How to add leading spaces in oracle? - sql

I want to add leading spaces in one of the column of the table. This ID column has data type Char(6).
Example: Table1
when I do select * from Table1. and save file into .csv with pipeline delimited.
It show spaces at the end of number.
Current output:
|1234 |
|5678 |
desired output
| 1234|
| 5678|

You'd need to trim the value to remove the trailing spaces and then lpad it to add the leading spaces
select lpad(trim(id),6)
from your_table
Here is a sqlfiddle example that shows the steps

select LPAD(trim(id), 2) from table


How to add delimiter to String after every n character using hive functions?

I have the hive table column value as below.
I want to add a delimiter such as ":" (i.e., a colon) after every 2 characters.
I would like the output to be:
Is there any hive string manipulation function support available to achieve the above output?
For fixed length this will work fine:
select regexp_replace(str, "(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})","$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6")
(select "112312452343" as str)s
Another solution which will work for dynamic length string. Split string by the empty string that has the last match (\\G) followed by two digits (\\d{2}) before it ((?<= )), concatenate array and remove delimiter at the end (:$):
select regexp_replace(concat_ws(':',split(str,'(?<=\\G\\d{2})')),':$','')
(select "112312452343" as str)s
If it can contain not only digits, use dot (.) instead of \\d:
This is actually quite simple if you're familiar with regex & lookahead.
Replace every 2 characters that are followed by another character, with themselves + ':'
select regexp_replace('112312452343','..(?=.)','$0:')
| _c0 |
| 11:23:12:45:23:43 |

Only return fields that contain numbers or special characters EXCEPT . Error

In Redshift I want to return fields that contain numbers or special characters EXCEPT . (anything other and a-z and A-Z)
The following gets me anything that contains a number but I need to extend this to any special character except full stop (.)
FROM table
WHERE name ~ '[0-9]'
I need something like:
FROM table
WHERE name ~ '[0-9]' OR name ~'[,#';:#~[]{}etcetc'
Sample Data:
Expected Output:
You may use
WHERE name !~ '^[[:alpha:].]+$'
Here, all records that do not consist of only alphabetic or dot symbols will be returned. ^ matches the start of a string position, [[:alpha:].]+ matches one or more letters or dots and $ matches the end of string position.
If it is for PostgreSQL you may use
WHERE name SIMILAR TO '%[^[:alpha:].]%'
The SIMILAR TO operator accepts POSIX character classes and bracket expressions and wildcards, too, and requires a full string match. So, % allows any chars before any 1 char other than letter or dot ([^[:alpha:].]), and then there may also be any other chars till the end of the string.
You can do:
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM table WHERE name !~* '[a-z]'
This means: match on names that do not contain any alphanumeric character.
Operator !~* means:
Does not match regular expression, case insensitive
Edit based on the provided sample data and expected results.
If you want to match on names that contain at least one character other than an alphabetic character or a dot, then you can do:
select * from mytable where name ~* '[^a-z.]'
Demo on DB Fiddle:
with mytable(name) as (values
select * from mytable where name ~* '[^a-z.]'
| name |
| :------ |
| joh1n1 |
| j!ohn! |
| jo!h2n |
| jo.&hn |
| j.3ohn |
| j.$9ohn |

Insert comma after every 7th character using regex and hive sql

Insert comma after every 7th character and make sure the data is having comma after every 7th character correctly using regex in hive sql.
Also to ignore the space while selecting the 7th character.
Sample Input Data:
12F123f, 123asfH 0DB68ZZ, AG12453
112312f, 1212sfH 0DB68ZZ, AQ13463
I tried the below code, but it didn't work and insert the commas correctly.
select regexp_replace('12345 12456,12345 123', '(/(.{5})/g,"$1$")','')
I think you can use
select regexp_replace('12345 12456,12345 123', '(?!^)[\\s,]+([^\\s,]+)', ',$1')
See the regex demo
(?!^) - no match if at string start
[\s,]+ - 1 or more whitespaces or commas
([^\s,]+) - Capturing group 1: one or more chars other than whitespaces and commas.
The ,$1 replacement replaces the match with a comma and the value in Group 1.
You just want to replace the empty char to ,, am I right? the SQL as below:
select regexp_replace('12F123f,123asfH 0DB68ZZ,AG12453',' ',',') as result;
| result |
| 12F123f,123asfH,0DB68ZZ,AG12453 |

Concat multiple rows with a delimiter in Hive

I need to concat string values row wise with '~' as delimiter.
I have the following data:
I need to concat 'Comment' column for each 'id' in the ascending order of 'row_id' with '~' as delimiter.
Expected output is as below:
GROUP_CONCAT is not an option since its not recognized in my Hive version.
I can use collect_set or collect_list, but I won't be able to insert delimiter in between.
Is there any workaround?
collect_list returns array, not string.
Array can be converted to delimited string using concat_ws.
This will work, with no specific order of comments.
select id
,concat_ws('~',collect_list(comment)) as comments
from mytable
group by id
| id | comments |
| 1 | ABC~PRQ~XYZ |
| 2 | LMN~OPQ |

Removed blank spaces however values are still not matching

Doing a group by on a column gives this result:
select column, count(column) from table group by column
column | count(column)
P | 3123
P | 145
I figured I must have a 'P' with trailing spaces. However, after using the function TRIM(column) and OREPLACE(column,' ',''), like so:
select TRIM(column), count(TRIM(column)) from table group by TRIM(column)
.. I still get the same results.
Is column a CHAR? If yes, try to CAST your column as VARCHAR.
It can also be an unbreakable space (these are invisible and not trimmed), or a different P character.