OpenLDAP: Why would you ever use refreshOnly for replication? - replication

I'm reading about OpenLDAP replication and I don't understand why you would use refreshOnly mode vs. refreshAndPersist mode.
I've tried to do some searching online, but wasn't able to find any discussion on the benefits (if any) of refreshOnly.
This page says "In this configuration, assuming that a refreshAndPersist type of synchronization is used (it is not clear why you would even want to think about using refreshOnly but it is possible), then a write (modify) to any master will be immediately propagated to all the other masters (providers) acting in their slave (consumer) role."
But's it's referring to Multi-Master replication and doesn't say anything similar for Provider/Consumer replication.
Is there any reason why I should ever consider refreshOnly for OpenLDAP replication?

You would use refreshOnly if you wanted to completely control when replication took place, e.g. every midnight. You would use refreshAndPersist when you want replication to be continuous and as instantaneous as possible.


how to achieve multi tenancy in redis?

Since I am fairly new with redis, I am trying to explore options and see how can I achieve multi tenancy with redis.
I read some documentation on redisLabs official page and looks like redis cluster mode supports multi tenancy out of the box with redis enterprise.
I am wondering if such a solution for multi tenancy is available in sentinel mode as well?
I may be completely confused with the multi tenancy that redis enterprise provides. May be it works in a sentinel mode also but nothing seems very clear to me.
Can someone throw some light on multi tenancy in redis and what mode supports it?
If you are going to use redis-cluster, then only one DB is supported.
Redis Cluster does not support multiple databases like the stand alone version of Redis. There is just database 0 and the SELECT command is not allowed.
If you are not going to use cluster mode, then you may take a look on the message posted by the creator of Redis about multiple databases (years ago)
I understand how this can be useful, but unfortunately I consider
Redis multiple database errors my worst decision in Redis design at
all... without any kind of real gain, it makes the internals a lot
more complex. The reality is that databases don't scale well for a
number of reason, like active expire of keys and VM. If the DB
selection can be performed with a string I can see this feature being
used as a scalable O(1) dictionary layer, that instead it is not.
With DB numbers, with a default of a few DBs, we are communication
better what this feature is and how can be used I think. I hope that
at some point we can drop the multiple DBs support at all, but I think
it is probably too late as there is a number of people relying on this
feature for their work.
Salvatore's message
Redis cluster documentation
What i may suggest is prefixing. We are using this method in a SaaS application and all different data types are prefixed with related customer name. We handle some of the operations on application layer.
If you want to go single instance/multiple database then you need to manage them on your codebase via using select command. There may be some libraries to manage them. One of the critical thing is that;
All databases are still persisted in the same RedisDB / Append Only file.

Master-Master replication consequences

I'm migrating my RavenDb database to RavenHq and trying to setup replication for the first time. I'm considering to have a Master-Master replication with Failover equal to AllowReadsFromSecondariesAndWritesToSecondaries. What kind of behaviour will change in this case in comparison to single server scenario.
As I understand RavenDb will write to Master and read from Master (so edit-list scenario should not be a problem) until failover happens. So my only concern should be resolve failover-related conflicts (that are pretty unlikely to happen). Or should I take anything else into consideration?
Yes, that is correct. Note that conflicts can be handled automatically by the server by selecting the appropriate strategy

Replicate SQL Server table using ActiveMQ

I hope you can help me with this:
I have two database tables in separate servers, and I want them to be synchronized, I mean that when one of them is modified (Insert, delete, update), the other one is modified too. I´ve been searching for a while now and I´ve found that this can be acomplished with ActiveMQ, but, I haven´t found the way of doing It, can anybody give me a clue or a tutorial or something?.
I really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.
Is there any particular reason you want to mix in ActiveMQ for the task?
ActiveMQ is a message broker to send event messages around. There is no out-of-the-box database synchronization of DB events with ActiveMQ. You probably have to use Apache Camel (or custom code) to read and write the databases. That would be a non trivial task, non the less, since there are things as transactions, table locks you need to take into account.
If replication is all that is needed for HA or backup, you should really look at the built in mechanisms of SQL server.

Redis active-active replication

I am using redis version 2.8.3. I want to build a redis cluster. But in this cluster there should be multiple master. This means I need multiple nodes that has write access and applying ability to all other nodes.
I could build a cluster with a master and multiple slaves. I just configured slaves redis.conf files and added that ;
slaveof myMasterIp myMasterPort
Thats all. Than I try to write something into db via master. It is replicated to all slaves and I really like it.
But when I try to write via a slave, it told me that slaves have no right to write. After that I just set read-only status of slave in redis.conf file to false. Hence, I could write something into db.
But I realize that, it is not replicated to my master replication so it is not replicated to all other slave neigther.
This means I could'not build an active-active cluster.
I tried to find something whether redis has active-active cluster capability. But I could not find exact answer about it.
Is it available to build active-active cluster with redis?
If it is, How can I do it ?
Thank you!
Redis v2.8.3 does not support multi-master setups. The real question, however, is why do you want to set one up? Put differently, what challenge/problem are you trying to solve?
It looks like the challenge you're trying to solve is how to reduce the network load (more on that below) by eliminating over-the-net reads. Since Redis isn't multi-master (yet), the only way to do it is by setting up each app server with a master and a slave (to the other master) - i.e. grand total of 4 Redis instances (and twice the RAM).
The simple scenario is when each app updates only a mutually-exclusive subset of the database's keys. In that scenario this kind of setup may actually be beneficial (at least in the short term). If, however, both apps can touch all keys or if even just one key is "shared" for writes between the apps, then you'll need to bake locking/conflict resolution/etc... logic into your apps to consolidate local master and slave differences (and that may be a bit of an overkill). In either case, however, you'll end up with too many (i.e. more than 1) Redises, which means more admin effort at the very least.
Also note that by colocating app and database on the same server you're setting yourself for near-certain scalability failure. What will happen when you need more compute resources for your apps or Redis? How will you add yet another app server to the mix?
Which brings me back to the actual problem you are trying to solve - network load. Why exactly is that an issue? Are your apps so throughput-heavy or is the network so thin that you are willing to go to such lengths? Or maybe latency is the issue that you want to resolve? Be the case as it may be, I recommended that you consider a time-proven design instead, namely separating Redis from the apps and putting it on its own resources. True, network will hit you in the face and you'll have to work around/with it (which is what everybody else does). On the other hand, you'll have more flexibility and control over your much simpler setup and that, in my book, is a huge gain.
Redis Enterprise has had this feature for quite a while, but if you are looking for an open source solution KeyDB is a fork with Active Active support (called Active Replica).
Setting it up is just a little more work than standard replication:
Both servers must have "active-replica yes" in their respective configuration files
On server B execute the command "replicaof [A address] [A port]"
Server B will drop its database and load server A's dataset
On server A execute the command "replicaof [B address] [B port]"
Server A will drop its database and load server B's dataset (including the data it just transferred in the prior step)
Both servers will now propagate writes to each other. You can test this by writing to a key on Server A and ensuring it is visible on B and vice versa.

What are your opinions of DRBD/Heartbeat for replication and failover for the Firebird RDBMS?

I am researching the possibility of using Firebird for a project.
However, one potential problem is replication and failover, or rather, lack of a (subjective) "good" solution. There are several potential solutions listed in the Firebird FAQ but they are either 1) Windows-centric; 2) horribly outdated; 3) commerical; or 4) not full-featured.
The only potential option I see is FIBRE and that looks 1) immature; 2) potentially dead; and 3) not full-featured.
I've learned about DRBD and Heartbeat and these solutions look promising. I am looking for your feedback should you already have 1) setup a replicated Firebird configuration; and/or 2) used DRBD with Firebird.
Any "gotchas", recommendations, tips, etc.?
There is one session about replication in Firebird Conference 2009
Holger Klemt
* Firebird Replicated Part 1
* Firebird Replicated Part 2
o In this two sessions you will see how easy it is to implement
your own replication system in a
Firebird database. Based on triggers
and simple scripts, your can create a
live backup system. The architecture
allows master-master, master-slave,
multi-master, online and offline
replication. The replicated Firebird
cluster can be used by any client
without interuption, also in the case
of partial hardware failures, planned
hardware and software maintenance
operations, for example the switch to
a new Firebird version.
We have been using DRBD/Heartbeat/Pacemaker Solution for the last 2 years for exactly the same problem. To keep Firebird databases up and running and failover. The setup is actually quite easy and I have a few suggestions that I will give you to get a head start. So these are just suggestions ...
create a drbd partition, format it and mount it to /data (with pacemaker of course)
put your aliases.conf to the drbd partion, so you won't have to change the aliases.conf twice everytime you make a change to it. Copy the aliases.conf file to /data and link it to /etc/firebird/2.1/aliases.conf on both nodes
The downside of using Drbd/Pacemaker in a Primary/Secondary setup is that the clients will loose the connection as soon as the primary node dies and until the secondary node is up. The will have to reconnect. I haven't really found another way arround that, although the firebird client should allow a connection timeout it never really worked with our applications (maybe the applications or the libraries we use don't really use the firebird connection timeout).
As for database replication, I am afraid you have to go the way as Hugues Van Landeghem decribed or quoted it. We developed such an application, that works with triggers. So a new line is added to a table, a trigger copies the key of the entry to another table which is constantly read by an application which grabs that entry and inserts it to another database. Quite ugly but it works just fine! I personally think Firebird should invest some time in having their own datbase replications system...they are really far behind...
Hope my information helped you a little bit. I have further questions feel free to contact me or visit my site #