SQL Database Tracking Method - sql

I am building a database in SQL developer and am trying to figure out how to integrate tracking customer orders in my database. It would only need to know where the order is at any time during shipping. Any ideas? I am looking for the very basic way for it is only for a class.

At a high level, you will need to represent the customer and the order. In most cases, orders have line items.
To track where the order is in the process, the simplest way to do that is to have a stat field. The status is changed over time. One step better would be to track the changes of the status in a OrderStatusHistory or something of that sort.
Here is a sample ERD without any fluff:


List all snapshots of a certain Akka.Net actor in a Web UI

I need help trying to figure out Akka.Net for a Event-Source PoC that I am building.
Say I have an Order Entry system, in which the Orders are modelled as ReceivePersistentActor. I have figured out the process of sending Commands to the Order IActorRef, such that it persists relevant events, and updates the order state accordingly. I can see Journal entries and Snapshots (one snapshot for each order) being written to the backend SQL database. So far so good for the Command side of CQRS. It is on the Query side that I am struggling to apply what I am seeing in the Akka.Net documentation.
On the Query side, I want to have a view that:
lists all the orders, by reading all the existing snapshots for the
Orders when the page loads, and,
then have the view auto-update
based on any changes that happen to the Orders.
It seems that Akk.Net Streams is the way to go here on the UI side. But I cannot figure out what query to run to get that initial list of all orders.
Any advice in this regard will be much appreciated please. How do that get that initial list of all orders as per their latest snapshot state?

How to design Database for an e-commerce site

I want to design a Db for an e-commerce site. The web application will provide facility to users to register as a business owner and then they will be able to perform CURD operation on their items. While the buyers or clients, will able to search for a particular product or business name, based on the search criteria results will be shown to clients. when the buyers will click a product from filtered results the buyer will be taken to that business page.
Based on the description I designed a DB but I'm not sure will it work or not?
Kindly go through and suggest changes as well as relations
enter image description here
First of all we cannot see all the data items there because we cannot actually scroll in the image. The Design looks okay to me and is normalized to some extent, I cannot be sure unless I see the whole thing though.
Database Designs these days aren't simple like it used to be and with new technologies out in the market it is getting complicated day by day. I know people who don't go for normalization and okay with repeating the data in different collections or tables so that the actual machine operation is reduced. With nosql databases it has becomes easier to have big chunks of data with very good turnaround time.
Why do you think it wont work BTW?

Data warehouse, data update strategy with Bigquery

We have a MIS where stores all the information about Customers, Accounts, Transactions and etc. We are building a data warehouse with BigQuery.
I am pretty new on this topic, Should we
1. everyday extract ALL the customer's latest information and append them to a BigQuery table with timestamp,
2. or we only extract the updated customer's information on that day?
First solution uses a lot of storage and takes time to upload data, and got lots of duplicates. But it's very clear for me to run query. For 2nd solution, given a specific date how can I get the latest record for that day?
Similar for Account data, an example of simplified Account table, only 4 fields here.
AccountId, CustomerId, AccountBalance, Date
If I need to build a report or graphic of a group of customers' AccountBalance everyday, I need to know the balance of each account on every specific date. So should I extract each account record everyday, even it's the same as last day, or I can only extract the account when the balance changed?
What is the best solution or your suggestion? I prefer the 2nd one because there are no duplicates, but how can I construct the query in BigQuery, will performance be an issue?
What else should I consider? Any recommendation for me to read?
When designing DWH you need to start from business questions, translate them to KPIs, measures, dimensions, etc.
When you have those in place...
you chose technology based on some of the following questions (and many more):
who are your users? in what frequency and what resolutions they consume the data? what are your data sources? are they structured? what are the data volumes? what is your data quality? how often your data structure changes? etc.
when choosing technology you need to think of the following: ETL, DB, Scheduling, Backup, UI, Permissions management, etc.
after you have all those defined... data schema design is pretty straight forward and is derived from "The purpose of the DWH" and your technology limits.
You have pointed out some of the points to consider, but the answer is based of your needs... and is not related to specific DB technology.
I am afraid your question is too general to be answered without deep understanding of your needs.
Referring to your comment bellow:
How reliable is your source data? Are you interested in the analyzing trends or just snapshots? Does your source system allow "Select all" operations? what are the data volumes? What resources does your source allow for extraction (locks, bandwidth, etc.)?
If you just need a daily snapshot of the current balance, and there are no limits by your source system,
it would be much simpler to run a daily snapshot.
this way you don't need to manage "increments", handle data integrity issues and systems discrepancies etc. however, this approach might have undesired impact on your source system, and your network costs...
If you do have resources limits, and you chose the incremental ETL approach, you can either
create a "Changes log" table and query it, you can use row_number()
in order to find latest record per account.
or yo can construct a copy of the source accounts table, merging
changes everyday to an existing table.
each approach has its own aspect of simplicity, costs, and resource consumption...
Hope this helps

What database solution will you suggest for competitive online tickets sale

Can you please give me an database design suggestion?
I want to sell tickets for events but the problem is that the database can become bootleneck when many user what to buy simultaneously tickets for the same event.
if I have an counter for tickets left for each event there will be more updates on this field (locking) but I will easy found how much tickets are left
if I generate tickets for each event in advance it will be hard to know how much tickets are left
May be it will be better if each event can use separate database (if the requests for this event are expected to be high)?
May be reservation also have to asynchronous operation?
Do I have to use relation database (MySQL, Postgres) or no relation database (MongoDB)?
I'm planing to use AWS EC2 servers so I can run more servers if I need them.
I heard that "relation databases don't scale" but I think that I need them because they have transactions and data consistency that I will need when working with definite number of tickets, Am I right or not?
Do you know some resources in internet for this kind of topics?
If you sell 100.000 tickets in 5 minutes, you need a database that can handle at least 333 transactions per second. Almost any RDBMS on recent hardware, can handle this amount of traffic.
Unless you have a not so optimal database schema and/of SQL, but that's another problem.
First things first: when it comes to selling stuff (ecommerce), you really do need a transactional support. This basically excludes any type of NoSQL solutions like MongoDB or Cassandra.
So you must use database that supports transactions. MySQL does, but not in every storage engine. Make sure to use InnoDB and not MyISAM.
Of cause many popular databases support transactions, so it's up to you which one to choose.
Why transactions? Because you need to complete a bunch of database updates and you must be sure that they all succeed as one atomic operation. For example:
1) make sure ticket is available.
2) Reduce the number of available tickets by one
3) process credit card, get approval
4) record purchase details into database
If any of the operations fail you must rollback the previous updates. For example if credit card is declined you should rollback the decreasing of available ticket.
And database will lock those tables for you, so there is no change that in between step 1 and 2 someone else tries to purchase a ticket but the count of available tickets has not yet been decreased. So without the table lock it would be possible for a situation where only 1 ticket is left available but it is sold to 2 people because second purchase started between step 1 and step 2 of first transaction.
It's essential that you understand this before you start programming ecommerce project
Check out this question regarding releasing inventory.
I don't think you'll run into the limits of a relational database system. You need one that handles transactions, however. As I recommended to the poster in the referenced question, you should be able to handle reserved tickets that affect inventory vs tickets on orders where the purchaser bails before the transaction is completed.
your question seems broader than database design.
first of all, relational database will scale perfectly well for this. You may need to consider a web services layer which will provide the actual ticket brokering to the end users. here you will be able to manage things in a cached manner independent of the actual database design. however, you need to think through the appropriate steps for data insertion, and update as well as select in order to optimize your performance.
first step would be to go ahead and construct a well normalized relational model to hold your information.
second, build some web service interface to interact with the data model
then put that into a user interface and stress test for many simultaneous transactions.
my bet will be you need to then rework your web services layer iteratively until you are happy - but your database (well normalized) will not be cusing you any bottleneck issues.

Audit Logging Strategies

I am trying to decide on the best method for audit logging within my application. The main reason for the log is reporting the sequence of events (changes).
I have a hierarchy of Objects, I need to create reports when something changes on any part of that hierarchy, at a latter date.
I think that I have three options:
Have a log for each table and therefore matching the hierarchy of objects then creating a view for the report.
Flatten the hierarchy and de-normalise the table, making reporting easier - simple select statement.
Have one log table and have a record for each change making reporting harder but more flexible to changes.
I am currently leaning towards option 1.
I have to talk to this subject even though it's old.
It is usually a poor idea to have only one audit table as you will create locking problems in the database as everything hits that table. Use separate audit tables for each table.
It is also a poor idea to have the application do the auditing. Audit must be done at the database level or you risk losing some of the information. Data does not change only from applications in most databases; no one is going to change the prices of all their products one at a time from the user interface when you need a 10% increase to all 10,000,000 of them. Auditing should capture all changes not just some of them. This should be done in a trigger in most databases (SQL server 2008 has a built in auditing function). Some of the worst potential possible changes (employees committing fraud or wanting to maliciously destroy data) also are frequently from places other than the application especially if you allow table level access to users (Which you should not do in any financial database or one that contains personal information). Auditing from the application won't catch this. Developers often forget that in protecting their data, outside sources are not the only threat.
An audit log is basically a chronological list of events that occurred, who performed these events, and what the events were.
I think a flat view would be better as it can be easily ordered and queried. So I'm leaning more towards your option #2/#3.
Include things like the transaction type, the time, the user id, a description of what's changed, and other pertinent information related to your product.
You can also add things to your product over time and you won't need to continually modify your audit log module.
If it's for auditing purposes I'd use a true append-only medium rather than a table/tables in the same db.
You suggest it's for change history purposes - in which case I would restructure your application/db to record the actual events in the first place rather than just the current state.
I would go with (2) and (3): create a single table for all Audit entries.
A flat view is good, provided the extra work flattening does not impact performance.
You could look into an AOP framework to help with this. It would allow you to inject logging functionality at the beginning or end of any/all methods. If you go down this road, it might help define what would make sense for storing the log data.