DDD - Value object collection in aggregate results in DB impedance mismatch - entity

Consider the case of Order/Orderline, where Orderline is an VO collection, in this case persisting Orderline to DB require a separate table with its own set of rows, being an VO this can't have a id as per DDD, how can this mismatch be addressed, given ORM used for persistence. ( validity of the example is subjective but can't come up with a better over at this wee hour, excuse me for that )

The OrderLine table most certainly does not require an Id since it only needs to be related to the relevant Order. The OrderId would be included in the OrderLine table but would not be included in the OrderLine VO as it would be unnecessary since the association is contained within the Order AR.
If your database insists on a primary key, for instance, you could come up within something like OrderId and ProductId or some other combination that makes sense. Even a synthetic key such as a UniqueIdentifier would be OK since this field, too, would be excluded from the domain.


In SQL Server I need to change data structure of relationships (FK)

Ok I wasn't entirely sure what to title this question, so here's the situation.
I'm big on data integrity... Meaning as many constraints and rules that I can use I want to use in SQL Server and not rely on the application.
So I have a website that has a business directory, and those businesses can create a post.
So I have two tables like this:
tbl_Business ( BusinessID, Title, etc. )
tbl_Business_Post ( PostID, BusinessID, PostTitle, etc. )
There's a FK relationship for the column BusinessID between the two tables. A post cannot exist in the tbl_Business_Post table without the BusinessID existing in the tbl_Business table.
So pretty standard...
I've recently added classifieds to the site. So now I have two more tables:
tbl_Classified ( ClassifiedID, SellerID, ClassifiedTitle, etc. )
tbl_Classified_Seller ( SellerID, SellerName, etc. )
What I'm wanting to do is take advantage of my tbl_Business_Post table to include classifieds in that as well. Think of its usage like a feed... So the site will show recent posts from businesses and classifieds all in one feed.
Here's where I need guidance.
I was tempted to remove the FK relationship on the tbl_Business_Posts...
I thought about creating another separate Posts table that holds the classifieds posts.
Is there a way to make a conditional FK relationship based on a column? For example, if it's a business posting the BusinessID must exist in the Business table, or if its a classifieds post, the SellerID must exist in the Seller table?
Or should I create a separate table to hold the classifieds posts and UNION both the tables on the query?
You might question why I have a "Posts" table and that's hard to explain... but I do need it for the way the site is organized and how the feed works.
It's just that the posts table is perfect and I wanted to combine all posts and organize them by type (Ie: 'business', 'classified', 'etc.') as there might be more later.
So it comes down to, what's the best way to organize this to sustain data integrity from SSMS?
Thank you for guidance.
======== EDIT =========
Full explanation of tbl_Business_Post
Post_Type int <-- 1-21 is business types, 22 for classified type
BusinessID INT <-- This is the FK currently for the tbl_Business
SiblingID INT <-- This is the ID of the related item they're posting on. So for example, if they post a story about one of their products, this is the ProductID, if it's a service, this is the ServiceID.
Post_Title <-- Depending on the post, this could be a Product title, a service title, etc.
So if I changed the structure so it's as follows:
Post_Type int
BusinessID INT <-- this is populated on insert if it's a business.
SellerID INT <-- This is populated on insert if it's a classified seller
SiblingID INT <-- This is either the classifiedID or ProductID, SeviceID, etc. Depending on post type.
So leaning toward Peter's 1st solution/example... interested in the proper way to create check constraints or triggers on this so that if the type is 1-21, it makes sure BusinessID exists in the Business table, or if it's type 22, make sure the SellerID exists in the seller table.
Even going further with this:
If Post_Type = 22, I should make sure that not only is the Seller in the seller table, but the SiblingID is also the ClassifiedID in the Classified table.
1) There's no way to do this kind of conditional FK you're thinking of. What you need here is basically a FK from tbl_Business_Post which points logically to one of two tables, depending on the value in another column of tbl_Business_Post. This situation is what people encounter quite often. But in a relational DB this is not a very native idea.
So OK, this cannot be enforced with a FK. Instead, you can probably enforce this with a trigger or check constraint on tbl_Business_Post.
2) Alternatively, you can do the below.
Create some table tbl_Basic_Post, put there all columns which pertain to the post itself (e.g. PostTitle) and not to the parent entity which this post record belongs/points to (Business or Classified). Then create two other tables which point via a FK to the tbl_Basic_Post table like e.g.
tbl_Business_Post.Basic_Post_ID (FK)
tbl_Classified_Post.Basic_Post_ID (FK)
Put in these two tables the columns which are Business_Post/Classified_Post-specific
(you see, this is basically inheritable in relational DB terms).
Also, make each of these two tables have FKs to their respective parent tables
tbl_Business and tbl_Classified too. Now these FKs become unconditional (in your sense).
To get business posts you join tbl_Basic_Post and tbl_Business_Post.
To get classified posts you join tbl_Basic_Post and tbl_Classified_Post.
Both approaches have their pros and cons.
Approach 1) is simple, does not lead to the creation of too many tables; but it's not trivial to enforce the data integrity.
Approach 2) does not require anything special to enforce data integrity but leads to the creation of more tables.

Building a Relationship Between Attributes Or Columns Of Bits "Flatting it out"

I have the following SQL design issue. The code below might look a little much but basically I have a table of cars and another table of attributes the car could have. This makes complete sense to me to structure a table of attributes for an object using a linking table, #CarSupportedAtttibutes. Recently I've been tasked with doing something similar but use one table that has each of the Attributes as columns making it "flat". Similar to below:
[CarId][Name][Manual Transmission][Sunroof][Automatic Transmission][AWD]
I am told doing so it will boost the speed of my queries, but its starting to turn into a nightmare. In C# I have enumerated values for each of the car's attributes, 1 = Manual Transmission, so using the non "flat" version I am able to pull off a query pretty quickly as the SQL code below shows. Since I am being pushed to making the table flat for speed the only way I can think of is to take the enumerated value and build it into the where clause, using a case statement for every 1,2,3 and selecting off a column name.
To me it just makes more sense to organize the data like below. Like what if a new attribute about a car is needed, say "HEMI Engine". Not all cars are going to have this, in fact its going to be a rare case. But The way I am told to design is to keep the table "flat", so now I would be adding a Column called "Hemi Engine" to my table, instead of adding a row in my CarAttributes, and then only adding rows for the cars that have that as true.
Below is a snippet of the way I currently see approaching this problem, as opposed to doing a "flat" table (table with mostly columns of bits).
Question: What design makes more sense? Which is more maintainable? Am I completely crazy for thinking below is a better approach, and why?
CarId INT,
Name VARCHAR(250)
INSERT INTO #Car VALUES (1, 'Fusion')
INSERT INTO #Car VALUES (2, 'Focus')
CREATE TABLE #CarAttributes
AttributeId INT,
Name VARCHAR(250)
INSERT INTO #CarAttributes VALUES (1, 'Manual Transmission')
INSERT INTO #CarAttributes VALUES (2, 'SunRoof')
SELECT * FROM #CarAttributes
CREATE TABLE #CarSupportedAttributes
AttributeId INT,
INSERT INTO #CarSupportedAttributes VALUES (1,2)
--Determine if A Focus has a manual transmission
INNER JOIN #CarSupportedAttributes csa
ON csa.CarId = c.CarId
INNER JOIN #CarAttributes ca
ON ca.AttributeId = csa.AttributeId
WHERE c.Name = 'Focus'
AND ca.AttributeId = 1
Your approach is known as Entity-Attribute-Value, or EAV (yours is slightly modified, since in your model the presence of the attribute on the entity is the value, but the concept is the same).
EAV is usually considered an anti-pattern, but it can be appropriate in some cases. Basically, if either...
Your list of attributes is large and any given entity (car) will have only a small percentage of the total attributes
Your list of attributes is subject to frequent user change and they represent only data and not anything structural about the entity
Then EAV can be an appropriate choice. I can't answer either of those questions for you (though I have my suspicions), but it does seem like it might be appropriate in your case.
The other option, which is likely what most 6NF proponents would suggest, would be to have a table per attribute, like CarSunroof or CarManualTransmission. This would solve the first issue and the requirement of changing a table's definition whenever a new attribute is added, but would not address the issue of the user being able to change it.

I keep messing up 1NF

For me the most understandable description of going about 1NF so far I found is ‘A primary key is a column (or group of columns) that uniquely identifies each row. ‘ on www.phlonx.com
I understand that redundancy means per key there shouldn’t be more than 1 value to each row. More than 1 value would then be ‘redundant’. Right?
Still I manage to screw up 1 NF a lot of times.
I posted a question for my online pizzashop http://foo.com
where I was confused about something in the second normal form only to notice I started off wrong in 1 NF.
Right now I’m thinking that I need 3 keys in 1NF in order to uniquely identify each row.
In this case, I’m finding that order_id, pizza_id, and topping_id will do that for me. So that’s 3 columns. Because if you want to know which particular pizza is which you need to know what order_id it has what type of pizza (pizza_id) and what topping is on there. If you know that, you can look up all the rest.
Yet, from an answer to previous question this seems to be wrong, because topping_id goes to a different table which I don’t understand.
Here’s the list of columns:
Blacklist Y or N
Delivery Y or N
Edit: I marked the id's for the first concatenated key in bold. They are only a list of columns, unnormalized. They're not 1 table or 3 tables or anything
use Object Role Modelling (say with NORMA) to capture your information about the design, press the button and it spits out SQL.
This will be easier than having you going back and forth between 1NF, 2NF etc. An ORM design is guaranteed to be in 5NF.
Some notes:
you can have composite keys
surrogate keys may be added after both conceptual and logical design: you have added them up front which is bad. They are added because of the RDBMS performance, not at design time
have you read several sources on 1NF?
start with plain english and some facts. Which is what ORM does with verbalisation.
A Customer has many pizzas (zero to n)
A pizza has many toppings (zero to n)
A customer has an address
A pizza has a base
I'd use some more tables for this, to remove duplication for customers, orders, toppings and pizze:
Table: Customer
Blacklist Y or N
Table: Order
Delivery Y or N
Table: Order_Details
Order_ID (FK on Order)
Pizza_ID (FK on Pizza)
Table: Pizza
Table: Topping
Table: Pizza_Topping
Pizza_topping and Order_details are so-called interselection tables ("helper" tables for modelling a m:n relationship between two tables).
Now suppose we have just one pizza, some toppings and our customer Billy Smith orders 2 quattro stagione pizze - our tables will contain this content:
Pizza(Pizza_ID, Pizza_name, Pizza_price)
1 Quattro stagioni 12€
Topping(Topping_id, topping_name, topping_price)
1 Mozzarrella 0,50€
2 Prosciutto 0,70€
3 Salami 0,50€
Pizza_Topping(Pizza_ID, Topping_ID)
1 1
1 3
(here, a quattro stagioni pizza contains only Mozzarrella and Salami).
Order(order_ID, Customer_name - rest omitted)
1 Billy Smith
Order_Details(order_id, Pizza_id, amount)
1 1 2
I've removed delivery ID, since for me, there is no distinction between an Order and a delivery - or do you support partial deliveries?
On 1NF, from wikipedia, quoting Date:
According to Date's definition of 1NF,
a table is in 1NF if and only if it is
"isomorphic to some relation", which
means, specifically, that it satisfies
the following five conditions:
There's no top-to-bottom ordering to the rows.
There's no left-to-right ordering to the columns.
There are no duplicate rows.
Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one
value from the applicable domain (and
nothing else).
All columns are regular [i.e. rows have no hidden components such as
row IDs, object IDs, or hidden
—Chris Date, "What First Normal Form Really Means", pp. 127–8[4]
First two are guaranteed in any modern RDBMS.
Duplicate rows are possible in modern RDBMS - however, only if you don't have primary keys (or other unique constraints).
The fourth one is the hardest one (and depends on the semantics of your model) - for example your field Customer_address might be breaking 1NF. Might be, because if you make a contract with yourself (and any potential user of the system) that you will always look at the address as a whole and will not want to separate street name, street number and or floor, you could still claim that 1NF is not broken.
It would be more proper to break the customer address, but there are complexities there with which you would then need to address and which might bring no benefit (provided that you will never have to look a the sub-atomic part of the address line).
The fifth one is broken by some modern RDBMs, however the real importance is that your model nor system should depend on hidden elements, which is normally true - even if your RDBMS uses OIDs internally for certain operations, unless you start to use them for non-administrative, non-maintenance tasks, you can consider it not breaking the 1NF.
The strengths of relational databases come from separating information into different tables. One useful way of looking at tables is first to identify as entity tables those concepts which are relatively permanent (in your case, probably Pizza, Customer, Topping, Deliveryguy). Then you think about the relations between them (in your case, Order, Delivery ). The relational tables link together the entity tables by having foreign keys pointing to the relevant entities: an Order has foreign keys to Customer, Pizza, Topping); a Delivery has foreign keys to Deliveryguy and Order. And, yes, relations can link relations, not just entities.
Only in such a context can you achieve anything like normalization. Tossing a bunch of attributes into one singular table does not make your database relational in any meaningful sense.

Data modelling draft/quote/order/invoice

Im currently working on a small project in which I need to model the following scenario:
Customer calls, he want an quote on a new car.
Sales rep. register customer information.
Sales rep. create a quote in the system, and add a item to the quote (the car).
Sales rep. send the quote to the customer on email.
Customer accept the quote, and the quote is now not longer a quote but an order.
Sales rep. check the order, everything is OK and he invoice the order. The order is now not longer an order, but an invoice.
I need a bit of help finding out the ideal way to model this, but I have some thoughts.
I'm thinking that both draft/quote/invoice is basically an order.
Draft/quote/invoice need seperate unique numbers(id's) so there for i'm thinking separate tables for all of them.
This is my data model v.1.0, please let me know what you think.
I however have som concerns regarding this model:
Draft/quote/invoice might have different items and prices on the order lines. In this model all draft/quote/invoice is connected to the same order and also order lines, making it impossible to have separate quote lines/draft lines/invoice lines. Maybe I shall make new tables for this, but then basically the same information would be stored in multiple tables, and that is not good either.
Sometimes two or more quotes become an invoice, how would this model take care of this?
If you have any tips on how to model this better, please let me know!
EDIT: Data model v.1.4
It looks like you've modeled every one of these things--quote, order, draft, invoice--as structurally identical to all the others. If that's the case, then you can "push" all the similar attributes up into a single table.
create table statement (
stmt_id integer primary key,
stmt_type char(1) not null check (stmt_type in ('d', 'q', 'o', 'i')),
stmt_date date not null default current_date,
customer_id integer not null -- references customer (customer_id)
create table statement_line_items (
stmt_id integer not null references statement (stmt_id),
line_item_number integer not null,
-- other columns for line items
primary key (stmt_id, line_item_number)
I think that will work for the model you've described, but I think you'll be better served in the long run by modeling these as a supertype/subtype. Columns common to all subtypes get pushed "up" into the supertype; each subtype has a separate table for the attributes unique to that subtype.
This SO question and its accepted answer (and comments) illustrate a supertype/subtype design for blog comments. Another question relates to individuals and organizations. Yet another relating to staffing and phone numbers.
Later . . .
This isn't complete, but I'm out of time. I know it doesn't include line items. Might have missed something else.
-- "Supertype". Comments appear above the column they apply to.
create table statement (
-- Autoincrement or serial is ok here.
stmt_id integer primary key,
stmt_type char(1) unique check (stmt_type in ('d','q','o','i')),
-- Guarantees that only the order_st table can reference rows having
-- stmt_type = 'o', only the invoice_st table can reference rows having
-- stmt_type = 'i', etc.
unique (stmt_id, stmt_type),
stmt_date date not null default current_date,
cust_id integer not null -- references customers (cust_id)
-- order "subtype"
create table order_st (
stmt_id integer primary key,
stmt_type char(1) not null default 'o' check (stmt_type = 'o'),
-- Guarantees that this row references a row having stmt_type = 'o'
-- in the table "statement".
unique (stmt_id, stmt_type),
-- Don't cascade deletes. Don't even allow deletes. Every order given
-- an order number must be maintained for accountability, if not for
-- accounting.
foreign key (stmt_id, stmt_type) references statement (stmt_id, stmt_type)
on delete restrict,
-- Autoincrement or serial is *not* ok here, because they can have gaps.
-- Database must account for each order number.
order_num integer not null,
is_canceled boolean not null
default FALSE
-- Write triggers, rules, whatever to make this view updatable.
-- You build one view per subtype, joining the supertype and the subtype.
-- Application code uses the updatable views, not the base tables.
create view orders as
select t1.stmt_id, t1.stmt_type, t1.stmt_date, t1.cust_id,
t2.order_num, t2.is_canceled
from statement t1
inner join order_st t2 on (t1.stmt_id = t2.stmt_id);
There should be a table "quotelines", which would be similar to "orderlines". Similarly, you should have an 'invoicelines' table. All these tables should have a 'price' field (which nominally will be the part's default price) along with a 'discount' field. You could also add a 'discount' field to the 'quotes', 'orders' and 'invoices' tables, to handle things like cash discounts or special offers. Despite what you write, it is good to have separate tables, as the amount and price in the quote may not match what the customer actually orders, and again it may not be the same amount that you actually supply.
I'm not sure what the 'draft' table is - you could probably combine the 'draft' and 'invoices' tables as they hold the same information, with one field containing the status of the invoice - draft or final. It is important to separate your invoice data from order data, as presumably you will be paying taxes according to your income (invoices).
'Quotes', 'Orders' and 'Invoices' should all have a field (foreign key) which holds the value of the sales rep; this field would point to the non-existent 'SalesRep' table. You could also add a 'salesrep' field in the 'customers' table, which points to the default rep for the customer. This value would be copied into the 'quotes' table, although it could be changed if a different rep to the default gave the quote. Similarly, this field should be copied when an order is made from a quote, and an invoice from an order.
I could probably add much more, but it all depends on how complex and detailed a system you want to make. You might need to add some form of 'bill of materials' if the cars are configured according to their options and priced accordingly.
Add a new column to line_items ( ex:Status as smallint)
When a quote_line becomes an order_line then set bit you choose from 0 to 3 to 1.
But when qty changes then add a new line with new qte and keep last line unchanged.

Database structure for storing historical data

I was thinking the other day about a new database structure for a new application and realized that we needed a way to store historical data in an efficient way. I was wanting someone else to take a look and see if there are any problems with this structure. I realize that this method of storing data may very well have been invented before (I am almost certain it has) but I have no idea if it has a name and some google searches that I tried didn't yield anything.
Lets say you have a table for orders, and orders are related to a customer table for the customer that placed the order. In a normal database structure you might expect something like this:
Pretty straightforward, orderID has a foreign key of customerID which is the primary key of the customer table. But if we were to go and run a report over the order table, we are going to join the customers table to the orders table, which will bring back the current record for that customer ID. What if when the order was placed, the customers address was different and it has been subsequently changed. Now our order no longer reflects the history of that customers address, at the time the order was placed. Basically, by changing the customer record, we just changed all history for that customer.
Now there are several ways around this, one of which would be to copy the record when an order was created. What I have come up with though is what I think would be an easier way to do this that is perhaps a little more elegant, and has the added bonus of logging anytime a change is made.
What if I did a structure like this instead:
please forgive the formatting, but I think you can see the idea. Basically, the idea is that anytime a customer is changed, insert or update, the customerHistoryID is incremented and the customers table is updated with the latest customerHistoryID. The order table now not only points to the customerID (which allows you to see all revisions of the customer record), but also to the customerHistoryID, which points to a specific revision of the record. Now the order reflects the state of data at the time the order was created.
By adding an updatedby and updatedon column to the customerHistory table, you can also see an "audit log" of the data, so you could see who made the changes and when.
One potential downside could be deletes, but I am not really worried about that for this need as nothing should ever be deleted. But even still, the same effect could be achieved by using an activeFlag or something like it depending on the domain of the data.
My thought is that all tables would use this structure. Anytime historical data is being retrieved, it would be joined against the history table using the customerHistoryID to show the state of data for that particular order.
Retrieving a list of customers is easy, it just takes a join to the customer table on the customerHistoryID.
Can anyone see any problems with this approach, either from a design standpoint, or performance reasons why this is bad. Remember, no matter what I do I need to make sure that the historical data is preserved so that subsequent updates to records do not change history. Is there a better way? Is this a known idea that has a name, or any documentation on it?
Thanks for any help.
This is a very simple example of what I am really going to have. My real application will have "orders" with several foreign keys to other tables. Origin/destination location information, customer information, facility information, user information, etc. It has been suggested a couple of times that I could copy the information into the order record at that point, and I have seen it done this way many times, but this would result in a record with hundreds of columns, which really isn't feasible in this case.
When I've encountered such problems one alternative is to make the order the history table. Its functions the same but its a little easier to follow
EDIT: if the number of columns gets to high for your liking you can separate it out however you like.
If you do go with the other option and using history tables you should consider using bitemporal data since you may have to deal with the possibility that historical data needs to be corrected. For example Customer Changed his current address From A to B but you also have to correct address on an existing order that is currently be fulfilled.
Also if you are using MS SQL Server you might want to consider using indexed views. That will allow you to trade a small incremental insert/update perf decrease for a large select perf increase. If you're not using MS SQL server you can replicate this using triggers and tables.
When you are designing your data structures, be very carful to store the correct relationships, not something that is similar to the correct relationships. If the address for an order needs to be maintained, then that is because the address is part of the order, not the customer. Also, unit prices are part of the order, not the product, etc.
Try an arrangement like this:
CustomerId (PK)
AddressId (FK)
OrderId (PK)
CustomerId (FK)
ShippingAddressId (FK)
BillingAddressId (FK)
AddressId (PK)
OrderId (PK) (FK)
OrderItemSequence (PK)
ProductId (FK)
ProductId (PK)
If you truly need to store history for something, like tracking changes to an order over time, then you should do that with a log or audit table, not with your transaction tables.
Normally orders simply store the information as it is at the time of the order. This is especially true of things like part numbers, part names and prices as well as customer address and name. Then you don;t have to join to 5 or six tables to get teh information that can be stored in one. This is not denormalization as you actually need to have the innformation as it existed at the time of the order. I think is is less likely that having this information in the order and order detail (stores the individual items ordered) tables is less risky in terms of accidental change to the data as well.
Your order table would not have hundreds of columns. You would have an order table and an order detail table due to one to many relationships. Order table would include order no. customer id 9so you can search for everything this customer has ever ordered even if the name changed), customer name, customer address (note you don't need city state zip etc, put the address in one field), order date and possibly a few other fields that relate directly to the order at a top level. Then you have an order detail table that has order number, detail_id, part number, part description (this can be a consolidation of a bunch of fields like size, color etc. or you can separate out the most common), No of items, unit type, price per unit, taxes, total price, ship date, status. You put one entry in for each item ordered.
If you are genuinely interested in such problems, I can only suggest you take a serious look at "Temporal Data and the Relational Model".
Warning1 : there is no SQL in there and almost anything you think you know about the relational model will be claimed a falsehood. With good reason.
Warning2 : you are expected to think, and think hard.
Warning3 : the book is about what the solution for this particular family of problems ought to look like, but as the introduction says, it is not about any technology available today.
That said, the book is genuine enlightenment. At the very least, it helps to make it clear that the solution for such problems will not be found in SQl as it stands today, or in ORMs as those stand today, for that matter.
What you want is called a datawarehouse. Since datawarehouses are OLAP and not OLTP, it is recommended to have as many columns as you need in order to achieve your goals. In your case the orders table in the datawarehouse will have 11 fields as having a 'snapshot' of orders as they come, regardless of users accounts updates.
Wiley -The Data Warehouse Toolkit, Second Edition
It's a good start.
Our payroll system uses effective dates in many tables. The ADDRESSES table is keyed on EMPLID and EFFDT. This allows us to track every time an employee's address changes. You could use the same logic to track historical addresses for customers. Your queries would simply need to include a clause that compares the order date to the customer address date that was in effect at the time of the order. For example
select o.orderID, c.customerID, c.address, c.city, c.state, c.zip
from orders o, customers c
where c.customerID = o.customerID
and c.effdt = (
select max(c1.effdt) from customers c1
where c1.customerID = c.customerID and c1.effdt <= o.orderdt
The objective is to select the most recent row in customers having an effective date that is on or before the date of the order. This same strategy could be used to keep historical information on product prices.
I myself like to keep it simple. I would use two tables: a customer table and a customer history table. If you have the key (e.g. CustomerID) in the history table there is no reason to make a joining table, a select on that key will give you all records.
You also don't have audit information (e.g. date modified, who modified etc) in the history table as you show it, I expect you want this.
So mine would look something like this:
CustomerTable (this contains current customer information)
CustomerID (distinct non null)
...all customer information fields
CustomerID (not distinct non null)
...all customer information fields
The DateOfChange field is the date the customer table was changed (from the values in this record) to the values in a more recent record of the values in the CustomerTable.
You orders table just needs a CustomerID if you need to find the customer information at the time of the order it is a simple select.