Extracting most recent day data from sql - sql

I have a table with data being inserted into from a procedure, which then I use for a Javascript chart. My problem is, I only want today's data all the time. I tried dateadd and datediff but I was still getting the same result when I did a select statement.

If your time column is of type datetime then this simple where will work
select * from throughput
where time = cast(cast(GetDate() as Date) as datetime)
If time column isn't of type datetime then you need to cast it to date as well and use the following query
select *,cast(GetDate() as Date) from throughput
where cast(time as date) = cast(GetDate() as Date)
I have created a fiddle to demonstrate both of the scenario
SQL Fiddle Demo


Yesterday into YYYYMMDD format in SQL Server

I'm looking to add in a condition to my already badly performing SQL code. I want to add in a filter where the date = yesterday (data type as INT).
For example
Select *
From table
Where Date = 20190930
How do I do this using GETDATE() - 1?
We need to be very clear about what data type you're using.
If you have a simple date value (no time component as part of the data type), things are pretty easy:
Select *
from table
where Date = DATEADD(day, -1, cast(current_timestamp as date))
If you have a DateTime or DateTime2 value, it's important to understand that all DateTime values have a time component that goes all the way down to milliseconds. This is true even when you expect the time component to always be at or near midnight. That can make straight equality comparisons difficult. Instead, you almost always need check within a specific range:
Select *
from table
where Date >= DATEADD(day, -1, cast(current_timestamp as date))
AND Date < cast(current_timestamp as date)
Here's your query.
Firstly, you need to cast your int date to a varchar before covenrting to datetime, to avoid an arithmetic flow error during conversion.
Secondly, you need to cast getdate() - 1 as date to truncate time to match your date field.
select *
from table
where cast((cast(date as varchar(8))as datetime) = cast(getdate() - 1 as date)
select *
from table
where cast((cast(date as varchar(8)) as date) = cast(dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0) as date)

Subtract two dates in Microsoft SQL Server

I want to subtract 2 dates in MS SQL Server.
Current date Last used date
'2016-03-30' '2015-02-03'
Current date refers to today's date, "Last used date" is a measure.
How to write a query in SQL Server?
I have this but doesn't work (it says "Operand data type is invalid for subtract operator")
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'2014-06-05','2014-08-05') AS DiffDate
Output DiffDate 61
More practice please refer below W3 school:
Here you don't have to cast GETDATE() to date, as it is already datetime datatype. So your query will be as follows
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,CAST(LastUsedDate as date),GETDATE()) AS DifferneceDays
FROM TableName
The normal function to use is datediff():
select datediff(day, cast('2016-02-03' as date), cast('2016-03-30' as date))
You can subtract datetime values, but not dates. Alas.

SQL Server : Comparing Time

I am trying to compare time in my SQL query. However, when I run the query, I get zero result but I can see that in the table, there are records that should appear.
The query is as such:
FROM dbo.Alarms
WHERE StartDate <= '26/08/2015'
AND StartTime <= CONVERT(varchar(5), GETDATE(), 108)
The StartDate is stored in the database as YYYY-MM-DD and it seems to work fine when I query only with the date.
However, when I add the StartTime is when things don't work. StartTime stores the value in the 24 hour clock format.
What am not doing right?
Use a correct datetime format:
FROM dbo.Alarms
WHERE StartDate <= '2015-08-26' AND StartTime <= cast(GETDATE() as date)
Don't compare date/time values as strings. The data types are built into the language. Use them.
I have not explicitly used this scenario but comparing dates can be a problem depending on how the fields are compared.
eg: '28/07/2015' is not less than your startdate as 28 > 26.
You could try comparing dates reformatted into a YYYYMMDD format.

How to filter only the date from a string stored in a varchar

Ii have values stored in the SQL Server in the following manner : 02-Jul-12 12:00:00 AM here the time and minutes, seconds can be anything like 02-Jul-12 12:15:52 PM ,02-Jul-12 6:02:12 AM so on.
I want to have a where condition which will omit the time and take the data based on the date like the following where some_Date='02-Jul-12'
How would I do this?
SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE some_Date LIKE '02-Jul-12%';
If you are on SQL2008 or later, you can cast your DATETIME to DATE.
See this post: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2012/09/12/sql-server-get-date-and-time-from-current-datetime-sql-in-sixty-seconds-025-video/
But in a WHERE-clause it is better to search between dates, like this:
DECLARE #startDate DATETIME = '02-Jul-2012'
DECLARE #endDate DATETIME = DATEADD(DAY, 1, #startDate)
SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [some_Date] BETWEEN #startDate AND #endDate
SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MyTable
REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), DateTimeValueColumn, 6), ' ', '-')='02-Jul-12'
On chage in code is instead of using getdate function voncert you datestring in datetime format and do compare this follow query will work for you
SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MyTable
CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10), DateTimeValueColumn, 102) AS DATE) =
If you are storing dates as characters -- which is not recommended -- you should at least use ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. This makes the date useful for sorting and comparisons ("<" works, ">" works, "between" works as well as equals).
To extract the date, you can then use left(datestr, 10). In your format, you would use:
where left(datestr, 9) = '01-Jan-13'
If you are storing the fields as a datetime or smalldatetime, you may think they are stored as a string. They are not. They are stored as some number of days since some particular date, with day parts stored as fractional days. If you are using SQL Server 2005 or greater, then the best way is:
where cast(datetime as date) = '2013-01-01' -- I recommend ISO formats, even for constants. '20130101' is even better
To select rows with today's date (not time)
select * from myTable where datediff(dd, dateColumn, getdate()) = 0

To get date from datetime in sql

I have datecreated field in a table. It contains value as "2009-12-30 11:47:20:297"
I have a query like this:
select *
from table
where DateCreated = getdate()
Although one row exists with today's date, I am not getting that row while executing above query. Can anybody help?
The reason why your query doesn't return the row you expect, is because GETDATE() returns the date and time portion at the moment the query was executed. The value in your DateCreated column will not match the time portion, so no rows are returned.
There are various ways to construct a query so that it evaluates the date based on only the date component. Here's one example:
WHERE YEAR(datecreated) = YEAR(GETDATE())
AND MONTH(datecreated) = MONTH(GETDATE())
AND DAY(datecreated) = DAY(GETDATE())
The unfortunate reality is that any query using a function on the column means that if an index exists on the column, it can't be used.
You can use something like this with Sql Server
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_DateOnly](#DateTime DATETIME)
RETURN DATEADD(dd,0, DATEDIFF(dd,0,#DateTime))
This line
DATEADD(dd,0, DATEDIFF(dd,0,#DateTime))
will strip out the Date portion.
The datetime field includes both the date and the time, accurate to the millisecond. Your query will only work if it is the exact millisecond stored in the database.
To check if it is today, but ignore the time of day, you can check for a range like this:
select * from table where
DateCreated >= '2009-12-30' and
DateCreated < '2009-12-31'
You can use that in conjunction with a function that converts the current date, as astander or Khilon has posted. Here is a full example using astander's answer. Also, as Craig Young points out, this will work with indexes.
select * from table where
DateCreated >= DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()) and
DateCreated < DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE())
The simplest solution might be :
You can convert datetime to a string with only the date by using
CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112)
If needed, you can then change it back to datetime and as a result you'll get a datetime with the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds set to zero.