How to select unique values from different columns in different worksheets using VBA? - vba

I have a workbook in which there are 5 sheets :
These five sheets have a ticker list (stocks name on index) in columns along with the dates . After every three months a new ticker list comes as a result of rebalancing for e.g. PRIZE sheet is having 2 rebalances so 2 ticker lists and SIZE sheet is having 4 rebalances so 4 ticker lists, so all these ticker lists are presented in the five different sheets. I want to make a macro which picks distinct unique values from these lists and paste it in another sheet in one column.

This will require a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime. Go to the VB Editor, then Tools, References and select it from there.
After that, paste this code in a proc and see if it gets you over the line. It'll certainly push your knowledge in a new direction - dictionaries and arrays are amazing things in the right hands and utterly doom-laden in the wrong hands. You've been warned...!
Dim dctUniqueTickers As Dictionary
Dim dctTickerLocations As Dictionary
Dim arrCurrentTickerRange As Variant
Dim arrTickerOutput As Variant
Dim varSheetNames As Variant
Dim lngDctCounter As Long
Dim lngRowCounter As Long
Dim lngColCounter As Long
Dim lngAreaCounter As Long
' Set up the ticker location range(s)
Set dctTickerLocations = New Dictionary
With dctTickerLocations
.Add "prize", Application.Union(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("prize").Range("A:A"), _
.Add "size", Application.Union(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("size").Range("A:A"), _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("size").Range("E:E"), _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("size").Range("F:F"), _
End With
' Populate the destination dictionary
Set dctUniqueTickers = New Dictionary
For Each varSheetNames In dctTickerLocations.Keys
' Looping through the keys (the worksheet names), pick up the associated range(s)
' - there may be multiple areas to consider
For lngAreaCounter = 1 To dctTickerLocations(varSheetNames).Areas.Count
arrCurrentTickerRange = dctTickerLocations(varSheetNames).Areas(lngAreaCounter)
For lngRowCounter = LBound(arrCurrentTickerRange, 1) To UBound(arrCurrentTickerRange, 1)
For lngColCounter = LBound(arrCurrentTickerRange, 2) To UBound(arrCurrentTickerRange, 2)
If LenB(arrCurrentTickerRange(lngRowCounter, lngColCounter)) > 0 Then
If Not dctUniqueTickers.Exists(arrCurrentTickerRange(lngRowCounter, lngColCounter)) Then
' Ticker not found within the dictionary, so add it
dctUniqueTickers.Add arrCurrentTickerRange(lngRowCounter, lngColCounter), arrCurrentTickerRange(lngRowCounter, lngColCounter)
End If
End If
If dctUniqueTickers.Count > 0 Then
lngDctCounter = 0
' Now output
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OutputSheet").Range("A1").Value = "Unique tickers"
For Each arrTickerOutput In dctUniqueTickers.Keys
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OutputSheet").Range("A2").Offset(lngDctCounter, 0).Value = CStr(arrTickerOutput)
lngDctCounter = lngDctCounter + 1
End If
By using arrays it's lightning-fast and the extra check for empty cells only improves performance.


Color Rows Based on Repeated Values - excel vba

I'm trying to simplify an excel file I receive every week for my team's travel plans.
It has the team member's name, flight #, and arrival time.
I have team members come in on different flight sometimes. I like to visually see who will arrive at what time so I can easily make rental car arrangements. If a group arrives at 1:06, I'll highlight those together and another at 6:55 - I'll highlight those. We could have as many as 15 different flight plans. I currently use conditional formatting to identify the common ones, but since I do this every week for 50 people it would be convenient to through into a vba module to run. ( I already have a module reformatting some columns/rows).
I've looked at repeating code identifiers and this as my main resource
Compare Dates/Times but no luck so far.
Picture of what I do now:
The way I have coded is that the data is formatted into a table, then unique values in the 'Flight #' column are calculated. The data is then sequentially filtered by these values and the rows are coloured from a predetermined palette (which can be altered).
Sub FormatDuplicateRows()
Dim wsFlight As Worksheet: Set wsFlight = Worksheets("Flights")
On Error Resume Next
If Not wsFlight.ListObjects("Flights") Is Nothing Then wsFlight.ListObjects("Flights").Unlist
On Error GoTo 0
wsFlight.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("A1").CurrentRegion, , xlYes).Name = "Flights"
Dim tblFlight As ListObject: Set tblFlight = wsFlight.ListObjects("Flights")
Dim Fld As Long: Fld = tblFlight.ListColumns("Flight #").Range.Column
Dim Dict As Object: Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each Cell In tblFlight.ListColumns("Flight #").DataBodyRange
If Not Dict.Exists(Cell.Value) Then Dict.Add Cell.Value, Cell.Address
Dim Colours() As String: Colours = Split("&HD9E9FD,&HF3EEDB,&HECE0E5,&HDDF1EA,&HDCDDF2,&HCCFFFF", ",")
Dim i As Long: i = 0
With tblFlight
.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight1"
.ShowTableStyleRowStripes = False
For Each Value In Dict.Keys
.Range.AutoFilter Field:=Fld, Criteria1:=Value
.DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Interior.Color = Colours(i)
i = IIf(i = UBound(Colours), 0, i + 1)
Next Value
.Range.AutoFilter Field:=Fld
End With
End Sub
You can alter the palette to your requirements and the palette will auto-repeat once all the colours have been used once
********* UPDATE **********
To get the colour values for the array I coded the following function
Public Function GetColour(rngSrc As Range) As String
GetColour = "&H" & Application.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Hex(rngSrc.Interior.Color)
End Function
Then in an excel workbook, I just placed the formula =GetColour("A1") in "A2" and altered the fill colour of some cells along row 1 then drag-dropped the formula to get the hex values of the fill colours I wanted

Create new worksheet based on text in coloured cells, and copy data into new worksheet

I have a large data set which I need to manipulate and create individual worksheets. Within column B all cells which are coloured Green I would like to make a new worksheet for. Please see screen shot.
For example I would like to create worksheets titled "Shopping" & "Retail". Once the worksheet is created, I would then like to copy all the data between the "worksheet title" (Green Cells) from columns ("B:C") & ("AI:BH") Please see screen shot below for expected output;
The code I have so far is below as you can see it is not complete as I do not know how I would go about extracting data between the "Green Cells".
Sub wrksheetadd()
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim LR As Long
Worksheets("RING Phased").Select
LR = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set r = Range("B12:B" & (LR))
For i = r.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
With r.Cells(i, 1)
If .DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Then
MsgBox i
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = Cells (i,1).Value
Worksheets("RING Phased").Select
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub
Any help around this would be much appreciated.
Sorry for taking a while to get back to this, I've been somewhat busy the last few days, so I haven't had much time to be on StackOverflow.
Anyway, the way I'd go about this would be to store all the found values in an array, and then loop through that array in order to find the distance between them.
The following code works for me, using some very simplified data, but I think the principle is sound:
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Sub wrksheetadd()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
Dim i As Long: i = 0
Dim cells_with_color() As Range: ReDim cells_with_color(1)
With Worksheets("RING Phased")
' Since it doesn't seem like the first cell you want to copy from is colored, hardcode that location here.
' This also saves us from having to test if the array is empty later.
Set cells_with_color(i) = .Range("B12")
i = i + 1
Set r = Range(.Range("B13"), .Range("B" & .Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' Put all the cells with color in the defined range into the array
For Each c In r
If c.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Then
If i > UBound(cells_with_color) Then
ReDim Preserve cells_with_color(UBound(cells_with_color) + 1)
End If
Set cells_with_color(i) = c
i = i + 1
End If
' Loop through the array, and copy from the previous range value to the current one into a new worksheet
' Reset counter first, we start at 1, since the first range-value (0 in the array) is just the start of where we started checking from
' (Hmm, reusing variables may be bad practice >_>)
i = 1
While i <= UBound(cells_with_color)
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = cells_with_color(i).Value
' Set the range to copy - we could just do this in the copy-statement, but hopefully this makes it slightly easier to read
Set r = .Rows(CStr(cells_with_color(i - 1).Row) + 1 & ":" & CStr(cells_with_color(i).Row))
' Change the destination to whereever you want it on the new sheet. I think it has to be in column one, though, since we copy entire rows.
' If you want to refine it a bit, just change whatever you set r to in the previous statement.
r.Copy Destination:=Worksheets(CStr(cells_with_color(i).Value)).Range("A1")
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
It probably lacks some error-checking which ought to be in there, but I'll leave that as an exercise to you to figure out. I believe it is functional. Good luck!

Create dictionary of lists in vba

I have worked in Python earlier where it is really smooth to have a dictionary of lists (i.e. one key corresponds to a list of stuff). I am struggling to achieve the same in vba. Say I have the following data in an excel sheet:
Flanged_connections 6
Flanged_connections 8
Flanged_connections 10
Instrument Pressure
Instrument Temperature
Instrument Bridle
Instrument Others
Piping 1
Piping 2
Piping 3
Now I want to read the data and store it in a dictionary where the keys are Flanged_connections, Instrument and Piping and the values are the corresponding ones in the second column. I want the data to look like this:
'key' 'values':
'Flanged_connections' '[6 8 10]'
'Instrument' '["Pressure" "Temperature" "Bridle" "Others"]'
'Piping' '[1 2 3]'
and then being able to get the list by doing dict.Item("Piping") with the list [1 2 3] as the result. So I started thinking doing something like:
For Each row In inputRange.Rows
If Not equipmentDictionary.Exists(row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text) Then
equipmentDictionary.Add row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text, <INSERT NEW LIST>
equipmentDictionary.Add row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text, <ADD TO EXISTING LIST>
End If
This seems a bit tedious to do. Is there a better approach to this? I tried searching for using arrays in vba and it seems a bit different than java, c++ and python, with stuft like redim preserve and the likes. Is this the only way to work with arrays in vba?
My solution:
Based on #varocarbas' comment I have created a dictionary of collections. This is the easiest way for my mind to comprehend what's going on, though it might not be the most efficient. The other solutions would probably work as well (not tested by me). This is my suggested solution and it provides the correct output:
'| Sets up the dictionary for equipment |'
inputRowMin = 1
inputRowMax = 173
inputColMin = 1
inputColMax = 2
equipmentCol = 1
dimensionCol = 2
Set equipmentDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set inputSheet = Application.Sheets(inputSheetName)
Set inputRange = Range(Cells(inputRowMin, inputColMin), Cells(inputRowMax, inputColMax))
Set equipmentCollection = New Collection
For i = 1 To inputRange.Height
thisEquipment = inputRange(i, equipmentCol).Text
nextEquipment = inputRange(i + 1, equipmentCol).Text
thisDimension = inputRange(i, dimensionCol).Text
'The Strings are equal - add thisEquipment to collection and continue
If (StrComp(thisEquipment, nextEquipment, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
equipmentCollection.Add thisDimension
'The Strings are not equal - add thisEquipment to collection and the collection to the dictionary
equipmentCollection.Add thisDimension
equipmentDictionary.Add thisEquipment, equipmentCollection
Set equipmentCollection = New Collection
End If
'Check input
Dim tmpCollection As Collection
For Each key In equipmentDictionary.Keys
Debug.Print "--------------" & key & "---------------"
Set tmpCollection = equipmentDictionary.Item(key)
For i = 1 To tmpCollection.Count
Debug.Print tmpCollection.Item(i)
Note that this solution assumes that all the equipment are sorted!
Arrays in VBA are more or less like everywhere else with various peculiarities:
Redimensioning an array is possible (although not required).
Most of the array properties (e.g., Sheets array in a Workbook) are 1-based. Although, as rightly pointed out by #TimWilliams, the user-defined arrays are actually 0-based. The array below defines a string array with a length of 11 (10 indicates the upper position).
Other than that and the peculiarities regarding notations, you shouldn't find any problem to deal with VBA arrays.
Dim stringArray(10) As String
stringArray(1) = "first val"
stringArray(2) = "second val"
Regarding what you are requesting, you can create a dictionary in VBA and include a list on it (or the VBA equivalent: Collection), here you have a sample code:
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set coll = New Collection
coll.Add ("coll1")
coll.Add ("coll2")
coll.Add ("coll3")
If Not dict.Exists("dict1") Then
dict.Add "dict1", coll
End If
Dim curVal As String: curVal = dict("dict1")(3) '-> "coll3"
Set dict = Nothing
You can have dictionaries within dictionaries. No need to use arrays or collections unless you have a specific need to.
Sub FillNestedDictionairies()
Dim dcParent As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dcChild As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim rCell As Range
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim vParentKey As Variant, vChildKey As Variant
Set dcParent = New Scripting.Dictionary
'Don't use currentregion if you have adjacent data
For Each rCell In Sheet2.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Cells
'assume the text is separated by a space
vaSplit = Split(rCell.Value, Space(1))
'If it's already there, set the child to what's there
If dcParent.Exists(vaSplit(0)) Then
Set dcChild = dcParent.Item(vaSplit(0))
Else 'create a new child
Set dcChild = New Scripting.Dictionary
dcParent.Add vaSplit(0), dcChild
End If
'Assumes unique post-space data - text for Exists if that's not the case
dcChild.Add CStr(vaSplit(1)), vaSplit(1)
Next rCell
'Output to prove it works
For Each vParentKey In dcParent.Keys
For Each vChildKey In dcParent.Item(vParentKey).Keys
Debug.Print vParentKey, vChildKey
Next vChildKey
Next vParentKey
End Sub
I am not that familiar with C++ and Python (been a long time) so I can't really speak to the differences with VBA, but I can say that working with Arrays in VBA is not especially complicated.
In my own humble opinion, the best way to work with dynamic arrays in VBA is to Dimension it to a large number, and shrink it when you are done adding elements to it. Indeed, Redim Preserve, where you redimension the array while saving the values, has a HUGE performance cost. You should NEVER use Redim Preserve inside a loop, the execution would be painfully slow
Adapt the following piece of code, given as an example:
Sub CreateArrays()
Dim wS As Worksheet
Set wS = ActiveSheet
Dim Flanged_connections()
ReDim Flanged_connections(WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wS.Columns(1), _
For i = 1 To wS.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Step 1
If UCase(wS.Cells(i, 1).Value) = "FLANGED_CONNECTIONS" Then ' UCASE = Capitalize everything
Flanged_connections(c1) = wS.Cells(i, 2).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub

Removing rows based on matching criteria

I have a dated CS degree so I understand the basics of VB but I don't write macros very often and need help solving a particular condition. (...but I understand functions and object oriented programming)
Assume the following:
- Column A contains reference ID's in alphanumeric form, sorted alphabetically.
- Column B contains strings of text, or blanks.
I'm trying to write a macro that automatically removes any extra rows for each unique reference number based on the contents of the "Notes" in column B. The problem is that if column A has multiple instances of a unique ref number, I need to identify which row contains something in column B. There is one catch: it is possible that the reference number has nothing in column B and should be retained.
To explain further, in the following screenshot I would need to:
Keep the yellow highlighted rows
Delete the remaining rows
I tried to show various configurations of how the report might show the data using the brackets on the right and marked in red. Its difficult to explain what I'm trying to do so I figured a picture would show what I need more clearly.
This task is making the report very manual and time consuming.
it's pretty simple
you just go throug the rows and check whether this row needs to be deleted, an earlier row with this id needs to be deleted or nothing should happen.
in my example i mark these rows and delete them in the end.
Sub foo()
Dim rngSelection As Range
Dim startingRow As Integer
Dim endRow As Integer
Dim idColumn As Integer
Dim noteColumn As Integer
Dim idValuableRow As New Dictionary
Dim deleteRows As New Collection
Set rngSelection = Selection
startingRow = rngSelection.Row
endRow = rngSelection.Rows.Count + startingRow - 1
idColumn = rngSelection.Column
noteColumn = idColumn + 1
For i = startingRow To endRow
currentID = Cells(i, idColumn)
If idValuableRow.Exists(currentID) Then
If Trim(idValuableRow(currentID)("note")) <> "" And Trim(Cells(i, noteColumn)) = "" Then
deleteRows.Add i
ElseIf idValuableRow(currentID)("note") = "" And Trim(Cells(i, noteColumn)) <> "" Then
deleteRows.Add idValuableRow(currentID)("row")
idValuableRow(currentID)("row") = i
idValuableRow(currentID)("note") = Cells(i, noteColumn)
End If
Dim arr(2) As Variant
idValuableRow.Add currentID, New Dictionary
idValuableRow(currentID).Add "row", i
idValuableRow(currentID).Add "note", Cells(i, noteColumn)
End If
Next i
deletedRows = 0
For Each element In deleteRows
If element <> "" Then
Rows(element - deletedRows & ":" & element - deletedRows).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
deletedRows = deletedRows + 1
End If
Next element
End Sub
it could look something like this. the only thing you need is to add Microsoft Scripting Runtime in Tools/References

pulling out data from a colums in Excel

I have the following Data in Excel.
CHM0123456 SRM0123:01
CHM0123456 SRM0123:02
CHM0123456 SRM0256:12
CHM0123456 SRM0123:03
CHM0123457 SRM0789:01
CHM0123457 SRM0789:02
CHM0123457 SRM0789:03
CHM0123457 SRM0789:04
What I need to do is pull out all the relevent SRM numbers that relate to a single CHM ref. now I have a formular that will do some thing like this
=INDEX($C$2:$C$6, SMALL(IF($B$8=$B$2:$B$6, ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1, ""), ROW(A1)))
however this is a bit untidy and I really want to produce this same using short vb script, do i jsut have to right a loop that will run though and check each row in turn.
For x = 1 to 6555
if Ax = Chm123456
string = string + Bx
which should give me a final string of
to use with how i want.
Or is ther a neater way to do this ?
my current code
For x = 2 To 6555
If Cells(x, 1).Value = "CHM0123456" Then
outstring = outstring + vbCr + Cells(x, 2).Value
End If
MsgBox (outstring)
End Function
I'm not sure what your definition of 'neat' is, but here is a VBA function that I consider very neat and also flexible and it's lightning fast (10k+ entires with no lag). You pass it the CHM you want to look for, then the range to look in. You can pass a third optional paramater to set how each entry is seperated. So in your case you could write (assuming your list is :
=ListUnique(B2, B2:B6555)
You can also use Char(10) as the third parameter to seperat by line breaks, etc.
Function ListUnique(ByVal search_text As String, _
ByVal cell_range As range, _
Optional seperator As String = ", ") As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim result As String
Dim i as Long
Dim cell As range
Dim keys As Variant
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In cell_range
If cell.Value = search_text Then
dict.Add cell.Offset(, 1).Value, 1
End If
keys = dict.keys
For i = 0 To UBound(keys)
result = result & (seperator & keys(i))
If Len(result) <> 0 Then
result = Right$(result, (Len(result) - Len(seperator)))
End If
ListUnique = result
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
How it works: It simple loops through your range looking for the search_string you give it. If it finds it, it adds it to a dictionary object (which will eliminate all dupes). You dump the results in an array then create a string out of them. Technically you can just pass it "B:B" as the search array if you aren't sure where the end of the column is and this function will still work just fine (1/5th of a second for scanning every cell in column B with 1000 unique hits returned).
Another solution would be to do an advancedfilter for Chm123456 and then you could copy those to another range. If you get them in a string array you can use the built-in excel function Join(saString, ",") (only works with string arrays).
Not actual code for you but it points you in a possible direction that can be helpful.
OK, this might be pretty fast for a ton of data. Grabbing the data for each cell takes a ton of time, it is better to grab it all at once. The the unique to paste and then grab the data using
where vData is a variant and rUnique is the is the copied cells. This might actually be faster than grabbing each data point point by point (excel internally can copy and paste extremely fast). Another option would be to grab the unique data without having the copy and past happen, here's how:
dim i as long
dim runique as range, reach as range
dim sData as string
dim vdata as variant
set runique=advancedfilter(...) 'Filter in place
set runique=runique.specialcells(xlCellTypeVisible)
for each reach in runique.areas
for i=lbound(vdata) to ubound(vdata)
sdata=sdata & vdata(i,1)
next l
next reach
Personally, I would prefer the internal copy paste then you could go through each sheet and then grab the data at the very end (this would be pretty fast, faster than looping through each cell). So going through each sheet.
dim wks as worksheet
for each wks in Activeworkbook.Worksheets
if <> "CopiedToWorksheet" then
advancedfilter(...) 'Copy to bottom of list, so you'll need code for that
end if
next wks
for i=lbound(vdata) + 1 to ubound(vdata)
sData=sData & ","
next i
The above code should be blazing fast. I don't think you can use Join on a variant, but you could always attempt it, that would make it even faster. You could also try application.worksheetfunctions.contat (or whatever the contatenate function is) to combine the results and then just grab the final result.
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
wks.UsedRange.Rows.Hidden = False
wks.UsedRange.Columns.Hidden = False