SQL Count with a Join - sql

select product_name, product_order.Count(*)
From product Join product_order
ON product.product_id = product_order.product_id
where product.product_id = product_order.product_id;
I have been working on this query for an hour and can't seem to get it to work. All I need to do is take the product from one table match it to how many times it was ordered in another. Then display the product in one column and how many times it was ordered in the next.

This should be as simple as:
select product_name,
From product left join product_order
on product.product_id = product_order.product_id
group by product_name
I used a left join and counted on product_order.product_id so products that have not been ordered will still display, with a count of zero.

This is how I would do it:
select p.product_name,
(select count(*) from product_order po where p.product_id = po.product_id) times_ordered
from product p
Alternatively, you could use a group by statement:
select p.product_name,
from product p,
product_order po
where p.product_id = po.product_id(+)
group by p.product_name


I've tried to retrieve the all the product and their total sales in the result

I have the Product table with the product name and ID then also have the receipt_product table with product ID and receipt ID.
And finally, have the receipt table with the amount and the receipt ID. So I've tried to retrieve all the products and their total sales in the result.
This is my query and I know that my query is wrong and need to do something to make it correct.
p.name, sum(total) as total sales
receipt_product rp
right join
product p on p.product_id = rp.product_id
inner join
receipt r on rp.receipt_id = r.receipt_id
group by
total_sales < 100
You have the price of individual product and the quantity sold . So why are you taking the receipt table in consideration.
Try something like this.
select sum(p.price * r.quantity_sold) as "Total Sales",p.name
from product p join receipt_product r
on p.product_id = r.product_id
group by p.name;

using subquery in order to join columns from two tables

i started learning SQL and there is something i dont understand
i want to take the columns product_id and product_name from Production.products
and join it with the quantity column from the Production.stocks table
but instead of using join i want to use a subquery.
this is the code i wrote so far:
and i don't understand why it isn't working :(
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_name,(
SELECT S.quantity
FROM Production.stocks AS S
WHERE S.product_id = P.product_id)
FROM Production.products as P;
First, let's clear up the fact that it is not recommended to use a subquery at all. Do it only for your own research reasons; if you have performance or code clarity in mind, go with the simple join.
When you make a subquery on the SELECT clause by enclosing it in parenthesis, you are forcing the result to be one single value. If not, you get the error you receive.
Usually, subqueries are used in the FROM clause, where they should be given a name and then represent a table. Like this:
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_name,S.quantity
FROM Production.products as P
inner join
SELECT quantity
FROM Production.stocks
) as S on S.product_id = P.product_id
You can see from the simplicity of the subquery of how little use it is.
You can use SUM keyword for prevent error and give you total quatity.
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_name,(
SELECT SUM(S.quantity)
FROM Production.stocks AS S
WHERE S.product_id = P.product_id)
FROM Production.products as P;
I don't see a need at all for a subquery.
If the products are unique entities then surely a join onto the stocks table and doing a sum on the quantity would be more beneficial in terms of query performance
SUM(Production.Stocks.quantity) AS Quantity
Production.Stocks.product_id = Production.Products.product_id
If you need it to quote stock quantities by store then you need to add an addition join onto stores and add the store to the select and group by clause like so
SUM(Production.Stocks.quantity) AS Quantity
Production.Stocks.product_id = Production.Products.product_id
Production.Stocks.store_id = Sales.Stores.store_id
Hope that helps
did you mean select all data from products table and show quantity column for each product?
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_name, isnull(s.quantity, 0) as Quantity
FROM Production.products as P
left join Production.stocks AS S
on p.product_id = S.product_id
if you have one to many relation with Products and Stocks you should use subquery like this
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_name, isnull(s.quantity, 0) as Quantity
FROM Production.products as P
left join (
select product_id, sum(quantity) as Quantity
from Production.stocks
group by product_id)
as S on p.product_id = S.product_id
it will be produced aggregated sum value for quantity field

Query between 2 tables

I need to write a query between 2 tables that allow me know the total per SKUs.
Table 1: order_item
order_item_id(pk) order_id product_id qty_ordered total
Table 2:product
product_id SKU name price
I've tried the following:
from product
select SKU
Natural Join order_item
SELECT sum(qty_ordered), p.name, p.SKU
FROM product p
JOIN order_item o
ON p.product_id = o.product_id
group by
p.name, p.SKU
Useful link on aggregates and grouping: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_groupby.asp

How to create a function that totals an order with several items?

I need to create a function which will return the total of an order. I've been given three tables with the following variables
Table 1 - Order
Table 2 - Order Product
Table 3 - Product
I'm struggling to put together a coherent function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've already attempted to set up the function with joins between both tables, but am unable to figure out where I should be putting my equation.
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity)
FROM `order`
JOIN `order_item` ON order.order_id = order_product.order_id
JOIN `product` ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id;
END $$
You might be surprised, but the orders table is not needed for this query. You can just aggregate off the other two tables:
SELECT oi.order_id, SUM(p.price * oi.quantity)
FROM order_item oi JOIN
product p
ON po.product_id = p.product_id
GROUP BY oi.order_id;
You'll need to take your select statement, and group it by your order.order_id. That way you'll have one row per order, with the sum total of that order.
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity) as total_price
FROM `order`
JOIN `order_item` ON order.order_id = order_product.order_id
JOIN `product` ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id
GROUP BY order.order_id
this will work:
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity)
FROM order o,
JOIN order_item oi,
JOIN product p where
o.order_id = oi.order_id and
oi.product_id = p.product_id
group by order_product.product_id = product.product_id;

SQL Join with SUM()

I have two Tables
Product Details(About Product)
Sale Order Details(What Price is sold, quantity of products sold per order).
I am trying to do Join on Table 1 and Table 2 which should give the all the product details and sum(Quantity), Sum(Price)
Problem Facing: There are some products in Table 1 which are never sold, and those rows are missing in the result set, but I want details for all the rows in Table 1 with rows of Products never purchased should be NULL or 'o'
Query I am Using:
From Table1 P
Left Outer Join Table2 Q on P.Product_ID = Q.Product_ID
Please help me with any suggestions that would work for me
How about this one:
From Table1 P
Left Outer Join Table2 Q
on P.Product_ID = Q.Product_ID
group by