Display images on the screen for the user to select - kinect

How do I display some images on kinect display screen so that the user selects the desired image by hand?

Go through this tutorial skeletal tracking. Once you are able to do this, you just have to measure the time which one hand was holding on a specific location. This can be done only with Kinect data, and if that time exceeds a certain threshold you can trigger it as a button click. Get an idea of what I'm trying to explain here from the below link virtual dressing room


AnyLogic travelling camera

I want my model to be displayed in a cool video, in which a camera goes through my model.
Is there any guide for smooth tracking shots and functions that can be used?
I could not find good information in the AnyLogic Library :(
You can design any camera movement you like.
Simplest way is to create a custom agent with a camera at its origin and make the agent move around. Or add a camera to existing agents to "view over their shoulder".
Or check the example models with search term "camera".
Or make your camera positions dynamic:
You can do anything you want :)

How to display the screen of one player to all other players in Godot ,gdscript?

I'm using Godot engine to develop a multiplayer Lan WiFi game,at some point the game will give a player a task to solve ,the task is a mini game that has some random aspects ,one player should control and solve this task while other players will be just watching and should not be able to control anything ,so I want to know how to display exactly what's happening on that player screen to the rest of players?
enter image description here
what i would recommend is to record the person game screen and just send the recording to the other person via live this is going to take some bandwidth tho
also when sending a screen recording it just a matrix array or a pool byte array in Godot i think.
another way is to get person movement and location and set the camera to that exact location you could also just use two cameras and a split screen to see the current player and the other player.

TILED editor - object placement possible to snap to grid in Object Layer?

thanks again in advance for any time spent helping me.
Thankfully, I have been able to import TMX to libgdx game without much of a problem, however this is now the first time of using Object Layer, for which at this moment in time I only want to include Platforms as the object (ie. I have 1x Tile Layer showing my background image and 1x Object Layer above). Now I've seen that I can just draw lines and/or boxes, circles etc to create 'zones' which I can pull into my code (goodness only knows how atm but I'll figure that later/soon )
But I see in Tiled that the button - Insert Tile (T) - exists.
I'm trying to use it but when the tile im using as a platform is placed it goes exactly where the mouse is pressed and I can't move it other than delete it. I'd just like to copy-paste a whole row of them for now and Level1 can just be 50 tiles in a flat line just so I can get it all working. It seems weird to me that Tiled can't do this but Ive spent ages looking for a way and can't find it.
Am I missing something or is this just not possible? And if the latter, how does an experienced tiled user (who's making a 2d platformer) go about creating such a simple example above in the Tiled environment?
What a noob - I answered my own question. The option I needed was in the 'View' dropdown menu -> 'Snap To grid' LOL

Scanning for a picture within another picture in Objective-C

I want to know if my display (or some window) contains a picture.
I think to do the following:
take a snapshot from a display.
scan this snapshot to see if it contains my picture.
How can I scan a picture in an Objective-C Cocoa app?
I suggest to scan your picture first with some rudamentary feature detection. You can blur it and find big opaque regions. Then you can do the same with the captured screen. This way you can find the "center of gravity" of your picture on the screen. Then you can do bit-by-bit comparasm with a small trashold to finetune the position.
When you have the exact position you can do a last step, a bit-by-bit comparsion for the whole picture area to be sure that your picture is fully displayed (no parts are blocked out by other windows) if this is interesting for you.

How can I replicate the Swing(Needle) animation of VoiceMemo.app?

I want to create an application in which i want to record user voice.I want to do the same naimation as voiceMemo application does on iphone when we record sound? any sample code would be appreciated.
The Voice Memo app displays a VU Meter, which you can implement with a digital (low pass) filter to simulate the ballistics. There is sample code out there, but most of it is poor quality or inaccurate. You can have a layer for the scale background, and another for the needle that you rotate about its origin.