how to compare date parts in SQL Oracle - sql

I have a bit tricky question. E.g. I have a start_date: 15/01/2015 and an end date: 17/03/2015 for given record and I would like to generalize that to know, if the record with those exact start and end date belongs to January (by my definition even if it is 31/01/2015, then it belongs to January).
I did the following:
sum(case when to_date('2015/01/01','yyyy/mm/dd') between ROUND(dtime_method_start,'MONTH') and ROUND(dtime_method_end,'MONTH') then 1 else 0 end) as flag_jan
But the problem with Round function is, that it takes everything from 16-31 as next month, which is no good for me. How can I fix it or rewrite it to make it comply with my definition?
I want to know if a record with certain dtime_method_start and dtime_method_end belongs to January. I have many records with many different start and end dates and want to know how many of them belong to January.

SELECT expected,
WHEN to_date('01/01/2015','DD/MM/YYYY') = ALL (trunc(start_date,'MONTH'), trunc(end_date,'MONTH'))
END flag_jan
(SELECT 'notmatch 0' expected
, to_date('15/01/2015','DD/MM/YYYY') start_date
, to_date('17/03/2015','DD/MM/YYYY') end_date
FROM dual
SELECT 'match 1'
, to_date('12/01/2015','DD/MM/YYYY')
, to_date('23/01/2015','DD/MM/YYYY')
FROM dual
) dates;
this query compares the truncated start_date and end_date to match the first day of the month.
To check another month_flag, juste change the date in the first case expression.

Just use trunc instead of round. Trunc with parameter 'MONTH' will truncate the date to the first day of month. If you test with between using first day of month it's ok.

I would compare the stored dates directly to a range based on the input date, rather than applying a function to every date:
count(case when dtime_method_start >= trunc(to_date('2015/01/01','yyyy/mm/dd'),'mm')
and dtime_method_start < add_months(trunc(to_date('2015/01/01','yyyy/mm/dd'),'mm'),1)
then 1
end) as flag_jan
Or you could
count(case when trunc(dtime_method_start,'mm') = trunc(to_date('2015/01/01','yyyy/mm/dd'),'mm')
then 1
end) as flag_jan


Presto SQL get yyyymm minus 2 months

I am using Presto. I have an integer column (let's call the column 'mnth_nbr') showing year and month as: yyyymm. For instance, 201901. I want to have records showing all dates AFTER 201901 as well as 2 months before the given date. In this example, it would return 201811, 201812, 201901, 201902, 201903, etc. Keep in mind that my data type here is integer.
This is what I have so far (I do a self join):
select ...
from table 1 as first_table
left join table 1 as second_table
on first_table.mnth_nbr = second_table.mnth_nbr
where first_table.mnth_nbr <= second_table.mnth_nbr
I know this gives me all dates AFTER 201901, including 201901. But, I don't know how to add the 2 previous months (201811 and 201812)as explained above.
As far as the documentation, Presto DB date_parse function expects a MySQL-like date format specifier.
So the proper condition for your use case should be :
FROM mytable t
date_parse(cast(t.mnth_nbr as varchar), '%Y%m') >= date '2019-01-01' - interval '2' month
As commented by Piotr, a more optimized expression (index-friendly) would be :
mnth_nbr >= date_format(date '2019-01-01' - interval '2', '%Y%m')
Something like this would help. first parse your int to date
date_parse(cast(first_table.mnth_nbr as varchar), 'yyyymm') > date '2019-01-01' - interval '2' month
please keep in mind that you may encounter with indexing issues with this approach.

Counting working days between two dates Oracle

I'm trying to write a query which can count the number of working days between a payment being received and being processed, I started playing around with this for payments received in December 2017;
select unique trunc(date_received),
(case when trunc(date_received) in ('25-DEC-17','26-DEC-17') Then 0 when
to_char(date_received,'D') <6 Then 1 else 0 end) Working_day
from payments
where date_received between '01-DEC-17' and '31-dec-17'
order by trunc(date_received)
But to be honest, I'm at a loss as to how to take it further and add in date_processed and count the number of working days between date_processed and date_received... Any help would be much appreciated...
Maybe not the most optimal, but it works quite nicely, and it's easy to incorporate more complicated checks, like holidays. This query first generates all dates between the two dates, and then lets you filter out all the days that 'don't count'.
In this implementation I filtered out only weekend days, but it's quite easy to add checks for holidays and such.
-- YourQuery: I used a stub, but you can use your actual query here, which
-- returns a from date and to date. If you have multiple rows, you can also
-- output some id here, which can be used for grouping in the last step.
YourQuery as
trunc(sysdate - 7) as FromDate,
trunc(sysdate) as ToDate
from dual),
-- DaysBetween. This returns all the dates from the start date up to and
-- including the end date.
DaysBetween as
FromDate + level - 1 as DayBetween,
connect by
FromDate + level - 1 <= ToDate)
-- As a last step, you can filter out all the days you want.
-- This default query only filters out Saturdays and Sundays, but you
-- could add a 'not exists' check that checks against a table with known
-- holidays.
DaysBetween d
not in ('SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY');

SQL computing and reusing fiscal year calculation in sql query

I have a condition in my SQL query, using Oracle 11g database, that depends on a plan starting or ending with in a fiscal year:
(BUSPLAN.START_DATE BETWEEN (:YEAR || '-04-01') AND (:YEAR+1 || '-03-31')) OR
(BUSPLAN.END_DATE BETWEEN (:YEAR || '-04-01') AND (:YEAR+1 || '-03-31'))
For now, I am passing in YEAR as a parameter. It can be computed as (pseudocode):
USE CURRENT YEAR // e.g. 2015
USE CURRENT YEAR + 1 // e.g. 2016
Is there a way I could computer the :YEAR parameter within in an SQL query and reuse it for the :YEAR parameter?
CTEs are easy, you can make little tables on the fly. With a 1 row table you just cross join it and then you have that value available every row:
WITH getyear as
CASE WHEN to_char(sysdate,'mm') in ('01','02','03') THEN
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sysdate) + 1
END as ynum from dual
), mydates as
SELECT getyear.ynum || '-04-01' as startdate,
getyear.ynum+1 || '-03-31' as enddate
from getyear
-- your code here
from BUSPLAN, mydates -- this is a cross join
(BUSPLAN.START_DATE BETWEEN mydates.startdate AND mydates.enddate) OR
(BUSPLAN.END_DATE BETWEEN mydates.startdate AND mydates.enddate)
note, values statement is probably better if Oracle has values then the first CTE would look like this:
VALUES(CASE WHEN to_char(sysdate,'mm') in ('01','02','03') THEN
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sysdate) + 1)
I don't have access to Oracle so I might have bugs typos etc since I didn't test.
In the code you shared there is a problem and a potential problem.
Problem, implicit conversion to date without format string.
In (BUSPLAN.START_DATE BETWEEN (:YEAR || '-04-01') AND (:YEAR+1 || '-03-31')) two strings are being formed and then converted to dates. The conversion to date is going to change depending on the value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT. To insure that the string is converted correctly to_date(:YEAR || '-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD').
Potential problem, boundary at the end of the year when time <> midnight.
Oracle's date type holds both date and time. A test like someDate between startDate and endDate will miss all records that happened after midnight on endDate. One simple fix that precludes use of indexes on someDate is trunc(someDate) between startDate and endDate.
A more general approach is to define date ranges and closed open intervals. lowerBound <= aDate < upperBound where lowerBound is the same asstartDateabove andupperBoundisendDate` plus one day.
Note: Some applications used Oracle date columns as dates and always store midnight, if your application is of that sort, then this is not a problem. And check constraints like check (trunc(dateColumn) = dateColumn) would make sure it stays that way.
And now, to answer the question actually asked.
Using subquery factoring (Oracle's terminology) / common table expression (SQL Server's terminology) one can avoid repetition within a query.
Instead of figuring out the proper year, and then using strings to put together dates, the code below starts by getting January 1 at Midnight of the current calendar year, trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR')). Then it adds an offset in months. When the months are Jan, Feb, Mar, the current fiscal year started last year on 4/1, or nine months before the start of this year. The offset is -9. Else the current fiscal year started 4/1 of this calendar year, start of this year plus three months.
Instead of end date, an upper bound is calculated, similar to lower bound, but with the offsets being 12 greater than lower bound to get 4/1 the following year.
with current_fiscal_year as (select add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR')
, case when extract(month from sysdate) <= 3 then -9 else 3 end) as LowerBound
, add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR')
, case when extract(month from sysdate) <= 3 then 3 else 15 end) as UpperBound
from dual)
select *
from busplan
cross join current_fiscal_year CFY
where (CFY.LowerBound <= busplan.start_date and busplan.start_date < CFY.UpperBound)
or (CFY.LowerBound <= busplan.end_date and busplan.end_date < CFY.UpperBound)
And yet more unsolicited advise.
The times I've had to deal with fiscal year stuff, avoiding repetition within a query was low hanging fruit. Having the fiscal year calculations consistent and correct among many queries, that was the essence of the work. So I'd recommend a developing PL/SQL package that centralizes fiscal calculations. It might include a function like:
create or replace function GetFiscalYearStart(v_Date in date default sysdate)
return date
as begin
return add_months(trunc(v_Date, 'YEAR')
, case when extract(month from v_Date) <= 3 then -9 else 3 end);
end GetFiscalYearStart;
Then the query above becomes:
select *
from busplan
where (GetFiscalYearStart() <= busplan.start_date
and busplan.start_date < add_months(GetFiscalYearStart(), 12))
or (GetFiscalYearStart() <= busplan.end_date
and busplan.end_date < add_months(GetFiscalYearStart(), 12))

Case statement using date intervals

I am trying to create a variable that sums sales in 3 months for each customer after their first purchase in the time series. The code below errors and says I'm missing a parentheses.
when merch.trans_dt between min(merch.trans_dt)
and add_date(min(merch.trans_dt), interval 3 month)
then merch.rdswrit_rps_netnet_pur_amt
end) as spend_next3
You can do this by simply using addition, rather than a function: min(merch.trans_dt) + interval 3 month.
However, this may not give you the answer you want. In many cases, such as to_date('1/31/2015','mm/dd/yyyy') + interval '3' month, this will result in ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified.
You're better off using add_months as indicated previously in the comments: add_months(min(merch.trans_dt),3).

Date formatting sql plus

I have this sql script:
select 'LASTBUSDATE='|| to_char(max(calen_dt),'mmdd') LBD
from put_calen
where calen_dt < (select calen_dt from put_calen where ca_run_dt_ind = 'Y')
and business_day_ind = 'Y';
How can I modify this so I will get first business day and last business day of previous month like 2-1-2011 and 2-28-2011
Please help. Don't know whats going on in here.
I'm guessing on your table structure from your column names here, but does the following return what you want?
select min(calen_dt) as first_business_day
,max(calen_dt) as last_business_day
from put_calen
where calen_dt >= trunc(sysdate,'MM') - interval '1' month
and calen_dt <= trunc(sysdate,'MM') - interval '1' day
and business_day_ind = 'Y';
If sysdate = "2011-03-31 19:14:32", then trunc(sysdate,'MM') would return "2011-03-01 00:00:00"; basically the date truncated to month.
You wanted the first and last business day in previous month, so I subtracted 1 month to arrive at the first of the previous month, and 1 day to arrive at the last day of the previous month. The filter business_day_ind = 'Y' makes sure that only business days are consider for the min/max.
Let me know how it works, or if I missunderstood your question and/or table structure :)