Errror reading from remote server returned by /jenkins - apache

I am using Jenkins and currently Jenkins is running fine in the background; however, when i am trying to access Jenkins using browser the homepage of Jenkins is not accessible. When I access it I get "Error reading from remote server ( 502 )". Has anyone encountered such an issue? What could be the workaround?

Try to remove proxy: export http_proxy="" && curl http://servername:portnumber/destinationpath/
or use https instead of http or vice-versa ( check which port is your jenkins running on )
Is it running on apache/nginx/whatever? Restart that. Restart Jenkins once more. Check the server configuration regarding those.

Did restart of iptables post which I have seen the issue to be resolved.
service iptables restart


Testing OC4J's default configuration

I have installed Oracle Developer Suite 10g release 2(Complete), which leaded to installed standalone OC4J. Now I am trying to Testing OC4J's default configuration.
I started the OC4J instance through Start> Search for oc4j> clicked oc4j batch file. OC4J is initialized now.
According to the docs...
I tried to test it by accessing http://localhost:8888/ from a Web browser.
Unfortunately, the result is...
localhost refused to connect.Try:
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
According to the docs, I also tried...
http://localhost:8888/servlet/HelloWorldServlet, which should return a "Hello World" page.
Unfortunately, same result was produced...
localhost refused to connect.Try:
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
I also tried starting the server using...
java -jar oc4j.jar
from J2EE>Home directory, and tried both links mentioned above...
And the result was...
404 Not Found
Resource / not found on this server
404 Not Found
Resource /servlet/HelloWorldServlet not found on this server
P.S. I have a static IP address.
What could be the cause for that?

Ambari agent cannot reach ambari server

I'm trying to use Ambari.
First, because I cannot use the root permission of lab's server, I tried to start Ambari agent manually.
This is my conf of agent:
The server port is 8082, but I got this error in agent log:
server at is not reachable.
Before that, I closed the SELinux of server, and added rules in server's iptables. So I can't figure it out.
Have you turned the iptables off? Did you edit the network configuration file (etc/sysconfig/network)? Also try running setenforce 0.

- Restcomm Olympus WebRTC WSS error,

We are trying to use RESTCOMM OLYMPUS by making few customizations as part of our application. The main customization is that we have deployed OLYMPUS war on our Apache TOmcat web server and the OUTBOUND PROXY is properly pointed to the same server where RESTCOMM is running.
So far all is good, but recently we got the issue that "getUserMedia()" deprecation issue because of insecure origin issue by chromium fix.
So, it means we need to use HTTPS and WSS. I can see that just around 7 days back OLYMPUS code has been updated on GITHUB to use WSS if HTTPS has been used in browser location bar.
So first we have installed self signed CERT and enabled SLL config on TOMCAT so that our customized OLYMPUS UI is accessed via https from Tomcat. And then we used WSS protocol to connect to OUTBOUND PROXY. Bt we got the below error
"WebSocket connection to 'wss:/:5082/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT
WSMessageChannel:createWebSocket(): websocket connection has failed:[object Event]"
Then we thought that in addition to TOMCAT ( where WAR is deployed) we need to install self singed cert and SSL config on RESTCOMM as well. So we did it by following and also we have used WSS protocol.
But this time also we got the error but with a different error code though
"WebSocket connection to 'wss:/:5083/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
WSMessageChannel:createWebSocket(): websocket connection has failed:[object Event]"
Can i request the forums to explain if we are missing any thin here?
Thanks in advance
I would suggest to use the mobicents RestComm docker image instead of using the zip bundle, because for docker image all settings are handled automatically and https/wss should work out of the box. Here are some quick steps to get you started:
Install docker in your Ubuntu if not already there
Download RestComm docker image:
$ docker pull mobicents/restcomm:latest
Start docker image:
$ docker run -e SECURE="true" -e SSL_MODE="allowall" -e USE_STANDARD_PORTS="true" -e VOICERSS_KEY="VOICERSS_KEY_HERE" --name=restcomm -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 9990:9990 -p 5060:5060 -p 5061:5061 -p 5062:5062 -p 5063:5063 -p 5060:5060/udp -p 65000-65535:65000-65535/udp mobicents/restcomm:latest
Now you should be able to reach your RestComm instance Admin UI at:
https://<host ip address>/
Make sure that you don't have any servers running in your host at the ports used by the docker container above, or you'll have to use different ports (please refer to the docker hub page for such options)
Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis

How to run Tomcat on Linux (which has glassfish on port 8080)

I am trying to run to tomcat on linux where glassfish is already running on port 8080 ( you can check here - . So i changed the tomcat port to 8181 by editing the server.xml file. NOw with the command and i get the following output
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr
Using CLASSPATH: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Tomcat started.
I am assuming that tomcat is now working. Now when i test the server by - I get
No data received on the browser.
What is the problem here and how do i solve it?
The problem may be unrelated to tomcat. I think your first step should be to exclude networking issues.
I have assumed you are accessing from another machine. If that is the case, try to access localhost:8181 from If this is not possible in a conventional browser, perhaps because it is a headless server with X forwarding disabled then use a terminal based browser. Try typing the following in the terminal on
lynx localhost:8181
If you are able to see a representation of a tomcat splash page then you can attribute it to networking issues. This could be firewall related (perhaps even an issue with iptables on linux).

How can i access the vps server

Have a VPS and access to WHM as cpanel.But how can i access the php.ini and also connect using SSH.With SSH getting error
Failed to connect to server:
Network error: Connection refused.
If there is a proxy that is blocking it?
This question is probably better asked at serverfault. Having said that, by default in common Linux distributions (Ubuntu, for example), SSHD is not running by default.
Verify that you are running an SSH server, and if you are still having issues, this is better taken somewhere more relevant.