, Customers.CustomerName
FROM Customers
INNER JOIN Orders on Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID;
WHERE Customers.CustomerName="Around the Horn"
Both the same, there is no difference.
There are differences only in readability.
In my opinion, PLSQL(ORACLE) developer choosing alias when writing queries then TSQL(SQL Server) developer choosing by Join
The answer to your question is there is no difference between your query and an inner join but many times, your write queries between tables where the relationships are not explicitly defined or a table may not require a relationship. In those cases, you would use a left join to return data from a first table and zero to many items from the table on the right. Using your format, makes that a lot more difficult to write and read. As for table Aliases, when writing self joins for example, you will need to use them so understanding them is essential.

using parenthesis in SQL

What's the differences between these SQLs:
They have different results.
It's difficult to tell precisely without a sample result set, but I would imagine its your utilization of natural JOINs which is typically bad practice. Reasons being:
I would avoid using natural joins, because natural joins are:
Not standard SQL.
Not informative. You aren't specifying what columns are being joined without referring to the schema.
Your conditions are vulnerable to schema changes. If there are multiple natural join columns and one such column is removed from a table, the query will still execute, but probably not correctly and this change in behavior will be silent.
Thanks for all of yours answers! I finally find out that the problem is because of the use of natural JoIn.
When using natural join, it will join every column with the same name! When I am using NATURAL JOIN for several times , it's possible those columns, which have same names but you don't wants to combine , could be joined automatically!
Here is an example,
Table a (IDa, name,year,IDb)
Table b (IDb, bonjour,salute,IDc)
Table c (IDc, year, merci)
If I wrote like From a Natural Join b Natural c,because IDb and IDc are common names for Table a,b,c. It seems Ok! But attention please!
a.year and b.year can also be joined ! That's what we don't want!

Simple way to join many tables with similar names in SSMS?

I have many tables that are all named similarly (like "table1" "table2" "table3" etc.) and I need to use all of them in a query. They all contain the same two variables ("ID" and "date") that they are joined on.
There are at least 25 tables of this sort and I have read-only access to the database so I can't combine them or even create a view that would do so.
My question is: Is there a simple shortcut I can use to join all these tables? If this were SAS I would create a macro, but I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012.
Instead of having to do this:
select *
from table1 a
join table2 b on a.id=b.id and a.date=b.date
join table3 c on b.id=c.id and b.date=c.date
join ....
join ....
join table25 y on x.id=y.id and x.date=y.date
I'd like to do something like:
select *
from merge(table1 - table25) using(id, date)
Replacing the "merge" statement above with whatever is appropriate. Is such a thing possible?
As pointed out in the comments, the succinct syntax you are looking for doesn't exist.
The only way to shorten the SQL that takes advantage of the fact that the joining columns are all named the same would involve using the using keyword:
select *
from table1 a
join table2 b using (id, date)
join table3 c using (id, date)
join ....
join ....
join table25 y using (id, date)
But sadly, even that won't work for you, because the using keyword is not recognized in SQL Server. It does work in other popular databases though.

Select all fields from table A but single field from B?

Is there a way in ABAP's OpenSQL to simplify the select columns in a JOIN when I want to grab all the fields of one table but only selected fields from the other table(s)?
For instance, in mysql we can simply do:
SELECT tb1.*, tb2.b, tb2.d
FROM tableA tb1
INNER JOIN tableB tb2 ON tb1.x = tb2.a
However, OpenSQL does not seem to allow selecting tb1~*, tb2~b, tb2~d so I have to resort to this:
SELECT tb1.x, tb1.y, tb1.z, tb2.b, tb2.d
FROM tableA tb1
INNER JOIN tableB tb2 ON tb1.x = tb2.a
For very large tables, especially standard tables, this becomes unwieldy, difficult to read and more annoying to maintain.
Is there a better way to select all fields of tb1 and some fields from tb2?
Yes, this is possible in the OpenSQL from 7.40 SP08. See this article.
The quotation from the article has that.
Column Specification
In the SELECT list, you can specify all columns of a data source using the syntax data_source~* from 7.40, SP08 on. This can be handy when working with joins.
SELECT scarr~carrname, spfli~*, scarr~url
FROM scarr INNER JOIN spfli ON scarr~carrid = spfli~carrid
In the previous versions unfortunately one has to specify the columns one by one or use database native SQL for example with ADBC.

Join clause joining 3 tables in same criteria

I've saw a join just like this:
Select <blablabla>
TableA TA
Inner join TableB TB on Ta.Id = Tb.Id
Inner join TableC TC on Tc.Id = Tb.Id and Ta.OtheriD = Tc.OtherColumn
But what's the point (end effect) of that second join clause?
What the implications when an outer join clause is used?
And, more important, what is the best to rewrite it in a way that is easy
to understand what it's trying to join?
And, more important, what is the best way to rewrite it to get rid of the construction
and mantain the correctness of the query.
I don't specify the RDBMS, because it's a more generic question, but for those
curious (since people always ask): it's SQL Server 2005.
EDIT: It's just a made up example (since I would have to dig the original source - which I don't have access anymore). I found the original join clause on a 10 join SELECT command.
It simply means you have an extra restriction on the intersection between tablea and tablec.
Because we know Ta.Id = Tb.Id, Tc.Id = Tb.Id is the same as Tc.Id = Ta.Id. Inner joins are associative. So it makes more sense like this so each join is between 2 tables only
Select <blablabla>
TableB TB
Inner join
TableA TA on Tb.Id = Ta.Id --a and b intersection
Inner join
TableC TC on Ta.Id = Tc.Id and Ta.OtheriD = Tc.Column --a and c intersection
Your Q : But what's the point (end effect) of that second join clause?
Effectively filters rows...you could move the second half of the on statement into the where clause if you really want, only really effects readability. gbn's answer looks good for this 3 table example,but to expand on it...sometimes a rewrite like this isn't possible. I have seen an occasion where 2 different systems (one oracle 8i and one SQL server 2000) had their databases joined together. A 3 part key was identified as being required to make the records unique in both systems, but each component of the 3 part key was held in different tables...the final result had a few joins like that.
Functionally...I'm not sure if there's a difference really. Unless I'm completely off, readability seems to be the biggest difference.
Your Second Q: What the implications when an outer join clause is used?
You'll potentially get a bunch of nulls (pending how you setup the outer join) while the inner join would have dropped them. Be careful though...inner joins is associative...as gbn put it: An OUTER JOIN is different and order does matter
The user may want to furthur filter the set of rows which are included in the Join set...
The point of the second join is to further limit your result set based on the contents of TableC. The first join gives you ONLY records that exist in TA and TB. The second join gives you ONLY results from the first join that also exist in TC.