I'm trying to understand how the lifecycles of caches and regions are managed for the client-server model. I see that RegionFactory has a createRegion(String name) method. Does this handle region lifecycles on the servers or just create an instance of the Region class associated with a region on the servers? If I want multiple clients to access the same region, can they just call RegionFactory.createRegion() with the same region name? What if I want to create and destroy regions programmatically from the client? Thanks!
Does this handle region lifecycles on the servers or just create an instance of the Region class associated with a region on the servers?
It just creates a Region instance on the client, you will have use cache.xml or gfsh to create the region on the server.
If I want multiple clients to access the same region, can they just call RegionFactory.createRegion() with the same region name?
What if I want to create and destroy regions programmatically from the client?
You could use Function execution to create a region programmatically from a client.
I read some articles about this and I get to know how to use Transient, Scoped, and Singleton but I am confused when to use one of these.
What I am understood:
Singleton: In situation when you need to store number of employees then you can create singleton cause every time you create new employee then it will increment the number so in that situation you need singleton.
Scoped: For example you are playing game in which number of life is 5 and then you need to decrease the number when player's game over. And in every new time you need new instance because every new time you need number of life is 5.
Transient: when to use Transient??
Please correct me if I am wrong.
And give the better example of all of them if possible.
As far as I know, the Singleton is normally used for a global single instance. For example, you will have an image store service you could have a service to load images from a given location and keeps them in memory for future use.
A scoped lifetime indicates that services are created once per client request. Normally we will use this for sql connection. It means it will create and dispose the sql connection per request.
A transient lifetime services are created each time they're requested from the service container. For example, during one request you use httpclient service to call other web api request multiple times, but the web api endpoint is different. At that time you will register the httpclient service as transient. That means each time when you call the httpclient service it will create a new httpclient to send the request not used the same one .
Note, Microsoft provides the recommendations here and here.
When designing services for dependency injection:
Avoid stateful, static classes and members. Avoid creating global state by designing apps to use singleton services instead.
Avoid direct instantiation of dependent classes within services. Direct instantiation couples the code to a particular implementation.
Make services small, well-factored, and easily tested.
I am developing a very simple dashboard to clear Gemfire regions for testing purposes. I am mainly doing this to get testers a tool for doing this by themselves.
I would like to dynamically fetch the current available Regions names to clear.
I am searching spring-data-gemfire documentation but I couldn't find a way to get all region names.
The best hint I have so far is <gfe:auto-region-lookup/>, but I guess I would still need to have a cache.xml with all region names and also I am not sure how to dynamically displaying their names and how to remove all data from those regions.
<gfe:auto-region-lookup> is meant to automatically create beans in the Spring ApplicationContext for all GemFire Regions that have been explicitly created outside the Spring context (i.e. cache.xml or using GemFire's relatively new Cluster-based Configuration Service). However, a developer must use and/or enable those mechanisms to employ the auto-region-lookup functionality.
To get a list of all Region names in the GemFire "cluster", you need something equivalent to Gfsh's 'list region' command, which employs a Function to gather up all the Regions defined in the GemFire (Cache) cluster.
Note that members can define different Regions, i.e. all members participating in the cluster do not necessarily have to define the same Regions. In most cases they do since it is beneficial for replication and HA purposes. Still some members may define local Regions only that member will use.
To go on to clear the Regions from the list, you would again need to employ a GemFire Function to "clear" the other Regions in the cluster that the inquiring, acting member does not currently define.
Of course, this problem is real simple if you only want to clear Regions defined on the member itself...
private Cache gemfireCache;
public void clearRegions() {
for (Region rootRegion : gemfireCache.rootRegions()) {
for (Region subRegion : rootRegion.subregions(true)) {
See rootRegions() and subregions(recursive:boolean) for more details.
Note, GemFire's Cache interface implements the RegionService interface.
Hope this helps.
What is the best way to organize interaction between services in the service layer?
For example, I have document service and product service. In my case products can have their own documents and to manage documents of product I call appropriate methods from the document service in the product service. So, I need to create instance of document service in product service. And I need to call some methods from product service in the document service too. So, each of these services refers to other and I get stackoverflowexception respectively.
Which design solutions should I use to eliminate these problem?
Application Services are supposed to provide external clients an API for executing cohesive business operations. An application service method generally matches a use case of your application.
While an application service operation may require calling another service (eg, the Create Product use case includes the Create Document use case, which can also be called separately), this is not the norm and you should look to make your application services as cohesive as possible. In particular, just because at some point in your business case you start to manipulate another kind of entity doesn't mean you should delegate that part to another application service - in other words, one application service per entity is not necessarily right.
In any case, from your domain it should appear clearly in which direction the dependency between 2 applications services points. In your example, Product Service seems to depend on Document Service - it's difficult to imagine why it would be the other way around.
If you really need a round-trip between service A and service B (which I wouldn't do unless I have no other option), you could try and have the instance of A inject itself into B instead of relying on a DI container to resolve the dependency with a new instance, solving the stack overflow problem - if that's why you get a stack overflow in the first place.
Obviously, circular dependencies are wrong.
You can use shared identifiers to decouple Products and Documents.
Moreover you can orchestrate the service interaction from outside them, in the application: in the ProductService you can have a LoadProducts(ProductIdentifiers[] identifiers) returning an immutable collection of products and in the DocumentService you can have a LoadDocuments(DocumentIdentifiers[] identifiers) returning an immutable collection of documents.
I have an application which uses back ground worker(bw) and tasks.
I have one singleton instance in this app..which contains most of the common info about that instance of application. I have different agents listed in my app..and if I switch to different agent, i have to build entire data structure (models/viewmodels/DTOs)
Lets say, for agent "a" one of the bw is spawned...and it uses the above mentioned singleton instance...
Soon I switch to agent "b"...so in my app, i create new data structure for aganet "b". But uses the same singleton instance.
If I change any property in this singleton instance...there is a chance that the new value will be used by bw spawned for agent "a".
Can somebody help me to overcome this situation?
Can I have different singleton instance for different agents ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
EDIT : Any different approach if you can tell me it would be great.
A singleton, by definition, can only exist once. If you want different settings for each user, you will need to use a different architecture. See http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/singleton for more information about singletons.
I have a RESTful server and need to create the client in a Cocoa app.
I have a model called Resource. When I GET /resources, my server returns all resources in JSON.
I have a model called Client that owns many resources.
The Client has an instance method -(NSMutableArray*)resources
An NSArrayController manages the resources. The first time the above method is called, it asks the REST server for the client's resources.
My question is this: who should create the request, dispatch the request, and populate the array: the Client class or the Resource class (with something like -(NSMutableArray*)resourcesForClient:(Client*)client )? Or maybe neither, instead there being an API class that receives the model name and some filters and returns the array?
Unless there is a good reason a resource should know about clients, or speak with servers, it is probably a good idea to keep its responsibility minimized. The client has a collection of resources, so it is ok for it to know what a resource is, and manage the requests and management of resources.
I would go with neither if both Client and Resource are part of the business model. Presumably a "Client" in this instance is a customer not a client in technical client-server speak.
Your business model should be all about the rules and objects associated with the business. I would class the problem of getting the objects from a particular backing store as not part of the business model in much the same way as I would class getting the objects from a user as not part of the business model.
Therefore your "get from the server" API should be separate.