IpOverUsb Service Insufficent Privileges - windows-phone

I am trying to install the Windows 10 IpOverUsb Service for developers. I have Windows 10 on my phone and downloaded the wconnect.rar. When I try to install IpOverUsb it says top check if I have sufficient privileges and I am administrator. Could it be that I need to have Windows 10? I have Windows 7.
I am stuck on this so can anyone help me out?

Follow these steps:
Select "Services" on your PC
Select "Windows Phone IpOverUsbSvc"
Right-click on it
select "Start" or "Restart"


installing OpenERP 7 on windows 8.1?

I have Toshiba Windows 8.1 / and Kaspesky internet security
I want to install OpenERP 7.
When I install the allinone version, I get that the PostgreSQL is already installed in my computer (which it is not). I only get to install the openERP server.
Which is why the ( www.localhost:8069/ ) HTTP 404 NOT FOUND
What can I do?
I am using openerp 7 with Windows 8.1 and it's working fine.
Try to clean the windows registry then go to programme files and look for any folder named openerp and delete it.
You should always install openerp and postgreSQL at the same time, don't install any other version of postgre.
Sorry for my English.

Error in loading emulator for windows phone 8 [Can't start the windows phone Emulator]

Actual error "The Windows Phone Emulator couldn't start because the hypervisor isn't running"
but according to the error i enable the Hyper -V option in term & features in Control panel and restart 2 to 3 times.
and i also do all of thing like checking bios that ENABLE the option virtualization and it is ON in my PC.
I also check core-info via checking Coreinfo.exe .
I do all the step included in below link by microsoft for this kind of issues.
LINK : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/jj863509(v=vs.105).aspx
Last i check Hyper-V manager and i found no entry of any os,But installing first time visual studio 2012 i found the entry of emulator in that. But now i use the vs2013 Windows Phone SDK 8.0 with no entry in Hyper-V manager.
Error Code : 0x80131500
To run any Windows phone 8 you will need Windows 8 Pro on your computer. I guess thats what you are missing. You can check the full requirements list here
If you are a student try contacting any MSP(Microsoft Student partner) for a genuine Windows 8 Pro key

Websphere 8.5 Installation - Windows Vista Administrative Privileges Error on Windows 8

I'm installing WebSphere 8.5 for developers on my local computer, and I'm running into an error message A screenshot and the message is listed below.
"To run an application without administrative privileges on the Windows Vista operating >system, you must install the application package into a directory that is not virtualized. >The Program Files directory on Windows Vista is virtualized. To run an application with >administrative privileges after it is installed, right-click the package, and click "Run as >administrator"."
I'm actually on Windows 8 (64-bit), so this is a bit odd. How do I defeat this error?
Install it into non virtualized directory (so not into Program Files).
It's always the best to use the shortest path possible, when installing Java based stuff on Windows. I prefer C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer etc.
The System requirements page suggests WebSphere Application Server for Developers 8.5.5 being supports Microsoft Windows 8.
WebSphere Application Server seems to have introduced Windows 8 support as well.

Build Server and Windows 8 / RT Apps

I've a windows 8 app and a windows 2012 Build Server with Jenkins and / or Finalbulder Contiua.
No I can only install Visual Studio for WinRT Apps only on Windows 8 or later.
So this means ,that my build server has to be windows , right
is there a way to compule windows 8 apps on non windows 8 os ?
Is there some kind of "build win 8 sdk" for other os ?
Short answer: no, you'll need Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012.
A Jenkins-specific tip: I tried a number of things but did not manage to have it start apps when Jenkins runs as a service. Starting from a logged-in user account was the only way I could get it to work.
Also I'd like to recommend our Apprunner project which we developed to install, run and uninstall packages from within Jenkins.
Finally, if you're working on a Javascript-based app, you can have a look at the unit-testing-related code in our SQLite component which uses Jasmine and outputs JUnit/Jenkins-compatible test result files.

VS Debug to a windows phone device?

My understanding is in visual studio, if i change my debug to 'Remote Machine' I should be able to build and deploy to my phone, and still be debugging it in visual studio.
However, I can't seem to find a guide on how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I specifically have a windows 8 lumia 920 if it matters.
I have VS 2012 on Windows 8 Pro with the WP 8.0 SDK installed.
What project type are you using? It sounds like you may have been using one of the templates for Windows 8 (a Windows Store app), which have the Run dropdown options Simulator, Local Machine, and Remote Machine.
If you are developing for Windows Phone using one of the WP8 templates, the options that you should see in the Run dropdown are Device, Emulator WVGA 512MB, Emulator WVGA, Emulator WXGA, and Emulator 720P. To debug to your phone in Visual Studio, you need to select "Device" from that dropdown. Here is an article with a screenshot.
If you have a solution that contains both a Windows Store and a Windows Phone project in it, make sure that you right-click on the Windows Phone project and select "Set as Startup Project".