Custom object to NSDictionary or NSData - ios7

Guys i am new to iOS development hardly 2 weeks, i want to convert custom object to NSDictionary or NSData. I want to pass that complex object to web API to get and save.
class customClass{
var firstName:String?
var lastName:String?
var services:Services
class Services{
var list:[String] = [String]()
can somebody help me to resolve this please.

A bit late... try this in playground. Please note that it will not handle NSData correctly. Also, for the code to work, you need to make sure that your custom class inherits from NSObject and adheres to protocol Parsable. That is because you need to make use of the Objective C runtime for this solution to work with classes. Furthermore all your objects need to be subclasses of NSObject (e.g. NSArray instead of Swift type Array).
import UIKit
protocol Parsable {
// Define classes as NSObjects
class customClass: NSObject, Parsable {
var firstName:String?
var lastName:String?
var services:Services?
class Services: NSObject, Parsable {
var list:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
// Create objects
var obj = customClass()
obj.firstName = "My"
obj.lastName = "Name"
var serv = Services()
serv.list = NSMutableArray()
serv.list.addObject("BBB") = serv
// The magic
func parse(o: NSObject) -> AnyObject {
let aClass : AnyClass? = o.dynamicType
var propertiesCount : CUnsignedInt = 0
let propertiesInAClass : UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_property_t> = class_copyPropertyList(aClass, &propertiesCount)
let propertiesDictionary : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
if propertiesCount == 0 {
if let a = o as? [NSObject] {
return {parse($0)} )
} else {
// Take into account NSData here!!!
return o
} else {
for var i = 0; i < Int(propertiesCount); i++ {
let property = propertiesInAClass[i]
let propertyName = NSString(CString: property_getName(property), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String
let propertyValue : AnyObject = o.valueForKey(propertyName)!;
if propertyValue is NSObject && propertyValue is protocol<Parsable> {
propertiesDictionary.setValue(parse(propertyValue as! NSObject), forKey: propertyName)
} else {
propertiesDictionary.setValue(propertyValue, forKey: propertyName)
return propertiesDictionary


Swift: Alternatives to super class methods to generate objects

I have the following Objective-C code I'm trying to convert to swift:
-(id)initWithBook:(NSString*)bookTitle author:(NSString*)author description:(NSString*)description{
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.bookTitle = [bookTitle copy]; = [author copy];
self.description = [uri description];
return self;
NSMutableArray *elements = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSDictionary *dictElment in jsonRespnse){
Books *booksData = [[Books alloc] initWithBook:[dictElment objectForKey:#"bookTitle"]
title:[dictElment objectForKey:#"author"]
description:[dictElment objectForKey:#"description"]];
[elements addObject:booksData];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:elements];
In my Objective-C code I'm calling super class "+(NSArray*)listOfBooks:(NSArray*)jsonWithBooks" to generate NSArray of objects. But I haven't found an equivalente on Swift. Any of you knows what would be the best alternative to do something like this?
I'm trying to use #Alexander example but my project crash in the following line:
let inventoryBooks = Book.books(fromDictArray: json .object(forKey: "books") as! [[String : String]] )
I check the type for this:
json .object(forKey: "books")
As follow:
let arrayOfBooks = json .object(forKey: "books")
if arrayOfBooks is NSArray {
if arrayOfBooks is [[String:String]] {
if arrayOfBooks is NSDictionary {
And is printing nsarray
My question. What I'm doing wrong or do I need to change the signature on this function:
static func books(fromDictArray array: [[String: String]]) -> [Book?] {
This sample of the json response:
books = (
caption = "";
"display_sizes" =(
name = thumb;
uri = "";
id = 123;
"max_dimensions" = {
height = 4912;
width = 7360;
title = "Learning Swift";
author = "Some guy"
caption = "";
"display_sizes" =(
name = thumb;
uri = "";
id = 123;
"max_dimensions" = {
height = 4912;
width = 7360;
title = "Swift";
author = "me meme"
Here is how I would write this code in idiomatic Swift:
struct Book {
let title: String
let author: String
let description: String
/* an implicit member wise initializer is generated,
which would otherwise look something like this:
init(title: String, author: String, description: String) {
self.title = title = author
self.description = description
} */
// Initialization from Dictionaries
extension Book {
init?(fromDict dict: [String: Any]) {
let title = dict["bookTitle"] as? String,
let author = dict["author"] as? String,
let description = dict["description"] as? String
else { return nil }
title: title,
author: author,
description: description
static func books(fromDictArray array: [[String: Any]]) -> [Book?] {
Here are some notable points:
Book is a struct. Such a broad description of a book doesn't need to support the notion of identity. I.e., your book named "Harry Potter", by "J.K. Rowling" with the description "Some description" can be considered to be the same as my book with the same values. There's no apparent need (yet) to distinguish the identity of your book vs the identity of mine.
Book has an implicit memberwise initializer init(title:author:description:) which simply initializes its fields to the given parameters.
An extension is made which compartmentalizes all dictionary related tasks into a single unit.
A failable initializer, init?(fromDictArray:) is made, which returns a new book based off the given dict (presumably created from your JSON). This initializer is fault tolerant. If the dict provided is invalid, then the initializer will simply return nil, without crashing your program.
A static method is made on the Book struct, books(fromDictArray:), which will create an array of optional books ([Book?], a.k.a Array<Optional<Book>> out of the given dict. It is then the job of the consumer of this method to deal with the nil values, those resulting from invalid dicts, as they please.
They could ignore the nil books:
let books = Book.books(fromDictArray: myDictArray).flatMap{$0}
They could crash if a nil book is found:
let books = Book.books(fromDictArray: myDictArray) as! [Book]
Or they can handle the nil cases in some unique way:
let books = Book.books(fromDictArray: myDictArray).map{ book in
if book == nil {
print("A nil book was found")
As already mentioed by Dan, the Swift equivalent would be a class func:
class func listOfBooks(jsonWithBooks: [NSDictionary]) -> [Book] {
var books = [Book]()
for json in jsonWithBooks {
let book = Book(
book: json["bookTitle"]!,
author: json["author"]!,
description: json["description"]!
return books

NSMutableArray. Objective-c to swift code

I'm trying to convert this Objective-C code to swift, but can't seem to figure it out:
#implementation MultiplayerNetworking {
uint32_t _ourRandomNumber;
GameState _gameState;
BOOL _isPlayer1, _receivedAllRandomNumbers;
NSMutableArray *_orderOfPlayers;
#define playerIdKey #"PlayerId"
#define randomNumberKey #"randomNumber"
- (id)init
if (self = [super init]) {
_ourRandomNumber = arc4random();
_gameState = kGameStateWaitingForMatch;
_orderOfPlayers = [NSMutableArray array];
[_orderOfPlayers addObject:#{playerIdKey : [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].playerID, randomNumberKey : #(_ourRandomNumber)}];
return self;
This is what I thought I would be, but I'm no sure at all, so I would appreciate som help here.
class MultiplayerNetworking {
var _ourRandomNumber = uint32_t()
var _gameState = GameState()
var isPlayer1 = false
var receivedAllRandomNumbers = false
var orderOfPlayers = [AnyObject]()
let playerIdKey = "PlayerId"
let randomNumberKey = "randomNumber"
override init() {
self.ourRandomNumber = arc4random()
self.gameState = kGameStateWaitingForMatch
self.orderOfPlayers = [AnyObject]()
orderOfPlayers.append([playerIdKey: GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().playerID, randomNumberKey: ourRandomNumber])
But it gives me some errors, a lot:
I used this converter: since I have no experience with Objective-C
enum GameState {
case waitingForMatch
class MultiplayerNetworking {
var isPlayer1 = false
var receivedAllRandomNumbers = false
var orderOfPlayers = [AnyObject]()
private let playerIdKey = "PlayerId"
private let randomNumberKey = "randomNumber"
private var ourRandomNumber = arc4random()
private var gameState = GameState.waitingForMatch
init() {
orderOfPlayers.append([playerIdKey: GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer.playerID, randomNumberKey: ourRandomNumber] as AnyObject)
I am assuming that GameState is an enum, and have made the enum with just the one case I can see from your code. I am also guessing that variables starting with an underscore are supposed to be private instance variables of that class, so I have made them private here. Instead of initializing everything in init, I have made use of Swift to give all the properties initial values.
class MultiplayerNetworking {
var _ourRandomNumber = [__uint32_t]()
var _gameState = GameState()
var isPlayer1 = false
var receivedAllRandomNumbers = false
var orderOfPlayers = [AnyObject]()
let playerIdKey = "PlayerId"
let randomNumberKey = "randomNumber"
init() {
self.ourRandomNumber = arc4random()
self.gameState = kGameStateWaitingForMatch
self.orderOfPlayers = [AnyObject]()
orderOfPlayers.append([playerIdKey: GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().playerID, randomNumberKey: ourRandomNumber])
Try using this code
class Player{
var playerIdKey : String?
var randomNumberKey : UInt32?
class MultiplayerNetworking {
var ourRandomNumber = UInt32()
var gameState = GameState()
var isPlayer1 = false
var receivedAllRandomNumbers = false
var orderOfPlayers = [Player]()
let playerIdKey = "PlayerId"
let randomNumberKey = "randomNumber"
override init() {
self.ourRandomNumber = arc4random()
self.gameState = kGameStateWaitingForMatch
let player = Player()
player.playerIdKey = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().playerID
player.randomNumberKey = ourRandomNumber
I would recommend that you create a separate class for player in the previous code the variable was an array type of AnyObject and a tipple was being appended to it so the compiler was complaining. So create a separate player class and set its properties and then append it to your array and your code should run fine.I also removed override keyword from init as there is no super class for this class.

Get Property List of Swift Class

I am trying to get the property list of a swift class. There is a similar question here and here. I have everything working except for certain types do not get returned from class_copyPropertyList. The ones I have tested it with so far are Int? and enums. I have an example class below of what I am trying.
enum PKApiErrorCode: Int {
case None = 0
case InvalidSignature = 1
case MissingRequired = 2
case NotLoggedIn = 3
case InvalidApiKey = 4
case InvalidLogin = 5
case RegisterFailed = 6
class ApiError: Serializable {
let code: PKApiErrorCode?
let message: String?
let userMessage: String?
init(error: JSONDictionary) {
code = error["errorCode"] >>> { (object: JSON) -> PKApiErrorCode? in
if let c = object >>> JSONInt {
return PKApiErrorCode.fromRaw(c)
return nil
message = error["message"] >>> JSONString
userMessage = error["userMessage"] >>> JSONString
And the Serializable class (with some help from is
public class Serializable: NSObject, Printable {
override public var description: String {
return "\(self.toDictionary())"
extension Serializable {
public func toDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
var aClass : AnyClass? = self.dynamicType
var propertiesCount : CUnsignedInt = 0
let propertiesInAClass : UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_property_t> = class_copyPropertyList(aClass, &propertiesCount)
var propertiesDictionary : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
for var i = 0; i < Int(propertiesCount); i++ {
var property = propertiesInAClass[i]
var propName = NSString(CString: property_getName(property), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var propType = property_getAttributes(property)
var propValue : AnyObject! = self.valueForKey(propName);
if propValue is Serializable {
propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Serializable).toDictionary(), forKey: propName)
} else if propValue is Array<Serializable> {
var subArray = Array<NSDictionary>()
for item in (propValue as Array<Serializable>) {
propertiesDictionary.setValue(subArray, forKey: propName)
} else if propValue is NSData {
propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as NSData).base64EncodedStringWithOptions(nil), forKey: propName)
} else if propValue is Bool {
propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Bool).boolValue, forKey: propName)
} else if propValue is NSDate {
var date = propValue as NSDate
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "Z"
var dateString = NSString(format: "/Date(%.0f000%#)/", date.timeIntervalSince1970, dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date))
propertiesDictionary.setValue(dateString, forKey: propName)
} else {
propertiesDictionary.setValue(propValue, forKey: propName)
return propertiesDictionary
public func toJSON() -> NSData! {
var dictionary = self.toDictionary()
var err: NSError?
return NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dictionary, options:NSJSONWritingOptions(0), error: &err)
public func toJSONString() -> NSString! {
return NSString(data: self.toJSON(), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
The String seem to only appear if the Optionals are valid values and the code never appears on the object if it is an enum or Int unless the Int has a default value.
Thanks for any advice I can get for getting all properties of a class no matter what they are.
I got a response on the apple developer forums regarding this issue:
"class_copyPropertyList only shows properties that are exposed to the Objective-C runtime. Objective-C can't represent Swift enums or optionals of non-reference types, so those properties are not exposed to the Objective-C runtime."
So, in summary, serialization to JSON using this approach is not currently possible. You might have to look into using other patterns to accomplish this, such as giving the task of serialization to each object, or potentially by using the reflect() method to serialize an object to JSON.

Accessing temp directory in Swift

I was trying to access temp directory in Swift. In Objective-C, I could use the following code to do so:
- (NSString *)tempDirectory {
NSString *tempDirectoryTemplate =
[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"XXXXX"];
const char *tempDirectoryTemplateCString = [tempDirectoryTemplate fileSystemRepresentation];
char *tempDirectoryNameCString = (char *)malloc(strlen(tempDirectoryTemplateCString) + 1);
strcpy(tempDirectoryNameCString, tempDirectoryTemplateCString);
char *result = mkdtemp(tempDirectoryNameCString);
if (!result) {
return nil;
NSString *tempDirectoryPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:tempDirectoryNameCString length:strlen(result)];
return tempDirectoryPath;
However, I'm a bit confuse about the type conversion and casting from Objective-C to Swift, such as const char * or CMutablePointer<CChar>. Is there any documents that I should look into?
How about something like :
public extension FileManager {
func createTempDirectory() throws -> String {
let tempDirectory = (NSTemporaryDirectory() as NSString).appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: tempDirectory,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
return tempDirectory
It doesn't answer your question about char* but it's cleaner...
NSFileManager reference here.
Also check out this SO question regarding unique names.
According to Apple, use of NSTemporaryDirectory is discouraged:
See the FileManager method url(for:in:appropriateFor:create:) for the
preferred means of finding the correct temporary directory. For more
information about temporary files, see File System Programming Guide.
So instead, you should use FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
or if you want an unique path:
let extractionPath = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString, isDirectory: true)
Swift 2.1 version:
func createTempDirectory() -> String? {
let tempDirURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).URLByAppendingPathComponent("XXXXXX")
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().createDirectoryAtURL(tempDirURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
return nil
return tempDirURL.absoluteString
Swift 3 and up
I think a good way to do this in swift is with an extension on FileManager. This should create a unique temporary folder and return the URL to you.
extension FileManager{
func createTemporaryDirectory() throws -> URL {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
try createDirectory(at: url, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
return url
Swift 3 version
func createTempDirectory() -> String? {
guard let tempDirURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("") else {
return nil
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: tempDirURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
return nil
return tempDirURL.absoluteString
A direct translation of your Objective-C code to Swift would be:
func tempDirectory()->String! {
let tempDirectoryTemplate = NSTemporaryDirectory() + "XXXXX"
var tempDirectoryTemplateCString = tempDirectoryTemplate.fileSystemRepresentation().copy()
let result : CString = reinterpretCast(mkdtemp(&tempDirectoryTemplateCString))
if !result {
return nil
let fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let tempDirectoryPath = fm.stringWithFileSystemRepresentation(result, length: Int(strlen(result)))
return tempDirectoryPath
It uses the same mkdtemp() BSD method as your original code. This method creates
a directory name from the template which is guaranteed not to exist at the time where
the method is called.
Thanks to Nate Cook who figured out that reinterpretCast() can be used to treat the UnsafePointer<CChar> returned by mkdtemp() as a CString, so that it can be passed to stringWithFileSystemRepresentation(), see Working with C strings in Swift, or: How to convert UnsafePointer<CChar> to CString.
As of Xcode 6 beta 6, the reinterpretCast() is not necessary anymore and the
above code can be simplified to
func tempDirectory()->String! {
let tempDirectoryTemplate = NSTemporaryDirectory() + "XXXXX"
var tempDirectoryTemplateCString = tempDirectoryTemplate.fileSystemRepresentation()
let result = mkdtemp(&tempDirectoryTemplateCString)
if result == nil {
return nil
let fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let tempDirectoryPath = fm.stringWithFileSystemRepresentation(result, length: Int(strlen(result)))
return tempDirectoryPath

Using Jastor to translate JSON/NSDictionary to Typed Swift classes

I'm going through Jastor's documentation:
There's an Objective-C implementation for returning arrays:
+ (Class)categories_class {
return [ProductCategory class];
This is my attempt at converting it to Swift, however it ends up not returning anything so I don't think it's implemented correctly:
#<_TtC4TestApp4Room: id = (null) {
resultCount = 50; // 50 is returning fine
results = ( // results is not
NSDictionary response:
"resultCount" : 50,
"results" : [
"collectionExplicitness" : "notExplicit",
"discCount" : 1,
"artworkUrl60" : "http:\/\/\/us\/r30\/Features\/2a\/b7\/da\/dj.kkirmfzh.60x60-50.jpg",
"collectionCensoredName" : "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes (Ultmate Master Disk Gold CD Reissue)"
Music.swift (not quite sure how to implement the results_class() method)
class Music : Jastor {
var resultCount: NSNumber = 0
var results: NSArray = []
class func results_class() -> AnyClass {
return Author.self
class Author {
var collectionExplicitness: NSString = ""
var discCount: NSNumber = 0
var artworkUrl60: NSString = ""
var collectionCensoredName: NSString = ""
I'm using the following syntax (adapted to your example):
static let results_class = Author.self
and everything works for me.
Other differences that may or may not have an effect:
I'm using Int instead of NSNumber and String instead of NSString (except for arrays).
I'm using implicitly wrapped optionals rather than assigning a default value to each field