Pentaho: Image in Pentaho form - pentaho

I want to fetch image from local path (i.e: C:/Users/myname/sample.jpg).
Already tried with image icon on left of the form and set the value from the above both but the thing is i need to set the image from external . Like property file or kettle file.
please help me on using Pentaho Designer 5.3.0
thanks in advance

If you want to get the location of the image from a property file, you have to think about how to get that value and take it to the report, that you can do with a kettle transformation, that takes the value you want from the properties file and send it to a Report, in the pdi there is a step called Pentaho Reporting Ouput, which makes a call to the report, to this you will pass as parameter the location of the image that you want to be displayed (the name of the parameter in the pdi and in the Report designes must be the same), you can do the following:
Create a parameter, which will be of type string, this will be the parameter will receive the location of the image on the disk
Add an image field instead of an image, and pass the parameter you created as a value
After you can upload the image you want, just pass the physical address to the report from the pdi.
I hope I help you


Is it possible to rename png files by the time of creation, not after

I am using File[] imageFile = PdfUtilities.convertPdf2Png(new File("MYPATH")) command to generate png from pdf , which is giving file name as "workingimage01","workingimage02"...."workingimage0n" and so on, is it possible to change this name setting by the time png's are generated. Thanks in advance.
I am trying this command for 10 pdf parallel, so it is overlapping. thats why i need to know is there a way or i am asking out of the box question.
The name is hard coded in the source. You can create an overloaded method that takes another parameter for the working files' name.

SSRS - How to show external image based on URL inside column

I am trying to show images for products inside a basic report. The image needs to be dynamic, meaning the image should change based on the SKU value.
Right now I am inserting an image into a table, setting to external, and i've tried:
=http://externalwebservername/sku= & Fields!SKU.Value
="http://externalwebservername/sku=" & Fields!SKU.Value
I do not get any images in my table.
My stored proc has all the data, including a URL with the image I wan't to show. Here is a sample of what the URL looks like:
If I enter the URL in the field without "=" it will show that ONE image only.
How should I set up the expression to properly show the external image based on a dynamic URL? Running SQL 2016
Alan's answer should work, but in our environment we have strict proxy/firewall rules, so the two servers could not contact each other.
Instead we are navigating to the file stored on our storage system.
We altered the URL column to point to file path in the stored procedure. Insert image, set Source to External and Value set to [URL].
URL= file://server\imagepath.jpg
As long as the account executing the report has permissions to access the URLs then your 3rd expression should have worked.
I put together a simple example as follows.
I created a new blank report then added a Data Source. It doesn't matter where this points, we won't use it directly.
Then I created a dataset (Dataset1) with the following SQL to give me list of image names.
SELECT '350x120' AS suffix
UNION SELECT '200x100'
UNION SELECT '500x500'
Actually, these are just parameters for the website which will generate images based on the size you request, but that's not relevant for this exercise.
We'll be showing three images from the following URLs
Next, create a table, I used 3 columns to give me more testing options. Set the DataSetName to DataSet1 if it isn't already.
In the first column the expression is just =Fields!suffix.Value
In the second column I added an image, set it's source property to External and the Value to ="" & Fields!suffix.Value
I then added a 3rd column with the same expression as the image Value so I could see what was being used as the image URL. I also added an action that goes to the same URL, just to check the URL did not have any unprintable characters in it that might cause a problem.
The basic report design looks like this.
The rendered result looks like this.

Qlik View: Retrive Last Reload of another report

In a qlik report(Main Report) i have a text object with an action that open another report. Is there the possibility to show in the text object located in the Main Report the last Reloadtime date of the report that i open with the action ?
while reloading the other report,
Load reloadtime() as reloadTime autogenerate(1);
store T1 into T1.qvd;
in the Main report file:
Load * from T1.qvd (qvd);
you can also use *add* Load * from T1.qvd (qvd); if you want to use partial reload.
thats it :)
i can use filetime() function but the last change is not necessarily the date of the last reloadtime().
I could store these information externally in a txt-file which you read in your target-application as include-variable. This will require a reload from the target. As alternatively could these value be stored in a database and read then per direct discovery without a reload.
A further option could be to transfer these information per selections by opening: AJAX and URL parameters maybe by selection a loosen dummy-date-table and these selection will then be queried per getfieldselections().

Extract and compare text from an image with a baseline text string in TestComplete

I have a scenario in which user enters text in a text box .
Now, when the workflow of the test case is executed,the user provided text appears in an image format after the test flow is fully executed.
This is actually how the application under test treats the input data.It represents the text in a non-editable format.I simply take the snapshot here for comparison purpose .i.e setting the baseline for my test.
Is there a way that I can store this user entered text in step 1 in my baseline data store and then extract the text from image as part of validation of the correct data provided by user in the test case conclusion step.
I have used two checkpoints strategies to find the right solution,just am not sure whether it actually serves the purpose.
1.Added Object checkpoint while script record ,here's the script
Call Objects.configPackage_success.Check(Aliases.Microsoft_ConfigurationManagement.SmsWizardForm.zpagePanel.zinteriorPagePanel.WizardPage.ActionsCompletionWizardPageControl.labelCaption)
I have enabled the text field for this property during record time.I hope it compares the text extracted from the object somehow.I maybe wrong.
2.Added Property checkpoint with script below
Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Microsoft_ConfigurationManagement.SmsWizardForm.zpagePanel.zinteriorPagePanel.WizardPage.ActionsCompletionWizardPageControl.labelCaption.Text, "OleValue", cmpEqual, "The Create Package and Program Wizard completed successfully")
Again,it hopefully does the text comparison part.Not sure how it internally works.
Or do I have rely only on Region checkpoints for validation of my test-output with baseline image.

Birt dynamic image uri

I have the URI to an image stored in a database. I created a dataset, which contains the image location. When choosing the location of the image I used a script which says this.uri = row[location],
however the image is not rendering and I am getting an error which says the rsource could not be reached. Is what I am trying to do possible in Birt, or is there any way to dynamically set the uri?
Thanks in Advance
You should not have to use a script to do this.
I assume this image is embedded within a table bound to the dataset. If it is not, you just have to select the dataset in the "bindings" tab of the image. When the image is correctly bound we have to:
Select the image -> properties -> reference -> edit
Set the option "select from URI", and for "Enter URI" expression don't forget to switch from "constant" to "javascript syntax".
With the expression builder select your dataset column within "Available column bindings" and here we go!
If you still have an issue check the URI generated with your web browser console.