Determining What Line Does in Awk - awk

I'm a very new beginner to awk. I'm reading over a simple loop statement where by using the split() command I have defined the 'a' array before the beginning of the loop and the 'b' array in each iteration of the loop.
Can someone help me with the statement below? I put it in to perspective since I know what the splits and for loop are doing.
split(a[i],b," ")
#I don't know what the statement below this line does.
#It appears to be creating a multidimensional thing?

It looks like a single dimension array. Let's say if you had a text file with one line like this:
1|age 10:fname john:lname smith|12345
Assuming a delimiter of pipe symbol |, your $2 is going to be age 10:fname john:lname smith.
Split that by colon : will give 3 items: age 10, fname john and lname smith
for loops through these 3 items. It takes the first item age 10
It is split that up by space. b[1] is now age, b[2] is now 10
Array x['age'] is set to 10
Similarly, x['lname'] is set to smith and x['fname'] is set to 'john'

It's not creating a multidementional array.
x is a array. it's assigning the value of array key b[z] to b[z]. z is a positive integer I just used here.


How to create an iteration for a df

How to create a loop for these statements by incrementing 0 one by one up to 25.(including the incrementation of all the df parameters eg.ES_0_BME680_Temp to ES_1_BME680_TEMP etc up to 25) and produce output for all the calculations.
df['0_680aH']=(df['ES_0_BME680_RH'] /100)*(df['0_680ph20']/(461.52*(df['ES_0_BME680_TEMP']+273.15)))*1000
df['0_688aH']=(df['ES_0_BME688_RH'] /100)*(df['0_688ph20']/(461.52*(df['ES_0_BME688_TEMP']+273.15)))*1000
thank you.
you could do a for loop, using f-strings to create your string
something like:
for n in range(26):
df[f'{n}_680aH']=(df[f'ES_{n}_BME680_RH'] /100)*(df[f'{n}_680ph20']/(461.52*(df[f'ES_{n}_BME680_TEMP']+273.15)))*1000
df[f'{n}_688aH']=(df[f'ES_{n}_BME688_RH'] /100)*(df[f'{n}_688ph20']/(461.52*(df[f'ES_{n}_BME688_TEMP']+273.15)))*1000
Also, I see that you are doing the same 4 operations for two different digits. You could also create a function to do that, something like
def expandata(df, digits, nitems):
for n in range(nitems+1):
df[f'{n}_{digits}aH']=(df[f'ES_{n}_BME{digits}_RH'] /100)*(df[f'{n}_{digits}ph20']/(461.52*(df[f'ES_{n}_BME{digits}_TEMP']+273.15)))*1000

Replacing substrings based on lists

I am trying to replace substrings in a data frame by the lists "name" and "lemma". As long as I enter the lists manually, the code delivers the result in the dataframe m.
m=sdf.replace(regex= name, value =lemma)
As soon as I am reading in both lists from an excel file, my code is not replacing the substrings anymore. I need to use an excel file, since the lists are in one table that is very large.
sdf= pd.read_excel('training_data.xlsx')
synonyms= pd.read_excel('synonyms.xlsx')
m=sdf.replace(regex= name, value =lemma)
Thanks for your help!
Replace values given in to_replace with value.
Values of the DataFrame are replaced with other values dynamically. This differs from updating with .loc or .iloc, which require you to specify a location to update with some value.
in short, this method won't make change on the series level, only on values.
This may achieve what you want:
sdf.regex =
sdf.value = synonyms.lemma
If you are just trying to replace 'Charge' with 'Hallo' and 'charge' with 'hallo' and 'Prepaid' with 'Hi' then you can use repalce() and pass the list of words to finds as the first argument and the list of words to replace with as the second keyword argument value.
Try this:
df=df.replace(name, value=lemma)
df = pd.DataFrame([['Bob', 'Charge', 'E333', 'B442'],
['Karen', 'V434', 'Prepaid', 'B442'],
['Jill', 'V434', 'E333', 'charge'],
['Hank', 'Charge', 'E333', 'B442']],
columns=['Name', 'ID_First', 'ID_Second', 'ID_Third'])
df=df.replace(name, value=lemma)
Name ID_First ID_Second ID_Third
0 Bob Hallo E333 B442
1 Karen V434 Hi B442
2 Jill V434 E333 hallo
3 Hank Hallo E333 B442

Generating variable observations for one id to be observation for new variable of another id

I have a data set that allows linking friends (i.e. observing peer groups) and thereby one can observe the characteristics of an individual's friends. What I have is an 8 digit identifier, id, each id's friend id's (up to 10 friends), and then many characteristic variables.
I want to take an individual and create a variables that are the foreign born status of each friend.
I already have an indicator for each person that is 1 if foreign born. Below is a small example, for just one friend. Notice, MF1 means male friend 1 and then MF1id is the id number for male friend 1. The respondents could list up to 5 male friends and 5 female friends.
So, I need Stata to look at MF1id and then match it down the id column, then look over to f_born for that matched id, and finally input the value of f_born there back up to the original id under MF1f_born.
edit: I did a poor job of explaining the data structure. I have a cross section so 1 observation per unique id. Row 1 is the first 8 digit id number with all the variables following over the row. The repeating id numbers are between the friend id's listed for each person (mf1id for example) and the id column. I hope that is a bit more clear.
Kevin Crow wrote vlookup that makes this sort of thing pretty easy:
use, clear
drop team y
rename (rater ratee) (id mf1_id)
bys id: gen f_born = mod(id,2)==1
net install vlookup
vlookup mf1_id, gen(mf1f_born) key(id) value(f_born)
So, Dimitriy's suggestion of vlookup is perfect except it will not work for me. After trying vlookup with both my data set, the UCLA data that Dimitriy used for his example, and a toy data set I created vlookup always failed at the point the program attempts to save a temp file to my temp folder. Below is the program for vlookup. Notice its sets tempfile file, manipulates the data, and then saves the file.
*! version 1.0.0 KHC 16oct2003
program define vlookup, sortpreserve
version 8.0
syntax varname, Generate(name) Key(varname) Value(varname)
qui {
tempvar g k
egen `k' = group(`key')
egen `g' = group(`key' `value')
local k = `k'[_N]
local g = `g'[_N]
if `k' != `g' {
di in red "`value' is unique within `key';"
di in red /*
*/ "there are multiple observations with different `value'" /*
*/ " within `key'."
exit 9
tempvar g _merge
tempfile file
sort `key'
by `key' : keep if _n == 1
keep `key' `value'
sort `key'
rename `key' `varlist'
rename `value' `generate'
save `file', replace
sort `varlist'
joinby `varlist' using `file', unmatched(master) _merge(`_merge')
drop `_merge'
For some reason, Stata gave me an error, "invalid file," at the save `file', replace point. I have a restricted data set with requirments to point all my Stata temp files to a very specific folder that has an erasure program sweeping it every so often. I don't know why this would create a problem but maybe it is, I really don't know. Regardless, I tweaked the vlookup program and it appears to do what I need now.
clear all
set more off
capture log close
input aid mf1aid fborn
1 2 1
2 1 1
3 5 0
4 2 0
5 1 0
6 4 0
7 6 1
8 2 .
9 1 0
10 8 1
program define justlinkit, sortpreserve
syntax varname, Generate(name) Key(varname) Value(name)
qui {
tempvar g _merge
sort `key'
by `key' : keep if _n ==1
keep `key' `value'
sort `key'
rename `key' `varlist'
rename `value' `generate'
save "Z:\Jonathan\created data sets\justlinkit program\fchara.dta",replace
sort `varlist'
joinby `varlist' using "Z:\Jonathan\created data sets\justlinkit program\fchara.dta", unmatched(master) _merge(`_merge')
drop `_merge'
// set trace on
justlinkit mf1aid, gen(mf1_fborn) key(aid) value(fborn)
sort aid
Well, this fixed my problem. Thanks to all who responded I would not have figured this out without you.

AWK: Ignore lines grouped by an unique value conditioned on occurrences of a specific field value

Please help revise the title and the post if needed, thanks.
In short, I would like to firstly group lines with a unique value in the first field and accumulate the occurrences of a specific value in the other field in the underlying group of lines. If the sum of occurrences doesn't meet the self-defined threshold, the lines in the group should be ignored.
Specifically, with input
the desired output should be
meaning that "because the unique values in the first field 222 and 444 don't have at least one (which can be any desired threshold) P in the third field, lines corresponding to 222 and 444 are ignored."
Furthermore, this should be done without editing the original file and have to be combined with the solved issue Split CSV to Multiple Files Containing a Set Number of Unique Field Values. By doing this, a few lines will not be involved in the resulted split files.
I believe this one-liner does what you want:
$ awk -F, '{a[$1,++c[$1]]=$0}$3=="P"{p[$1]}END{for(i in c)if(i in p)for(j=1;j<=c[i];++j)print a[i,j]}' file
Array a, keeps track of all the lines in the file, grouping them by the first field and a count c which we use later. If the third field contains a P, set a key in the p array.
After processing the entire file, loop through all the values of the first field. If a key has been set in p for the value, then print the lines from a.
You mention a threshold number of entries in your question. If by that, you mean that there must be N occurrences of "P" in order for the lines to be printed, you could change {p[$1]} to {++p[$1]}, then change if(i in p) to if(p[i]>=N) in the END block.

gnuplot store one number from data file into variable

OSX v10.6.8 and Gnuplot v4.4
I have a data file with 8 columns. I would like to take the first value from the 6th column and make it the title. Here's what I have so far:
#m1 m2 q taua taue K avgPeriodRatio time
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K = #read in data here
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
set term aqua enhanced font "Times-Roman,18"
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
And here is what the first few rows of my data file looks like:
1.00e-07 1.00e-07 1.00e+00 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
1.11e-06 1.00e-07 9.02e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
2.12e-06 1.00e-07 4.72e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12070.00
3.13e-06 1.00e-07 3.20e-02 1.00e+05 1.00e+04 1.00e+01 1.310 12090.00
I don't know how to correctly read in the data or if this is even the right way to go about this.
Ok, thanks to mgilson I now have
#m1 m2 q taua taue K avgPeriodRatio time
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
set term aqua enhanced font "Times-Roman,18"
K = "`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
print K+0
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
but I get the error: Non-numeric string found where a numeric expression was expected
file = "testPlot.txt"
K = "`head -1 file | awk '{print $6}'`"
K=K+0 #Cast K to a floating point number #this is line 9
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot file using 1:3 title graph(K)
This gives the error--> head: file: No such file or directory
"testPlot.gnu", line 9: Non-numeric string found where a numeric expression was expected
You have a few options...
use columnheader
plot file using 1:3 title columnheader(6)
I haven't tested it, but this may prevent the first row from actually being plotted.
use an external utility to get the title:
TITLE="`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
plot 'datafile' using 1:3 title TITLE
If the variable is numeric, and you want to reformat it, in gnuplot, you can cast strings to a numeric type (integer/float) by adding 0 to them (e.g).
print "36.5"+0
Then you can format it with sprintf or gprintf as you're already doing.
It's weird that there is no float function. (int will work if you want to cast to an integer).
The script below worked for me (when I pasted your example data into a file called "datafile"):
K = "`head -1 datafile | awk '{print $6}'`"
K=K+0 #Cast K to a floating point number
graph(n) = sprintf("K=%.2e",n)
plot "datafile" using 1:3 title graph(K)
EDIT 2 (addresses comments below)
To expand a variable in backtics, you'll need macros:
set macro
cmd='"`head -1 ' . file . ' | awk ''{print $6}''`"'
# . is string concatenation. (this string has 3 pieces)
# to get a single quote inside a single quoted string
# you need to double. e.g. 'a''b' yields the string a'b
To address your question 2, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with shell utilities -- sed and awk can both do it. I'll show a combination of head/tail:
cmd='"`head -2 ' . file . ' | tail -1 | awk ''{print $6}''`"'
should work.
I recently learned that in gnuplot, system is a function as well as a command. To do the above without all the backtic gymnastics,
data=system("head -1 " . file . " | awk '{print $6}'")
Wow, much better.
This is a very old question, but here's a nice way to get access to a single value anywhere in your data file and save it as a gnuplot-accessible variable:
set term unknown #This terminal will not attempt to plot anything
plot 'myfile.dat' index 0 every 1:1:0:0:0:0 u (var=$1):1
The index number allows you to address a particular dataset (separated by two carriage returns), while every allows you to specify a particular line.
The colon-separated numbers after every should be of the form 1:1:<line_number>:<block_number>:<line_number>:<block_number>, where the line number is the line with the the block (starting from 0), and the block number is the number of the block (separated by a single carriage return, again starting from 0). The first and second numbers say plot every 1 lines and every one data block, and the third and fourth say start from line <line_number> and block <block_number>. The fifth and sixth say where to stop. This allows you to select a single line anywhere in your data file.
The last part of the plot command assigns the value in a particular column (in this case, column 1) to your variable (var). There needs to be two values to a plot command, so I chose column 1 to plot against my variable assignment statement.
Here is a less 'awk'-ward solution which assigns the value from the first row and 6th column of the file 'Data.txt' to the variable x16.
set table
# Syntax: u 0:($0==RowIndex?(VariableName=$ColumnIndex):$ColumnIndex)
# RowIndex starts with 0, ColumnIndex starts with 1
# 'u' is an abbreviation for the 'using' modifier
plot 'Data.txt' u 0:($0==0?(x16=$6):$6)
unset table
A more general example for storing several values is given below:
# Load data from file to variable
# Gnuplot can only access the data via the "plot" command
set table
# Syntax: u 0:($0==RowIndex?(VariableName=$ColumnIndex):$ColumnIndex)
# RowIndex starts with 0, ColumnIndex starts with 1
# 'u' is an abbreviation for the 'using' modifier
# Example: Assign all values according to: xij = Data33[i,j]; i,j = 1,2,3
plot 'Data33.txt' u 0:($0==0?(x11=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==0?(x12=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==0?(x13=$3):$3),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x21=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x22=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==1?(x23=$3):$3),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x31=$1):$1),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x32=$2):$2),\
'' u 0:($0==2?(x33=$3):$3)
unset table
print x11, x12, x13 # Data from first row
print x21, x22, x23 # Data from second row
print x31, x32, x33 # Data from third row