Dataproc + BigQuery examples - any available? - google-bigquery

According to the Dataproc docos, it has "native and automatic integrations with BigQuery".
I have a table in BigQuery. I want to read that table and perform some analysis on it using the Dataproc cluster that I've created (using a PySpark job). Then write the results of this analysis back to BigQuery. You may be asking "why not just do the analysis in BigQuery directly!?" - the reason is because we are creating complex statistical models, and SQL is too high level for developing them. We need something like Python or R, ergo Dataproc.
Are they any Dataproc + BigQuery examples available? I can't find any.

To begin, as noted in this question the BigQuery connector is preinstalled on Cloud Dataproc clusters.
Here is an example on how to read data from BigQuery into Spark. In this example, we will read data from BigQuery to perform a word count.
You read data from BigQuery in Spark using SparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD. The Spark documentation has more information about using SparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD. '
val projectId = "<your-project-id>"
val fullyQualifiedInputTableId = "publicdata:samples.shakespeare"
val fullyQualifiedOutputTableId = "<your-fully-qualified-table-id>"
val outputTableSchema =
"[{'name': 'Word','type': 'STRING'},{'name': 'Count','type': 'INTEGER'}]"
val jobName = "wordcount"
val conf = sc.hadoopConfiguration
// Set the job-level projectId.
conf.set(BigQueryConfiguration.PROJECT_ID_KEY, projectId)
// Use the systemBucket for temporary BigQuery export data used by the InputFormat.
val systemBucket = conf.get("")
conf.set(BigQueryConfiguration.GCS_BUCKET_KEY, systemBucket)
// Configure input and output for BigQuery access.
BigQueryConfiguration.configureBigQueryInput(conf, fullyQualifiedInputTableId)
fullyQualifiedOutputTableId, outputTableSchema)
val fieldName = "word"
val tableData = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(conf,
classOf[GsonBigQueryInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[JsonObject])
tableData.count() => (entry._1.toString(),entry._2.toString())).take(10)
You will need to customize this example with your settings, including your Cloud Platform project ID in <your-project-id> and your output table ID in <your-fully-qualified-table-id>.
Finally, if you end up using the BigQuery connector with MapReduce, this page has examples for how to write MapReduce jobs with the BigQuery connector.

The above example doesn't show how to write data to an output table. You need to do this:
classOf[BigQueryOutputFormat[String, JsonObject]], hadoopConf)
where the key: String is actually ignored


How to invoke an on-demand bigquery Data transfer service?

I really liked BigQuery's Data Transfer Service. I have flat files in the exact schema sitting to be loaded into BQ. It would have been awesome to just setup DTS schedule that picked up GCS files that match a pattern and load the into BQ. I like the built in option to delete source files after copy and email in case of trouble. But the biggest bummer is that the minimum interval is 60 minutes. That is crazy. I could have lived with a 10 min delay perhaps.
So if I set up the DTS to be on demand, how can I invoke it from an API? I am thinking create a cronjob that calls it on demand every 10 mins. But I can’t figure out through the docs how to call it.
Also, what is my second best most reliable and cheapest way of moving GCS files (no ETL needed) into bq tables that match the exact schema. Should I use Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions, DataFlow, Cloud Run etc.
If I use Cloud Function, how can I submit all files in my GCS at time of invocation as one bq load job?
Lastly, anyone know if DTS will lower the limit to 10 mins in future?
So if I set up the DTS to be on demand, how can I invoke it from an API? I am thinking create a cronjob that calls it on demand every 10 mins. But I can’t figure out through the docs how to call it.
StartManualTransferRuns is part of the RPC library but does not have a REST API equivalent as of now. How to use that will depend on your environment. For instance, you can use the Python Client Library (docs).
As an example, I used the following code (you'll need to run pip install google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer for the depencencies):
import time
from import bigquery_datatransfer_v1
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
client = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID = '5e6...7bc' # alphanumeric ID you'll find in the UI
parent = client.project_transfer_config_path(PROJECT_ID, TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID)
start_time = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.types.Timestamp(seconds=int(time.time() + 10))
response = client.start_manual_transfer_runs(parent, requested_run_time=start_time)
Note that you'll need to use the right Transfer Config ID and the requested_run_time has to be of type bigquery_datatransfer_v1.types.Timestamp (for which there was no example in the docs). I set a start time 10 seconds ahead of the current execution time.
You should get a response such as:
runs {
name: "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/us/transferConfigs/5e6...7bc/runs/5e5...c04"
destination_dataset_id: "DATASET_NAME"
schedule_time {
seconds: 1579358571
nanos: 922599371
data_source_id: "google_cloud_storage"
state: PENDING
params {
run_time {
seconds: 1579358581
user_id: 28...65
and the transfer is triggered as expected (nevermind the error):
Also, what is my second best most reliable and cheapest way of moving GCS files (no ETL needed) into bq tables that match the exact schema. Should I use Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions, DataFlow, Cloud Run etc.
With this you can set a cron job to execute your function every ten minutes. As discussed in the comments, the minimum interval is 60 minutes so it won't pick up files less than one hour old (docs).
Apart from that, this is not a very robust solution and here come into play your follow-up questions. I think these might be too broad to address in a single StackOverflow question but I would say that, for on-demand refresh, Cloud Scheduler + Cloud Functions/Cloud Run can work very well.
Dataflow would be best if you needed ETL but it has a GCS connector that can watch a file pattern (example). With this you would skip the transfer, set the watch interval and the load job triggering frequency to write the files into BigQuery. VM(s) would be running constantly in a streaming pipeline as opposed to the previous approach but a 10-minute watch period is possible.
If you have complex workflows/dependencies, Airflow has recently introduced operators to start manual runs.
If I use Cloud Function, how can I submit all files in my GCS at time of invocation as one bq load job?
You can use wildcards to match a file pattern when you create the transfer:
Also, this can be done on a file-by-file basis using Pub/Sub notifications for Cloud Storage to trigger a Cloud Function.
Lastly, anyone know if DTS will lower the limit to 10 mins in future?
There is already a Feature Request here. Feel free to star it to show your interest and receive updates
Now your can easy manual run transfer Bigquery data use RESTApi:
HTTP request
About this part > {parent=projects//locations//transferConfigs/*}, check on CONFIGURATION of your Transfer then notice part like image bellow.
More here:
following the Guillem's answer and the API updates, this is my new code:
import time
from import datatransfer_v1
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
client = datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
config = '34y....654'
parent = client.transfer_config_path(PROJECT_ID, TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID)
start_time = Timestamp(seconds=int(time.time()))
request = datatransfer_v1.types.StartManualTransferRunsRequest(
{ "parent": parent, "requested_run_time": start_time }
response = client.start_manual_transfer_runs(request, timeout=360)
For this to work, you need to know the correct TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID.
In my case, I wanted to list all the BigQuery Scheduled queries, to get a specific ID. You can do it like that :
# Put your projetID here
from import bigquery_datatransfer_v1
bq_transfer_client = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
parent = bq_transfer_client.project_path(PROJECT_ID)
# Iterate over all results
for element in bq_transfer_client.list_transfer_configs(parent):
# Print Display Name for each Scheduled Query
print(f'[Schedule Query Name]:\t{element.display_name}')
# Print name of all elements (it contains the ID)
# Extract the IDs:
# You can print the entire element for debug purposes

How to work with exported Stack Driver logs from Google Cloud Projects into BigQuery

I have created an "export" from my Stackdriver Logging page in my Google Cloud project. I configured the export to go to a BigQuery dataset.
When I go to BigQuery, I see the dataset.
There are no tables in my dataset, since Stackdriver export created the BigQuery dataset for me.
How do I see the data that was exported? Since there are no tables I cannot perform a "select * from X". I could create a table but I don't know what columns to add nor do I know how to tell Stackdriver logging to write to that table.
I must be missing a step.
Google has a short 1 minute video on exporting to Big Query but it stops exactly at the point where I am in the process.
When a new Stackdriver export is defined, it will then start to export newly written log records to the target sink (BQ in this case). As per the documentation found here:
it states:
Since exporting happens for new log entries only, you cannot export
log entries that Logging received before your sink was created.
If one wants to export existing logs to a file, one can use gcloud (or API) as described here:
The output of this "dump" of existing log records can then used in whatever manner you see fit. For example, it could be imported into a BQ table.
To export logs in the bigquery from the stackdrive , you have to create Logger Sink using code or GCP logging UI
Then create Sink, add a filter.
Then add logs to stack driver using code
public static void writeLog(Severity severity, String logName, Map<String, String> jsonMap) {
List<Map<String, String>> maps = limitMap(jsonMap);
for (Map<String, String> map : maps) {
LogEntry logEntry = LogEntry.newBuilder(Payload.JsonPayload.of(map))
private static MonitoredResource monitoredResource =
.addLabel("project_id", logging.getOptions().getProjectId())

How to avoid duplicates in BigQuery by streaming with Apache Beam IO?

We are using a pretty simple flow where messages are retrieved from PubSub, their JSON content is being flatten into two types (for BigQuery and Postgres) and then inserted into both sinks.
But, we are seeing duplicates in both sinks (Postgres was kinda fixed with a unique constraint and a "ON CONFLICT... DO NOTHING").
At first we trusted in the supposedly "insertId" UUId that the Apache Beam/BigQuery creates.
Then we add a "unique_label" attribute to each message before queueing them into PubSub, using data from the JSON itself, which gives them uniqueness (a device_id + a reading's timestamp). And subscribed to the topic using that attribute with "withIdAttribute" method.
Finally we paid for GCP Support, and their "solutions" do not work. They have told us to even use Reshuffle transform, which is deprecated by the way, and some windowing (that we do not won't since we want near-real time data).
This the main flow, pretty basic:
val options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(*args).withValidation().`as`(
val pipeline = Pipeline.create(options)
var mappings = ""
// Value only available at runtime
if (options.schemaFile.isAccessible){
mappings = readCloudFile(options.schemaFile.get())
val tableRowMapper = ReadingToTableRowMapper(mappings)
val postgresMapper = ReadingToPostgresMapper(mappings)
val pubsubMessages =
.apply("AckPubSubMessages", ParDo.of(object: DoFn<PubsubMessage, String>() {
fun processElement(context: ProcessContext) {"Processing readings: " + context.element().attributeMap["id_label"])
val disarmedMessages =
DisarmPubsubMessage(tableRowMapper, postgresMapper)
.apply("LogDisarmedErrors", ParDo.of(object: DoFn<String, String>() {
fun processElement(context: ProcessContext) {
DissarmPubsubMessage is a PTransforms that uses FlatMapElements transform to get TableRow and ReadingsInputFlatten (own class for Postgres)
We expect zero duplicates or the "best effort" (and we append some cleaning cron job), we paid for these products to run statistics and bigdata analysis...
I even append a new simple transform that logs our unique attribute through a ParDo which supposedly should ack the PubsubMessage, but this is not the case:
new flow with AckPubSubMessages step
Looks like you are using the global window. One technique would be to window this into an N minute window. Then process the keys in the window and drop an items with dup keys.
The supported programming languages are Python and Java, your code seems to be Scala and as far as I know it is not supported. I strongly recommend using Java to avoid any unsupported feature for the programming language you use.
In addition, I would recommend the following approaches to work on duplicates, the option 2 could meet your need of near-real-time:
message_id. Probably you already read the FAQ - duplicates which points to deprecated doc. However, if you check the PubsubMessage object you will notice that messageId is still available and it will be populated if not set by the publisher:
"ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is
published ... It must not be populated by the publisher in a
topics.publish call"
BigQuery Streaming. To validate duplicate during loading the data, right before inserting in BQ you can create UUID.Please refer the section Example sink: Google BigQuery.
Try the Dataflow template PubSubToBigQuery and validate there are not duplicates in BQ.

Google Cloud Storage Joining multiple csv files

I exported a dataset from Google BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage, given the size of the file BigQuery exported the file as 99 csv files.
However now I want to connect to my GCP Bucket and perform some analysis with Spark, yet I need to join all 99 files into a single large csv file to run my analysis.
How can this be achieved?
BigQuery splits the data exported into several files if it is larger than 1GB. But you can merge these files with the gsutil tool, check this official documentation to know how to perform object composition with gsutil.
As BigQuery export the files with the same prefix, you can use a wildcard * to merge them into one composite object:
gsutil compose gs://example-bucket/component-obj-* gs://example-bucket/composite-object
Note that there is a limit (currently 32) to the number of components that can be composed in a single operation.
The downside of this option is that the header row of each .csv file will be added in the composite object. But you can avoid this by modifiyng the jobConfig to set the print_header parameter to False.
Here is a Python sample code, but you can use any other BigQuery Client library:
from import bigquery
client = bigquery.Client()
bucket_name = 'yourBucket'
project = 'bigquery-public-data'
dataset_id = 'libraries_io'
table_id = 'dependencies'
destination_uri = 'gs://{}/{}'.format(bucket_name, 'file-*.csv')
dataset_ref = client.dataset(dataset_id, project=project)
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_id)
job_config = bigquery.job.ExtractJobConfig(print_header=False)
extract_job = client.extract_table(
# Location must match that of the source table.
job_config=job_config) # API request
extract_job.result() # Waits for job to complete.
print('Exported {}:{}.{} to {}'.format(
project, dataset_id, table_id, destination_uri))
Finally, remember to compose an empty .csv with just the headers row.
I got tired kind tired of doing multiple recursive compose operations, stripping headers, etc... Especially when dealing with 3500 split gzipped csv files.
Therefore wrote a CSV Merge (Sorry windows only though) to solve exactly this problem.
Download latest release, unzip and use.
Also wrote an article with a use case and usage example for it:
Hope it is of use to someone.
p.s. Recommend tab delimited over CSV as it tends to have less data issues.

Writing different values to different BigQuery tables in Apache Beam

Suppose I have a PCollection<Foo> and I want to write it to multiple BigQuery tables, choosing a potentially different table for each Foo.
How can I do this using the Apache Beam BigQueryIO API?
This is possible using a feature recently added to BigQueryIO in Apache Beam.
PCollection<Foo> foos = ...;
foos.apply(BigQueryIO.write().to(new SerializableFunction<ValueInSingleWindow<Foo>, TableDestination>() {
public TableDestination apply(ValueInSingleWindow<Foo> value) {
Foo foo = value.getValue();
// Also available: value.getWindow(), getTimestamp(), getPane()
String tableSpec = ...;
String tableDescription = ...;
return new TableDestination(tableSpec, tableDescription);
}).withFormatFunction(new SerializableFunction<Foo, TableRow>() {
public TableRow apply(Foo foo) {
return ...;
Depending on whether the input PCollection<Foo> is bounded or unbounded, under the hood this will either create multiple BigQuery import jobs (one or more per table depending on amount of data), or it will use the BigQuery streaming inserts API.
The most flexible version of the API uses DynamicDestinations, which allows you to write different values to different tables with different schemas, and even allows you to use side inputs from the rest of the pipeline in all of these computations.
Additionally, BigQueryIO has been refactored into a number of reusable transforms that you can yourself combine to implement more complex use cases - see files in the source directory.
This feature will be included in the first stable release of Apache Beam and into the next release of Dataflow SDK (which will be based on the first stable release of Apache Beam). Right now you can use this by running your pipeline against a snapshot of Beam at HEAD from github.
As of Beam 2.12.0, this feature is available in the Python SDK as well. It is marked as experimental, so you will have to pass --experiments use_beam_bq_sink to enable it. You'd do something like so:
def get_table_name(element):
if meets_some_condition(element):
return 'mytablename1'
return 'mytablename2'
p = beam.Pipeline(...)
my_input_pcoll = p | ReadInMyPCollection()
my_input_pcoll |
The new sink supports a number of other options, which you can review in the pydoc