Tableau, how to remove legend - legend

I have workbook on Public Tableau to keep track of daily studytime.
I didn't study yesterday :-( so I want it to show zero.
However, it appears in legend as Null
This is my data
And this is the graph. I circled part of legend that I wish to remove. Please assist.

You can right click on the null in the legend and select "exclude" that will hide it.
Also, I wanted to point out that this null is not coming from the zero in your data it is coming from a missing value in the "method" column.

To remove legends you can Drag "method" into filters and unmark null from the filters so this will not display Null in legends.
Refer this link to view output
In your Example you have to drag "Method" in place of Quantity in my example and uncheck "Null" from the filter You will get desired results.


Can you force a label on top of a bar chart in SQL Server Reporting Services?

I would like to ensure the labels of my bar chart are above the bars. Can you force a label on top of a bar chart in SQL Server Reporting Services? If so, how?
The issues are the colors are so dark, it's hard to read them if they are not above the bar in the chart. I could just change the colors, but I'd rather learn how to force the label location if possible.
I'd like all numbers to be above the bar, like over the blue bar below. I have over 100 different charts in my report, so the scale will vary greatly depending on the particular report.
Thank you!
In Visual Studio, design mode, ensure that the properties window is visible, then click on any of the labels on the chart.
At this point, the properties window should show the properties for Chart Series Label.
Find the 'Position' property, which probably is showing the value 'Auto', change this value to 'Top' and this should do the trick.
You have to first make sure the chart type is not stacked.
In my experience the "Position" property doesn't always work.
Sometimes you have to go to the properties of the series, then "Custom Attributes", then "Label Style" then select "Top".
What #niktrs said in the comments of the other answer about setting the AllowOutsidePlotArea property is also true.
Microsoft do not use the label Position property for some of the chart types.
They tell us what they use by default here - in your case "on bar charts labels are placed outside of the bars that represent data points" (they appear to mean "column charts")...but sometimes with a large value it's placed just inside, sometimes partially in-out (and if you try the "Outside" position it just fails to render!).
As #jayvee has mentioned the trick with Column charts is to select the value and change the SmartLabels AllowOutSidePlotArea to True (from Partial).
However if you have a Stacked Bar chart then labels are always in the centre of the particular value.
The hack to get labels on top is to add an extra Stacked Bar value with the Color set to "No Color" and move it to the top of the values (using the Chart Data designer arrows).
The trick is getting a good expression value to use - a constant ends up too big or too small at some point, so I found a percentage of the stacked values works best (remembering to change Nulls to Zeros)...25% to 30% usually works.
Then set the value Label to the value you want to display in the data label.
I just had this issue, I was able to fix it by making sure the chart series "Smart Labels" - "Disabled" property was set to "True"
This is what my properties pane looks like:

Edit Pop-ups on QlikView Chart

I have an expression Sum of Cycle Times in a bar chart. I want to display the equation used to calculate the value of the expression when I hover over the bar in the chart. Right now, the pop-up box displays the dimension value and the expression value. Can I edit what is displayed in the pop-up?
You can create a new expression with your expression formula in quotes and set it to 'Text as Pop-up'. This is a common practice in Qlikview charts as a means to get custom pop-up text. It's still not a perfect solution, but it will take care of your problem.

BIRT result set values in specific cells

My query returns location_cd(string) and item_count(int). I only need certain rows from the result however and I need them to display in specific places in my layout so I don't think the table solution is going to work. Can I determine where I place the value for a particular row of the result set?
I am using a grid to display values for a number of fields. I cannot seem to be able to get the values from the results to show. The grid is bound to the result set. I even tried binding the cells to the result set but that didn't work either.
I checked in the query editor and there is a result set shown in the Preview so I know the query works. The complete and correct result set shows if I put a table on the page.
I tried inserting a Dynamic Text or Data object in a cell and used the expression:
This returns a blank and does not seem to evaluate. I tested it with :
and got 'BLANK' to appear in that cell.
dataSetRow["location_cd"] and dataSetRow["item_count"] will display the location_cd and item_count from the first row of the result set. row.outer[] did the same thing. Obviously I am just hacking at this report at this point.
A co-worker suggested that she uses a JAVA if-statement in places like this but I could not get that to work either.
Any ideas or suggestions that will get me on the right road??
An elegant option would be to use a HashMap storing the result of the dataset.
Declare a report variable named "values", with a new hashmap as default value (see image below)
Fill values in the onFetch script of the dataset: vars["values"].put(row["location_cd"],row["item_count"]);
Insert new data elements at any place of the report with expressions such: vars["values"].get("myFavoriteLocationCD");
Though it is important to note the dataset should be triggered by the report before these data elements.
The particular row you want to display you specify in a "Text" field inside your grid. Just drag and drop a "Text" field inside your grid. If you bound the fields you want to display to your grid, the "Text" field inside the grid inherits the bindings of its parent (the grid), so you can access the bindings automatically in the "Text" field.
You could try following steps, maybe that works.
Don't use "Dynamic Text" field, instead use a regular "Text" field
Ensure the fields of your query which you use, are bound to the grid (you sayed you already did)
Open the "Text" field
Change preselected pull-down entry "Auto" into "HTML"
Change preselected pull-down entry "Formatting" into "Dynamic Text"
Wrap your code in <value-of format="HTML"> your code goes here... </value-of>
Note: You should check in the "Expression Builder" of your "Text" field if you are able to access the fields you bound to the grid. If they are not available sth. went wrong with your binding. Avoid binding query records to cells this will drive you crazy.
If you want to display a list, ensure you didn't set a constant height in the row of your grid. Set the height to 100% than the row takes its height dynamically.
What about the idea to optimize your query, that only get the results you want are displayed, than you don’t need to filter them with java script? If you don’t need the filtered results in another place this would be the cleaner solution in my opinion.

Show / Hide Fields in Pentaho Report Based on User Input

I'm trying to show / hide fields in a Pentaho report based upon user input.
For example, I would like to offer a checkbox to the user saying "Show Product Count" -- if the box is unchecked, it will not include that column in the report.
Is there a way to do this in Pentaho Report Designer, perhaps using Parameters?
Thanks for the help -Monica
Yes, you have half the answer. Have a Yes/No Parameter "ShowProductCount"
Then on the conditional fields, go to the visible property, click the + formula icon and enter:
=IF([ShowProductCount]="Yes"; TRUE(); FALSE())
Simple! :)
There is more to this that the above answer. For example, if you don't want a field to show on the report, you pass the value mentioned above by Codek but the field will not show but the space for it will. The field has to be in a BAND and the band layout has to be set to ROW. Also, on the field you want to not display or display based on user selection, you have to set that field's style properties under size & position - invisible-consumes-space = false.

How to get specific cell content in wxListCtrl

As the title said, can anyone give me a simple example how to get a specific cell's content in wxListCtrl.
For example, I build a wxListCtrl list, there may be 3 columns. When I Right click or Double click on one row, then it should popup a message box to give me the content in third column of this selected row?
Use wxListCtrl::GetItemText() to retrieve the contents of a cell.