Changing directory on mac affects all files in Xcode Project - objective-c

I simply wish to change the name of a folder that lies in my root project folder.
I have changed the name of a project (say from Proj1 to Proj2).
I now have a folder on my desktop that reads Proj2. Inside is Proj2.xcodeproj and a folder called Proj1 with all of my source files and resources.
I want to change that folder to be consistent and read Proj1, however if I change it every file in my xCode proj becomes red.
Is there a technique to change this folder within xCode such that I can rename the folder and keep all my files intact with the appropriate structure (such as what groups the files are in)?

It's annoying, indeed.
However, there's no way to keep files on the hard drive (SSD, ..) and group names and the project structure in Xcode in sync automatically.
You can re-assign the locations of the files in your red folders manually to fix it.
Wish Xcode would offer a feature like this since we've switched to Xcode from MW CodeWarrior, but..

After you rename the folder, open the project in Xcode and select this folder. You can choose the renamed folder in the File Inspector Pane.


Moving Project file in Xcode Interface Builder

I have somehow managed to get the Xcode project file for "My System" in a different folder from all the other project files. Everything works but is there an easy way to get the files together in one folder (ie. either by moving "My System.xcodeproj" into the lower folder or moving all the other files up with it in the higher folder.
If I made this change, what parameters I would need to change inside Xcode.
I'm using Xcode 11.3.1 on Mojave and Objective-C (no storyboard).
I'm not sure if it is worth moving these or whether I should just leave it.
File and Folder Structure:
The arrangement shown in your screen shot of the Finder is correct: a project folder, containing the project file (xcodeproj) along with a single folder that contains the actual code files. That is the standard. Don't mess with it.
Actually you shouldn't even look at it. Look at your project through Xcode, and let Xcode worry about where the files "really" are. Under no circumstances should you touch any of these files in the Finder or you will risk breaking the project entirely.

Can CLion project files be stored in a specified folder by default?

I've been using CLion for a little while now, and I quite like it, except that it stores it's prject files by default in my CMake project. I am wondering if I can set a default place it stores it's project files(like compiled executables) in specific directory, per project.(So not one big folder that might interfere with other projects). The reason I want to do that is because I don't like having it in my git project(yes, I know about .gitignore) Anyone know how to do that?
To use a different folder for CLion building
In the CLion menu:
Build,Execution,Deployment -> Cmake -> Generation Path
Change the value to the folder path you want.
To include source code from a different folder out of current
In your CMakeLists.txt, add subdirectory like following:
Be aware PATH_OF_YOUR_ANOTHER_CMAKE_PROJECT can be anywhere on your computer, which does not have to be in your current project folder or one of the sub-folders.

Xcode creates a duplicate of my project's root folder with build info, how to disable that

I'm quite new in iOS development and I'm observing that next to the root folder of my project (let's say its name is 'Foo') another folder is created with a cryptic name (like 'Foo-gobovuchatrabdsdfg...'). In it some information about builds and simulator debugging is stored.
How can stop Xcode creating that folders or if not possible, how can I specify a different path for that folder?
The folder with a cryptic name is your derived data folder, which contains the files Xcode creates when it builds your project. If you don't want the derived data folder inside your project folder, change the derived date folder location to the default location. Refer to the following question to learn how to change the derived data location:
Xcode DerivedData folder

How do you move projects around in IntelliJ/Webstorm?

I have a webstorm project which i have in a certain directory. I want to move this project to another directory.
If I move the .idea folder, then nothing works at all. It seems like all the links in the project are absolute, not relative.
The links in a WebStorm project are relative (using $PROJECT_DIR$), not absolute.
To move a WebStorm project:
Close all open projects in WebStorm.
Close WebStorm.
Use a file manager to move (i.e. cut and paste) the project folder to its new location. For example, use Windows Explorer to move C:/dirA/MyProject to C:/dirB/MyProject
Start WebStorm. The "Welcome to WebStorm" screen should be displayed.
If the old project you just moved is in the "Recent Projects" list then select it, then press Delete to remove it from the list.
Select "Open Directory" from the Quick Start list, then select the project folder you just created. Your relocated project will open in WebStorm. That's it.
This approach works under Windows 7 using the latest version of WebStorm (8.0.4).
It looks tempting to select the project within WebStorm, then select Refactor > Move..., but don't go there. That is not relocating the entire project. From the documentation: "The Move refactorings allow you to move files and directories within a project".
You should simply move the entire project folder, that contains the .idea. This works fine for me in every situation I try. The links are relative to the folder containing the .idea, not the .idea folder itself. It's not like git where you can move just the .git folder, and nothing else.
For IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.4, I encountered an issue because my imported modules' .iml files weren't found after I moved the folder in Windows Explorer.
This is because the paths to the imported modules are relative to the project directory. To fix this, you have to go to:
<Project Directory>/.idea/modules.xml
and modify all of the fileurl and filepath attributes to match the new relative location.

Two /gen folders on Linux?

I am using IDEA 11.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 system. I renamed the main module via Ctrl+F6 and after this IDEA created two /gen folders. Look at the image
The upper /gen has full path in the brackets (like /disk2/work/project/...). The lower /gen contains the path via desktop shortcut (like /home/user/Desktop/work/project/...). The both paths leads to the same directory.
The top-most folder has new name, while the lower folder (under the upper gen directory) has the name of a hard disk directory of a project.
Can anyone suggest how to merge this? It's making me a headache as IDEA does not recognize any new resource I add to this project.
I tried deleting all .idea and other conf files and recreating a project into the same directory (via Create Project with existing source files command), but it did not solve the issue.
I also tried to reverse to the previous state via "Show History" feature, but it was not possible. This step was not in the history.
PS. sorry about black-line parts but I was instructed to do so.