Setting Custom Menu Field values in Rightnow API of Oracle - rightnow-crm

How to set Custom Menu Field values in Rightnow API of Oracle ?
I have a Custom field of data type Menu like :
Custom field Name : user type
Data Type : Menu
Value can be : Free, Paid or Premium
Can any one send me the java code by solving this problem?
Thanks in Advance

The following link is from the Oracle Service Cloud developer documentation. It has an example of setting a contact custom field using Java and Axis2, which would likely give you most of the information that you need in order to set your custom field.
At a high level, you must create an Incident object and specific the ID of the incident that you want to update. Then, you must create the custom field object structure using generic objects (because each site can have its own unique custom fields). Ultimately, your SOAP envelope will contain the node structure that you build through your java code. Since you're trying to set a menu, the end result is that your custom field is a NamedID object. You'll set the lookup name of the menu to one of the three values that you give above.
I'm a C# guy myself, so my example is in C#, but it should be easy to port to Java using the link above as an example too.
public static void SetMenuTest()
Incident incident = new Incident();
incident.ID = new ID(); = 1234;
incident.ID.idSpecified = true;
GenericField customField = new GenericField(); = "user_type";
customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID;
customField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
customField.DataValue = new DataValue();
customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[18]; //18 is a named ID value. Inspect ItemChoiceTypes for values.
customField.DataValue.Items[0] = "Free"; //Or Paid, or Premium
customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue;
GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject();
customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[1];
customFieldsc.GenericFields[0] = customField;
customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
customFieldsc.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFieldsc";
GenericField cField = new GenericField(); = "c";
cField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT;
cField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
cField.DataValue = new DataValue();
cField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
cField.DataValue.Items[0] = customFieldsc;
cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue;
incident.CustomFields = new GenericObject();
incident.CustomFields.GenericFields = new GenericField[1];
incident.CustomFields.GenericFields[0] = cField;
incident.CustomFields.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
incident.CustomFields.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFields";


Updating Handles for MatrixBlock "Field Layout Fields" in Craft CMS Migrations

After reading this excellent Medium article, I've been stoked on Migrations in CraftCMS. They've been super useful in importing the same changes across the 10 or so developers who work on our site.
When trying to change the handles on individual fields within block types within matrix blocks (whew) via migrations, I came across a hurdle. The field itself can easily have its "handle" attribute updated, but the columns table for that matrix block's content (matrixcontent_xxxxx) do not get updated to reflect any updated handles. The association between the Matrix Block & its associated Matrix Content table only exists in the info column in the field record for that Matrix Block.
If the Matrix Block's field is updated via the CMS, the change is reflected, so it's gotta be somewhere in Craft's source, but it's not apparent through the Craft CMS Class Reference.
Any ideas?
Edited to add the migration snippet:
public function safeUp()
// Strings for labels, etc.
$matrix_block_instructions = "instructions";
$block_label = "Video";
$block_handle = "video";
$field_handle = "video_url";
$field_label = "Video URL";
$field_instructions = "Add a YouTube or Facebook video URL.";
// Fetching the MatrixBlock fields used on the entries themselves
$video_gallery_1 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_1");
$video_gallery_2 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_2");
$video_gallery_3 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_3");
$galleries = [$video_gallery_1, $video_gallery_2, $video_gallery_3];
foreach( $galleries as $gallery ) {
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlock field.
$gallery_record = \craft\records\Field::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery->id]
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block_id = $gallery->getBlockTypes()[0]->id;
$gallery_block = \craft\records\MatrixBlockType::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block_id]
// Assigning standard labels for the MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block->name = $block_label;
$gallery_block->handle = $block_handle;
// Getting the specific ... 1 ... field to edit
$field_group = \craft\records\FieldLayout::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block->fieldLayoutId]
$field_layout_field = $field_group->fields[0];
$field = $field_layout_field->field;
$field = \craft\records\Field::find()->where(
['id' => $field->id]
// Assigning standard labels for the Label
$field->name = $field_label;
$field->handle = $field_handle;
$field->instructions = $field_instructions;
// Updating the MatrixBlock record with new instructions
$gallery_record->instructions = $matrix_block_instructions;
OK, so my apologies if anyone was stoked on figuring this out, but my approach above was kind of a crazy person's approach, but I've found my own solution.
The key here is that I should have been interacting with craft\fields\MatrixBlock and the craft\fields\PlainText objects, not craft\records\Field objects. There's a method within \craft\services\Fields for saving the field that requires a FieldInterface implemented. This is actually the default classes returned, and I was making more work for myself in the code!
Within that foreach loop, this worked out:
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlock field.
$gallery->instructions = $matrix_block_instructions;
// Update the MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block_id = $gallery->getBlockTypes()[0]->id;
$gallery_block = \craft\records\MatrixBlockType::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block_id]
$gallery_block->name = $block_label;
$gallery_block->handle = $block_handle;
// Update the actual field.
$field = $gallery->blockTypeFields[0];
$field->name = $field_label;
$field->handle = $field_handle;
$field->instructions = $field_instructions;
Craft::$app->getFields()->saveField( $field );
Craft::$app->getFields()->saveField( $gallery );
Thanks for looking at this, and sorry for being a crazy person.

Get the value of selectbox in cocoascript

I'm developing a sketch plugin. In the modal window I'm using to get user input there is a select. I can access the value of textField but I can't access value of the select.
Here is where I create the select:
var chooseFormatOptions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.pdf'];
var chooseFormatSelect = NSComboBox.alloc().initWithFrame(NSMakeRect(0, 250, viewWidth, 30));
Here is where I try to get the combo box value
if (response == "1000"){
var projectName = projectField.stringValue();
var deviceName1 = firstDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim1 = firstDimfield.stringValue();
var deviceName2 = secondDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim2 = secondDimfield.stringValue();
var format = chooseFormatSelect.objectValues.indexOfSelectedItem(),
//var scale = chooseScaleOptions.stringValue();
//var pathOption = choosePathOptions.stringValue();
The error that it gives me when I run the plugin (if response == 1000) is: can't find variable chooseFormatSelect.
Do you know why I can get values of input fields (so it can find variables) but not that of the select one?
What about access text field 'text' variable while observing changes?
You may find this link helpfull (to add observe).
For NSComboBox follow this
Simply implement delegate then access value through following method

automated mapping in groovy for ODI with expression

this is my first question and I hope you can help me. I make a script in Groovy (in Oracle Data Integrator 12c) to automate mappings. Here is the description of my prodecure:
1 step: removing old mapping if exists.
2 step: looking for the project and the folder (if doesn't exist: create new one).
3 step: create new mapping
4 step: implement source and target table
5 step: create expression
6 step: link every column
Now my question: Can someone help me to make this script with a dynamic expression? Like this:
step 1: get the data types of the target columns
step 2: get the right data types into the expression
step 3: change the false types (always Varchar) into the right types (Number or Date or still Varchar)
step 4: link every column
My handicap: I have never done something with groovy and in Java I'm not very good. So it is not possible for me to make this dynamic. Almost everything in my Script is placed together from some internet sites. It would be great to find some guys who know something about my problem. And I think it would be a good script for all who will change from OWB to ODI.
//Von ODI Studio erstellt
//name of the project
projectName = "SRC_TO_TRG"
//name of the folder
ordnerName = "FEN_TEST"
//name of the mapping
mappingName = "MAP1_FF_TO_TRG"
//name of the model
modelName = "DB_FEN"
//name of the source datastore
sourceDatastoreName = "SRC_TEST_FEN"
//name of the target datastore
targetDatastoreName = "TRG_TEST_FEN"
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiProjectFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType
import oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
//set expression to the component
def createExp(comp, tgtTable, propertyName, expressionText) {
DatastoreComponent.findAttributeForColumn(comp,tgtTable.getColumn(propertyName)) .setExpressionText(expressionText)
//delete mapping with the same name
def removeMapping(folder, map_name) {
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
try {
Mapping map = ((IMappingFinder) tme.getFinder(Mapping.class)).findByName(folder, map_name)
if (map != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
//looking for a project and folder
def find_folder(project_code, folder_name) {
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
pf = (IOdiProjectFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiProject.class)
ff = (IOdiFolderFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiFolder.class)
project = pf.findByCode(project_code)
//if there is no project, create new one
if (project == null) {
project = new OdiProject(project_code, project_code)
//if there is no folder, create new one
folderColl = ff.findByName(folder_name, project_code)
OdiFolder folder = null
if (folderColl.size() == 1)
folder = folderColl.iterator().next()
if (folder == null) {
folder = new OdiFolder(project, folder_name)
return folder
//name of the project and the folder
folder = find_folder(projectName,ordnerName)
//delete old mapping
removeMapping(folder, mappingName)
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
dsf = (IOdiDataStoreFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiDataStore.class)
mapf = (IMappingFinder) tme.getFinder(Mapping.class)
//create new mapping
map = new Mapping(mappingName, folder);
//insert source table
boundTo_emp = dsf.findByName(sourceDatastoreName, modelName)
comp_emp = new DatastoreComponent(map, boundTo_emp)
//insert target table
boundTo_tgtemp = dsf.findByName(targetDatastoreName, modelName)
comp_tgtemp = new DatastoreComponent(map, boundTo_tgtemp)
//create expression-operator
comp_expression = new ExpressionComponent(map, "EXPRESSION")
// define expression
comp_expression.addExpression("LAND_KM", "TO_NUMBER(SRC_TEST_FEN.LAND_KM)", null,null,null);
comp_expression.addExpression("DATE_OF_ELECTION", "TO_DATE(SRC_TEST_FEN.DATE_OF_ELECTION, 'DD.MM.YYYY')", null,null,null);
//weitere Transformationen anhängen möglich
//link source table with expression
//link expression with target table
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "ABBR", "SRC_TEST_FEN.ABBR")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "NAME", "SRC_TEST_FEN.NAME")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "LAND_KM", "EXPRESSION.LAND_KM")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "DATE_OF_ELECTION", "EXPRESSION.DATE_OF_ELECTION")
You can pass the Datatype as the third argument of the method addExpression.
You can also pass the size and the scale as fourth and fifth arguments.
For instance, for the LAND_KM expression, replace your line by this :
MapAttribute map_attr = DatastoreComponent.findAttributeForColumn(comp_tgtemp,boundTo_tgtemp.getColumn("LAND_KM"))
comp_expression.addExpression("LAND_KM", "TO_NUMBER(SRC_TEST_FEN.LAND_KM)", map_attr.getDataType(),map_attr.getSize(),map_attr.getScale());
It retrieves the target column for LAND_KM thanks to findAttributeForColumn, then retrieves the datatype, the size and the scale, and use that when adding the new expression in the Expression component.
If you want to auto map it based on the name, David Allan wrote a post on the official Oracle blog about how to do it and he provides his code :

Orchard - Creating Query Programmatically

I am creating a custom module in Orchard. After I enable my module I would like to create a query programmatically.
I do that in my Migrations.cs file thanks to implementation of IDependency interface.
I am able to create the query but I do I programmatically set filters of that query?
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
I found out how to do this:
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().ContentItem.ContentType = "Announcement";
var filterGroupRecord = new FilterGroupRecord();
var filterRecord = new FilterRecord()
Category = "Content",
Type = "ContentTypes",
Description = "Announcement",
Position = 1,
State = "<Form><Description>Announcement</Description><ContentTypes>Announcement</ContentTypes></Form>"
filterGroupRecord.Filters.Insert(0, filterRecord);
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().FilterGroups.Insert(0, filterGroupRecord);

LINQ to SQL: table insert on multiple tables

I have two tables, RESTAURANT and HOURS with REST_ID as the key between the two tables. i receive an error when I get to the first line of code to add HOURs. The error asks to create an instance of the object but Intellisence allows me to call that table reference. Here is a snipped of the code:
addRest.REST_NAME = r_name;
addRest.REST_STREET1 = r_street;
addRest.REST_PHONE = r_phone;
addRest.REST_WEBSITE = r_web;
addRest.REST_DESC = r_desc;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_SUN = h_su;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_MON = h_mo;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_TUE = h_tu;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_WED = h_we;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_THU = h_th;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_FRI = h_fr;
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_SAT = h_sa;
addRest.HOURReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("FVTCEntities.HOURS", "HOURS", 1);
HOUR is a contained object inside of RESTAURANT. You need to instantiate it before setting properties on it (like a typical C# object):
addRest.HOUR = new HOUR();
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_SUN = h_su;
You haven't created an HOUR object on your RESTAURANT, so that navigation property is null.
addRest.REST_DESC = r_desc;
addRest.HOUR = new HOUR();
addRest.HOUR.HOURS_SUN = h_su;