How can I make this query sargable? - sql

I need to retrieve rows from my table with out a field starting with a certain value:
I'm currently doing so with a simple query like this:
However, I have learned that A.FIELD sometimes contains a varying number of blank spaces before "WORD".
Obviously, I could re-write the query with another wildcard, but that would make it non-sargable and slow it down a fair bit (this query runs on a reasonably large table and needs to be as efficient as possible).
Is there any way I can write a sargable query to fix this problem?

If you can't clean the data for any reason, one option is to add a computed column to your table that trims all leading and trailing spaces:
ADD TrimmedYourColumn as (RTRIM(LTRIM(YourColumn)))
And index the computed column:
CREATE INDEX IX_YourTable_TrimmedYourColumn
ON YourTable (TrimmedYourColumn)
And now search that column instead:

How about ltrim?


Need help in optimizing an Oracle query

I came up with a query, to fetch data from a table, which contains 93781665 entries, to display the results as suggestions in an autocomplete text box.
But it takes more than 300 Sec to fetch results.
The query is given below.
select * from table
where upper(column1||' '||column2||' '||column3) like upper('searchstring%')
and rownum <= 10;
Kindly help me to optimize it.
The WHERE clause in your query is not sargable, meaning that no index can be used there. This rules out most of the methods you might use here to optimize the query. Here is one suggestion:
FROM yourTable
Here, column4 is a new column in your table, which contains the concatenation of the first three columns. Furthermore, all text in column4 will always be uppercase, and the search string you pass into the query will also always be uppercase. Given these assumptions, the following index might help the query:
CREATE INDEX idx ON yourTable (column4);
In Oracle, you can index an expression:
create index idx_t_columns on t(upper(column1||' '||column2||' '||column3))
Then, this condition can use the index:
where upper(column1||' '||column2||' '||column3) like 'searchstring%'
If the search string is constant, then this should also work:
where upper(column1||' '||column2||' '||column3) like upper('searchstring%')
Note that a wildcard at the beginning of the like pattern would preclude the use of an index.

Add column with substring of other column in SQL (Snowflake)

I feel like this should be simple but I'm relatively unskilled in SQL and I can't seem to figure it out. I'm used to wrangling data in python (pandas) or Spark (usually pyspark) and this would be a one-liner in either of those. Specifically, I'm using Snowflake SQL, but I think this is probably relevant to a lot of flavors of SQL.
Essentially I just want to trim the first character off of a specific column. More generally, what I'm trying to do is replace a column with a substring of the same column. I would even settle for creating a new column that's a substring of an existing column. I can't figure out how to do any of these things.
On obvious solution would be to create a temporary table with something like
SELECT id_col, substr(id_col, 2, 10) AS id_col_sub FROM table1
and then join it back and write a new table
b.id_col_sub as id_col,
a.some_col1, a.some_col2, ...
FROM table1 a
JOIN tmp_sub b
ON a.id_col = b.id_col
My tables have roughly a billion rows though and this feels extremely inefficient. Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe this is just the right way to do it? I guess I could replace the CREATE TABLE table2 AS... to INSERT OVERWRITE INTO table1 ... and at least that wouldn't store an extra copy of the whole thing.
Any thoughts and ideas are most welcome. I come at this humbly from the perspective of someone who is baffled by a language that so many people seem to have mastery over.
I'm not sure the exact syntax/functions in Snowflake but generally speaking there's a few different ways of achieving this.
I guess the general approach that would work universally is using the SUBSTRING function that's available in any database.
Assuming you have a table called Table1 with the following data:
Code | Desc
0001 | 1First Character Will be Removed
0002 | xCharacter to be Removed
The SQL code to remove the first character would be:
select SUBSTRING(Desc,2,len(desc)) from Table1
Please note that the "SUBSTRING" function may vary according to different databases. In Oracle for example the function is "SUBSTR". You just need to find the Snowflake correspondent.
Another approach that would work at least in SQLServer and MySQL would be using the "RIGHT" function
select RIGHT(Desc,len(Desc) - 1) from Table1
Based on your question I assume you actually want to update the actual data within the table. In that case you can use the same function above in an update statement.
update Table1 set Desc = SUBSTRING(Desc,2,len(desc))
You didn't try this?
SET columnY = substr(columnY, 2, 10 ) ;
There is no need to specify the length, as is evidenced from the following simple test harness:
,SUBSTR($1, 2)
,RIGHT($1, -2)
Both expressions here - SUBSTR(<col>, 2) and RIGHT(<col>, -2) - effectively remove the first character of the <col> column value.
As for the strategy of using UPDATE versus INSERT OVERWRITE, I do not believe that there will be any difference in performance or outcome, so I might opt for the UPDATE since it is simpler. So, in conclusion, I would use:
SET columnY = SUBSTR(columnY, 2)

Optimizing stored procedure with multiple "LIKE"s

I am passing in a comma-delimited list of values that I need to compare to the database
Here is an example of the values I'm passing in:
#orgList = "1123, 223%, 54%"
To use the wildcard I think I have to do LIKE but the query runs a long time and only returns 14 rows (the results are correct, but it's just taking forever, probably because I'm using the join incorrectly)
Can I make it better?
This is what I do now:
declare #tempTable Table (SearchOrg nvarchar(max) )
insert into #tempTable
select * from dbo.udf_split(#orgList) as split
-- this splits the values at the comma and puts them in a temp table
-- then I do a join on the main table and the temp table to do a like on it....
-- but I think it's not right because it's too long.
select something
from maintable gt
join #tempTable tt on like tt.SearchOrg
AYEAR= ISNULL(#year, ayear)
and (AYEAR >= ISNULL(#yearR1, ayear) and ayear <= ISNULL(#yearr2, ayear))
and adate = ISNULL(#Date, adate)
and (adate >= ISNULL(#dateR1, adate) and adate <= ISNULL(#DateR2 , adate))
The final result would be all rows where the is 1123, or starts with 223 or starts with 554
The reason for my date craziness is because sometimes the stored procedure only checks for a year, sometimes for a year range, sometimes for a specific date and sometimes for a date range... everything that's not used in passed in as null.
Maybe the problem is there?
Try something like this:
Declare #tempTable Table
-- Since the column is a varchar(10), you don't want to use nvarchar here.
SearchOrg varchar(20)
INSERT INTO #tempTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_split(#orgList);
maintable gt
some where statements go here
FROM #tempTable tt
WHERE Like tt.SearchOrg
Such a dynamic query with optional filters and LIKE driven by a table (!) are very hard to optimize because almost nothing is statically known. The optimizer has to create a very general plan.
You can do two things to speed this up by orders of magnitute:
Play with OPTION (RECOMPILE). If the compile times are acceptable this will at least deal with all the optional filters (but not with the LIKE table).
Do code generation and EXEC sp_executesql the code. Build a query with all LIKE clauses inlined into the SQL so that it looks like this: WHERE a LIKE #like0 OR a LIKE #like1 ... (not sure if you need OR or AND). This allows the optimizer to get rid of the join and just execute a normal predicate).
Your query may be difficult to optimize. Part of the question is what is in the where clause. You probably want to filter these first, and then do the join using like. Or, you can try to make the join faster, and then do a full table scan on the results.
SQL Server should optimize a like statement of the form 'abc%' -- that is, where the wildcard is at the end. (See here, for example.) So, you can start with an index on Fortunately, your examples meet this criteria. However, if you have '%abc' -- the wildcard comes first -- then the optimization won't work.
For the index to work best, it might also need to take into account the conditions in the where clause. In other words, adding the index is suggestive, but the rest of the query may preclude the use of the index.
And, let me add, the best solution for these types of searches is to use the full text search capability in SQL Server (see here).

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in ms access

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in msaccess ?
You can use sub queries
SELECT a,b,c INTO NewTable
FROM TheTable
WHERE a Is Null)
Like so:
INTO NewTable
FROM OldTable
First, create a table with the required keys, constraints, domain checking, references, etc. Then use an INSERT INTO..SELECT construct to populate it.
Do not be tempted by SELECT..INTO..FROM constructs. The resulting table will have no keys, therefore will not actually be a table at all. Better to start with a proper table then add the data e.g. it will be easier to trap bad data.
For an example of how things can go wrong with an SELECT..INTO clause: it can result in a column that includes the NULL value and while after the event you can change the column to NOT NULL the engine will not replace the NULLs, therefore you will end up with a NOT NULL column containing NULLs!
Also consider creating a 'viewed' table e.g. using CREATE VIEW SQL DDL rather than a base table.
If you want to do it through the user interface, you can also:
A) Create and test the select query. Save it.
B) Create a make table query. When asked what tables to show, select the query tab and your saved query.
C) Tell it the name of the table you want to create.
D) Go make coffee (depending on taste and size of table)
Select *
Into newtable
From somequery

How to implement a Keyword Search in MySQL?

I am new to SQL programming.
I have a table job where the fields are id, position, category, location, salary range, description, refno.
I want to implement a keyword search from the front end. The keyword can reside in any of the fields of the above table.
This is the query I have tried but it consist of so many duplicate rows:
job a,
category b
a.catid = b.catid AND
a.jobsalrange = '15001-20000' AND
a.jobloc = 'Berkshire' AND
a.jobpos LIKE '%sales%' OR
a.jobloc LIKE '%sales%' OR
a.jobsal LIKE '%sales%' OR
a.jobref LIKE '%sales%' OR
a.jobemail LIKE '%sales%' OR
a.jobsalrange LIKE '%sales%' OR
b.catname LIKE '%sales%'
For a single keyword on VARCHAR fields you can use LIKE:
SELECT id, category, location
FROM table
category LIKE '%keyword%'
OR location LIKE '%keyword%'
For a description you're usually better adding a full text index and doing a Full-Text Search (MyISAM only):
SELECT id, description
FROM table
WHERE MATCH (description) AGAINST('keyword1 keyword2')
id LIKE '%keyword%'
OR position LIKE '%keyword%'
OR category LIKE '%keyword%'
OR location LIKE '%keyword%'
OR description LIKE '%keyword%'
OR refno LIKE '%keyword%';
Ideally, have a keyword table containing the fields:
Count (possibly)
with an index on Keyword. Create an insert/update/delete trigger on the other table so that, when a row is changed, every keyword is extracted and put into (or replaced in) this table.
You'll also need a table of words to not count as keywords (if, and, so, but, ...).
In this way, you'll get the best speed for queries wanting to look for the keywords and you can implement (relatively easily) more complex queries such as "contains Java and RCA1802".
"LIKE" queries will work but they won't scale as well.
Personally, I wouldn't use the LIKE string comparison on the ID field or any other numeric field. It doesn't make sense for a search for ID# "216" to return 16216, 21651, 3216087, 5321668..., and so on and so forth; likewise with salary.
Also, if you want to use prepared statements to prevent SQL injections, you would use a query string like:
SELECT * FROM job WHERE `position` LIKE CONCAT('%', ? ,'%') OR ...
I will explain the method i usally prefer:
First of all you need to take into consideration that for this method you will sacrifice memory with the aim of gaining computation speed.
Second you need to have a the right to edit the table structure.
1) Add a field (i usually call it "digest") where you store all the data from the table.
The field will look like:
"n-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5-n6-n7-n8-n9" etc.. where n is a single word
I achieve this using a regular expression thar replaces " " with "-".
This field is the result of all the table data "digested" in one sigle string.
2) Use the LIKE statement %keyword% on the digest field:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE digest LIKE %keyword%
you can even build a qUery with a little loop so you can search for multiple keywords at the same time looking like:
digest LIKE %keyword1% AND
digest LIKE %keyword2% AND
digest LIKE %keyword3% ...
You can find another simpler option in a thread here: Match Against.. with a more detail help in 11.9.2. Boolean Full-Text Searches
This is just in case someone need a more compact option. This will require to create an Index FULLTEXT in the table, which can be accomplish easily.
Information on how to create Indexes (MySQL): MySQL FULLTEXT Indexing and Searching
In the FULLTEXT Index you can have more than one column listed, the result would be an SQL Statement with an index named search:
SELECT *,MATCH (`column`) AGAINST('+keyword1* +keyword2* +keyword3*') as relevance FROM `documents`USE INDEX(search) WHERE MATCH (`column`) AGAINST('+keyword1* +keyword2* +keyword3*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY relevance;
I tried with multiple columns, with no luck. Even though multiple columns are allowed in indexes, you still need an index for each column to use with Match/Against Statement.
Depending in your criterias you can use either options.
I know this is a bit late but what I did to our application is this. Hope this will help someone tho. But it works for me:
SELECT * FROM `landmarks` WHERE `landmark_name` OR `landmark_description` OR `landmark_address` LIKE '%keyword'
OR `landmark_name` OR `landmark_description` OR `landmark_address` LIKE 'keyword%'
OR `landmark_name` OR `landmark_description` OR `landmark_address` LIKE '%keyword%'