Append output of sqlcmd to file using Job Agent - sql

After some research I found the solution to append the output of a sqlcmd command to a csv file. Everything is fine when using the Command Shell:
C:\temp>sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -E -Q "SELECT [something] FROM [TableX] WHERE [columnY] IS NOT NULL;" -W -h-1 -s";" >>"<FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE>"
I want to schedule this stuff by using SQL Server Job Agent (with same account as with console) so I add a Job (type CmdExec). Job execution fails with the following error (unexpected argument):
Ausgeführt als Benutzer: ''[ACCOUNT]''. Sqlcmd: '>>''[FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE]'': Unerwartetes Argument. Geben Sie '-?' ein, um die Hilfe anzuzeigen. Prozessexitcode 1. Fehler bei Schritt.
My workaround works fine: remove >>"<FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE>" and use the output file of the step. But: I want to use the output file for logging purposes - not for the data output ...
The question is: why does the ">>" command does not work within a SQL Server Agent job?
I don't want to simply redirect the output. I know that sqlcmd provides the parameter -o for that. In this case an existing file would be overwritten. That's not what I want.
Unfortunatelly I do not have the reputation to post the screenshots so far.
Thanks you very much in advance!
Best regards,

I think the issue here that SQL server agent creates process "sqlcmd" and sends this whole line to it as a parameters. So "sqlcmd" doesn't know what this means - ">>..." and returns with error.
To use this (">>") Command Shell syntax you should call it in the SQL agent. So try:
cmd.exe /c "sqlcmd -S -d -E -Q "SELECT [something] FROM [TableX] WHERE [columnY] IS NOT NULL;" -W -h-1 -s";" >>"""


Select after login via Batch (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

I am trying to select data from table and save them info .csv file via .bat file.
My batch runs Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and log me into database, but I am not able to execute sql scripts.
Here is what I have:
#echo off
set /p SName=Server Name :
set /p DbName=Database Name :
set /p UName=User Name :
set /p DbPWD=Password :
echo Running Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, please wait
call ssms -S %SName% -d %DbName% -U %UName% -P %DbPWD% "select * from MYTABLE" -s "," -o " Export.csv"
echo Done
It does not work after line: ssms -S %SName% -d %DbName% -U %UName% -P %DbPWD%
Error picture
Thank you
SSMS does not accept an in-line script from the command line, as you are trying to do. Please use SQLCMD for this work. that's why you got the error message.
See SSMS Command Line
Straight from Microsoft
sqlcmd -S <ComputerName>\<InstanceName> -i <MyScript.sql> -o <MyOutput.rpt>

Need help to make sqlcmd run as per requirements

I wanted to run SQLCMD.EXE as mentioned here -
I used the line in link with proper path to sqlcmd, user and password I use to login to my SQL server - sqlcmd -S .\MYSQLSERVER2008 -U MyUsername -P MyPassword -i C:\Database\hugescript.sql
Problem - I see a window and some message, but it vanishes so quickly that I cannot even see what it is. How do I see this window and how do I then execute an SQL file via SQLCMD.EXE
Why am I executing a script via SQLCMD and not SQL SERVER (ie SS) MGMT STUDIO ?
SS throws an error when sql files are big, ie about 100mb or more.
You can redirect the output from sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S .\MYSQLSERVER2008 -U MyUsername -P MyPassword
-i C:\Database\hugescript.sql > log.txt 2> error.txt
It will write the output to log.txt file and errors to error.txt file (you can specify the full path if you want). You can then see what's happening.

Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

I have a 123MB sql file which I need to execute in my local PC. But I am getting
Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program
How to solve this issue?
use the command-line tool SQLCMD which is much leaner on memory. It is as simple as:
SQLCMD -d <database-name> -i filename.sql
You need valid credentials to access your SQL Server instance or even to access a database
Taken from here.
It might help you! Please see below steps.
sqlcmd -S server-name -d database-name -i script.sql
Open cmd.exe as Administrator.
Create Documents directory.
Put your SQL Script file(script.sql) in the documents folder.
Type query with sqlcmd, server-name, database-name and script-file-name as like above highlighted query or below command line screen.
For Windows Authentication use this sql cmd
SQLCMD -S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS -d AdventureWorks2018 -i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql"
Note: If there is any space in the sql file path then use " (Quotation marks) "
For SQL Server Authentication use this sql cmd
SQLCMD -S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS -U sa -P sasa -d AdventureWorks2018 -i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql"
-S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS: Here specify SQL Server Name
-U sa: Username (in case of SQL Server Authentication)
-P sasa: Password (in case of SQL Server Authentication)
-d AdventureWorks2018: Database Name come here
-i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql": File Path of SQLFile
You can also simply increase the Minimum memory per query value in server properties. To edit this setting, right click on server name and select Properties > Memory tab.
I encountered this error trying to execute a 30MB SQL script in SSMS 2012. After increasing the value from 1024MB to 2048MB I was able to run the script.
(This is the same answer I provided here)
My database was larger than 500mb, I then used the following
It loaded everything including SP's
*NB: Run the cmd as Administrator
If I understand your problem correctly, you are trying to restore (transact sql) xyz.sql - database + schema. You can try this command which worked for me:
SQLCMD -U sa -i xyz.sql
Try this step,
1)Open PowerShell
2)Write this command:
sqlcmd -S PCNAME\SQLEXPRESS -U user -P password -d databanse_name -i C:\script.sql
3)Press Return
Below script works perfectly:
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x
When executing a recovery script with sqlcmd utility, the ‘Sqlcmd: Error: Syntax error at line XYZ near command ‘X’ in file ‘file_name.sql’.’ error is encountered.
This is a sqlcmd utility limitation. If the SQL script contains dollar sign ($) in any form, the utility is unable to properly execute the script, since it is substituting all variables automatically by default.
In order to execute script that has a dollar ($) sign in any form, it is necessary to add “-x” parameter to the command line.
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x
Sometimes, due to the heavy size of the script and data, we encounter this type of error. Server needs sufficient memory to execute and give the result. We can simply increase the memory size, per query.
You just need to go to the sql server properties > Memory tab (left side)> Now set the maximum memory limit you want to add.
Also, there is an option at the top, "Results to text", which consume less memory as compare to option "Results to grid", we can also go for Result to Text for less memory execution.
sqlcmd -S mamxxxxxmu\sqlserverr -U sa -P x1123 -d QLDB -i D:\qldbscript.sql
Open command prompt in run as administrator
enter above command
"mamxxxxxmu" is computer name
"sqlserverr" is server name
"sa" is username of server
"x1123" is password of server
"QLDB" is database name
"D:\qldbscript.sql" is sql script file to execute in database
If you need to connect to LocalDB during development, you can use:
sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB" -d dbname -i file.sql
As in most answers given here use the command-line tool. In my case the script already has database creation code. If your script contains CREATE DATABASE command, for example
USE [master]
CREATE DATABASE [your-database-name]
Then do not use the -d your-database-name, instead use the following command.
For Windows Authentication use the command
sqlcmd -S ServerName\InstanceName -i "script.sql" -x
For SQL Server Authentication use the command
sqlcmd -S ServerName\InstanceName -U usename -P password -i "script.sql" -x

Executing series of SQL commands on the command line

I want to run a series of SQL statements against a SQL Server 2005 database from the command line.
When I launch 1st statement
osql -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name>
it is going to prompt window 1> from there after I am unable to proceed further through script.
How to give input to 1> prompt I mean giving next SQL statement
and finally exit to that prompt
I tried with && but I guess that is for only commandline commands.
You ae looking for the -Q switch on the sqlcmd tool (don't use osql on sqlserver 2005 or higher) (type sqlcmd /? to see all options) or lookit up on msdn
sqlcmd -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name> -Q "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = 'c:\test.bak' WITH INIT,SKIP"
Alternatively you can create a sqlscript file where you put all the sql statements in you want to execute. Assuming you name your file myscript.sql the osql command would go like this:
sqlcmd -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name> -i myscript.sql
Perhaps you may want to try a small trick that emerged from other question in this forum (that was deleted unfortunately).
You may insert the input for a command directly in the lines below the command and then execute the file NOT as Batch file, but as input por cmd.exe (this is similar to a here document in Linux). For example:
#echo off
osql -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name>
Execute previous "script" this way:
cmd < script.TXT
If you perform this test, please report the result...

Running a T-SQL script under different credentials using SQLCMD.exe utility

I created a batch file and placed the following line into it:
runas /user:internal\c39293 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -E -S WLDZ9454 -d ChadDb -Q "usp_Test"
I was trying to run the stored procedure usp_Test on the server WLDZ9454 against the ChadDb database.
When I execute it, I just get info regarding param options, no error mesage, so it isn't clear to me what I am doing wrong.
Note that when I run the code minus the code that attempts to run under different credentials, it works:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -E -S WLDZ9454 -d ChadDb -Q "usp_Test"
I suspect it's because you have not enclosed the program you are running and its parameters in quotes.
SqlCmd is therefore executed without any parameters.
runas /user:internal\c39293 """C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE"" -E -S WLDZ9454 -d ChadDb -Q ""usp_Test"""