AppCode returning undesired extension file results - appcode

When searching files, the results is providing me file results that I don't really need.
The kind of extensions are *.d *.dia *.o
Is there a way to fix this to behave as default and not showing them?
You can find attached a screenshot of one example que searching for "AppD",

I have just realised that it is a folder related problem. By using git clone from my forked repository, everything became smooth and nice again.


is script autoloading possible in rebol or red-lang?

Is there a way to do so ? I searched Google but couldn't find any answer, so I guess the answer would be no. Is there anything close ? If not, would it be easy to extend red-lang to do so ?
Startup Scripts
When REBOL starts it will automatically run the rebol.r and user.r files, if they exist.
The system looks for these files first in the current directory (or the directory of the script being run), then in the directory that contains the REBOL executable program.
Note that REBOL/Core runs fine without the rebol.r and user.r files. They simply provide an easy way to include additional code and data on startup, such as your network preferences.
If you compile your own Red interpreter you can add an autoloading file, maybe in after system/console/init "Red Console" and before system/console/launch Best advice is to ask on the site to ask for help. I guess this was already discussed.

Workflow / best practices for XLIFF

I am using a command line tool (ng-xi18n) to extract the i18n strings from an angular 2 app I wrote. The output of this command is a messages.xlf file. Coming from a .po background, and being not familiar with .xlf, I assumed that this file is the equivalent to the .pot file (correct me if I am wrong).
I then assumed that if I want to translate my app, I had to cp messages.xlf to have a copy ( of the template file (messages.xlf) where I can translate each message into German (hence the .de.xlf).
After translating some dummy texts and running the app, I saw that it worked as expected, so I quit translating and continued developing the app. After some time, I added more i18n strings, and eventually thought that I had to update my template. And this is where things got hardly maintainable. I updated the template messages.xlf file, and quickly was wondering how I could update the new strings to my already translated file without loosing my progress.
When I was developing using .po files, this was no problem thanks to good tools like poEdit, but I didn't find anything comparable for .xlf. After trying some tools, I thought that the best choice would be Lokalize, but I didn't find a possibility to merge the template file to already translated (but outdated) files either.
Up to now, this was rather an essay than a question, so here's a quick summary:
Is the workflow of dealing with .xlf files really comparable to .po as I initially thought (described above), or is it completely different?
How am I suppose to update my already translated files?
What are the best practices dealing with .xlf files?
What are proof of concept tools to work with .xlf?
The Lokalize handbook was not helpful at all. I see a lot of functions that sound promising, like:
"File" > "Update file from template". I did not find anything in the handbook to explain this function. If I click on this, nothing happens.
"Sync" > "Open file for sync/merge". This seems to be a function to merge two similar files (by multiple translators) rather than a tool to update the translation file from a template. Even though there is a tooltip in Lokalize's primary sync tab, notifying me about "x unmatched entries", I just couldn't find anything to append those unmatched entries to my .de.xlf file.
[Update] Turns out, I had similar issues as in this question. After downgrading my version of Lokalize to the suggested one, many issues (including the ones mentioned in the question) disappeared. However, now the "Update file from template" option is greyed out, and I don't know why.
I also tried OmegaT, which does not work at all on my platform (Ubuntu 16.04).
[Update] Virtaal works great for merging new strings from a template, but the UI in general is very poorly designed...
Googling did not help, as every hit seems to be related to XCode or something.
Thanks for any help in advance, I really appreciate it
I wrote a small npm command line tool called xliffmerge.
In principle it does the same, that Roland Oldengarm does with his gulp tasks described in his blog article.
It is free and you can have a look at it at
The best workflow automation solution I have seen described so far is from Roland Oldengarm's blog entry "Angular 2: Automated i18n workflow using gulp". To summarize, in a few dozen lines of Gulp code he created the tooling to handle some of the challenges you faced. Specifically it runs ng-xi18n to extract the messages; creates an English translation with sources copied to targets; updates existing translations by adding new trans-units, keeping existing ones, and removing missing ones; and then exposes all xlf files as TypeScript string constants. These last strings can then be imported to supply the bootstrapModule with its translation provider options.
Caveat: I have not used this exact solution (and code) myself, but I was able to expose generated xlf as TypeScript strings and use them in an app in a manner similar to what he described. As for maintaining translations, I have leveraged IntelliJ IDEA (WebStorm) file comparison features and Counterparts Lite (for Mac) for that. My own efforts are still in early stages but are working end to end for an application that is in active development.
Official Angular docs are now updated for Internationalization (i18n) at including a section specifically for creating a translation source file with the ng-xi18n tool.

Convert SVG to PDF with GhostScript/GhostPDL?

It is possible to convert SVG to PDF using GhostPCL, like this:
gsvg.exe -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=my.pdf t1.svg
The difficulty is getting gsvg.exe...
I managed to find the source from:
and it built and compiled and it works fine.
However, when I go to, then it states:
SVN is decprecated, Ghostscript and associated projects are now hosted
only in git repositories, see:
So I tried to get the latest version by downloading from the git repository
git clone
It built fine, but it looks like gsvg is gone.
Unfortunately, it lacks a bit in the documentation department.
Does anybody know if this functionality has been integrated, deleted, or otherwise moved ?
If it has been integrated, how can I convert a svg to a pdf in the new version (using ghost*) ?
Yes, I know I can do it with inkscape or rsvg-convert, but they don't work fine for my SVGs (rsvg-convert removes all text), inkscape delivers poor quality svg conversion. CairoSVG seems to be the same as rsvg-convert.
Only ghostsvg works as required.
SVG input (gsvg) has been deprecated and removed from Ghostscript. It never worked well and there was not sufficient interest to bring it up to date and maintain it.
If you're really desperate you can probably take the gsvg sources and glue them together with the current graphics library and output devices, nothing has changed in the Ghostscript API so this 'should' all still work, but the directory structure has been reworked and the makefiles modified to match, so its not going to be simple.

lesscss import and watch

I have two files:
/* imports */
#import "elements.less";
#import "crush.less";
#import "tree.less";
I'm using the less watch functionality by adding:;
Sure enough I can see the traffic getting black.less. Black.less hasn't changed though so any change in any of the files being imported is not counted as a change and the style is not updated.
If I however touch black.less the style updates as it should.
Is there a way to automatically update regardless of if it's an imported file or the actual less file being added to the page i.e. so that I only have to change let's say tree.less.
I use Grunt and the grunt-contrib-less plugin to watch all of my less files and compile them into CSS as they change.
Then I use live.js in the browser to watch the CSS files.
The advantage to doing it this way is that I can do the same thing with my HTML and JS files, as well as run tests, lint my JS files, etc.
Remy Sharp recently wrote a post about how newer versions of Chrome support the ability to save files that you edit in the dev tools back to the file system.
He advocates Never having to leave devtools. Just do your edits right in the browser. The advantage to this solution for you is that you could continue to use the client-side Less compiler.
(I still like my robust text editors and command-line too much to ditch them entirely, but thought this answer would likely appeal to at least a few people who arrived at this question.)
Here's another quick way.
watch -n 1 touch black.less
This may be too late for op, but I had the same question and maybe others have it too.
less-watch-compiler will watch a directory (and sub-directories) for changes and compile any less code to a destination folder. The cool bit is that you can specify the main file and only the main file will be compiled when any file in the source directory is changed.
less-watch-compiler [options] <source_dir> <destination_dir> [main-file]

C#, Gendarme, Sonar and Jenkins : Exclude generated files from Gendarme

I'm working with gendarme for .net called by Sonar (launched by Jenkins).
I've a lot of AvoidVisibleFieldsRule violations. The main violations are found in the generated files. As I can't do anything on it, i would like to exclude *.designer.cs from the scan.
I can't find a way to do that. There is a properties in Sonar to exclude generated files but it doesn't seem to be applied for gendarme.
Is there a way to do such a thing ?
Thanks for all
Gendarme expects you provide an ignore list,
The ignore file format is bit of weird, but you can learn it by experiments.
Indeed that is actually not normal at all. Generated code is excluded by the plugin with the standard configuration. What version of the C# plugins are you using ?
Anyway, the configuration property you can try is "sonar.exclusions" (see
If you do not solve your problem right away, the best thing would be to drop a mail to the user mailing list (see and send the verbose output of your build. To get this output simply add "-X" to the command line.
Hope it helps