How to get last and first date of every week from predefined date table (oracle SQL) - sql

I have Table D_date in which all dates of a year, week number,quarter number etc attributes are defined. I just want to get first and last date of every week of year 2015.
Sample D_date tabe attached.

It is simple min/max if I understand you right
SELECT calendar_year_nbr, week, min(actual_date),max(actual_date)
FROM D_date
GROUP BY calendar_year_nbr, week

I just want to get first and last date of every week of year 2015.
Since you have precomputed values already stored in the table, you could directly use MIN and MAX as aggregate functions along with GROUP BY.
For example,
SELECT MIN(actual_date) min_date,
MAX(actual_date) max_date,
FROM d_date
WHERE calendar_year_nbr = 2015
GROUP BY calendar_week_nbr
ORDER BY min_date;
Another way is to use ROWNUM() OVER() analytic function.


how to use group by with current year months and another data field in sequelize

related table
I need GROUP BY createdAt's month and status in the current year using sequelize.
my expected output is:-
expected output
(might need to adjust syntax according to your db):
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', createdAt) as month,
FROM table
If you really only want the month number use DATE_PART instead of DATE_TRUNC

sql to find the weekdays in the month from the current day

please help me with this. using SQL server 2008
I need to find the number of sales done on the current day.
then find the weekday from current date and based on that find the average of the sales on all those particular weekdays in the last month
select count(sales) from salestable where orderdate= getdate()
where it gives the count of the sales done on the current date
then I need to find out the average of the sales done on the same weekday for ex if today is Sunday find the average of the sales done in the last month on all Sundays in that month.
I recommend that you borrow the data warehousing technique of creating a Calendar table that you pre-populate with 1 row for every date within the range you might need. You can add to it basically any column that is useful - in this case DayOfWeek and MonthID. Then you can eliminate date math entirely and use joins - sort of like this (not complete but points you in the right direction):
select count(salestable.sales) as salescount, a.salesavg
from salestable
join calendar on salestable.orderdate = calendar.calendardate
join (
select monthid, dayofweek, avg(salestable.sales) as salesavg
from salestable
join calendar on salestable.orderdate = calendar.calendardate
group by monthid, dayofweek) as a
on calendar.monthid = a.monthid and calendar.dayofweek = a.dayofweek
where calendar.calendardate = getdate()
You create and populate the calendar table once and reuse it every time you need to do date operations. Once you get used to this technique, you will NEVER go back to date math.
For this kind of queries are Common Table Expressions very usefull. Then you can use DATEPART function to get day of week.
This solution is also untested and intended to just point you in the right direction.
This solution uses a co-related sub-query to get the average sales.
count(sales) total_sales,
(select avg(sales)
from sales_table
where order_date between dateadd(day,-30,#your_date) and #your_date
and datepart(WEEKDAY,order_date) = datepart(WEEKDAY,#your_date)
) avg_sales_mth
from sales_table
where order_date = #your_date

Data for specific date

My report gets data for the 1st of the current month. Let's say the 1st has still not come then how would I make the report show the data for the 1st of the previous month.
Simply use a select top 1 from your table, filtering by extract(day from yourDateColumn) = 1 to get only the rows with the data for the 1st day of any month, and order them in descending order by your date column (order by yourDateColumn desc), so that you always get the 1st day of the last available month in your table.
Docs for Oracle EXTRACT function

splitting a datetime column into year, month and week

I want to split a datetime column so that the year and the month both have their own column in a select statement output. I also want to have a column by week of the year, as opposed to specific date.
Basically, I want separate year, month, and week columns to show up in my select statement output.
Try using the DatePart function as shown in the following:
Note: If you need to calculate the week number by ISO 8601 standards then you'll need to use datepart(iso_week,Mydate)
You could also look at the DateName function
Here is another way. Use SQL Servers YEAR() and MONTH() functions. For week, I use datepart(week,Mydate) as noted by #DMK.
SELECT YEAR(MyDate), MONTH(MyDate), DATEPART(WEEK,Mydate) From YourTable
check this
select datepart(Month,DateColumn) Mnth,datename(Month,DateColumn) MnthName,datepart(Year,DateColumn) Year1,((day(DateColumn)-1) / 7) + 1 week from dbo.Table

use of week of year & subsquend in bigquery

I need to show distinct users per week. I have a date-visit column, and a user id, it is a big table with 1 billion rows.
I can change the date column from the CSVs to year,month, day columns. but how do I deduce the week from that in the query.
I can calculate the week from the CSV, but this is a big process step.
I also need to show how many distinct users visit day after day, looking for workaround as there is no date type.
any ideas?
To get the week of year number:
If you have your date as a timestamp (i.e microseconds since the epoch) you can use the UTC_USEC_TO_DAY/UTC_USEC_TO_WEEK functions. Alternately, if you have an iso-formatted date string (e.g. "2012/03/13 19:00:06 -0700") you can call PARSE_UTC_USEC to turn the string into a timestamp and then use that to get the week or day.
To see an example, try:
SELECT LEFT((format_utc_usec(day)),10) as day, cnt
SELECT day, count(*) as cnt
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline])
To show week, just change UTC_USEC_TO_DAY(...) to UTC_USEC_TO_WEEK(..., 0) (the 0 at the end is to indicate the week starts on Sunday). See the documentation for the above functions at for more information.