Each row in my dataset has an unique identifier. I want them to be ordered by my own custom order sequence. Here's an example:
I have my raw data:
ID Name
1 Peter
2 John
3 Steve
And my order sequence, e.g. 3,1,2.
When I initialize the DataTable I want my entries to show up like this (according to my pre-computed order sequence):
ID Name
3 Steve
1 Peter
2 John
Your code seems to work just fine. There were couple issues though.
RowReorder plugin requires order column in order to work correctly.
You need to handle reorder event row-reorder and change your URL hash accordingly.
Sorting on the top table needs to be disabled unless you want to handle order event and adjust URL hash accordingly.
See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration.
Update: 1,2,3 are just examples it can also be 4,24,53
I have the following setup:
I store Data in BigQuery and use BigQuery as data source for my Data Studio project.
I have a column called Alarms and the data inside that column is as follow: it can be empty or 1 or 1,2 or 1,2,3 or 5,43,60 and so on. If it's empty or has 1 value then there is nothing to worry about, but if there are 2 or more values I have to do something.
What I need is to be able to put every value in a separate column or create a dropdown or something.
For example something like the table below or two drop down menus one to select the name and the other shows the alarms. (I prefer the drop downs).
Here I select Peter and the alarm drop down shows 3 alarms. or for Eddie it just shows 2 alarms and so on.
I read something about regex but I don't really understand how to put it to the test.
I found this online: (.+?)(?:,|$) but I don't know how to capture the output.
What I need is to be able to put every value in a separate column
Consider below approach
select * from (
select * except(alarm)
from your_table,
unnest(split(alarm)) flag with offset
pivot (min(flag) as alarm for offset in (0,1,2,3,4))
If applied to sample data in your question -output is
I am building an app where the server needs to select rows based on some criteria/filters. One of them is the location of the user and the radius at which the user want's to see posts and other filters such date range and filter for a value of another column. This is going to be for an ad-hoc event discovery app.
I have read about PostGIS and I know there is a point datatype. Based on this answer I understood that it is better to order from equality to range columns, even though I feel like geo point column should be the first. But the main question is, how is it possible to create such an index? I thought about GiST index but not sure that helps.
Suppose the following simplified events table (disregard the validity position data):
id event_title event_position event_type is_public start_date
(varchar) (point lat/lon) (smallint) (boolean) (timestamptz)
-- --------------------------- --------------- --------- --------- ----
1 "John's Party" (122,35) 0 0 2020-07-05
2 "Revolution then Starbucks" (123,30) 1 1 2020-07-06
3 "Study for math exam" (120,36) 2 1 2020-07-07
4 "Party after exam" (120,36) 1 1 2020-07-08
5 "Hiking next to the city" (95,40) 3 1 2020-07-09
6 "Football match" (-42,31) 4 1 2020-07-10
So in this table a user would be able to query public events close to (122,34) by 100km (suppose first three rows fall into this area) and of event types 0, 1 or 2 falling between dates 2020-07-05 and 2020-07-07. The user would get the rows with ID 2 and 3.
This is the query I want to optimize with an appropriate index. Thank you!
With the help of the btree_gist extension, you can include the event_type and start_date columns into the GiST index along with the event_position. However, the event_type won't be very useful in the index as long as the restriction clause is something like event_type in (0, 1, 2). (But if the list only contains one element, it will be rewritten into an equality, and in that case it can use that column in the index efficiently.) So using the other two columns would be my starting point. I would put the usually more selective one first. If you are going to leave past events in the table rather than clearing them out, then the date is probably going to eventually be the more selective one.
If the location condition is not very selective at all (e.g. most of your events are in NYC, and most of your users are in NYC, and almost everything is within 100km of almost everything else), then you might want a different approach. Just make a default BTREE index on (event_type, start_date). Unlike GiST, such a BTREE can effectively use a condition like event_type in (0, 1, 2) along with AND start_date between x and y.
I don't think that there is a fundamental reason GiST can't use the in-list effectively while BTREE can. Maybe that will be fixed for GiST in some future version.
How would one go about telling a CAML query to sort the results in a thoroughly custom order?
For instance, for a given field:
-- when equal to 'Chestnut' at the top,
-- then equal to 'Zebra' next,
-- then equaling 'House'?
Finally, within those groupings, sort on a second condition (such as 'Name'), normally ascending.
So this
ID Owns Name
1 Zebra Sue
2 House Jim
3 Chestnut Sid
4 House Ken
5 Zebra Bob
6 Chestnut Lou
ID Owns Name
6 Chestnut Lou
3 Chestnut Sid
5 Zebra Bob
1 Zebra Sue
2 House Jim
4 House Ken
In SQL, this can be done with Case/When. But in CAML? Not so much!
CAML does not have such a sort operator by my knowledge. The workaround might be that you add a calculated column to the list with a number datatype and formula
Now it is possible to order on the calculated column, which translates the custom sort order to numbers. Another solution is that you create a second list with the items to own, and a second column which contains their sort order. You can link these two lists and order by the item list sort order. The benefit is that a change in the sort order is as easy as editing the respective listitems.
Hopefully you can help!
I have a single data source in my SSRS report. With this data source, I have populated a tablix. The tablix looks something like this:
SalesPerson ID Group Sales
Sarah 1 1 1234
Ross 2 1 555
Gemma 3 2 678
Jill 4 2 345
Jack 5 3 987
Peter 6 2 432
Henry 7 2 356
The report is set up to create a different page for each of the sales people. for example, on the first page of the report, only first record would be shown (the record that holds Sarah's information, the second page would show the record for Ross' information ,etc..)
The issues I face is this:
At the bottom of the report, I need to include a textbox that displays the group number that the specific employee belongs to (the employee who is currently being displayed on the page).
I think that I need to do some sort of lookup on the IDReportItem to return the group ID in order to do this, but have had no luck in my attempts.
I understand that this is a horrible way of doing things, but I am limited to using this single dataset for performing this task.
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated,
Thanks you!
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do this in a single textbox, but you can do it with a second tablix that uses the same dataset.
Create your second tablix and position it at the bottom of the page, then set your grouping to be the same on both tablixes and use the second tablix to only display the group ID, plus whatever label you want.
Create a new row group for each tablix (grouping on group ID), then right click the group and browse to Group Properties -> Page Breaks and check the box that says "Between each instance of a group". Do this for both tablixes.
This is what grouping is designed for. Build your table, and set the page break attribute to true.
You can have multiple rows under your group. Since your group is a field, simply add it to the detail row.
Your grouping is obviously set up right to get the report paging correctly.
You could add a List to the report, set the grouping on that (with page break between groups)
Inside the list - Add a RECTANGLE. (this be important!)
Once you've added the rectangle, you can add another as many objects as you like. In your case I think that may be a matrix and a text box
Then it just becomes as spacing issue (to get the page looking right)
Hi I was wondering if there is a way to split long column values in this case I am using SSRS to get the distinct values with the number of product ID against a category into a matrix/pivot table in SSRS. The problem lies with the amount of distinct category makes it a nightmare to make the report look pretty shall we say. Is there a dynamic way to split the columns in say groups of 10 to make the table look nicer and easy to read. I was thinking of using in operator then the list of values but that means managing the data every time a new category gets added. Is there a dynamic way to present the data in the best way possible? There are 135 distinct category values
Also I am open to suggestions to make the report to nicer if anyone has any thoughts. I am new to SSRS and trying to get to grips with its.
Here is an example of my problem
enter image description here
Are your column names coming back from the database under the SubCat field you note in the comments above? If so I imagine your dataset looks something like this
Subcat | Logno
SubCatA | 34
SubCatB | 65
SubCatC | 120
SubCatD | 8
SubCatE | 19
You can edit this so that there is an index of each individual category being returned also, using the Row_Number() function. Add the field
To your query. This will result in the following.
Subcat | LogNo | ColID
SubCatA | 34 | 1
SubCatB | 65 | 2
SubCatC | 120 | 3
SubCatD | 8 | 4
SubCatE | 19 | 5
Now there is a numeric identifier for each column you can perform some logic on it to arrange itself nicely on the page.
This solution involves a Tablix, nested inside a Matrix nested inside a Matrix as follows
First create a Matrix (Matrix1), and set it’s datasource to your dataset. Set the Row Group Properties to group on the following expression where ‘4’ is the number of columns you wish to display horizontally.
=CInt(Floor((Fields!ColID.Value - 1) / 4))
Then in the data section of the Matrix (bottom right corner) insert a rectangle and on this insert a new Matrix (Matrix 2). Remove the leftmost row. Set the column header to be the Column Name SubCat. This will automatically set the column grouping to be SubCat.
Finally, in the Data Section of Matrix 2 add a new Rectangle and Add a Tablix on it. Remove the Header Row, and set it to be one column wide only. Set the Data to be the information you wish to display, i.e. LogNo.
Finally, delete the Leftmost and Topmost rows/columns from Matrix 1 to make it look tidier (Note Delete Column Row only! Not associated groups!)
Then when the report is run it should look similar to the following. Note in my example SubCat = ColName, and LogNo = NumItems, and I have multiple values per SubCat.
Hopefully you find this helpful. If not, please ask for clarification.
Can you do something like this:
The following gives the steps (in two columns, down then across)