VB.NET - Button Resizing - vb.net

I'm writing a full screen 'kiosk-esque' application and I want the buttons to fit accordingly.
Currently when the form opens, I have the buttons anchored and they stretch vertically, but I want them to resize horizontally as well?
Is there an easy way to do this?

For WinForms, use a TableLayoutPanel with 3 columns, with widths set to 33.33% for your example. Put a button in each panel, set their Dock properties to Fill, and use Anchors to stretch the entire TableLayoutPanel.
For WPF you would use a Grid control.

Used code to do it.Just add this code to your form.
Private Sub Form1_SizeChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.SizeChanged
Button1.Width = (Me.Width - 100) / 3 - 10 'That "10" in the last comes from 15*2/3 .So if the space2 is 15 this number must be 10.
Button2.Width = (Me.Width - 100) / 3 - 10 'That "Me.Width - 100" comes from 2*50 .If you want space1 50,this number must be 100.
Button3.Width = (Me.Width - 100) / 3 - 10 'Resize the last.
Me.Button1.Location = New Point(50, Button1.Location.Y) 'Start from 50 in X Coordinate.
Me.Button2.Location = New Point(Button1.Width + 65, Button2.Location.Y) 'That 65 means "50 + 15".(50 is space1,15 is space2.)
Me.Button3.Location = New Point(Button1.Width + Button2.Width + 80, Button3.Location.Y) 'As you expected "50 + 15 + 15 = 80"
'This works for only 3 buttons(horizontally).Get the logic and improve your code for your button count.
End Sub
You can see the space1 and space2 that I used in my code here.That 3 buttons resize horizontaly if your form SizeChanged.


Programatically positioning a control in a VB.net user control

I have a user control in VB.Net VS2019. It is used to display a description, a value and units. It generally works if the description is not too large.
The controls in the user control are all labels.
In the resize event it sizes the descriptions width to 66% of the overall width, 22% for the value, and whatever is left over for the units.
Then it set the description's left to 0, the value's left to the width of the description (plus a little). For the unit's position, it adds the left position of the value plus its width and a little.
But when the program runs the controls overlap each other and do not take the entire space of the UserControl.
For example the UserControl is 236 wide, but it looks like everything is squished to about 1/2 or 2/3s.
I have set Anchor to none and docking to none.
I perform these calculations in the 'Resize' event as shown below. The code was ported from an old VB6 program.
Is the 'Auto' size property taking precedence over the width I specify?
Private Sub UserControl1_Resize(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Resize
Dim lblUnits_Size As Integer
Label1.Height = MyBase.Height
Label2.Height = MyBase.Height
lblUnits.Height = MyBase.Height
Label1.Width = CInt(MyBase.Width * 0.6167)
Label2.Width = CInt(MyBase.Width * 0.22)
' I want the width of the units to be whatever is left over
lblUnits_Size = MyBase.Width - (Label1.Width + Label2.Width) - 6
If lblUnits_Size <= 0 Then lblUnits_Size = 1
lblUnits.Width = lblUnits_Size ' was -> TwipsToPixelsX(lbUnits_Size)
Label1.Left = 0
Label2.Left = (Label1.Left + Label1.Width) + 3
lblUnits.Left = (Label2.Left + Label2.Width) + 3
End Sub
I found it, the resize code needs to be called after the description changes. I guess ole VB6 did this automatically or someway the resize's were called after.

Setting the correct width of a child window

I have a parent window that has a panel on the left hand side into which some buttons are placed. There is also a splitter added, so that the user can adjust the size of this panel. When a user presses one of the buttons, a form should appear on the right hand size - defaulting to the width of the remaining area of the window. In order to work out how wide this child form needs to be, I have taken the client width and subtracted the width of the panel and the splitter from this, however it is always slightly too big. I can simply subtract an additional 4 from the calculation to get it to work - but this feels unstable to me, as I don't know where those 4 pixels have come form! How do I calculate this correctly. My Code is below.
Dim xPos As Integer = Me.Panel1.Width + Me.Splitter1.Width
Dim yPos As Integer = 0
Dim childFormWidth As Integer = Me.ClientSize.Width - xPos
Dim childFormHeight As Integer = 200
myChildForm.Location = New Point(xPos, yPos)
myChildForm.Size = New Size(ChildFormWidth, myHeight)
Thanks Paul.

Have CustomListView resize last column to fit width

I have a custom list view control in WinForms that applies some custom styles. This works well, however I have a part of the control that is not covered when the user maximises the screen (columns are set to fixed width) and ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.None is set. I'd like to have the last column auto fill the gap.
To achieve this inside of the custom control I have added the following code to ListView.SizeChanged event.
Private Sub CustomListView_Resized(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.SizeChanged
If (Not _isResizing) Then
_isResizing = True
Dim myListView As customListView = DirectCast(sender, customListView)
' Work out current column widths
Dim totalColumWidthInPx As Integer = 0
For i = 1 To Columns.Count - 1
totalColumWidthInPx += Me.Columns(i).Width
' Increment the final column by the difference in width to make up the gap
Me.Columns.Item(Columns.Count - 1).Width += (myListView.ClientRectangle.Width - totalColumWidthInPx)
End If
_isResizing = False
End Try
End Sub
This is always giving me inconsistent results, the column width is incremented to much and adds the scrollbars as below.
Little bit of debug info.
Control: lvAppointments, Width (px): 701, Client Rectangle Width (px):
697, All Column Widths: 648, Diff: 49, Last Column: 234, Last Column +
Diff: 283

Tablelayout panel rowstyle

I have a table layout panel that I am dynamically adding rows to using the following code:
attemptstlp.RowCount += 2
attemptstlp.Height = attemptstlp.Height + 62
attemptstlp.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 30))
(just so you know attemptstlp is the name of the panel)
I am using a loop to process through these rows adding them. I am finding that all is working except half way through the row style stops applying (so if i want to add 24 lots of 2 rows the height will stop applying after the 12th lot of rows has been added).
Could anyone offer suggestions on why the rows are reverting (i assume) to auto size after half of them have been added. The only other lines of code that refer to this panel is the lines adding the text boxes and the lines to suspend and resume layout to help reduce the flickering and time taken to load.
The table layout panel has an inital height of 40 with 1 row of height 39 when first created.
Thanks in advance,
This works perfectly for adding rows and controls in a TableLayoutPanel. Try and see.
'Define a blank Tablelayoutpanel with 3 columns in the design page
Dim TableLayoutPanel3 As New TableLayoutPanel()
TableLayoutPanel3.Name = "TableLayoutPanel3"
TableLayoutPanel3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(32, 287)
TableLayoutPanel3.AutoSize = True
TableLayoutPanel3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(620, 20)
TableLayoutPanel3.ColumnCount = 3
TableLayoutPanel3.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single
TableLayoutPanel3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent
TableLayoutPanel3.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 26.34146!))
TableLayoutPanel3.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 73.65854!))
TableLayoutPanel3.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 85.0!))
'Create a button btnAddRow to add rows on each click
Private Sub btnAddRow_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddRow.Click
TableLayoutPanel3.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddRows
TableLayoutPanel3.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 20))
TableLayoutPanel3.RowCount += 1
Dim tb1 As New TextBox()
Dim tb2 As New TextBox()
Dim tb3 As New TextBox()
TableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(tb1 , 0, TableLayoutPanel3.RowCount - 1)
TableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(tb2, 1, TableLayoutPanel3.RowCount - 1)
TableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(tb3, 2, TableLayoutPanel3.RowCount - 1)
End Sub

vb.net textbox / richtextbox GetPreferredSize not working

I have a winforms RichTextBox and TextBox (trying both). As I type text, I want the box to get bigger vertically (or smaller vertically) so that all the text is viewable.
I am using the following code in the RichTextBox TextChanged event:
RTB.Height = RTB.GetPreferredSize(New Size(RTB.Width, 0)).Height
This code works in most situations apart from one - when you put in a single word (without spaces) which is larger than the width of the box. Any ideas?
Found the following answer already on Stackoverflow! Just had to search better ...
Private Sub rtb_ContentsResized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ContentsResizedEventArgs) Handles txtQuestion.ContentsResized
Dim h = e.NewRectangle.Height, w = e.NewRectangle.Width
h = Math.Max(h, sender.Font.Height)
h = Math.Min(h, Me.ClientSize.Height - 10 - sender.Top)
h += sender.Height - sender.ClientSize.Height + 1
sender.Height = h
End Sub
Measure String inside RichTextBox Control
Try experimenting with the RTB min and max size properties.
Sounds like setting a max width may address your issue.