Insert images from excel to word through table - vba

I need to call a word file from excel, and to create a template. Template will have 3 images UpperLeft, Upper Right and central image.
I thought that would be the best result do it through the table.
From some reason I can't create table from excel..
Private Sub CommandButton13_Click()
'Using early binding, not late-binding
Dim wsDoc As Word.Document
Dim wsApp As Word.Application
Dim wsRng As Word.Range
Dim wsTable as Word.Table
Dim intNoOfRows
Dim intNoOfColumns
Dim s As Word.InlineShape
Dim shp As Word.Shape
intNoOfRows = 4
intNoOfColumns = 2
Set wsApp = New Word.Application
wsApp.Visible = True
Set wsDoc = wsApp.Documents.Add
Set wsRange = wsDoc.Content
Set wsTable = wsDoc.Tables.Add(wsRange, intNoOfRows, intNoOfColumns)
wsTable.Borders.Enable = True
wsTable.Cell(1, 1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
wsTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
wsTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
Set wsRng = wsTable.Cell(2, 1).Range
With wsRng.Paragraphs.Add
wsTable.Cell(2, 1).Merge MergeTo:=wsTable.Cell(2, 2)
wsTable.Cell(2, 1).Height = 520
wsTable.Cell(2, 1).Range.Paragraphs.Add
wsTable.Cell(3, 1).Merge MergeTo:=objTable.Cell(3, 2)
wsTable.Cell(3, 1).Range.Text = "Prepared by:" & " " & UserForm1.txtPrepared
wsTable.Cell(4, 1).Merge MergeTo:=objTable.Cell(4, 2)
wsTable.Cell(4, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
wsTable.Cell(4, 1).Range.Text = "Belgrade," & " " & Format(Date, "MMMM DD, YYYY ")
Set wsRange = Nothing
Set wsTable = Nothing
Set wsDoc = Nothing
Set wsApp = Nothing
End Sub

Well, it's a bit clearer, but not completely. I've taken the liberty of editing your code so that it's correct, consistent and readable (without all the empty lines)!
I'll start with the part that is clear: << I want to move cursor a few lines down and to write some text. >>
To move the focus below a table, you get the table's range, then collapse it. For example:
Set wsRange = wsTable.Range
wsRange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
'Now the range is in the paragraph following the table
wsRange.Text = "text following table"
"with background image I want to convert it to shape. I want to send iy behind the text"
This is the part that's not clear to me. Are you saying you want to insert one more image and position it behind the text? Use the Shapes.Add method and set the WrapFormat.Type to wdWrapBehind


Writing Excel data to Word content controls without error messages

This question is about using content controls to move data values from Excel to Word in VBA. Please note I have enabled the "Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library" under references in the MSExcel VBA environment.
My project needs to send Excel data to specific places in a Word document.
PROBLEM: It seems I am not using the contentcontrols properly and keep getting runtime errors I'm not finding much information about. Either RTE-438
Object doesen't support this method
or RTE-424
Object Required
Description of what the code does: There are two baseline workbooks with multiple worksheets. Another analysis workbook uses each of these is programmed with VLOOKUP(INDIRECT...),) to generate tables for reports put into a word document. A Variant is used to change the tabs being sourced in the baseline workbook. The analysis is basically CATS-DOGS=PETS. on each cycle through, tables that are not informational (no difference between two baseline workbooks) are skipped and the next tab is analyzed. If a table is informative, then a PDF is produced. The report (a Word document) is updated. Table is added to the report. Upon completion, the next tab or evaluation table is considered.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Tabs(0 To 18) As Variant
Tabs(0) = "01"
Tabs(1) = "02"
Tabs(2) = "03"
Tabs(3) = "03"
Tabs(4) = "04"
Tabs(5) = "05"
Tabs(6) = "06"
Tabs(7) = "07"
Tabs(8) = "08"
Tabs(9) = "09"
Tabs(10) = "10"
Tabs(11) = "11"
Tabs(12) = "12"
Tabs(13) = "13"
Tabs(14) = "14"
Tabs(15) = "15"
Tabs(16) = "16"
Tabs(17) = "17"
Tabs(18) = "18"
Dim xlApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject("excel.applicaiton")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.applicaiton")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Dim controlThis As String ' the controlThis variable is to the address of the particular data unit that should be passed to a word.documents.contentcontrols to update the text in the word document based on the change in the actual data.
Dim NetworkLocation As String
NetworkLocation = "\\myServer\myFolder\mySubfolder\"
Dim CATS As String
CATS = "kittens.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "Other Subforder\ThisWway\" & CATS)
Dim DOGS As String
DOGS = "puppies.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "differentSubfolder\ThatWay\" & DOGS)
'Populates the array with analysis tables
Dim Temples As Object
Dim Template(3 To 9) As Variant
Template(3) = "\3\EVAL Table 3.xlsx"
Template(4) = "\4\EVAL Table 4.xlsx"
Template(5) = "\5\EVAL Table 5.xlsx"
Template(6) = "\6\EVAL Table 6.xlsx"
Template(7) = "\7\EVAL Table 7.xlsx"
Template(8) = "\8\EVAL Table 8.xlsx"
Template(9) = "\9\EVAL Table 9.xlsx"
Dim strXLname As String
Dim opener As Variant
For Each opener In Template
strXLname = NetworkLocation & "Other Subfolder\EVAL Tables\WonderPets" & opener
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strXLname
Dim currentDiffernce As Long
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value
'This code cycles through the different EVAL Table templates
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = CATS
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = DOGS
Dim k As Variant
For Each k In Tabs
controlThis = k & "-" & eval 'passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
ActiveSheet.Rows.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 4).Value = k 'initialize k
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value 'stop blank tables from being produced using the total delta in the preprogrammed spreadsheet
If currentDifference = 0 Then 'since the total difference in the current analysis is 0 this bit of code skips to the next WonderPet
controlThis = k & "-" & opener '(Was eval as variant used with thisTable array)passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
Call PDFcrate 'Print the Table to a PDF file. Worked well and was made a subroutine.
Dim objWord As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
'Dim cc As Word.Application.ContentControls
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True ' change as needed
With objWord.ActiveDocument
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4) 'These are the updates to the report for each content control with the title. Substituting SelectContentControlsByTitle() gives RTE-424 'Object Required'
.ContentControls(controlThis & " dogs").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 5)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " pets").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " Table).range. = 'Need to add the PDF to the report, perhaps using an RichTextConentConrols...additional suggestions welcomed (haven't researched it yet).
End With
Set objWord = Nothing
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Saves and Closes the document
Word.Application.Quit 'quits MS Word
End If
Next 'repeats for each tab with name "k" in the workbooks
Next 'repeat for each evalTable
End Sub
Word's content controls can't be picked up using a string as the index value the way other things can. The following line from the code sample in the question can't work:
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
The only valid index value for a ContentControl is ID, which is a long number (GUID) assigned by the Word application when a ContentControl is generated.
The reason for this is that more than one content control can have the same Title (name) and/or Tag. Since this information is not unique it can't be used to pick up a single content control.
Instead, code needs to use either Document.SelectContentControlsByTitle or Document.SelectContentControlsByTag. These return an collection of content controls that meet the specified criterium. For example:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControls ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats")
'Now loop all the content controls in the collection to work with individual ones
End With
If it's certain there's only one content control with the Title, or only the first one is wanted, then it's possible to do this:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControl ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats").Item(1)
cc.Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
End With
Tip 1: Using ActiveDocument is not considered good practice for Word. As with ActiveCell (or anything else) in Excel, it's not certain that the "active" thing is the one that should be manipulated. More reliable is to use an object, which in this case can be assigned directly to the document being opened. Based on the code in the question:
Dim wdDoc as Object 'Word.Document
Set wdDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True)
With wdDoc 'instead of objWord.ActiveDocument
Tip 2: Since the code in the question targets multiple content controls, rather than declaring multiple content control objects it might be more efficient to put the titles and values in an array and loop that.
This fixed it... looping through may have been the thing that got me unstuck.
The use of the plural ContentControls or singular ContentControl didn't seem to matter. My next trick is to get the tables into the word document... any thoughts?
Set wdDoc = Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
Dim evalData(0 To 2) As Variant
evalData(0) = " CATS"
evalData(1) = " DOGS"
evalData(2) = " PETS"
Dim j As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 4
For Each j In evalData
Dim cc As Word.ContentControls
With Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
.SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & j).Item (1).Range.Text = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, i).Value
i = i + 1
End With
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:= True
Only one worksheet ever takes focus so the ActiveWorkbook and ActiveWorksheet didn't hurt me here

VBA Type missmatch

I have wrote some VBA code which I was fairly happy with. It went through a list on a worksheet, switched to another and set a variable (and thus changed some graphs) and then opened word, copied in the graphs to various bookmarks and saved the document as the variable name.
It worked like a charm and I was a happy boy (saved a good week and a bit of work for someone). I have not touched it since - or the worksheets for that matter - opened it today and it is giving me a type missmatch on the first lot. I would really love some advice as it has left me scratching my head.
Public X As Integer
Public Y As String
Sub Macro2()
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Sheets("CPD data 13-14").Select
Range("A" & LoopCounter).Select
Y = Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
'Change the chart values
Sheets("Pretty Display (2)").Select
Range("A1").Value = Y
'Open word template
Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
wordapp.documents.Open "LOCATION"
wordapp.Visible = True
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
'Close document
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
wordapp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
Set wordapp = Nothing
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
The error hits on the following line:
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
As suggested I have updated my code not to use select so it now reads:
Set ws = Sheets("CPD data 13-14")
Set pd = Sheets("Pretty Display (2)")
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Y = ws.Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
'Change the chart values
pd.Range("A1").Value = Y
'Open word template
Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
wordapp.documents.Open "LOCATION"
wordapp.Visible = True
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = pd.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
'Close document
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
wordapp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
Set wordapp = Nothing
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
I still get the same runtime error at the same point.
try this
Option Explicit
Public X As Integer
Public Y As String
Sub Macro2()
Dim wordApp As Object
Dim LoopCounter As Integer
Dim Mystring As String
Dim ws As Worksheet, pd As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("CPD data 13-14")
Set pd = Sheets("Pretty Display (2)")
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
' open one Word session for all the documents to be processed
Set wordApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Y = ws.Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
With pd
.Range("A1").Value = Y 'Change the chart values
.ChartObjects("Chart 3").Copy ' Copy the chart
End With
'act on Word application
With wordApp
'open word template
.documents.Open "LOCATION"
.Visible = True
' paste into bookmarks, "save as" document and close it
With .ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
End With
End With
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
'Close Word
Set wordApp = Nothing
End Sub
I couldn't have a word "Range" object directly set to an Excel "Chart" object
So I had to copy the chart and use "PasteSpecial" method of the Word "Range" object
Furthemore I worked with one Word session only, which'd result in a faster job
Finally I also made some "comsetics" to make the code more readable/maintanable
just as a suggestion: I'd always use "Option Explicit" statement. that'll force you some extra work to explicitly declare each and every variable you use, but that will also give much more control over your work and result in less debbugging issues, thus saving time at the end
My advice is to set the Explicit flag and try to decompile the code. Any variables that you didn't dimension will throw an error. This is a good time to dimension the variable and type the data appropriately.
If that doens't throw an error, which it should since you have at least one variable LoopCounter that isn't dimensioned and could therefore cause data type errors then try changing Public X As Integer to Public X As Long so as to avoid values beyond the limit of the Integer data type.
.Activate is sometimes necessary even when using .Select from my experience. Selecting a worksheet should make it the active worksheet, but that's not always the case.

Delete chart series but keep their formatting

This is the code I use to dynamically create charts in Virtual Basic:
Dim Chart As Object
Set Chart = Charts.Add
With Chart
If bIssetSourceChart Then
.Paste Type:=xlFormats
End If
For Each s In .SeriesCollection
Next s
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:=chartTitle
Sheets(chartTitle).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.count)
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
If Val(Application.Version) >= 12 Then
.values = values
.XValues = columns
.Name = chartTitle
Names.Add "_", columns
ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.columns(!_)"
Names.Add "_", values
ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.values(,!_)"
End If
End With
End With
#The CopySourceChart Sub:
Sub CopySourceChart()
If Not CheckSheet("Source chart") Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf TypeName(Sheets("Grafiek")) = "Chart" Then
Dim Chart As ChartObject
For Each Chart In Sheets("Grafiek").ChartObjects
Exit Sub
Next Chart
End If
End Sub
How can I keep the formatting of series that is applied in the If bIssetSourceChart part while deleting those series' data?
I have solved this issue before. I have charts that were created by macro but it only applied to the date I made them. So a made a refresh macro that runs after every Workbook open. I used source before and found that it deletes everything. then moved on to series only. I will paste my work here and try to explain. For quick navigation the second part of the code down there called sub aktualizacegrafu() might help you if you get lost find a reference in upper part of the code starting with sub generacegrafu()
Sub generacegrafu()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.BackColor = &H0&
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
Dim najdiposlradek As Object
Dim graf As Object
Dim vkladacistring As String
Dim vykreslenysloupec As Integer
Dim hledejsloupec As Object
Dim hledejsloupec2 As Object
Dim kvantifikator As Integer
Dim grafx As ChartObject
Dim shoda As Boolean
Dim jmenografu As String
Dim rngOrigSelection As Range
Cells(1, 1).Select
If refreshcharts = True Then
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=prvnislovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
'dynamicaly generated, prvnislovo is for first word in graph and the macro looks for match in row 11 if it doesnt find any then
'then it looks for match in option box
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ComboBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
End If
If hledejsloupec Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Zadaný sloupec v první nabídce nebyl nalezen."
If refreshcharts = True Then
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=druheslovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ComboBox2.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
End If
If hledejsloupec2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Zadaný sloupec v druhé nabídce nebyl nalezen."
jmenografu = Cells(11, hledejsloupec.Column).Value & "_" & Cells(11, hledejsloupec2.Column).Value
Set najdiposlradek = Range("A:A").Find(What:=Date, LookIn:=xlValues)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rngOrigSelection = Selection
'This one selects series for new graph to be created
Cells(1048576, 16384).Select
Set graf = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").Shapes.AddChart
rngOrigSelection.Select 'trouble with annoing excel feature to unselect graphs
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
kvantifikator = 1
shoda = False
For Each grafx In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ChartObjects
If grafx.Name = jmenografu Then
shoda = True
jmenografu = jmenografu & "(" & kvantifikator & ")"
kvantifikator = kvantifikator + 1
End If
Next grafx
'this checks if graph has younger brother in sheet
'but no we get to the part that matter do not bother playing with source of the graph because I have found it is quite hard to make it work properly
Loop Until shoda = False
'here it starts
ActiveChart.Parent.Name = jmenografu
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 'add only series!
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec.Column 'insert this into series
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R11C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec2.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec2.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = vkladacistring
'here it ends and onward comes formating
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlConeColClustered
ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 41
ActiveSheet.Shapes(jmenografu).Chart.ChartArea.Format.ThreeD.RotationY = 90
ActiveSheet.Shapes(jmenografu).Chart.ChartArea.Format.ThreeD.RotationX = 0
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 8.33333333333333E-02
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0.25
ActiveChart.Walls.Format.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnitScale = xlMonths
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = 1
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).BaseUnit = xlDays
End If
End If
Call aktualizacelistboxu
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.BackColor = &H8000000D
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.ForeColor = &H0&
End Sub
the result i found is that you cannot keep formating completely when you close chart because source of chart doesnt work very well and when you delete it some format will be lost
I will post my actualization of chart as well
Sub aktualizacegrafu()
Dim grafx As ChartObject
Dim hledejsloupec As Object
Dim hledejsloupec2 As Object
Dim vkladacistring As String
Dim najdiposlradek As Object
For Each grafx In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ChartObjects
prvnislovo = Left(grafx.Name, InStr(1, grafx.Name, "_") - 1)
druheslovo = Right(grafx.Name, Len(grafx.Name) - InStr(1, grafx.Name, "_"))
'now it checks the names of charts .. the data loads from respective columns that are named the same way so I ussualy choose what statistic I want by choosing the columns needed
'for example I want to reflect my arrivals to work according to the hours I worked or to the date so I set 1st option to arrival and 2nd to date
Set najdiposlradek = Range("A:A").Find(What:=Date, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=prvnislovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
If hledejsloupec Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Hodnota v grafu již není mezi sloupci v tabulce. Aktualizace grafu " & grafx.Name & " bude ukončena."
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=druheslovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
If hledejsloupec2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Hodnota v grafu již není mezi sloupci v tabulce. Aktualizace grafu " & grafx.Name & " bude ukončena."
here it enters string that contains adress of desired cell I always enter it as string cause its easier to see with debug.print what is being entered
result looks like this List means Sheet in czech
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R11C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec2.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec2.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = vkladacistring
End If
End If
Next grafx
Call aktualizacelistboxu
End Sub
so result of this is when you actually have a chart already but want to make slight changes to the area it applies to then it keeps the formating
hope this helped a bit if not I am sorry if it did keep the revard. It just got me curious because I was solving the same problem recently
if you need any further explanation comment this and I will try to explain

Copy and paste rows from Excel to Powerpoint

Ok, here is what I am looking for (Im new, so be gentle):
Copy and paste (default format) from excel to powerpoint (from just the one sheet)
I can only fit so many rows in ppt - so after a slide fills, I want ppt to create a new slide
Same title for each slide is fine!
I only need columns B:K copied over
That's it, however I am stuck :( I know the below code is NOT the best way to write this and it contains errors in which I am sure will be easy to spot. I cannot find how to do this anywhere on the net.
This is what I have so far:
Sub ExcelRangeToPowerPoint()
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim PowerPointApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim myPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim mySlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim myShapeRange As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim i As Integer
'Create an Instance of PowerPoint
On Error Resume Next
'Is PowerPoint already opened?
Set PowerPointApp = GetObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")
'Clear the error between errors
'If PowerPoint is not already open then open PowerPoint
If PowerPointApp Is Nothing Then Set PowerPointApp = CreateObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")
'Make PowerPoint Visible and Active
PowerPointApp.Visible = True
'Create a New Presentation
Set myPresentation = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Add
'Add a slide to the Presentation
Set mySlide = myPresentation.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitleOnly)
For i = 1 To 6
'need to set focus to slde 1
PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide (1)
'Deletes Title
'builds new title
mySlide.Shapes.AddShape Type:=msoShapeRectangle, left:=9, Top:=6, Width:=702, Height:=30
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.Visible = msoTrue
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Current Full Initiative Details – Branded Book as of " & Date
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Name = "I am TITLE"
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Line.Weight = 1
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Fill.Visible = msoTrue
mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'Copy Range from Excel
Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RAW").Range("B1:K23")
'Copy Excel Range
'Paste to PowerPoint and position
PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault
Set myShapeRange = mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count)
'Set position:
myShapeRange.left = 10
myShapeRange.Top = 42
myShapeRange.Height = 492
myShapeRange.Width = 702
Call myPresentation.Slides.Add(1, PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutTitleOnly)
'Clear The Clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next i
End Sub
As requested in comments, here is the code I use to copy a slide from a master PPT template to the report PPT.
There is some extraneous code in there to provide status updates on the form we use to drive the process, as well as a debugging flag that I can toggle on/off at run time - these can both be removed.
This will serve as a starting point to finding the proper solution for your situation, and is not a complete answer to the question as asked.
'I've chosen to declare these globally, though it's probably not the best way:
Dim PPTObj As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPTMaster As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PPTClinic As PowerPoint.Presentation
Private Sub InsertPPT(ByVal SlideName As String, ByVal StatusText As String)
Dim Shp As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim Top As Single
Dim Left As Single
Dim Height As Single
Dim width As Single
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText & " InsertPPT"
With PPTClinic.Slides(PPTClinic.Slides.count)
If Debugging Then
End If
.Design = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).Design 'this ensures we get all the right formatting - only seems to be necessary 1 time, but we'll just do it on all
.ColorScheme = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).ColorScheme
.FollowMasterBackground = PPTMaster.Slides(SlideName).FollowMasterBackground
For Each Shp In .Shapes 'loop through all the shapes on the slide
If Debugging Then
' .Select
End If
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText & " InsertPPT-" & Shp.Name
If Shp.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then 'when we find a linked one
ReLinkShape Shp, TempVars!NewXLName
'need to store off top, left, width, height
Top = Shp.Top
Left = Shp.Left
Height = Shp.Height
width = Shp.width
Shp.LinkFormat.Update 'and force the link to refresh
MySleep 2, "S" 'hopefully, the 2 second pause will allow everything to update properly before moving on.
'then reset them here - they seem to change shape when I update them
Shp.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
Shp.Top = Top
Shp.Left = Left
Shp.width = width
Shp.Height = Height
ElseIf Shp.Name = "SlideName" And Not Debugging Then 'if it's the "SlideName" tag
Shp.Delete 'delete it (unless we're debugging)
End If
End With
Form_Master.ProcessStatus.Value = StatusText
End Sub
Private Sub ReLinkShape(ByRef Shp As PowerPoint.Shape, ByVal NewDestination As String)
Dim Link() As String
Dim link2() As String
If Shp.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then 'when we find a linked one
Link = Split(Shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName, "!") 'update the link to point to the new clinic spreadsheet instead of the master
If InStr(1, Link(2), "]") > 0 Then
link2 = Split(Link(2), "]")
Link(2) = "[" & TempVars!ClinicName & ".xlsx]" & link2(1)
End If
Shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = NewDestination & "!" & Link(1) & "!" & Link(2)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub MySleep(ByRef Unit As Double, ByRef UOM As String)
Dim Pause As Date
Pause = DateAdd(UOM, Unit, Now())
While Now < Pause
End Sub

Implement For Loop with Counter

I have a Word Userform where I add text boxes dynamically. The code then puts information from the textboxes to bookmarks which are picture filenames. It is all dynamic in that you enter how many textboxes you need and it then adds them to the userform and the text in the document. I left this last part of code out because its very long and not needed at this point.
I am attempting to put this first part of my code into a "For Loop" but I have been having a lot of difficulty doing so. The second part of my code I am providing has a textbox counter I trying to tie into it.
Right now my code works if I enter 10 into a textbox called "Amount" which you see throughout the code. I need to be able to enter any number.
If you think the entire code will help let me know and I will add it instead. I have been able to get everything else to work but for some reason this has had me stumped for days.
Need "For loop" implemented
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Textbox As Object
Dim Textbox1 As Object
Dim Textbox2 As Object
Dim Textbox3 As Object
Dim Textbox4 As Object
Dim Textbox5 As Object
Dim Textbox6 As Object
Dim Textbox7 As Object
Dim Textbox8 As Object
Dim Textbox9 As Object
Dim Textbox10 As Object
Dim TBs(9) As Object
Set TBs(0) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_1"): Set TBs(1) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_2"): Set TBs(2) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_3")
Set TBs(3) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_4"): Set TBs(4) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_5"): Set TBs(5) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_6")
Set TBs(6) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_7"): Set TBs(7) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_8"): Set TBs(8) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_9")
Set TBs(9) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_10"):
Dim i
For i = 0 To Amount - 1
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range = ".jpg" Then
.Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("src" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("alt" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
End If
End With
End Sub
TextBox Counter
Private Sub AddLine_Click()
Dim theTextbox As Object
Dim textboxCounter As Long
For textboxCounter = 1 To Amount
Set theTextbox = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Test" & textboxCounter, True)
With theTextbox
.Name = "TextBox_" & textboxCounter
.Width = 200
.Left = 70
.Top = 30 * textboxCounter
End With
End Sub