Buddypress error 404 page not found in members area - buddypress

I had created project management in buddypress, every thing working fine but getting 404 error while clicking on link of tasks in projects.
What may be the reason for this ?
here is the website url : http://joinup.co
Login url :http://joinup.co/wp-login.php
Username : demo
Password : demo
Link for task and project page

There are no visible project links in the url you provide.
There is a link to /projects/project.
But that link is not found because it is relative.
You need absolute urls.
Here is an example of adding tabs & screens in the profile area:


How can I open a pdf in a new tab with Blazor

The following code should work with plain html
Open pdf
It also works with Blazor (WebAssembly) but only from localhost. A new tab is opened with address https://localhost:[...]/pdf/foo.pdf. In production, the browser tries to open https://[...]/pdf/foo.pdf and I get the error
Sorry, there's nothing at this address.
Is there a solution for Blazor?
Edit 2
I deleted my first edit, because with the following new information, I think it is not relevant anymore.
Since I thought, it was a problem with deploying pdfs on netlify, I asked in their forum: https://answers.netlify.com/t/how-can-i-deploy-a-pdf/54897. (Sorry, the short links syntax [][] does not seem to work in edits.) I created a demo page (https://beautiful-snickerdoodle-bb5389.netlify.app/) and found out, it is not working on my PC and several laptops, but on my smartphone. A user in the netlify forum was able to display the pdf in Chrome but not Safari. So, I think, it is not a problem with netlify but there is something wrong with my page. Any help is greatly appreciated.
How you serve a download is your choice, how it is handled is the users choice,
there are two recommended methods,
offer <a href="absolute fab.pdf" download>download this fab pdf, I promise its safe to run</a>
If you cant see anything in this blank iFrame your browsers exploit security is perfect.
Your path to "pdf/foo.pdf" denotes that there is a pdf folder in wwwroot folder of your website, make sure this folder also exists in your prod environment and has pdf file you are trying to open, also make sure this folder has read/write rights for IIS_IUSRS
I finally found a solution.
What works in "normal" HTML, does not work in Blazor, because the service-worker routes unknown routes to index.html. See onFetch() method of service-worker.published.js:
const shouldServeIndexHtml = event.request.mode === 'navigate';
const request = shouldServeIndexHtml ? 'index.html' : event.request;
When I click the link Open pdf, the shouldServeIndexHtml is true.
To avoid this, I changed above code to
const shouldServeIndexHtml = event.request.mode === 'navigate'
&& !event.request.url.includes('/pdf/');
const request = shouldServeIndexHtml ? 'index.html' : event.request;
This works, because my pdfs are in a subfolder "pdf" under wwwroot. Since the url includes "/pdf/", the shouldServeIndexHtml becomes false and the pdf is displayed. Please find more information here.

What directory should the frontend user login template be put into?

Since I want to keep the admin login separate from the user login on my Wagtail site, I'm trying to use the login page settings mentioned in this section of the documentation to direct people to a custom login page. I added the following settings to my base.py folder in the settings directory for my WT project under #Wagtail settings:
My project is structured similar to the bakerydemo, so there is a base app that manages a lot of the shared pieces of the site. I put my login.html in the templates directory for the base app. See link below for screenshot.
Screenshot of project directories
I am getting a 404 error whenever I try to navigate to the login URL I specified. Is there a setting I missed? Did I put the template in the wrong directory? Still getting used to how WT structures projects, so any pointers would be very much appreciated.
WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_TEMPLATE is used if you want to use Wagtail's own login view (located at the URL /_util/login/), but want to customise its template. If you're going down this route, a path like 'base/login.html' is correct - Django will search within all template directories for a file matching this path.
WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL is used if you want to provide your own view code. To use this, you'll need to write the view function (most likely inheriting from Django's LoginView) and register it in the URL config, then point WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL at the resulting URL. In this case, your view function will be responsible for rendering an appropriate template, so WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_TEMPLATE will not come into play.

different login pages on sites on sensenet

I create more than one site on sensenet and I want to specify an login page for each site.
On site properties I can define the login page but that is not working... (I think). Every time I access without the login made I receive the follow message:
404 error The requested resource could not be found Please make sure
that the url is spelled correctly.
To go to the main page, click here
It shouldn't go to my login page defined on site settings?
What am I not picking here?
You should add at least one site URL to your new site, and also check if "Everyone" has "open" and "run application" permission on the new login page.

Laravel authentication routing after click login button

I have 2 Laravel application inside var/www/html directory.
In the address bar, if we type localhost/first the Laravel authentication will be displayed and the URL is http://localhost/first/public/auth/login but after i click submit button the URL become http://localhost/auth/login and it shows a error:
The requested URL /auth/login was not found on this server.
can you suggest me what is wrong?
In the form you have the post url as /auth/login
Just keep post url as blank or give complete path in the form open tag /first/public/auth/login.
If / is there it will take the path from the root rather than going relative to the app root.
Can give correct update if you can post your login form's blade template also with the question

Website redirecting inproperly

I have the following issue, I'm building a website and it's deployed inside a subdirectory of my server, the website is a referral for sales services. Then on the homepage I have two links that references the two main categories of the products sold in it. Now the first link href's is /es/sports/ if I click on it I get a 404 error but if I copy paste the url in the browser then the page is shown correctly.
Note, when I click the link it is redirected to /sports/ instead of /es/sports/ as corresponds.
Maybe some htaccess configuration on the root of the public folder?
It's a laravel powered website.
The website url is the following. http://entrenamiento.com/es/ the links are the ones on the left sidebar.
First of all thanks for all comments and help. The thing is as follows, the parent website on the htaccess file has no support for trailing slashes after the URL. So once the trailing slash rule is enabled then the website works as expected. Thanks again