Using counter within an "---[]" expression in vba - vba

I have a macro that enters data from Excel in a web form. it looks like this:
IE.document.all("substance[1][1]").Value = Cells(i, 6).Value
For every row that I add, the expression in [ ] changes. Is there a way to automate this? Something like:
IE.document.all("substance[n][m]").Value = Cells(i, 6).Value
so I can write at the end of the loop n=n+1?
Here's the full code:
Sub BOMcheckAutoEingabe()
Dim IE As Object
Dim Login As String
Dim Passwort As String
Dim row As Integer
row = 22
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Visible = True
ShowWindow IE.hwnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
.Navigate ""
Do Until .ReadyState = 4
IE.document.all("username").Value = "****"
IE.document.all("password").Value = "****"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")
.Navigate "" _
& "#fmd-table"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")
SendKeys "{TAB 6}", True
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
If Sheets("FMD).Cells(row, 1) <> 0 Then
IE.document.all("usage[1]").Value = Cells(row, 1).Value
End If
End With
End Sub

as already posted in comments to OP, here the test of proposed solution
Sub test()
Dim n As Long, m As Long, Check As String
m = 1
For n = 1 To 10
Check = "substance[" & n & "][" & m & "]"
Debug.Print Check
Next n
End Sub
which is give you this
just follow this logic within your code

converting to String solved the problem:
this one does the trick:
IE.document.all("usage[" + CStr(t) + "]").Value = Cells(zeile, 1).Value


Using VBA to extract information from Internet explorer - I'm stuck

I designed some code a while ago using VBA and Excel, to check which people on my database are still VAT registered. I'm based in the UK, and I was using a European website, but because of Brexit it's no longer working! I changed it to a British website now, and I managed to get the code to enter the VAT number from Excel into the webpage, but I can't find the Id or name of the submit button, so I'm not able to submit it. After I've submitted it I'll probably need some more help, but I'll see if anyone can help me solve this one first. Many thanks for your help. Here's the code.
Sub CheckVatPlayers()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As String
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim aEle As HTMLLinkElement
Dim findtext As String, player As String
x = 2
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = True
Do Until Cells(x, 1) = ""
'If Left(Cells(x, 4), 2) <> "GB" Then
' Cells(x, 4) = "GB" & Replace(Cells(x, 4), " ", "")
'End If
IE.Navigate ""
Do While IE.Busy = True Or IE.ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM#
IE.Document.getElementById("target").Value = Cells(x, 4).Value
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM#
y = 2
For Each aEle In IE.Document.getElementsByClassName("VAT registration details")
Debug.Print aEle.innerText
z = Trim(aEle.innerText)
Cells(x, 7) = z
If Left(z, 1) = "V" Then
Cells(x, 7).Font.Color = vbBlack
Cells(x, 7).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
With Cells(x, 6)
.Value = Date
.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
End With
y = y + 1
x = x + 1
End Sub

Error Division by Zero in Excel VBA

Hy Experts, I am new here, I am getting problem with my Excel VBA Code that is use to extract the data over the website. I have two sheets with name as "Input" & "Output" that looks like this....
The first sheet will get a url as an input and than run the code written below...
Sub extractTablesData()
Dim IE As Object, obj As Object
Dim str, e As String
Dim pgf, pgt, pg As Integer
Dim ele, Results As Object
Dim add, size, cno, price, inurl, sp, sp1 As String
Dim isheet, rts As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set isheet = Worksheets("InputSheet")
Set rts = Worksheets("Results")
url = isheet.Cells(3, 2)
RowCount = 1
rts.Range("A" & RowCount) = "Address"
rts.Range("B" & RowCount) = "Size"
rts.Range("C" & RowCount) = "Contact Number"
rts.Range("D" & RowCount) = "Price"
rts.Range("E" & RowCount) = "Url"
LastRow = rts.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
'RowCount = LastRow
With IE
.Visible = True
.Navigate (url)
Do While IE.busy Or IE.readystate <> 4
'Application.Wait (Now + #12:00:05 AM#)
For Each Results In .Document.all
Select Case Results.className
Case "title search-title"
str = Results.innerText
str1 = Split(str, " ")
str = CInt(str1(0))
End Select
If Results.className = "btn btn-main-inverted dropdown-toggle" And InStr(1, Results.Title, " page") > 2 Then
str2 = Results.Title
str1 = Split(str2, " ")
str2 = CInt(str1(0))
End If
pgno = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(str / str2, 0)
End With
Set IE = Nothing
UrlS = Split(url, "?")
Url1 = UrlS(0)
Url2 = "?" & UrlS(1)
For i = 1 To pgno
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
url = Url1 & "/" & i & Url2
With IE
.Visible = True
.Navigate (url)
Do While IE.busy Or IE.readystate <> 4
'Application.Wait (Now + #12:00:08 AM#)
For Each ele In .Document.all
Select Case ele.className
Case "listing-img-a"
inurl = ele.href
rts.Cells(LastRow + 1, 5) = inurl
Case "listing-location"
LastRow = LastRow + 1
add = ele.innerText
rts.Cells(LastRow, 1) = add
Case "lst-sizes"
sp = Split(ele.innerText, " ·")
size = sp(0)
rts.Cells(LastRow, 2) = size
Case "pgicon pgicon-phone js-agent-phone-number" ' btn-tools" 'pgicon pgicon-phone js-agent-phone-number" 'agent-phone-number"
rts.Cells(LastRow, 3) = ele.innerText
Case "listing-price"
price = ele.innerText
rts.Cells(LastRow, 4) = price
End Select
LastRow = rts.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
rts.Range("A" & LastRow).Select
End With
Set IE = Nothing
Application.Wait (Now + #12:00:04 AM#)
Next i
MsgBox "Success"
End Sub
after execution of this code I am getting this error....
Error Message after code execution
after debugging I am getting this field as highlighted....
Debug Message
Please check and make me the correction where I am getting error... This code will extract the data after successful running, and at the end it will run the message box with message as "Success"...
Getting the actual info off the page efficiently:
You could try the following method which uses CSS selectors.
The "." means class and " a" means a tags within preceeding parent element.
Example: So CSS pattern .listing-info a would be a tags within parent element(s) having class = listing-info.
querySelectorAll will find all matching elements having this CSS pattern and return a nodeList.
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetListings()
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate "", False
While .Busy Or .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
Dim addresses As Object, address As Object, sizes As Object, prices As Object, _
listingIds As Object, i As Long, urls As Object
With .document
Set addresses = .querySelectorAll(".listing-location")
Set listingIds = .querySelectorAll(".listing-item")
Set sizes = .querySelectorAll(".lst-sizes")
Set prices = .querySelectorAll(".price")
Set urls = .querySelectorAll(".listing-info a")
End With
Dim headers()
headers = Array("Address", "Size", "ListingId", "Price", "Url")
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
For i = 0 To addresses.Length - 1
.Cells(i + 2, 1) = addresses.item(i).innerText
.Cells(i + 2, 2) = Split(sizes.item(i).innerText, "S$")(0)
.Cells(i + 2, 3) = Split(Split(listingIds.item(i).outerHTML, "listing-id-")(1), Chr$(32))(0)
.Cells(i + 2, 4) = "S$" & prices.item(i).innerText
.Cells(i + 2, 5) = "" & urls.item(i).getAttribute("href")
Next i
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Getting the number of pages:
You could use a function to get the number of pages in a more reliable way. You can then amend the code above to loop from 1 to pgno very easily.
Sub Main
Dim pgno As Long
'your other code
pgno = GetNumberOfPages(.document)
'other code
End Sub
Public Function GetNumberOfPages(ByVal doc As HTMLDocument) As Long
On Error GoTo errhand:
GetNumberOfPages = doc.querySelector(".listing-pagination li:nth-last-child(2)").innerText
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GetNumberOfPages = 1
End Function
Notes on your code from my original non-answer:
I would go with what I have written above and amend into a loop but here are my observations on your code:
0) Main division by 0 error
You need to handle the divide by zero error of str2 = 0. For example:
You could declare pgno as Variant and have
If str2 = 0 Then
pgNo = CVErr(xlErrDiv0)
pgno = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(str / str2, 0)
End If
1) Also, note that when you have multiple declarations on the same line and only declare the type of one, then all the undeclared types implicitly are variant.
Dim add, size, cno, price, inurl, sp, sp1 As String
Only sp1 is a String. Everthing else is a variant.
If all strings then declare as:
Dim add As String, size As String, cno As String, price As String, inurl As String, sp1 As String
I exclude sp As String because I think it should be sp() As String.
And as add and size are methods in VBA, I would avoid using them as variable names, and go with iAdd or iSize, or something more descriptive and useful that cannot be considered ambiguous.
2) You also do not have to use hungarian/pseudo-hungarian notation e.g. str.
3) Use Integer not Long
4) Use Option Explicit and check you datatypes. For example, as mentioned in comments, did you mean for str1 to be a string that you are using in division? Are you relying on an implicit conversion? Don't. Declare as the expected type.
For example: Dim str1() As String, str2 As String, pgno As Double
This will also highlight that you have missing variable declarations e.g. RowCount.

XHTML Website Scraping Guidance

I'm very new to VBA and HTML/XHTML, but through online research and help from other wonderful members on here I've managed to write a code to pull the data I want. I had a hard time identifying the IDs of the elements I want since it's in XHTML, so I think that's where I've botched it the most.
The website:
Here is what I want the code to do:
Pull Bank Name, Address, Phone Number, Total Deposits and Total Assets -- GIVEN the bank name and city I provide in my excel sheet.
Here is my code:
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub CommunityBanks()
Dim IE As Object, TableResults As Object, webRow As Object, BankName As Variant, page As Long, pageTotal As Long, r As Long
Dim beginTime As Date, i As Long, myvalue As Variant
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
IE.navigate "" & Range("A2").Value & "+Bank&ml=30&lc=" & Range("B2").Value & "%2C+TX"
IE.Visible = True
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.readystate <> 4 '4 = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
'input bank name into form
'myvalue = InputBox("Enter City. Press okay to begin search", "Bank Search")
'Range("F3").Value = myvalue
'IE.document.getelementbyid("MainContent_txtCity").Value = "LegacyTexas"
'click find button
'Sleep 5 * 1000
Sleep 5 * 1000
'total pages
pageTotal = IE.document.getelementbyid("lsortby").innertext
page = 0
Do Until page = pageTotal
page = IE.document.getelementbyclassname("lsortby").innertext
With IE.document.getelementbyid("main")
For r = 1 To .Rows.Length - 1
If Not IsArray(BankName) Then
ReDim BankName(7, 0) As Variant
ReDim Preserve BankName(7, UBound(BankName, 2) + 1) As Variant
End If
BankName(0, UBound(BankName, 2)) = .Rows(r).Cells(0).innertext
Next r
End With
If page < pageTotal Then
beginTime = Now
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"))
End If
For r = 0 To UBound(BankName, 2)
IE.navigate "" & BankName(0, r)
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.readystate <> 4 '4 = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
'wait 5 sec. for screen refresh
Sleep 5 * 1000
With IE.document.getelementbytagname("table")
For i = 0 To .Rows.Length - 1
Select Case .Rows(i).Cells(0).innertext
Case "Name:"
BankName(1, r) = .Rows(i).Cells(1).innertext
Case "Location:"
BankName(2, r) = .Rows(i).Cells(1).innertext
Case "Phone:"
BankName(3, r) = .Rows(i).Cells(1).innertext
Case "Branch Deposit:"
BankName(4, r) = Replace(Replace(.Rows(i).Cells(1).innertext, ",", ""), "$", "")
Case "Total Assets:"
BankName(5, r) = Replace(Replace(.Rows(i).Cells(1).innertext, ",", ""), "$", "")
End Select
Next i
End With
Next r
Set IE = Nothing
'post result on Excel cell
Worksheets(1).Range("A9").Resize(UBound(BankName, 2) + 1, UBound(BankName, 1) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(BankName)
End Sub
Thank you in advance! I would greatly appreciate any help.
Consider the below example which uses XHR instead of IE and split-based HTML content parsing:
Option Explicit
Sub Test_usbanklocations()
Dim oSource, oDestination, y, oSrcRow, sName, sCity, sDist, sUrl0, sUrl1, sUrl2, lPage, sResp1, sResp2, i, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5
Set oSource = Sheets(1)
Set oDestination = Sheets(2)
DataOutput oDestination, 1, Array("Name", "Location", "Phone", "Total Assets", "Total Deposits")
y = 2
For Each oSrcRow In oSource.UsedRange.Rows
sName = oSrcRow.Cells(1, 1).Value
sCity = oSrcRow.Cells(1, 2).Value
sDist = oSrcRow.Cells(1, 3).Value
sUrl0 = "" & EncodeUriComponent(sName) & "&lc=" & EncodeUriComponent(sCity) & "&ml=" & sDist
sUrl1 = sUrl0
lPage = 1
sResp1 = GetXHR(sUrl1)
If InStr(sResp1, "We can not find the address you provided. Please check.") > 0 Then Exit Do
a1 = Split(sResp1, "<div class=""pl")
For i = 1 To UBound(a1)
a2 = Split(a1(i), "</div>", 3)
a3 = Split(a2(1), "<a href=""", 2)
a4 = Split(a3(1), """>", 2)
sUrl2 = "" & a4(0)
sResp2 = GetXHR(sUrl2)
a5 = Array( _
GetFragment(sResp2, "<b>Name:</b></td><td>", "</td>"), _
Replace(GetFragment(sResp2, "<b>Location:</b></td><td>", "</td>"), "View Other Branches", ""), _
GetFragment(sResp2, "<b>Phone:</b></td>", "</td>"), _
GetFragment(sResp2, "<b>Total Assets:</b></td><td>", "</td>"), _
GetFragment(sResp2, "<b>Total Deposits:</b></td><td>", "</td>") _
DataOutput oDestination, y, a5
y = y + 1
If InStr(sResp1, "Next Page >") = 0 Then Exit Do
lPage = lPage + 1
sUrl1 = sUrl0 & "&ps=" & lPage
MsgBox "Completed"
End Sub
Function GetXHR(sUrl)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", sUrl, False
GetXHR = .ResponseText
End With
End Function
Sub DataOutput(oSht, y, aValues)
With oSht.Cells(y, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aValues) + 1)
.NumberFormat = "#"
.Value = aValues
End With
End Sub
Function GetFragment(sText, sPatt1, sPatt2)
Dim a1, a2
a1 = Split(sText, sPatt1, 2)
If UBound(a1) <> 1 Then Exit Function
a2 = Split(a1(1), sPatt2, 2)
If UBound(a2) <> 1 Then Exit Function
GetFragment = GetInnerText(a2(0))
End Function
Function EncodeUriComponent(sText)
Static objHtmlfile As Object
If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
objHtmlfile.parentWindow.execScript "function encode(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript"
End If
EncodeUriComponent = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.encode(sText)
End Function
Function GetInnerText(sText)
With CreateObject("htmlfile")
.Write ("<body>" & sText & "</body>")
GetInnerText = .DocumentElement.Document.GetElementsByTagName("body")(0).InnerText
End With
End Function
As an example, the first worksheet contains data to search (Bank name, Location and Distance to refine by):
Then result on the second worksheet is as follows:

VBA If used range contains a word/text/value, go back to previous step

I wrote a macro to download data from a website, after the website is fully loaded, it will scrap the data by the html tag, however, sometimes the data is incorrectly scraped due to unknown error, I want to add a checking after each variant 'x' completed, e.g. If the activesheet contains the word "中报",then go back to the step "'Select the Report Type" to re-do the scraping. Also, I know some of the variables/data types are not set at the very beginning. Could anyone help to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Sub GetFinanceData()
Dim x As Variant
Dim IE As Object
For x = 1 To 1584
Dim URL As String, elemCollection As Object
Dim t As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer
'Open IE and Go to the Website
'URL = ""
URL = Cells(x, 1)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.navigate URL
.Visible = False
Do While .Busy = True Or .readyState <> 4
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Stocks").Range("B" & x).Value 'You could even simplify it and just state the name as Cells(x,2)
'Select the Report Type
Set selectItems = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
For Each i In selectItems
i.Value = "zero"
i.FireEvent ("onchange")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
Next i
Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = .Document.getElementsByTagName("h1")(0).innerText
ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value = .Document.getElementsByTagName("em")(0).innerText
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").Value = Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(1, 4)
'Find and Get Table Data
tblNameArr = Array(Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(2, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(3, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(4, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(5, 4))
tblStartRow = 6
Set elemCollection = .Document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")
For t = 0 To elemCollection.Length - 1
For r = 0 To (elemCollection(t).Rows.Length - 1)
For c = 0 To (elemCollection(t).Rows(r).Cells.Length - 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(r + tblStartRow, c + 1) = elemCollection(t).Rows(r).Cells(c).innerText
Next c
Next r
ActiveSheet.Cells(r + tblStartRow + 2, 1) = tblNameArr(t)
tblStartRow = tblStartRow + r + 4
Next t
End With
' cleaning up memory
Next x
End Sub
This is cleaned up quite a bit.
I added a SelectReportType: line label. Whenever you want to go back to that condition, use insert the line
Goto SelectReportType
And it will take you to that spot. The better way to do it would be to place that code in a separate function so you can call it anytime your test for "中报" is true. But I'm not following your code well enough to understand what you are doing to assist you with that.
Sub GetFinanceData()
Dim x As Variant
Dim IE As Object
Dim URL As String, elemCollection As Object
Dim t As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer
Dim selectItems As Variant, i As Variant
Dim tblNameArr() As String
Dim tblStartRow As Long
For x = 1 To 1584
'Open IE and Go to the Website
'URL = ""
URL = Cells(x, 1)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Navigate URL
.Visible = False
Do While .Busy = True Or .ReadyState <> 4
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.count)).name = _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Stocks").Range("B" & x).Value 'You could even simplify it and just state the name as Cells(x,2)
'Select the Report Type
Set selectItems = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
For Each i In selectItems
i.Value = "zero"
i.FireEvent ("onchange")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
Next i
Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = .Document.getElementsByTagName("h1")(0).innerText
ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value = .Document.getElementsByTagName("em")(0).innerText
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").Value = Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(1, 4)
'Find and Get Table Data
tblNameArr = Array(Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(2, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(3, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(4, 4), Worksheets("Stocks").Cells(5, 4))
tblStartRow = 6
Set elemCollection = .Document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")
For t = 0 To elemCollection.Length - 1
For r = 0 To (elemCollection(t).Rows.Length - 1)
For c = 0 To (elemCollection(t).Rows(r).Cells.Length - 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(r + tblStartRow, c + 1) = elemCollection(t).Rows(r).Cells(c).innerText
Next c
Next r
ActiveSheet.Cells(r + tblStartRow + 2, 1) = tblNameArr(t)
tblStartRow = tblStartRow + r + 4
Next t
End With
' cleaning up memory
Next x
End Sub

Find if a given value is in a cell, if so then try next value until unique

I have the below sub that checks on a separate worksheet if the created number in textbox8 already exists, at the moment there is a message box that alerts the user that the part number already exists, they have to click OK, then the number is incremented by 1, the process is repeated until a unique number is found. This is the written to the worksheet along with some other data.
What I need to do is remove the message box so it will automatically search and find the next available number.
I added the following code to the sub, but this has no effect:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Create part number and check
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With TextBox26
If myreset = True Then
.Tag = 0
myreset = False
End If
.Tag = Val(.Tag) + 1
.Text = "-" & VBA.Format(Val(.Tag), "0000")
End With
Dim iNum(1 To 8) As String
iNum(1) = TextBox24.Value
iNum(2) = TextBox25.Value
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
TextBox8.Value = iNum(1) + iNum(2) + iNum(3)
'check article exists
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim i As Long
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To rcnt
If TextBox8.Text = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & i).Value Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
End If
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
ActiveCell.Value = TextBox8.Text
To remove the message Box all you need to do is delete the following lines in your code
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
I am not sure what the first part of the code is doing. if you could provide some example I can help with that. But I have rationalized the second part and this will now achieve what the original code was attempting to achieve with lesser lines.
'check article exists
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim varProdCode As Long
varProdCode = TextBox8.Text
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Do Until varProdCode = 0
For i = 2 To rcnt
If varProdCode = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & i).Value Then
varProdCode = varProdCode + 1
Exit For
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = varProdCode
varProdCode = 0
Exit Sub
End If
This is the code that works
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With TextBox26
If myreset = True Then
.Tag = 0
myreset = False
End If
.Tag = Val(.Tag) + 1
.Value = VBA.Format(Val(.Tag), "0000")
End With
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim c As Long
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For c = 2 To rcnt
Dim iNum(1 To 8) As String
iNum(1) = TextBox24.Value
iNum(2) = TextBox25.Value
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
'check if article exists
If Sheets("existing").Range("A" & c).Value = iNum(1) & iNum(2) & "-" & iNum(3) Then
TextBox26.Value = TextBox26.Value + 1
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
End If
Next c
'create article number
TextBox8.Value = iNum(1) + iNum(2) + "-" + iNum(3)
'select first column