wxGrid destructor Triggers Breakpoint on - wxwidgets

I'm new to wxWidgets, although I've been able to get an application up and running fairly smoothly up until this point. For the main window, I'm using a wxGrid inside a wxPanel. Everything runs fine until I close the program.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
The grid is a member of a class derived from wxPanel:
class FormDataView
: public wxPanel
FormDataView(wxWindow* parent);
virtual ~FormDataView();
wxGrid* grid_;
And created in the constructor. The data for the grid comes from another thread, so I create a custom event for actually writing the data.
FormDataView::FormDataView(wxWindow* parent)
: wxPanel(parent,wxID_ANY )
wxBoxSizer* mbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
grid_ = new wxGrid(this, wxID_ANY );
grid_->CreateGrid(0, 0);
Bind(FORMDATAVIEW_UPDATE, &FormDataView::onDataUpdate, this);
/// This function is called by a child thread when data is received.
newHeaders_ = headers;
newData_ = data;
wxThreadEvent* evt = new wxThreadEvent(FORMDATAVIEW_UPDATE);
wxQueueEvent(this, evt);
/// Called by the event loop. This function puts the data
/// into the grid.
FormDataView::onDataUpdate(wxThreadEvent& evt)
FormatterStringList& headers = newHeaders_;
FormatterStringList& data = newData_;
if (grid_->GetNumberRows() <= 0)
wxGridCellAttr* attr = new wxGridCellAttr();
attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
for (size_t i = 0; i<headers.size(); ++i)
if (grid_->GetNumberCols() <= 0)
grid_->SetColLabelValue(i, headers[i].data());
grid_->SetColAttr(i, attr);
// suspend redrawing while we add data.
// insert a new row at the top of the table
0, // position
1, // number of rows to insert
true); // update labels (not current used)
for (size_t i = 0; i<headers.size(); ++i)
if (data.size() < i)
grid_->SetCellValue(0, i, "");
grid_->SetCellValue(0, i, data[i].data());
// resume redrawing.
Everything runs fine, but when I close, I get the following message. I've indicated the line upon which the breakpoint occurs. Is there some short of sequence for clearing data out of the grid I'm supposed to follow?
wxGrid::GetCellSize( int row, int col, int *num_rows, int *num_cols ) const
wxGridCellAttr *attr = GetCellAttr(row, col);
attr->GetSize( num_rows, num_cols );
>>>>>>> if ( *num_rows == 1 && *num_cols == 1 )
return CellSpan_None; // just a normal cell
if ( *num_rows < 0 || *num_cols < 0 )
return CellSpan_Inside; // covered by a multi-span cell
// this cell spans multiple cells to its right/bottom
return CellSpan_Main;

The problem was with where I was creating the column attribute. I was re-using the same column attribute instance for every column, but each column needs to have its own instance.
if (grid_->GetNumberRows() <= 0)
/// NO! The columns will share the same cell attribute
/// instance.
wxGridCellAttr* attr = new wxGridCellAttr();
attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
for (size_t i = 0; i<headers.size(); ++i)
if (grid_->GetNumberCols() <= 0)
grid_->SetColLabelValue(i, headers[i].data());
grid_->SetColAttr(i, attr);
if (grid_->GetNumberRows() <= 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i<headers.size(); ++i)
if (grid_->GetNumberCols() <= 0)
grid_->SetColLabelValue(i, headers[i].data());
/// Each column will have its own cell attribute.
/// Supposedly, the column will take ownership of this
/// instance.
wxGridCellAttr* attr = new wxGridCellAttr();
attr->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
grid_->SetColAttr(i, attr);


JavaFx Problem with Service and Task with different Parameters and multiple calls

i need to create a Service and a Task to calculate the Mandelbrot and JuliaSet.
The calculation is working pretty good and now we need to give it into a Service and call it inside the task.
I have now the Problem, that every Time the task is executed, the Parameters are different.
I wrote a little Setter Function to parse those Arguments to the Service first.
But i'm not sure if this is the right Way?!
I'm also not sure how to correctly call the service in the main Function?
Now it works like this:
First time the service is executed, everything seems to work, but when i call it a secound Time, nothing seems to happen.....
Just to make sure: A Service can execute the Task multiple Times at the same Time?
Is it also posible with different Parameters?
Code Task:
private MandelbrotRenderOptions mandelbrot;
private JuliaRenderOptions juliaset;
private Canvas leftCanvas;
private Canvas rightCanvas;
public RenderTask(Canvas leftCanvas, Canvas rightCanvas) {
this.leftCanvas = leftCanvas;
this.rightCanvas = rightCanvas;
public void setOptions(MandelbrotRenderOptions mandelbrot, JuliaRenderOptions juliaset) {
this.mandelbrot = mandelbrot;
this.juliaset = juliaset;
protected Void call() throws Exception {
try {
System.out.println("HALLO SERVICE");
// instances for rendering the left canvas [pixel.data -> PixelWriter -> WritableImage -> GraphicsContext -> Canvas]
// creates an writable image which contains the dimensions of the canvas
WritableImage wimLeftCanvas = new WritableImage((int) leftCanvas.getWidth(), (int) leftCanvas.getHeight());
// instance which can write data into the image (instance above)
PixelWriter pwLeftCanvas = wimLeftCanvas.getPixelWriter();
// instance which fills the canvas
GraphicsContext gcLeftCanvas = leftCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
// instances for rendering the right canvas [pixel.data -> PixelWriter -> WritableImage -> GraphicsContext -> Canvas]
WritableImage wimRightCanvas = new WritableImage((int) rightCanvas.getWidth(), (int) rightCanvas.getHeight());
PixelWriter pwRight = wimRightCanvas.getPixelWriter();
GraphicsContext gcRightCanvas = rightCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
gcLeftCanvas.clearRect(0, 0, leftCanvas.getWidth(), leftCanvas.getHeight());
//Pixel[][] pixels; // contains pixel data for rendering canvas
// instances for logging the rendered data
SimpleImage simpleImageLeftCanvas = new SimpleImage((int) leftCanvas.getWidth(), (int) leftCanvas.getHeight());
SimpleImage simpleImageRightCanvas = new SimpleImage((int) rightCanvas.getWidth(), (int) rightCanvas.getHeight());
short dataSimpleImage[] = new short[3]; // contains pixel data for logging rendered data
// fills left canvas (mandelbrot) PixelWriter instance with data
Pixel[][] pixels = mandelbrot.setAllPixels();
for (int y = 0; y < (int) leftCanvas.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < (int) leftCanvas.getWidth(); x++) {
// parses color data to PixelWriter instance
Color color = Color.rgb(pixels[y][x].getRed(), pixels[y][x].getGreen(), pixels[y][x].getBlue());
pwLeftCanvas.setColor(x, y, color);
for (int depth = 0; depth < 3; depth++) {
if (depth == 0) {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getRed();
} else if (depth == 1) {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getGreen();
} else {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getBlue();
try {
simpleImageLeftCanvas.setPixel(x, y, dataSimpleImage); // because data must not be null
} catch (InvalidDepthException e) {
// logs that rendering of mandelbrot is finished
FractalLogger.logRenderFinished(FractalType.MANDELBROT, simpleImageLeftCanvas);
// fills left canvas (juliaset) PixelWriter instance with data
pixels = juliaset.setAllPixels();
for (int y = 0; y < (int) rightCanvas.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < (int) rightCanvas.getWidth(); x++) {
// pareses color to PixelWriter instance
Color color = Color.rgb(pixels[y][x].getRed(), pixels[y][x].getGreen(), pixels[y][x].getBlue());
pwRight.setColor(x, y, color);
for (int depth = 0; depth < 3; depth++) {
if (depth == 0) {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getRed();
} else if (depth == 1) {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getGreen();
} else {
dataSimpleImage[depth] = pixels[y][x].getBlue();
try {
simpleImageRightCanvas.setPixel(x, y, dataSimpleImage); // because data must not be null
} catch (InvalidDepthException e) {
// logs that rendering of juliaset is finished
FractalLogger.logRenderFinished(FractalType.JULIA, simpleImageRightCanvas);
// writes data from WriteableImage instance to GraphicsContext instance, which finally parses renders it into the canvas
gcLeftCanvas.drawImage(wimLeftCanvas, 0, 0);
gcRightCanvas.drawImage(wimRightCanvas, 0, 0);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
protected void cancelled()
updateMessage("The task was cancelled.");
protected void failed()
updateMessage("The task failed.");
public void succeeded()
updateMessage("The task finished successfully.");
} ```
And i call it like this in the main:
``` Service service = new Service() {
protected Task createTask() {
return new RenderTask(leftCanvas, rightCanvas);
task.setOptions(mandelbrot, juliaset);
service.restart(); ```

I am trying to display SQL result on a list control using MFC

Please, I have list control on, I want to display my query result on a list control. The program runs without error, but it does not display the SQL result on the list control.
BOOL CClassDialog::OnInitDialog()
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
CString DSN;
DICUCDS\\SQL2K14;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft\x00ae Visual Studio\x00ae 2013;WSID=DESKTOP-
CDatabase aDB;
try {
CRecordset aRS(&aDB);
aRS.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, (L"SELECT DISTINCT Myclass FROM MyFacts"));
// populate Grids
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_classlist, LVS_EX_GRIDLINES);
// Column width and heading
m_classlist.InsertColumn(1, L"Class", LVCFMT_LEFT, -1, 1);
m_classlist.InsertColumn(2, L"Age", LVCFMT_LEFT, -1, 1);
m_classlist.SetColumnWidth(0, 120);
m_classlist.SetColumnWidth(1, 200);
m_classlist.SetColumnWidth(2, 200);
CString strValue;
aRS.GetFieldValue(L"Myclass", strValue);
m_classlist.SetItemText(-1, 1, strValue);
catch (CDBException * ex)
TCHAR buf[255];
ex->GetErrorMessage(buf, 255);
CString strPrompt(buf);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CClassDialog::ResetListControl()
int iNbrOfColumns;
CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)m_classlist.GetDlgItem(0);
if (pHeader) {
iNbrOfColumns = pHeader->GetItemCount();
for (int i = iNbrOfColumns; i >= 0; i--) {
Are you sure this is right? m_classlist.SetItemText(-1, 1, strValue);
If you research the official documentation for the CListCtrl (for example, here) you will see:
CString strText;
int nColumnCount = m_myListCtrl.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
// Insert 10 items in the list view control.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
strText.Format(TEXT("item %d"), i);
// Insert the item, select every other item.
m_myListCtrl.InsertItem(LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE, i, strText,
(i % 2) == 0 ? LVIS_SELECTED : 0, LVIS_SELECTED, 0, 0);
// Initialize the text of the subitems.
for (int j = 1; j < nColumnCount; j++)
strText.Format(TEXT("sub-item %d %d"), i, j);
m_myListCtrl.SetItemText(i, j, strText);
You are making references to SetItemText but you have not actually added any elements into the list. The code before shows an example:
// Insert the item, select every other item.
m_myListCtrl.InsertItem(LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE, i, strText,
(i % 2) == 0 ? LVIS_SELECTED : 0, LVIS_SELECTED, 0, 0);
I am not saying that you have to use that specific set of paramaters. But the point is that you must insert an item into the list before you can update it's properties. Or even set the properties at the moment you add it into the list.

Why doesn't my number sequence print from the 2d arraylist correctly?

I cannot get the loop to work in the buildDimArray method to store the number combinations "11+11", "11+12", "11+21", "11+22", "12+11", "12+12", "12+21", "12+22", "21+11", "21+12", "21+21", "21+22", "22+11", "22+12", "22+21", and "22+22" into the 2d arraylist with each expression going into one column of the index dimBase-1 row. The loop may work for other people, but for some reason mine isn't functioning correctly. The JVM sees the if dimBase==1 condition, but refuses to check the other conditions. The "WTF" not being printed as a result from the buildDimArray method. If dimBase=1, it prints successfully, but doesn't for the other integers. The dimBase==3 condition needs a loop eventually. The "WTF" is for illustrative purposes. I could get away with a 1d arraylist, but in the future I will likely need the 2d arraylist once the program is completed.
package jordanNumberApp;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Dev Wills
* Purpose: This code contains some methods that aren't developed. This program is supposed to
* store all possible number combinations from numbers 1-dimBase for the math expression
* "##+##" into a 2d arraylist at index row dimBase-1 and the columns storing the
* individual combinations. After storing the values in the arraylist, the print method
* pours the contents in order from the arraylist as string values.
public class JordanNumberSystem {
// a-d are digits, assembled as a math expression, stored in outcomeOutput, outcomeAnswer
public static int dimBase, outcomeAnswer, a, b, c, d;
public static String inputOutcome, outcomeOutput;
public static final int NUM_OF_DIMENSIONS = 9; //Eventually # combinations go up to 9
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dimBaseArray;
public static Scanner keyboard;
* Constructor for JordanNumber System
* accepts no parameters
public JordanNumberSystem() // Defunct constructor
// Declare and Initialize public variables
this.dimBase = dimBase;
this.outcomeOutput = outcomeOutput;
this.outcomeAnswer = outcomeAnswer;
// Set all values of variable values
public static void setAllValues()
// Initialize
dimBase = 1;
outcomeAnswer = 22; // variables not used for now
outcomeOutput = "1"; // variables not used for now
//a = 1;
//b = 1;
//c = 1;
//d = 1;
dimBaseArray = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void buildDimArray(int dim)
dimBase = dim;
//create first row
dimBaseArray.add(dimBase-1, new ArrayList<String>());
if( dimBase == 1)
a = b = c = d = dimBase ;
System.out.println("WTF"); // SHOWS
else if (dimBase == 2)
{ // dim = 2
a = b = c = d = 1 ;
System.out.println("WTF"); // doesn't show
// dimBaseArray.get(dimBase-1).add(a+""+b+"+"+c+""+d);
for( int i = 1 ; i <= dim ; i++)
for( int j = 1 ; j <= dim ; j++)
for( int k = 1 ; k <= dim ; k++)
for( int l = 1 ; l <= dim ; l++)
else if (dimBase == 3)
a = b = c = d = dimBase;
}catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
public static void printArray(int num) // Prints the contents of the array
{ // Fixing the printing method
int i = num-1;
for( String string : dimBaseArray.get(i))
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
setAllValues(); // sets the initial a,b,c,d values and dimBase, initializes 2d arraylist
// Get the Dimension Base number
System.out.println("Enter Dimension Base Number. Input an integer: ");
int dimBaseInput = keyboard.nextInt(); // Receives integer
dimBase = dimBaseInput;
if( dimBase != 1 && dimBase != 2 && dimBase != 3)
{// Error checking
System.out.println("invalid Dimension Base Number should be 1 or 2 ");
// Build the arraylist, print, clear, exit
}// End of class

add a object to a array in my class

I want to add an object (from a different class) to an array in my class.
When I try to do that I get this
error: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location
I create the object (to be added) in the main function and I use the push method in the main function to add this object to my Parking_Lot class.
My code:
void Parking_Lot::push(Cars const &car)
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm Today = *localtime(&t);
if (is_full())
printf("Parking lot is full!!\n");
if (Today.tm_hour < OpeningT.tm_hour && Today.tm_hour > ClosingT.tm_hour)
printf("Parking lot is now closed!!\n");
printf("Opening time: from %02d:%02d to %02d:%02d\n", OpeningT.tm_hour, OpeningT.tm_min, ClosingT.tm_hour, ClosingT.tm_min);
else if (Today.tm_hour == OpeningT.tm_hour || Today.tm_hour == ClosingT.tm_hour)
if(Today.tm_min > OpeningT.tm_min || Today.tm_min < ClosingT.tm_min) Lot[front++] = car;
printf("Parking lot is now closed!!\n");
printf("Opening time: from %02d:%02d to %02d:%02d\n", OpeningT.tm_hour, OpeningT.tm_min, ClosingT.tm_hour, ClosingT.tm_min);
else if(Today.tm_hour > OpeningT.tm_hour && Today.tm_hour < ClosingT.tm_hour) Lot[front++] = car;
where the car is the object I want to add and the Lot is the array in my class that I want to add the object to.
The constructor of my class:
Parking_Lot::Parking_Lot(int s)
Cars* Lot = new Cars[s+1];
size = s;
front = 0;
What am i doing wrong here and how can I fix it?
The problem is in your constructor:
Parking_Lot::Parking_Lot(int s)
Cars* Lot = new Cars[s+1];
size = s;
front = 0;
You define a new and separate variable Lot inside the constructor. It will not be related to any possible member variable you might have with the same name.
You need to initialize the member variable instead:
Parking_Lot::Parking_Lot(int s)
Lot = new Cars[s+1];
size = s;
front = 0;

How to add a comment to a cell in Excel 2007 using the Open XML SDK 2.0?

Has anyone ever had any luck figuring out how to add a comment to Excel using the Open XML SDK 2.0? I couldn't find any documentation on where to get started on this issue.
The below code will take the worksheet that you want to add comments to and then iterate over the commentsToAdd dictionary. The dictionary key is the cell reference (ie. A1) and the value is the comment text to be added.
/// <summary>
/// Adds all the comments defined in the commentsToAddDict dictionary to the worksheet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param>
/// <param name="commentsToAddDict">Dictionary of cell references as the key (ie. A1) and the comment text as the value</param>
public static void InsertComments(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, Dictionary<string, string> commentsToAddDict)
if (commentsToAddDict.Any())
string commentsVmlXml = string.Empty;
// Create all the comment VML Shape XML
foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
commentsVmlXml += GetCommentVMLShapeXML(GetColumnName(commentToAdd.Key), GetRowIndex(commentToAdd.Key).ToString());
// The VMLDrawingPart should contain all the definitions for how to draw every comment shape for the worksheet
VmlDrawingPart vmlDrawingPart = worksheetPart.AddNewPart<VmlDrawingPart>();
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(vmlDrawingPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create), Encoding.UTF8))
writer.WriteRaw("<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\"\r\n xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"\r\n xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">\r\n <o:shapelayout v:ext=\"edit\">\r\n <o:idmap v:ext=\"edit\" data=\"1\"/>\r\n" +
"</o:shapelayout><v:shapetype id=\"_x0000_t202\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"202\"\r\n path=\"m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe\">\r\n <v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>\r\n <v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"/>\r\n </v:shapetype>"
+ commentsVmlXml + "</xml>");
// Create the comment elements
foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
WorksheetCommentsPart worksheetCommentsPart = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart ?? worksheetPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetCommentsPart>();
// We only want one legacy drawing element per worksheet for comments
if (worksheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<LegacyDrawing>().SingleOrDefault() == null)
string vmlPartId = worksheetPart.GetIdOfPart(vmlDrawingPart);
LegacyDrawing legacyDrawing = new LegacyDrawing() { Id = vmlPartId };
Comments comments;
bool appendComments = false;
if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null)
comments = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments;
comments = new Comments();
appendComments = true;
// We only want one Author element per Comments element
if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments == null)
Authors authors = new Authors();
Author author = new Author();
author.Text = "Author Name";
CommentList commentList;
bool appendCommentList = false;
if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null &&
worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().SingleOrDefault() != null)
commentList = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().Single();
commentList = new CommentList();
appendCommentList = true;
Comment comment = new Comment() { Reference = commentToAdd.Key, AuthorId = (UInt32Value)0U };
CommentText commentTextElement = new CommentText();
Run run = new Run();
RunProperties runProperties = new RunProperties();
Bold bold = new Bold();
FontSize fontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 8D };
Color color = new Color() { Indexed = (UInt32Value)81U };
RunFont runFont = new RunFont() { Val = "Tahoma" };
RunPropertyCharSet runPropertyCharSet = new RunPropertyCharSet() { Val = 1 };
Text text = new Text();
text.Text = commentToAdd.Value;
// Only append the Comment List if this is the first time adding a comment
if (appendCommentList)
// Only append the Comments if this is the first time adding Comments
if (appendComments)
worksheetCommentsPart.Comments = comments;
Helper method that will create the VML XML for the Shape:
/// <summary>
/// Creates the VML Shape XML for a comment. It determines the positioning of the
/// comment in the excel document based on the column name and row index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnName">Column name containing the comment</param>
/// <param name="rowIndex">Row index containing the comment</param>
/// <returns>VML Shape XML for a comment</returns>
private static string GetCommentVMLShapeXML(string columnName, string rowIndex)
string commentVmlXml = string.Empty;
// Parse the row index into an int so we can subtract one
int commentRowIndex;
if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out commentRowIndex))
commentRowIndex -= 1;
commentVmlXml = "<v:shape id=\"" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "\" type=\"#_x0000_t202\" style=\'position:absolute;\r\n margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:96pt;height:55.5pt;z-index:1;\r\n visibility:hidden\' fillcolor=\"#ffffe1\" o:insetmode=\"auto\">\r\n <v:fill color2=\"#ffffe1\"/>\r\n" +
"<v:shadow on=\"t\" color=\"black\" obscured=\"t\"/>\r\n <v:path o:connecttype=\"none\"/>\r\n <v:textbox style=\'mso-fit-shape-to-text:true'>\r\n <div style=\'text-align:left\'></div>\r\n </v:textbox>\r\n <x:ClientData ObjectType=\"Note\">\r\n <x:MoveWithCells/>\r\n" +
"<x:SizeWithCells/>\r\n <x:Anchor>\r\n" + GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(columnName, rowIndex) + "</x:Anchor>\r\n <x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>\r\n <x:Row>" + commentRowIndex + "</x:Row>\r\n <x:Column>" + GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName) + "</x:Column>\r\n </x:ClientData>\r\n </v:shape>";
return commentVmlXml;
Helpers to figure out the Column Index and coordinates for the comment Shape:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the coordinates for where on the excel spreadsheet to display the VML comment shape
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnName">Column name of where the comment is located (ie. B)</param>
/// <param name="rowIndex">Row index of where the comment is located (ie. 2)</param>
/// <returns><see cref="<x:Anchor>"/> coordinates in the form of a comma separated list</returns>
private static string GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(string columnName, string rowIndex)
string coordinates = string.Empty;
int startingRow = 0;
int startingColumn = GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName).Value;
// From (upper right coordinate of a rectangle)
// [0] Left column
// [1] Left column offset
// [2] Left row
// [3] Left row offset
// To (bottom right coordinate of a rectangle)
// [4] Right column
// [5] Right column offset
// [6] Right row
// [7] Right row offset
List<int> coordList = new List<int>(8) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out startingRow))
// Make the row be a zero based index
startingRow -= 1;
coordList[0] = startingColumn + 1; // If starting column is A, display shape in column B
coordList[1] = 15;
coordList[2] = startingRow;
coordList[4] = startingColumn + 3; // If starting column is A, display shape till column D
coordList[5] = 15;
coordList[6] = startingRow + 3; // If starting row is 0, display 3 rows down to row 3
// The row offsets change if the shape is defined in the first row
if (startingRow == 0)
coordList[3] = 2;
coordList[7] = 16;
coordList[3] = 10;
coordList[7] = 4;
coordinates = string.Join(",", coordList.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());
return coordinates;
/// <summary>
/// Given just the column name (no row index), it will return the zero based column index.
/// Note: This method will only handle columns with a length of up to two (ie. A to Z and AA to ZZ).
/// A length of three can be implemented when needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnName">Column Name (ie. A or AB)</param>
/// <returns>Zero based index if the conversion was successful; otherwise null</returns>
public static int? GetColumnIndexFromName(string columnName)
int? columnIndex = null;
string[] colLetters = Regex.Split(columnName, "([A-Z]+)");
colLetters = colLetters.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray();
if (colLetters.Count() <= 2)
int index = 0;
foreach (string col in colLetters)
List<char> col1 = colLetters.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().ToList();
int? indexValue = Letters.IndexOf(col1.ElementAt(index));
if (indexValue != -1)
// The first letter of a two digit column needs some extra calculations
if (index == 0 && colLetters.Count() == 2)
columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? (indexValue + 1) * 26 : columnIndex + ((indexValue + 1) * 26);
columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? indexValue : columnIndex + indexValue;
return columnIndex;
Don't forget to save your worksheet and workbook once you are done in order to see the changes.
Many people ask "how to do this" / "how to do that" using OpenXML.
The most frequent answer say that OpenXML is painful to work with (I agree) refer to 3-rd party library (specifically ClosedXML).
If you are not using a 3-rd party library then I would like to answer with a general tip based on this thread: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/81f767d0-15ac-42fe-b122-6c5c02b6c373/cell-color-and-add-comment?forum=oxmlsdk
You can create a empty workbook named "Unchanged.xlsx", then do the customization which you want to reflect to C# code in Open XML SaveAs the changed workbook named as "Changed.xlsx". Now open the Open XML SDK tool, use compare files feature, you then can see the changes made to the workbook and how can they been done with Open XML SDK via C#.
There is an option reflect code that gives you a lot of hints about what is going on, see (incomplete) example below:
As it is autogenerated code it can be simplified / inlined / reduced. After a week or two you'll get into speed.