I'm trying to make this but for a different language. In this language there are different kinds of names for uncles and aunts. We call paternal aunt something else and maternal aunt something else.
I came across a graph database 'neo4j'. I created 5 members. I got this approach to work just like I want. But the problem in this is that I've to create n * (n-1) relationships. I'm create a full tree here and not just 5 members of a family.
Also, this is more like brute force. I'm creating all the possibilities.
I'm looking for a smarter way to do this. Creating rules like for example Father's sister = paternal-aunt and Mother's sister = maternal-aunt
I also want queries Father's wife's sister but don't want to define them separately.
You can create functions that establish the rules, e.g.:
def is_maternal_aunt(individual, member):
return member in individual.mother.sister
These can be arbitrary complex:
def is_maternal_aunt(individual, member):
return is_sister(individual.mother, member)
def is_sister(individual, member):
return individual.mother == member.mother
It will be a matter of design for which you consider are primary relationships and which are derived. You can probably derive everything from parent child relationships (and marriage).
You don't have to create the bidirectional relationships, and you also don't have to create short-cut-relationships, you can just infer the information in the other direction or across multiple steps.
MATCH path = allShortestPaths((p1:Person {name:"Jane"})-[*]-(p2:Person {name:"John"}))
RETURN [r in relationships(path) | type(r)] as rels
which would then return ["husband","father"] e.g. for an Father-in-Law
or ["mother","sister"] for an maternal aunt.
You can then map those tuples either still in cypher (with case) or in your python program.
Prolog is a reasonable choice... For instance I have this small library to draw 'genealogy trees' like this
from this definition (genre definitions are used only to change node' color)
:- module(elizabeth, [elizabeth/0]).
:- use_module(genealogy).
elizabeth :- genealogy(elizabeth, 'Elizabeth II Family').
female('Elizabeth II').
female('Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon').
female('Princess Mary of Teck').
female('Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck').
parent_child('George VI', 'Elizabeth II').
parent_child('Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon','Elizabeth II').
parent_child('George V', 'George VI').
parent_child('Princess Mary of Teck', 'George VI').
parent_child('Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck','Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon').
parent_child('Claude Bowes-Lyon', 'Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon').
It requires SWI-Prolog and Graphviz.
edit adding some facts
female('Rose Bowes-Lyon').
parent_child('Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck','Rose Bowes-Lyon').
parent_child('Claude Bowes-Lyon', 'Rose Bowes-Lyon').
and the rule
is_maternal_aunt(Person, Aunt) :-
parent_child(Parent, Person),
parent_child(GranParent, Parent),
parent_child(GranParent, Aunt),
Aunt \= Parent.
we get
?- is_maternal_aunt(X,Y).
X = 'Elizabeth II',
Y = 'Rose Bowes-Lyon' ;
I have columns taken from excel as a dataframe, the columns are as follows:
Holiday Tour Provider has a couple of company names
Packages, the features provided in each package are mostly the same like
Meals,Accommodation etc... even though one company may call it "Saver", others may call it "Budget". (each of column mostly follow Yes/No, except Local travel vehicle are again car names like Ford Taurus,jeep cherokee etc..
Cancellation amount is integers)
I need to write a function like
where the user can give input like
match(AdventureLife, Luxury)
then I need to return all the packages that have similar features with Luxury by other Holiday Tour Providers, no matter what name they give the package like 'Semi Lux', 'Comfort' etc...
I want to give a counter for every match and display all the packages that exceed the counter by 3 or 4.
This is my first python code. I am stuck here.
fb is the total df I exported to
def mapHol(HTP, PACKAGE):
mfb = (fb['HTP']== HTP)&(fb['package']== package)
B = fb[mfb]
for i in fb[i]:
for j in B[j]:
if fb[i]==B[j]:
I dont know how to proceed, please help me this is my first major project, I started on my own.
I have been trying to create distractors (false answers) for multiple choice questions. Using word vectors, I was able to get decent results for single-word nouns.
When dealing with compound nouns (such as "car park" or "Donald Trump"), my best attempt was to compute similar words for each part of the compound and combine them. The results are very entertaining:
Car park -> vehicle campground | automobile zoo
Fire engine -> flame horsepower | fired motor
Donald Trump -> Richard Jeopardy | Jeffrey Gamble
Barrack Obama -> Obamas McCain | Auschwitz Clinton
Unfortunately, these are not very convincing. Especially in case of named entities, I want to produce other named entities, which appear in similar contexts; e.g:
Fire engine -> Fire truck | Fireman
Donald Trump -> Barrack Obama | Hillary Clinton
Niagara Falls -> American Falls | Horseshoe Falls
Does anyone have any suggestions of how this could be achieved? Is there are a way to generate similar named entities/noun chunks?
I managed to get some good distractors by searching for the named entities on Wikipedia, then extracting entities which are similar from the summary. Though I'd prefer to find a solution using just spacy.
If you haven't seen it yet, you might want to check out sense2vec, which allows learning context-sensitive vectors by including the part-of-speech tags or entity labels. Quick usage example of the spaCy extension:
s2v = Sense2VecComponent('/path/to/reddit_vectors-1.1.0')
doc = nlp(u"A sentence about natural language processing.")
most_similar = doc[3]._.s2v_most_similar(3)
# [(('natural language processing', 'NOUN'), 1.0),
# (('machine learning', 'NOUN'), 0.8986966609954834),
# (('computer vision', 'NOUN'), 0.8636297583580017)]
See here for the interactive demo using a sense2vec model trained on Reddit comments. Using this model, "car park" returns things like "parking lot" and "parking garage", and "Donald Trump" gives you "Sarah Palin", "Mitt Romney" and "Barack Obama". For ambiguous entities, you can also include the entity label – for example, "Niagara Falls|GPE" will show similar terms to the geopolitical entitiy (GPE), e.g. the city as opposed to the actual waterfalls. The results obviously depend on what was present in the data, so for even more specific similarities, you could also experiment with training your own sense2vec vectors.
(Using Rails 3)
I have 2 models (Vehicle and Capabilities) in a has_many through association.
So Vehicle 1 can have Capability 1 (eg towing), Capability 2 (eg passenger), Capability 3 (eg flying), etc.
v = Vehicle.first
v.capabilities.pluck(:name) #=> will give something like ['towing', 'passenger', 'flying']
I want to find all vehicles which must not have a particular capability, eg all vehicles which cannot fly.
I have tried queries similar to this below but it still includes flying vehicles, I think mainly because the airplane also has other capabilities.
non_flying = Vehicle.includes(:capabilities).where('capabilities.id NOT IN (?)', [2,3])
non_flying.first.capabilities.pluck(:name) #=> will give something like ['towing'].
Note that the flying capability is not included, but I just do not want this vehicle returned at all. How would I write this?
If possible, I would rather not use meta_wheel or squeel gems, but any arel_table implementation is welcome unless there is a simpler solution.
Try this query
non_flying = Vehicle.all - Vehicle.includes(:capabilities).where('capabilities.id IN (?)', [2,3]).all
I ended up doing something similar to this, inspired by Thaha kp's answer.
# Get all flying vehicles first
subquery = Vehicle.joins(:capabilities).where("capabilities.id IN (?)", 3).pluck("vehicles.id")
# Then get all vehicles not in this flying vehicles array
non_flying = Vehicle.where('vehicles.id NOT IN (?)', subquery).all
I have a relation called conversations_grouped made up of bags of tuples of varying sizes, like so:
DUMP conversations_grouped:
Each L[0-9]+ is a tag corresponding to a string. For example, L194 might be "Hello, how are you doing?" and L195 might be "fine, how are you?". This correspondence is maintained by a map called line_map. Here's a sample:
DUMP line_map;
([L666324#Do you think she might be interested in someone?])
([L666264#Well that's typical of Her Majesty's army. Appoint an engineer to do a soldier's work.])
([L666263#Um. There are rumours that my Lord Chelmsford intends to make Durnford Second in Command.])
([L666262#Lighting COGHILL' 5 cigar: Our good Colonel Dumford scored quite a coup with the Sikali Horse.])
([L666522#So far only their scouts. But we have had reports of a small Impi farther north, over there. ])
([L666521#And I assure you, you do not In fact I'd be obliged for your best advice. What have your scouts seen?])
([L666520#Well I assure you, Sir, I have no desire to create difficulties. 45])
([L666372#I think Chelmsford wants a good man on the border Why he fears a flanking attack and requires a steady Commander in reserve.])
([L666371#Lord Chelmsford seems to want me to stay back with my Basutos.])
([L666370#I'm to take the Sikali with the main column to the river])
([L666369#Your orders, Mr Vereker?])
([L666257#Good ones, yes, Mr Vereker. Gentlemen who can ride and shoot])
([L666256#Colonel Durnford... William Vereker. I hear you 've been seeking Officers?])
What I'm trying to do now is parse through each line and replace the L[0-9]+ tags with their corresponding text from line_map. Is it possible to make references to line_map from within a Pig FOREACH statement, or is there something else I have to do?
The first issue with this is that in a map the key must be a quoted string. So you can't use a schema value to access the map. E.G. This will not work.
C: {foo: chararray, M: [value:chararray]}
The solution that comes to mind is to FLATTEN conversations_grouped. Then do a join between conversations_grouped and line_map on the L[0-9]+ tag. You'll probably want to project out some of the extra fields (like the L[0-9]+ tag after the join) to make the next step faster. After that you'll have to regroup the data, and massage it into the correct format.
This won't work unless each bag has it's own unique ID for the regrouping, but if each of the L[0-9]+ tags appear in only one bag (conversation) you can use this to create a unique id.
-- A is dumped conversations_grouped
-- Pulls out an element from the bag to use as the id
id = LIMIT tags 1 ;
-- Flattens B into id, tag form. Each group of tags will have the same id.
The schema and output for B is:
B: {id: chararray,tags::tag: chararray}
Assuming that the tags are unique, the rest is done like:
-- A2 is line_map, loaded in tag/message pairs instead of a map
-- Joins conversations_grouped and line_map on tag
C = FOREACH (JOIN B by tags::tag, A2 by tag)
-- This generate removes the tag
GENERATE id, message ;
-- Regroups C on the id created in B
-- This step limits the output to just messages
GENERATE C.(message) AS messages ;
Schema and output from D:
D: {messages: {(A2::message: chararray)}}
({(Colonel Durnford... William Vereker. I hear you 've been seeking Officers?),(Good ones, yes, Mr Vereker. Gentlemen who can ride and shoot)})
({(Your orders, Mr Vereker?),(I'm to take the Sikali with the main column to the river),(Lord Chelmsford seems to want me to stay back with my Basutos.),(I think Chelmsford wants a good man on the border Why he fears a flanking attack and requires a steady Commander in reserve.)})
({(Well I assure you, Sir, I have no desire to create difficulties. 45),(And I assure you, you do not In fact I'd be obliged for your best advice. What have your scouts seen?),(So far only their scouts. But we have had reports of a small Impi farther north, over there. )})
NOTE: If at worst, (the L[0-9]+ tags aren't unique) you can give each line of the input file(s) a sequential, integer id before you load it into pig.
UPDATE: If you are using pig 0.11, then you can also use the RANK operator.
Simple and common tree like data structures
Data Structure example
Animated Cartoons have 4 extremities (arm, leg,limb..)
Human have 4 ext.
Insects have 6 ext.
Arachnids have 6 ext.
Animated Cartoons have 4 by extremity
Human have 5 by ext.
Insects have 1 by ext.
Arachnids have 1 by ext.
Some Kind of Implementation
Quantity, Item
ItemName, Kingdom
Kingdom, NumberOfExtremities
ExtremityName, NumberOfFingers
Example Dataset
1 Homer Simpson, 1 Ralph Wiggum, 2 jon
skeet, 3 Atomic ant, 2 Shelob (spider)
Querying.. "Number of fingers"
Number = 1*4*4 + 1*4*4 + 1*4*5 + 3*6*1 + 2*6*1 = 82 fingers (Let Jon be a Human)
I wonder if there is any tool for define it parseable for automatic create the inherited data, and drawing this kind of trees, (with the plus of making this kind of data access, if where posible..)
It could be drawn manually with for example FreeMind, but AFAIK it dont let you define datatype or structures to automatically create inherited branch of items, so it's really annoying to have to repeat and repeat a structure by copying (and with the risk of mistake). Repeated Work over Repeated Data, (an human running repeated code), it's a buggy feature.
So I would like to write the data in the correct language that let me reuse it
for queries and visualization, if all data is in XML, or Java Classes, or in a Database File, etc.. there is some tool for viewing the tree and making the query?
PD : Creating nested folders in a filesystem and using Norton Commander in tree view, is not an option, I hope (just because It have to be builded manually)
Your answer is mostly going to depend on what programming skills you already have and what skills you are willing to acquire. I can tell you what I would do with what I know.
I think for drawing trees you want a LaTeX package like qtree. If you don't like this one, there are a bunch of others out there. You'd have to write a script in whatever your favorite scripting language is to parse your input into the LaTeX code to generate the trees, but this could easily be done with less than 100 lines in most languages, if I properly understand your intentions. I would definitely recommend storing your data in an XML format using a library like Ruby's REXML, or whatever your favorite scripting language has.
If you are looking to generate more interactive trees, check out the Adobe Flex Framework. Again, if you don't like this specific framework, there are bunches of others out there (I recommend the blog FlowingData).
Hope this helps and I didn't miserably misunderstand your question.
Data structure that You are describing looks like it can fit in xml format. Take a look at Exist XML database, and if I can say so it is the most complete xml database. It comes with many tools to get you started fast ! like XQuery Sandbox option in admin http interface.
Example Dataset
1 Homer Simpson, 1 Ralph Wiggum, 2 jon skeet, 3 Atomic ant, 2 Shelob (spider)
I am assuming that there are 2 instances of jon skeet, 3 instances of Atomic ant and 2 instances of Shelob
Here is a XQuery example:
let $doc :=
<subject><name>Homer Simpson</name><kind>AnimatedCartoons</kind></subject>
<subject><name>Ralph Wiggum</name><kind>AnimatedCartoons</kind></subject>
<subject><name>jon skeet</name><kind>Human</kind></subject>
<subject><name>jon skeet</name><kind>Human</kind></subject>
<subject><name>Atomic ant</name><kind>Insects</kind></subject>
<subject><name>Atomic ant</name><kind>Insects</kind></subject>
<subject><name>Atomic ant</name><kind>Insects</kind></subject>
let $definitions := $doc/definition/*
let $subjects := $doc/subject
(: here goes some query logic :)
let $fingers := fn:sum(
for $subject in $subjects
return (
for $x in $definitions
where fn:name($x) = $subject/kind
return $x/extremities * $x/fingers_per_ext
return $fingers
XML Schema Editor with visualization is perhaps what I am searching for
checking it..