I have a system made on vueJs. When I do login it saves accessToken and refresh token in browser cookies. It works fine in all computer and network. But specific in one PC it saves only refresh token and avoiding to save accessToken. I have no idea what can I do.
I suspect that this is a browser-settings thing. If your user decides not to save cookies at all, the browser will not save cookies. You can check the settings in that browser, or try a different browser on that machine.
What you usually need to check is not different pc's, but different browsers on one pc.
If you want to be thorough, try safari on mac & firefox and chrome on windows.
Depending on your audience, you may also still need to check internet explorer, but this is getting less and less common.
Execute tests with the same browser type concurrently which use the same cookies?
Scenario: Run multiple tests (x3) as the same time which all use firefox.
Currently if a item gets added to the basket it causes the tests to fail because all instances of the browser are using the same cookies.
Is it possible to use the same browser more than once at the same time even if web cookies are involved?
Maybe require the use of browser profiles?
Thanks for your help
I'm not sure, but first idea is to use different user (who is logged in to firefox) for each test. I think they should have different cookies.
I'm working in a highly secured environment. I can only use IE11 by company's policy. I'm trying to implement test automation on my project.
I'm using Selenium and IEDriver.
Currently I'm trying to implement basic scenario by just opening application page.
When I'm trying to do it via IEDriver, the page is not getting opened and the message "This page cannot be displayed" is shown.
But when I open the page manually by just typing in the url to the address bar everything works fine.
I guess it has something to do with the cookies that are coming with the request I'm making manually. Seems like those cookies contain some signature.
Can someone advise me how can I track the problem to resolve it?
Be sure top follow the required configuration section on this site: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/InternetExplorerDriver
I had some issues with IE acting the same way until following this setup.
So the issue was fixed by setting proxy.
Seems like there was a change in security rules recently.
I have vb.net 2010 and I need a way to transfer a cookie container from the program I made to web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox. All answers are much appreciated :)
Well, I really hope that modern browser have protection against this kind of attacks (yes, you should not be able to write/read cookies from 3 party domain such as stackoverflow.com).
If you want to implement user cookie to user browser then let it open some page where there cookie will be implemented to the browser...
In my web application, I have used the asp Login control to facilitate the login process. I have noticed that if I open the site in a browser and log in, and then open another browser and go to the site, then the second browser shows that I am already logged in, even though I didn't log in using that browser. I have noticed that some other sites (such as my bank's web access) work this way, but it still seems odd to me. I'm not sure if it's bad or not, but it is strange.
Is this behavior bad?
I have also noticed that if I close all of my browsers and then open a new one up and go to the site, I am NOT logged in.
This is because those sites use session cookies. If you open different brwosers at the same time, such as FireFox, Opera, Chrome and IE, you'll have to log in in all of the browsers independently. However, when re-using the same browser application, this usually does not spawn a new process with its own session data but rather re-uses the already open browser.
If you are using a browser that supports multi-tabbed sessions e.g. IE7+, Firefox etc, you will find that, if you have the same ASP.NET website open in multiple tabs, each tab will share the same authentication credentials. This is because the session ID applies to the browser instance, not the tab instance, so if a user logs in on 1 tab, then opens up another tab to the website, they won't have to provide their credentials twice.
I don't think there's an easy way around this behaviour. You could choose employ cookie 'munging', storing the forms authentication ticket on the URL, but this seems like a bad idea from a security POV.
Lucero and pmarflee are both correct.
To provide a bit more information though:
Firefox will share session between tabs and all browser instances
IE 8 will also share session between tabs and all browser instances
IE 7 shares session between tabs, but not across instances
IE 6 does not share session across instances
I'm not sure how Opera, Chrome, or Safari handle sessions.