Xcode Google Signin Button Image And Text not showing in Iphone - objective-c

I'm following link steps and setup google login with pods
Google Login Integration Link
When i run my app, i can show google sign-in button text and image in simulator but not showing in my device. i can show only blue button.
(i add view that inherit from GIDSignInButton, not button).
how can i solve the problem ?


React Native - Branch link in an Intercom message opens browser first instead of the app

I'm finding it hard to get Branch.io deeplinking to work with Intercom.
The Branch link works well when opened via native Messages app - opens the app directly when tapped.
But if we send this link through an Intercom message, and then tap on it on the phone, the result is not as expected:
On iOS
Open Intercom messages view.
Tap on the Branch link (sent from Intercom console).
Browser opens with an alert asking to open the native app ('Open this page in "MyApp"?').
Press "Open".
App detects the Branch parameters on the link and redirects to the correct page.
Expected Behavior
App should detect the link directly without being handed over by browser.
On Android
Open Intercom messages view.
Tap on the Branch link (sent from Intercom console).
List of suggested apps pops up - including "MyApp".
Tap on "MyApp".
App detects the Branch link ONLY, but without the parameters - which then will not redirect to any page.
Now send the app to the background (eg: Tap on home button), and then open "MyApp" again.
Branch will now detect the link with the parameters and redirect to the correct page (this sometimes happens in iOS as well).
Expected Behavior
Branch should detect the link with parameters directly, without the need to send the app to background and reopen.
Does anyone have an idea what I have missed out on? or a workaround?
I was thinking to setup Universal Links by uploading the Association File.. 🤷‍♂️
Btw, Branch.io configurations are all done and works perfectly with other social media apps.
react-native: 0.61.5
react-native-branch: 5.0.0-beta.1
react-native-intercom: 16.0.0

Website popup is blocked in react native webview

I want to integrate a website into a webview with react native.
Everything is fine until I want to login with facebook. When I press the "Login With Facebook" button, the webview become just a white screen and it is blocked.
This happens because when I press the login button, it tries to open a popup, but the popups are not enabled in react native webview.
So, my question is: how is possible to enable popups in webview? I just want my website to behave just like in a normal browser (like chrome, where everything is working fine), but inside my webview.
I use react native 0.55.
I read https://codeburst.io/webviews-and-social-authentication-with-react-native-cfecf96ac7d7 but didn't help me because I don't have access to the website source code.

React android Facebook login page UI issues

I am using facebook login in my react-native app. I am able to login and perform all operations successfully. But the UI login screen displayed by facebook doesnt sit correctly in the screen. I am attaching the screenshot here. Do we have to set some styling anywhere? Please guide.
The IOS facebook login looks good. pls refer to the screenshot attached..
enter image description here

iOS Facebook library login

I just downloaded the facebook library for iOS at this URL https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk
I managed to run the sample app just fine, however, when I click on the login button, it actually opens the login screen in a browser.
How can I prevent this?
Figured it out.
In Facebook.m, change

Fbconnect ios sdk showing address invalid in ipad when logged in

i integrated facebook logn button in my ipad app and tried running it. when i clicked on the button it was showing login page and after i login with my fb username and password ,it showing the address(http://facebook/connect/uiserver.php) invalid in simulator. i have created app id in facebook developers.
Make sure you have updated the DemoApp-Info.plist file with your app id.