How inspectlet and other services store user video sessions? - webrtc

I was wondering how the services like does store the video sessions. By the looks I don't think it's a webRTC implementation. What i was able to figure out that there is active express socket which is making communication but in that case they will have to store the page and track all the events from DOM. Just wanted to confirm that this is the approach they are following.

Looking at the event listeners on the page, it looks like there are a lot of bindings. For example, the <body> has scroll, keyup, and change events bound to a function. I'm sure it also has mousemove, mouseclick, etc. All of this is likely stored in a Javascript variable (object, probably) and then AJAXed every so often to with the data parameters. Here is a sample of what is being sent:,212941,46,337,46,1277)mr,213248,163,498,163,1438)mr,213560,144,567,144,1507)mr,213873,138,240,138,1180)mr,214188,169,184,169,1124)mr,214504,158,520,158,1460)mr,214816,231,487,231,1427)mr,215130,329,197,329,1137)mr,215444,894,289,894,1229)mr,215755,903,295,903,735)s,215755,440,0)&w=259769975&r=494850609&sd=1707&sid=1660474937&pad=3&dn=dn&fadd=false&oid=99731212&lpt=212629

As suggested in Adam's answer, they track many events in the page and send them either via a websocket or post/get request (XHR) to their servers.
I am not sure what inspectlet does specifically, but in general, such a solution will need to follow the below general steps:
When the page is fully loaded (hook on DOMContentLoaded probably) they will send the page data to the server. Then they also hook on MutationObserver in order to track all changes to the DOM in the page, so when something changes dynamically, the tracking script can 'record' it and send it to the server.
The SaaS application in turn, will have a player that will parse all this raw data and then play it back, this will usually require using some virtual file system for assests (images, css, scripts) and handling js scripts to not post back again (replay xhr will have bad results for tracked websites) but play back the mutations as they were captured (recorded)
In regards of data HTML pages compress really well, especially when you can make assumptions about the data (since you know its html) - so yes, they actually cache a lot (similar to what google does in that regards, but google does it for the entire web, not just 'customers')
The DOM Mutations will need to be stored as well. This is up to the algorithm, it can either be stored as plain text or using a smarter data model, storing them in plain text is obviously not the cost effective solution.
The above is an abstraction, there are many edge cases to handle in order to implement such a solution as well as a lot of mathematical and algorithmic thinking in regards of heatmaps to make them accurate.

So after a long search was able to find a new promising solution on the block, which solves all the complex parts in building such service. It is still under development but it solves the problem. Below is the link to it,


manage api calls when using vuex

I am currently working on an asset manager for network/server infrastructure in vue.js.
I am also using vuetify for the look and feel since the goal is to create a progressive web app. Engineers can use their phone to scan tags on company assets to request details.
Currently all data is loaded into the app using a rest api. I am using vuex for state management in the application.
I would like some insights in to when to launch these api requests.
So there is some data i currently load at the start of the web app just after logging in when the main core view is loaded. This is impacting performance. Some examples of loaded data:
-> asset types,vendors,suppliers,...
This data is used in a lot of places in the application. (forms,filters,...)
I prefer not to call the vuex actions to perform the api request form inside a specific component since this could lead to unnecessary request when browsing the app.
The only exception to this being the assets them self since this is a lot of data to load at the start.
The problem i am facing is that on mobile platforms loading the data each time at the start of the app is a waste of data connection. It is possible that the engineer is using the app without actually needing the data.
I know this is kind of an abstract question, i am not looking for the one final awnser. Just some insight or recommendations from the community.
Correct me if I misunderstood but it sounds like you are prefetching a lot of non critical information all at start up. You should really focus on when that data is actually needed and reach out and retrieve it only when its actually needed. A common case of this is on route change, so if you have multiple pages within your app an admin page is likely going to need data that your home screen doesn't need. Wait until you navigate to that page before you retrieve information specific to that page. This is commonly done within the beforeRouteEnter router hook or created life cycle hook. Now to build on this, it may take some time to download that new data after a route change - the page could render before all of its necessary data has been made available. You can use a library like Vue-Promised to handle that intermediate state for sections that require data that is still loading. This allows you to let the page render quickly without having to wait on all of its data.
A couple other tips to further optimize things:
If you data that doesn't change often, sometimes it doesn't hurt to persist that data within the browser, either using the Cache-Control http header when making your http calls or by using something like the browsers LocalStorage or one of the hard persistence methods available within the browser. Theres a number of Vuex plugins that make this really easy, ex. vuex-persist. On startup you can load this data from storage which is faster than making a network call, your app will be able to respond faster and you can even go and make that network request in the background to refresh that data after the page has rendered.
If retrieving large sets of data is an issue then you can page the data to retrieve it in smaller chunks and only retrieve additional "pages" fo data when the user needs it. In tables this is commonly done using pagination buttons or infinite scrolling. Theres a number of libraries that do both of these as well, pagination would likely be built into the vuetify libraries table component.

google home reading from website

I'm currently working on a project where my main focus is to create an Action for Google Home which can be invoked and asked to read out some articles (chosen previously from a list, also by voice) from a particular website.
I was wondering if it was possible, or if it were already some similar projects.
What I'd like to do is something like the feature in Pocket or instapaper, where you can make the device read the article for you.
I also thought to make something like a database with all the articles I'm interested in, which auto-updates itself whenever a new article is posted, but my main concern now is to be able to separate the articles in various lists, parse the article and in the end implement text to speech into the Action.
Also some implementations with 3rd party services and apps would be useful.
Please ask me if anything isn't exactly clear, english is not my first language.
Yes, this is possible. Not necessarily easy, but possible.
First - there is nothing in the Actions on Google library or in Google Home that will automatically scrape a website. That will be up to you.
Second - Responses from your Action are limited in how much they can send at a time.
If you're having it do text-to-speech, you're limited to two "text bubbles" of 640 characters each before the user has to reply. You should keep well below that and should probably stick to just one "text bubble".
If you're playing an audio cut, then you're limited to two minutes.
You can work around both of these limitations by using the Media Response. With TTS, you would play a portion of the text, a brief Media response, at the conclusion of which, your server would be triggered to send the next chunk of text. If it is all recorded, you can just send the longer audio as the Media.
Be advised, however, that if you're using the inline editor or using Firebase Cloud Functions (which the inline editor uses), that by default you're not able to access most sites outside Google's network. You need to upgrade to a paid plan to do so. I suggest the Blaze plan which is pay-as-you-go, but includes a free tier which is typically good enough for development work and light production usage.

Packing all dynamic data into a single Vuex store

I'm working on a web application which consists of various pages that rely on ajax calls (via AXIOS) for either fetching data from the server or communicating data back to the server. However, the data that is fetched from the server is 99% of times intact during the lifecycle of a session meaning that it will not be changed (i.e. only displayed to user while involving very low update frequency). Moreover, this data, is just pure text including links to contents, formatted as a JSON Object.
I have just found about Vuex, and I have been thinking about packing all these get Ajax requests scattered across different components and centralize them in a Vuex Store in a way that, when the application loads, all required data would be fetched from the server so that no more communication with the server to get such data during the lifecycle of the session would be needed (while only getting the contents such as images, audio, etc via links).
Is Vuex appropriate for this purpose? Is this a good idea at all (based on the concept of speeding up navigations)?
As mentioned in the comments, Vuex is meant to manage complexity and in your case you are planning to fetch 99% of the data at the beginning for your app. So, in client-server aspect, you totally don't need it. Keeping your data structured would be enough.
However, you have also the notion mutation in Vuex. The idea is that you can update the core data only using mutations. In this way, you are protected from unwanted changes and you have a better insight how/in which order your data is changing. So, if you have complex operations on your data (fetched from server and also your apps logic), Vuex would be a good choice.
There are also another interesting features for different kind of apps. Note that is just another trending way to keep your data structured. There are also another strategies but since Vuex is regularly maintained by Vue core team (and it seems to be also in the future), I would suggest it. Especially, if your app keep growing, you will love it more and more. After reading core concepts of Vuex (or better its logic behind Vuex: FLUX), you will have better insight about it.

Is Vuex Store accessible from console or from client's browser?

I'm building this Vue 2 app, and I keep reading that one should use Vuex State management, in the beginning I didn't quite understand it's concept, but now after playing around with Vue, I can see it's a most for a larger app.
But my question is can someone from Dev console or in any form access data which are stored in store.js, I mean those data which I do not render to browser?
Can I keep sensitive data on store, by sensitive, I mean, user clicked this link, sent message to this user, spent so much time on this page etc... and in mean time upload all this data to my db..
Is Vuex Store for this kind of work/job ?
Yes they can.
The invocation I use is
This assumes the first link has vue properties, which is almost always the case. If not, try other tags. The UI is unpleasant, but adequately self-documenting. It's a useful debugging tool and something a user could do.
Of course, a determined and skilled user could write a browser plugin to put a good UI on this. Or maybe that's what the Vue.js devtools extension for Chrome does? I haven't actually used that.
2022 Answer
Vue 2:
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).find(e => e.__vue__).__vue__.$store.state
Vue 3:
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).find(e => e.__vue_app__).__vue_app__.config.globalProperties.$store.state
This code works on all production sites, including remote mobile debugging, and does not require dev mode.
dspeyer's answer was the basis for my answer, but based on an <a> tag does not work on all applications. All other answers assumed that Vue was in dev mode, not applicable for a production site on mobile web browser. Thank you Joe Maffei for the Vue 3 update.
you can use
You can use Vue devtools in Chrome to see the store:
This just worked for me:
can someone from Dev console or in any form access data which are stored in store.js
short answer: no
longer answer: depends on sneaky they are. but I would not be too worried about this... because since (I assume) you plan to send the collected data to some type of API, even if they can't access the Vuex store... they could still see the AJAX request going out.
Can I keep sensitive data on store
It's generally not a good idea keep any type of private or sensitive data on the client. But in your particular case I think it's fine because what you define as "sensitive" is just some metadata about the users actions (aka: their history).
Is Vuex Store for this kind of work/job ?
You can store just about anything in Vuex. There is no real limitation on the type of data... only on how much (I would not recommend turning a 500mb images to a string and putting it in the store...)

'Dynamic' page loading?

I've no idea what it is exaclty I need, but I'll use Facebook as an example. When you load another page (for example: on the home page, you click your profile) the page itself doesn't look like it reloads.The data loads of course, and the URL changes, however the topbar and chat bar stay put.
I'm looking to do something similar to this. Is this me assuming too much and it's really a simple cache function, or is there a JavaScript way to do it, or any other?
It's using AJAX, which is a combination of various technologies (primarily JavaScript) to achieve this dynamic client-server interaction within the overall context of a page.
Essentially what you'd have for your setup is something like this:
A page which the user requests and is returned to the browser. This page will contain (or reference in external files, etc.) some JavaScript code to drive the interactive functionality. For example, a "link" may trigger a JavaScript function instead of navigate to another page. That function will make an AJAX call to the server.
An AJAX handler on the server. Think of it like another page, or like a web service of some kind. It expects requests to come from JavaScript code, not from humans. (Though humans can call it manually if they want, so don't return sensitive data or anything like that.) This can return data in any number of formats (JSON, XML, HTML, etc.) and the client-side JavaScript code will use that response in code.
Depending on your preferred web development technologies, there are various frameworks and tools to help with AJAX functionality. My personal favorite is just to use the AJAX methods in jQuery and to manually control the responses from the server. If you specify your development platform, I can help find some useful examples to get you started.
This is all done using AJAX. Depending on what you want, you can load entire HTML chunks, or just load the data and have the page's javascript output what's needed.