Prevent closing form except on button -

I'm coding an application which is fullscreen.
I don't want anyone to be able to alt+tab/win+tab/alt+f4/alt+esc etc. out of the application.
I DO however have an 'administrator' PIN login, where doing so closes the form to show the desktop.
How do I go about stopping anyone closing the form, unless they enter the PIN?

The Form.FormClosing event is what you should handle. It supplies a FormClosingEventArgs argument with CloseReason and Cancel properties. This could be used to roughly handle your scenario.
This answer is not meant to turn your WinForms/Win7 app into a kiosk app. At best, you can prevent Alt+F4 or mouse attempts to close your applications. Do not waste your time trying to circumvent app switching. If Win 8 with kiosk mode is not a viable option for you, don't promise the same to your end users. In all other cases, your end users will have access to the whole OS at the level of the user currently signed in.


Textbox cursor focus is not happening sporadically in UWP application

We have UWP application which has more than 200 pages and Have Templated Control for TextBox which is extended the TextBox control. We have customized most of the controls, Textbox, ComboBox, RadioButton, etc..
We are getting an issue sometimes as The cursor is not visible, but able to type, also not able to capture the Control GotFocus event as well.
The UWP application is running in KIOSK mode (using shell Launcher V2).
When we got know this issue and trying to remote the system and verifying it, the cursor focus is working good.
The application has lock concept, when the system is idle for an hour, the software (UI UWP application) got locked automatically. The Lock window is a dialog. So far it was occurred 5 to 6 times, most of the time issue happened after we unlock the application.
(We have created custom dialog control (container) which is as part shell page elements and display the pages as dialog, here we were facing one issue, the tab focus is going background when the dialogs are open, since the parent element is in the shell level, so that we are disabling the background controls when any dialog opens and enabling the background controls when the dialogs are closed. We have more suspicious in this area. But sometime it happen when navigate one page another page as well.)
Also we have Global event to launch the keyboard whenever the TextBox control focused, FocusManager.GotFocus+=.. (but we didn't see any exception in this event method)
Any suggestion?

Debugging problem in VB.Net with Windows Forms with losing events

We have a huge application that runs through a mass of code for every click you do. In one specific case, where you have a specific control in plain sight (so that the events are firing) and you load some special data into it and then click on the new button the form loses some events, like the closing event (you cannot close the form anymore and stop points in debug mode are not triggered) and one validating of a ComboBox that is really needed for the program. The only thing you can do when you get this kind of error is to restart the application to get out of this subform. But I tested it for 2 days now and even when I activate all points in the 'Exception Settings' I don't get any exceptions. The form (and other controls) are not losing ALL events. The resize, for example, still works. Even a specifically called AddHandler is not firing. Can you iterate somehow through the EventHandlerList? Or is there any way to test WHERE the event dies? Somehow any ideas on how to debug such a problem?

Let a Form stay on top even if ToggleDesktop() (shell32.dll) is called

is there anyway to capture and cancel or do something like me.activate when the show desktop event is triggered and make my form visible?
The show desktop event is triggered by another app which is installed in some of my users pc. I am not trying to make my form always on top of other open windows.
Thanks in advance.
Alright, you mean to let your form stay on TopMost even if ToggleDesktop() in shell32.dll is executed.
By far I can say: there is none. They tried to experiment at codeguru but it seems there were no successfully results.

How can I tell if a Balloon tip in the system tray has closed?

I have an application that uses a NotifyIcon in the tray to hide/restore the application, as well as pop up notices to the user of application events. My application has a notification queue, and I use the NotificationIcon.BalloonTipClosed event to determine when to reset the balloon and show the next notification (if there's one in the queue).
This method seems to work great in both usual causes (user lets the balloon close itself when it times out, and user clicks "X" in balloon to force it to close), but there's a third case where BalloonTipClosed doesn't get called:
Notification balloon pops up
While it's visible, user right-clicks on notification icon to bring up context menu, causing the balloon to disappear
The BalloonTipClosed event doesn't get triggered in this instance - I figure it's a bug in the framework (I'm using 2.0), but does anybody have an idea around this? If I don't get this event, my application always thinks there's a balloon visible (I have a boolean that prevents it from displaying multiple balloons at once), and it will never show another icon again, as long as it's running.
This belongs as a comment to Aarons answer, but I am not allowed to comment yet.
If you handle the BalloonTipClicked and MouseClick events on the NotifyIcon (as well as the BalloonTipClosed) then you can capture all the ways the balloon can close. The only thing you have to be aware of is that several scenerios will trigger multiple events, so be sure to code around that (something like isClosed = true, and then reset that when a new balloon is displayed).
In the event handler for the BalloonTipClicked Event, I would check to see if the right mouse button was clicked, and if it was set the boolean to false.
Here's what I ended up doing, though I don't particularly like this solution. I added a second timer to the form and set it for 10 seconds. When a notification pops up (when I pop one), I start the timer, and then in BalloonTipClosed, I stop it. If the timer ticks (meaning that BalloonTipClosed hasn't run yet), I display the next tip manually.
The result is that if it hasn't fired yet, I take care of it. However, I'm open to better solutions if anybody has one.
I think this post from Raymond Chen about balloon notifications may help you:

How to capture response from Cancel or Ok Button in two different Applications?

With my Application ( I am trying to scan Excel files some of which have ActiveX Components.
When running my Application, I am getting a pup-up window in Windows Vista Environment with Office-2007 having button OK and Cancel button to proceed.
But my problem is the scanning is not proceeding even after I keep on pressing the OK button. Now I want to continue with my application while pressing the Cancel button; i.e. just to skip the file. Is it possible to capture the response from the cancel button? (As this is a message box from another application, i.e. either from Vista or Office-2007, I'm not sure).
My main motive is to just ignore the message box to proceed....
Can anyone please help me out there....
Thank you....
The DisplayAlerts property of Microsoft.Interop.Excel.Application may help here.
If set to FALSE then Excel automatically chooses the default option on pop-up boxes.
Whether or not this applies to ActiveX controls I don't know but it may be worth trying.