I was wondering how to correctly markup a music event that happens in multiple locations with schema.org?
The event is going on in one locations from 21:00 - 01:00 and in the other from 23:00 - 03:00.
Schema.org defines that an event is
[…] happening at a certain time and location
So you should specify two MusicEvent items.
Depending on the kind of events, you might have a super event (like a festival) which you could specify with the superEvent property.
I want to find the event triggered before the event setting was triggered. For instance a user might click on setting from home_screen (home_screen being the event). There might be multiple sources(events) from where the user might tap on setting. How to find out the count of users from different sources?
Events that might help: user_pseudo_id, event_name, event_timestamp(in micros)
event_timestamp and event_name
Desired Results (Here screen refers to previous source from where the setting was triggered)
I'm using BigQuery standard SQL.
You want screen_view from Analytics. "When a screen transition occurs, Analytics logs a screen_view event that identifies the new screen."[1].
You'll be able to access firebase_previous_screen, firebase_previous_class, firebase_previous_id parameters[2]
How does the aria-current works as we need to tell the screen reader where the page it is even after user does not made any movement on the laptop. Which Aria can be used ?
Aria-current works by informing the screen reader which element is current. For example, you can use aria-current="page" on a list of navigation links where it shows by visual decoration (color or underline, etc) which page link is currently chosen. Aria-current="step" could be used if there is a visual indication of checkout steps (for example) to show which step (2 of 3) the user is currently on. Aria-current="true" could be used if there are a set of size links to show which size is currently selected.
aria-current is one of the attributes defined in the WAI-ARIA specification, meant to help people with disabilities to perceive common UI widgets that are not part of the HTML specification.
It should be used to identify the current item in a set of items and it can take several values:
aria-current="page": indicates the current page within a set of pagination. It can be used, for example, within a main pagination widget (likely in the header).
aria-current="location": indicates the current page within an hierarchy of navigation. In can be used, for example, within a breadcrumb widget.
aria-current="date": indicates the current date. It can be used, for exemple, within a date picker.
aria-current="step": indicates the current step within a set of steps. It can be used, for exemple, within multi-step wizard form.
I'm moving a shop over to Shopify. This shop has monthly shows where one time items are offered for sale, and every show is archived on a "Past Shows" page.
Naturally, every show is a collection - such as "January 1 - January 31 2014", "February 1 - February 28 2014" and so on. This dates back about 7 years, right now there are 111 and that number increases every month.
Displaying them on their own specific page is where the question comes in. From my research it seems the best way to do something like this is using a link list, however in my testing a link list becomes unwieldy with this many links. The dashboard page for editing the link list constantly hangs; every time I add a new show it appears at the bottom of the list and then I need to drag it all the way back to the top of the page.
It works, but there must be a better way right? Is there no way to tag a collection?
You can't tag collections, but you can tag products within collections.
If I understand your situation correctly, perhaps you could tag the products in your past show collections (or at least one product in each collection) with "past-show". Then loop through the global collections variable and check for each collection if collection.all_tags contains "past-show". That would give you all the past show collections without needing to add them to a link list, and then you can display them however you want (dropdown / links / etc.).
I may be missing something here so I apologise if this question may come across as obvious.
In a XAML WinRT app, I can have a GridView control that I can throw a collection of stuff at, and then using DataTemplates etc I can render that stuff on screen.
How can I take this a step further and have a single “master” GridView control which contains several sections which get their data from different places and exist within the app as different collections of stuff?
For example, take the built in Games app. Here we have different sections – Spotlight, Friends, Game Activity etc which are all very different from each other, have different data and are displayed in different ways but they all exist within the same GridView control.
How can this be done?
I do hope this makes sense
If I understand your requirement correctly, you want to have a group of groups, and display each of the child groups using different templates.
The way I did it was to derive all the child items from a common base class (or you could build a group of groups of Objects, I suppose). Then we used the DataTemplateSelector to pick the appropriate template for each item in the master GridView.
We had to go a step or two further than that in practice, but that's the theory behind how I achieved a similar goal.
I have a core data 'ShoppingList' which contains 'Item' objects. I store a display order as an attribute of each item.
I would like to update the display order of all other items in the shopping list whenever an item is deleted. The code to do this is working fine when I use it in my view controller (from where the item is deleted), but since it is really related to the business objects and not the view, it would be better placed in either ShoppingList or Item.
Ideally, I would like it incorporated into the deletion of the item. So far I have tried the following:
1) Customize the standard Core Data generated ShoppingList.RemoveItemsObject (making sure to observe KVO before.after). What's strange about this way is that the item passed is stripped of its relationships to other core data entities before it gets to my code, which I need to process display orders correctly.
2) Customize Item.didTurnIntoFault. Same applies - but even attributes of the item are gone by this stage.
One answer would be to simply define a new method on ShoppingList that does my processing and then calls the original removeItemsObject. But I would prefer to know that whenever an item is removed, from anywhere, this is taken care of. This works nicely when I customize awakeFromInsert, for example - I know that whenever an item is created certain things are setup for me. But I'm surprised there's no equivalent for deletion.
Did you try to implement prepareForDeletion? Sounds like it's exactly what you're looking for.
The doc says:
You can implement this method to perform any operations required before the object is deleted, such as custom propagation before relationships are torn down, or reconfiguration of objects using key-value observing.