Confluence REST API Authorization Failure - api

I am trying to use the Confluence REST API to create a page. I am using the curl example off of the documentation found HERE. Every time I try to run a terminal command using this curl I get a response that says 'HTTP Status 401 - Basic Authentication Failure - Reason : AUTHENTICATION_DENIED'. I see that someone else had a similar issue regarding their C# code, but there was never a resolution given. Hopefully someone with experience will be able to tell me what I am doing wrong. My curl is listed below with the sensitive parts replaced in <> format.
curl -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"type":"page","title":"new page","space":{"key":"<PAGEKEY>"},"body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is a new page</p>","representation":"storage"}}}' https://<SERVER>/wiki/confluence/rest/api/content/ | python -mjson.tool

I was finally able to resolve this. Through a combination of the answer here How to create new page in Confluence using their REST API? and using a login that had the appropriate permissions.


How to get fullAccountNumber in Yodlee

Calling the /accounts/{accountId} endpoint with the include fullAccountNumber returns an error Y821 - fullAccountNumber not supported.
I'm doing:
curl -i -H "Api-version: 1.1" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" -X
Note: the line breaks are just for readability
How do you get fullAccountNumber?
It looks like you are calling the API correctly. This feature needs to be enabled for your account, after approval from the Yodlee Security Office. You can make an application through your account manager.
The error message should be updated to something more helpful, like “fullAccountNumber feature is not enabled for account. Please contact Yodlee support.”
Circling back to this because it's been more than a year and want to have a solution:
This was not possible with Yodlee and we went with a different solution.

Autodesk Forge Authentication - "The client_id specified does not have access to the api product"

Trying to follow tutorials but cannot get past authentication. From OSX shell:
curl -v '' -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'client_id=MY_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=MY_SECRET&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=data:read'
I get back:
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{ "developerMessage":"The client_id specified does not have access to the api product","userMessage":"","errorCode":"AUTH-001","more info":""}
I have enabled all of the APIs in the app's configuration page.
I regenerated the secret key twice - same result.
If I had screwed up the client_id/secret key somehow, it looks like I would get an AUTH-003 error so I don't think that is the problem.
Documentation lists several possible errors but not AUTH-001.
Any ideas on how to debug this?
Only way to get past that was to delete that app and create a whole new one from scratch. The new ID/Secret works.

Login Github with Curl

I tried call this command
curl -l -u "my_user_name"
Then, I input my password manually.
But it returns this
<html><body>You are being redirected.</body></html>
Please explain what's wrong with my command.
Thank you.
cURL should not be used for access to GitHub's (or most web) UI without specific reasons. GitHub provides an API to allow accessing data as a well-defined structure.
You mentioned wanting to get-a-single-pull-request. This relies on a URL pattern following GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number.
So if you had a GitHub account, facebook, and wanted to look up a specific pull request 15947 in react-native. The full URL would be
The cURL command would be
curl -u osowskit -X GET
Note that:
You will likely want to start using a PAT or OAuth token instead of username/password
There are tools that make exploring the GitHub API easier. postman or octokit
To start with you may want the -L flag. From the cURL Frequently Asked Questions
3.8 How do I tell curl to follow HTTP redirects?
Curl does not follow so-called redirects by default. The Location: header that informs the client about this is only interpreted if you're using the -L/--location option. As in:
curl -L
Not all redirects are HTTP ones, see 4.14
There's also a CLI now that can be helpful for many similar use-cases:
$ gh pr list
Showing 2 of 2 open pull requests in Roblox/service-comms-nomad
#16 chi1 Traefik 1.7 GLB jobs chi1-glb-prep
#6 Cgt/t2 cgt/t2

How to make Twitter API call through curl in unix

I would like to pull the data from Twitter REST API. I have created the consumer key, secret and Access token, secret. I have tried with "Test OAuth", it generates a CURL command but if I change any one parameter then it is giving the below error.
Message: {"errors":[{"code":32,"message":"Could not authenticate you."}]}
Now I would like to call the twitter API using CURL in shell script for different screenNames.
I want a sample command some thing like mentioned below
curl --get '' --data 'count=2&screen_name=aswin' APIKEY:"xxxxxx",Acesstoken:"yyyyyyyy"
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer.
curl --get '' \
--data 'count=2&screen_name=twitterapi' \
--header 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", oauth_nonce="BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", oauth_signature="CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1471672391", oauth_token="DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD", oauth_version="1.0"'
Since your specific query doesn't require a user context you can use Application only authentication to make this request. The bearer token won't change per request so it should allow you to keep using curl.
n.b. it won't work for all endpoints, but should for the case you listed.
Because most twitter requests require calculating the oauth signature, you should either write a client yourself or reuse an existing command line client. (Mac focused/cross service)
As you saw any change to the request will generally invalidate the query, and even time is one of the inputs.

500 - Internal Server Error during Spotify's Client Credentials Authentication flow

I'm attempting to authenticate my application using Spotify's web API Client Credentials Authorization flow, but despite the seemingly simple task, every response I've gotten has returned a 500 - Internal Server Error.
I've attempted many times in both cURL and within my application (Android) to no avail. Following the guides here:
I've set up my cURL as such
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Basic ODZiMDJ...MWI=' -d 'grant_type=client_credentials' ''
The request is structured with identical headers, body, and URL in the code as well, but I have yet to receive any valid responses.
Another question posted here gives a seemingly identical request, aside from the optional "Scope" parameter.
My apologies if this seems like a vague question - I'm not sure what else to try, but I'd be more than happy to provide any additional details. Any help is appreciated.
code and redirect_uri body parameters are required according to documentation