TSQL Copy Entry to Same Table as well as Create - sql

is it possible to copy a single entry to two tables in one query?

Yes. You can create an insert trigger on one of the tables where you insert the data into the other. You can do the same for updates.

You can use the OUTPUT INTO clause to copy the inserted data into a second table:
CREATE TABLE #tblsrc(id int NULL);
CREATE TABLE #tbldest1(id int NULL);
CREATE TABLE #tbldest2(id int NULL);
INSERT INTO #tblsrc VALUES (99);
INSERT INTO #tbldest1
SELECT id FROM #tblsrc;
SELECT * FROM #tbldest1;
SELECT * FROM #tbldest2;


Cloning a table definition to a table variable in SQL Server

Is there a way to clone the table definition from an existing table and recreate as a table variable?
DECLARE #TempTable1 TABLE (ID INT, Description VARCHAR(256))
I need to recreate a set of tables with same number of columns and definitions without repeating the DECLARE TABLE statement.
This process is available on MySQL as below.
CREATE TABLE TempTable1 LIKE TempTableMain;
Is it possible to do this is Microsoft SQL Server?
Please note that the actual scenario contains more that 60 columns in the #TempTable and need to create more than 10 instances from the original table.
I am not talking about data insertion or SELECT ion from another table as below. I need to create the table definition.
DECLARE #TempTable TABLE(ID INT, Description VARCHAR(100))
VALUES (1, 'Test1'), (1, 'Test1');
INTO #TempTable2
FROM #TempTable1
SELECT * FROM #TempTable2
Create a user defined type with the columns of your table, lets say like that:
CREATE TYPE MyTableType AS TABLE (ID INT, Description VARCHAR(256));
And then declare your table variables using this type:
DECLARE #Table1 MyTableType;
DECLARE #Table2 MyTableType;
DECLARE #Table3 MyTableType;
SQL Server management studio gives you the option to create a sql script to create an already existing table.
Right click your table -> script table as -> CREATE To -> New Query Editor window
This way you dont have to write out the whole query every single time.
You could even create a stored procedure which takes as argument the name of your to be created table and run this from a while loop.
You can perform the following command:
SELECT * INTO #MyTable_tmp FROM MyTable
Then modify your MyTable, and copy your data back in. Other approaches I've seen is to create a new table calling it Mytable_Tmp (Not a temp table), which will be your new table.
Then copy your data doing any migrations you need. Then you will drop the original table and do a rename on Mytable.
When you run SELECT * INTO #MyTable FROM MyTable, SQL Server creates a new temporary table called #MyTable that matches each column and data type from your select clause. In this case we are selecting * so it will match MyTable. This only creates the columns it doesn't copy defaults, constraints indexes or anything else.
If you are using table variables, it means that you don't want to use them in long period of time, as they will be "forgotten" after every script completion.
So, easiest in my opinion is to use such construct:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmpTable;
SELECT * INTO #tmpTable FROM MyPrimaryTable
It creates temporary table exactly like yours, if you want empty table, you can just use:
SELECT * INTO #tmpTable FROM MyPrimaryTable WHERE 1 = 0
Then, temporary table will have exact same schema as your primary table.
You can apply as many times as you need (create as many temporary tables as you need).
You could use regular tables instead of temporary tables as well.
If you want to re-create table after dropping the existing table then you can use the below query.
Create brands table
-- Old block of code
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[TOY].[BRANDS]') AND type in (N'U'))
-- New block of code
-- Add new table
-- Load the table with data
(1, 'Ford'),
(2, 'Chevy'),
(3, 'Dodge'),
(4, 'Plymouth'),
(5, 'Oldsmobile'),
(6, 'Lincoln'),
(7, 'Mercury');

SQL Server use SCOPE_IDENTITY() for insert into with select command

Hello I have one table whose name is
and I have
Firstly I will insert to datas to PERSO_DATA then I will take Id of inserted data and isnsert to another table as refPersoData.
INSERT INTO PERSO_DATA(refPerso,Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5)
SELECT #refPerso,pa.Col1,pa.Col2,pa.Col3,pa.Col4,pa.Col5 FROM #PERSODATA pa
When I write like that i insert all datas but can't take the Id for each data
INSERT INTO PERSO_DATA_QUEUE(refVideoQueue,refPersoData)
SELECT #refVideoQueue,#refPersoData
so code above it add only one.But I want if I have 10 data to insert PERSO_DATA I need to also insert PERSO_DATA_QUEUE table 10 data with inserted Ids.
How can I do this? I couldn't find a solution.
Thanks in advance
Try this code:
CREATE TABLE #temp ([Id] [bigint] NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO PERSO_DATA(refPerso,Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5)
INTO #temp (Id)
SELECT #refPerso,pa.Col1,pa.Col2,pa.Col3,pa.Col4,pa.Col5
INSERT INTO PERSO_DATA_QUEUE(refVideoQueue,refPersoData)
SELECT #refVideoQueue, Id
FROM #temp;
The solution might be combining either cursor or loop and any iterator - like ROW_NUMBER() in your temp table.
Then - use SCOPE_IDENTITY() in it to get created IDENTITY value.

How to get the value after updating the table using triggers in sql

How to get the value after updating the table using triggers in sql
Having a scenario like this:
CREATE TABLE #tmp (id INT, txt VARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO #tmp ( id, txt )
VALUES ( 1, 'abc')
You can return the values using OUTPUT (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177564.aspx) during an UPDATE like this:
txt = 'xyz'
You can return any column from your table - INSERTED will contain new data while DELETED will contain previous data.
In the Update SQL it self you can use OUTPUT.
In the triggers on MS SQL servers there are to temp tabels called INSERED and DELETED see her for more info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191300.aspx
Hope it helps.

Insert into a temporary table and update another table in one SQL query (Oracle)

Here's what I'm trying to do:
1) Insert into a temp table some values from an original table
INSERT INTO temp_table SELECT id FROM original WHERE status='t'
2) Update the original table
UPDATE original SET valid='t' WHERE status='t'
3) Select based on a join between the two tables
SELECT * FROM original WHERE temp_table.id = original.id
Is there a way to combine steps 1 and 2?
You can combine the steps by doing the update in PL/SQL and using the RETURNING clause to get the updated ids into a PL/SQL table.
If you still need to do the final query, you can still use this method to insert into the temp_table; although depending on what that last query is for, there may be other ways of achieving what you want. To illustrate:
id_table_t IS TABLE OF original.id%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
id_table id_table_t;
UPDATE original SET valid='t' WHERE status='t'
RETURNING id INTO id_table;
FORALL i IN 1..id_table.COUNT
INSERT INTO temp_table
VALUES (id_table(i));
SELECT * FROM original WHERE temp_table.id = original.id;
No, DML statements can not be mixed.
There's a MERGE statement, but it's only for operations on a single table.
Maybe create a TRIGGER wich fires after inserting into a temp_table and updates the original
Create a cursor holding the values from insert and then loop through the cursor updating the table. No need to create temp table in the first place.
You can combine steps 1 and 2 using a MERGE statement and DML error logging. Select twice as many rows, update half of them, and force the other half to fail and then be inserted into an error log that you can use as your temporary table.
The solution below assumes that you have a primary key constraint on ID, but there are other ways you could force a failure.
Although I think this is pretty cool, I would recommend you not use it. It looks very weird, has some strange issues (the inserts into TEMP_TABLE are auto-committed), and is probably very slow.
--Create ORIGINAL table for testing.
--Primary key will be intentionally violated later.
create table original (id number, status varchar2(10), valid varchar2(10)
,primary key (id));
--Create TEMP_TABLE as error log. There will be some extra columns generated.
dbms_errlog.create_error_log(dml_table_name => 'ORIGINAL'
,err_log_table_name => 'TEMP_TABLE');
--Test data
insert into original values(1, 't', null);
insert into original values(2, 't', null);
insert into original values(3, 's', null);
--Update rows in ORIGINAL and also insert those updated rows to TEMP_TABLE.
merge into original original1
--Duplicate the rows. Only choose rows with the relevant status.
select id, status, valid, rownumber
from original
cross join
(select 1 rownumber from dual union all select 2 rownumber from dual)
where status = 't'
) original2
on (original1.id = original2.id and original2.rownumber = 1)
--Only math half the rows, those with rownumber = 1.
when matched then update set valid = 't'
--The other half will be inserted. Inserting ID causes a PK error and will
--insert the data into the error table, TEMP_TABLE.
when not matched then insert(original1.id, original1.status, original1.valid)
values(original2.id, original2.status, original2.valid)
log errors into temp_table reject limit 999999999;
--Expected: ORIGINAL rows 1 and 2 have VALID = 't'.
--TEMP_TABLE has the two original values for ID 1 and 2.
select * from original;
select * from temp_table;

Insert into Table select result set from stored procedure but column count is not same

I need something like that which is of course not working.
insert into Table1
select Id, value from
exec MySPReturning10Columns
I wanted to populate Table1 from result set returned by MySPReturning10Columns. Here the SP is returning 10 columns and the table has just 2 columns.
The following way works as long as table and result set from SP have same number of columns but in my case they are not same.
INSERT INTO TableWith2Columns
EXEC usp_MySPReturning2Columns;
Also, I want to avoid adding "." as linked server just to make openquery and openrowset work anyhow.
Is there a way not to have define table strucutre in temp table (all columns with datatypes and lenght)? Something like CTE.
You could use a temporary table as a go-between:
insert into #TempTable exec MySP
insert into Table1 (id, value) select id, value from #TempTable
You could solve the problem in two steps by doing the insert from the stored procedure into a temporary table, then do the insert selecting just the columns you want from the temporary table.
Information on temporary tables: http://www.sqlteam.com/article/temporary-tables
-- Well, declare a temp table or a table var, depending on the number of rows expected
-- from the SP. This table will be basically the result set of your SP.
-- Get the result set of the SP into the temp table.
-- Now you can query the SP's result set for ID and Value;
You dont need to create a temporary table, you can do it with single query by creating temporary view like this
with tempView as EXEC MySPReturning10Columns insert into Table1 select id, value from tempView
The temporary view disappears as soon as the statement finishes execution