How to setup bootstrap progress bar on openlayers 3.9.0 - twitter-bootstrap-3

I want to show a progress bar when till the layers load on open layer 3.9.0 any hints or direction would help.

It should be something like:
tile_loading = 0,
tile_loaded = 0,
tiles_loaded_all = false
yourTileLayer.getSource().on('tileloadstart', function(evt){
yourTileLayer.getSource().on('tileloadend', function(evt){
if(tile_loaded === tile_loading){
tile_loading = 0;
tile_loaded = 0;
tiles_loaded_all = true;
The official example -


[mxGraph]Changing the preview style of the cell dragged from the toolbar as to center my cursor on the preview, but the guild line doesn't fit along

By default, the cursor is at the left-top of the preview cell .
I've changed the relative position of the preview using transform: translate(-50%, -50%),so the cursor can be at the center on the preview while dragging.
But then I find the guide line doesn't fit along with the changed preview, it's still works according to the original position of the preview.
I've tried some 'offset' API on the docs but still can't work it out.
In this pic, I draw the red box, which is the original position of the preview, and the guide line works wrong
functions concerning the question are on below
const draggingPreview = () => {
const elt = document.createElement("div"); = '60px'; = '60px'; = "translate(-50%,-50%)";
return elt;
const dropHandler = (graph, evt, dropCell, x, y) => {
const parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
try {
let vertex = this.graph.insertVertex(
x - 30,
y - 30,
vertex.value = "xxxx";
} finally {
const ds = mxUtils.makeDraggable(

Forge Data Visualization not working on Revit rooms [ITA]

I followed the tutorials from the Forge Data Visualization extension documentation: on a Revit file. I used the generateMasterViews option to translate the model and I can see the Rooms on the viewer, however I have problems coloring the surfaces of the floors: it seems that the ModelStructureInfo has no rooms.
The result of the ModelStructureInfo on the viewer.model is:
t {model: d, rooms: null}
Here is my code, I added the ITA localized versions of Rooms as 3rd parameter ("Locali"):
const dataVizExtn = await this.viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.DataVisualization");
// Model Structure Info
let viewerDocument = this.viewer.model.getDocumentNode().getDocument();
const aecModelData = await viewerDocument.downloadAecModelData();
let levelsExt;
if (aecModelData) {
levelsExt = await viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.AEC.LevelsExtension", {
doNotCreateUI: true
// get FloorInfo
const floorData = levelsExt.floorSelector.floorData;
const floor = floorData[2];
levelsExt.floorSelector.selectFloor(floor.index, true);
const model = this.viewer.model;
const structureInfo = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.ModelStructureInfo(model);
let levelRoomsMap = await structureInfo.getLevelRoomsMap();
let rooms = levelRoomsMap.getRoomsOnLevel("2 - P2", false);
// Generates `SurfaceShadingData` after assigning each device to a room (Rooms--> Locali).
const shadingData = await structureInfo.generateSurfaceShadingData(devices, undefined, "Locali");
// Use the resulting shading data to generate heatmap from.
await dataVizExtn.setupSurfaceShading(model, shadingData, {
type: "PlanarHeatmap",
placePosition: "min",
usingSlicing: true,
// Register a few color stops for sensor values in range [0.0, 1.0]
const sensorType = "Temperature";
const sensorColors = [0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffff00, 0xff0000];
dataVizExtn.registerSurfaceShadingColors(sensorType, sensorColors);
// Function that provides a [0,1] value for the planar heatmap
function getSensorValue(surfaceShadingPoint, sensorType, pointData) {
const { x, y } = pointData;
const sensorValue = computeSensorValue(x, y);
return clamp(sensorValue, 0.0, 1.0);
const sensorType = "Temperature";
dataVizExtn.renderSurfaceShading(, sensorType, getSensorValue);
How can I solve this issue? Is there something else to do when using a different localization?
Here is a snapshot of what I get from the console:
Which viewer version you're using? There was an issue causing ModelStructureInfo cannot produce the correct LevelRoomsMap, but it gets fixed now. Please use v7.43.0 and try again. Here is the snapshot of my test:
BTW, if you see t {model: d, rooms: null} while constructing the ModelStructureInfo, it's alright, since the room data will be produced after you called ModelStructureInfo#getLevelRoomsMap or ModelStructureInfo#getRoomList.

three.js Unproject camera within group

I have a camera as child within a Group object and I need to get the origin/direction:
var cameraRig = new THREE.Group();
cameraRig.add( cameraPerspective );
cameraRig.add( cameraOrtho );
scene.add( cameraRig );
function relativeMousePosition () {
var canvasBoundingBox = renderer.domElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var mouse3D = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0.5);
mouse3D.x = ((mouseX - 0) / canvasBoundingBox.width) * 2 - 1;
mouse3D.y = -((mouseY - 0) / canvasBoundingBox.height) * 2 + 1;
return mouse3D;
var dir = relativeMousePosition().unproject(camera).sub(cameraPerspective.position).normalize();
var origin = cameraPerspective.position;
The above code gives a origin + direction with the context of the cameraRig. When I exclude the camera out, having the scene as direct parent, it gives me the world origin/direction which I want. So how to incorporate the cameraRig to get world origin/direction, so I can do picking or whatever?
As mentioned in the comment by Falk:
var dir = relativeMousePosition().unproject(camera).sub(cameraPerspective.getWorldPosition()).normalize();
var origin = cameraPerspective.getWorldPosition();
The result is better, but not yet fully satisfiing, as the camera rotation seems not applied yet.
I need to update matrixWorld for the cameraRig:

My createsjs preloader works well for previous version createjs but does not work for latest

My preloader works fine with previous version of createjs
but latest version of createjs it does not work. so what the update needed ?
loader.onProgress = handleProgress;
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
var progress = new createjs.Shape();
var progressBellow = new createjs.Shape();
var txt = new createjs.Text();"#280000").drawRect(115,112,400,40);"#280000").drawRect(115,112,400,40);
txt.x = 150;
txt.y = 190;
txt.font = ("25px Verdana");
txt.color = ("#f11c35");
function handleProgress(event) {;
// Draw the progress bar"#92ba17").drawRect(115,112,400*(event.loaded /,40);
txt.text = ("Loading " + 100*(event.loaded / + "%");
There is no onProgress callback. Callbacks were removed a few versions ago (2013?) when bubbling events were added (the two methods aren't compatible).
Use an event instead:
loader.on("progress", handleProgress);
// OR
loader.addEventListener("progress", handleProgress);
Hope that solves your issue.

Google Maps Dynamic Marker Icons

I am well aware that google offers as part of their chart api dynamic marker icons for google maps here:
There is just only one small problem, the whole API seems to be deprecated. Plus I would really like to have more variety because not all of the icons offer the same flexibility.
So I found this webpage:
The icons look nice but they are not dynamic and well my client doesn't seem to like em. So is there a differenct webpage or some other sort of service which offers neat dynamic icons?
Doesn't have to be for google maps. Can be for any purpose just be suitable for maps as well :-)
Thank you in advance!
OK, I did a project some time ago that does exactly this but its independent of google maps, even though I used it to create dynamic map markers. Here is the whole php function:
function createImage($number, $color) {
$blank = "/var/www/rbc/dashboard/images/".$color."-0.png";
//$image = #imagecreatefrompng($blank);
$image = LoadPNG($blank);
// pick color for the text
$fontcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$font = 2;
$fontsize = 8;
$width = imagefontwidth($font) * strlen($number) ;
$height = imagefontheight($font) ;
$x = (imagesx($image) - $width) / 2;
$y = 5;
//white background
$backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);
//white text
$textColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
// preserves the transparency
imagesavealpha($image, true);
imagealphablending($image, false);
imagestring($image, $font, $x, $y, $number, $textColor);
// tell the browser that the content is an image
header('Content-type: image/png');
// output image to the browser
// delete the image resource
function LoadPNG($imgname) {
/* Attempt to open */
$im = imagecreatefrompng($imgname);
/* See if it failed */
if(!$im) {
/* Create a blank image */
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 30);
$bgc = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$tc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc);
/* Output an error message */
imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, 'Error loading ' . $imgname, $tc);
return $im;
if(!isset($_GET['color'])) {
$_GET['color'] = "blue";
if(!isset($_GET['number'])) {
$_GET['number'] = "99";
createImage($_GET['number'], $_GET['color']);
which you show with <img src="image.php?color=red&number=2" />