Elasticsearch filter results excluding by id - lucene

I need to return results that do not include docs with certain ids. Elasticsearch allows us to specify which ids are allowed but I see no way to disallow certain ids. In my case I want to not return things the user has already seen so the list will be different for each user.

You can achieve this by adding a bool/must_not filter containing an ids filter with an array of ids you don't want to appear, like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
... <--- your other filters go here
"must_not": [
"ids": {
"values": [
"id1", "id2" <--- add all the ids you DON'T want in here


Filtering items by relation using knex query

I'm trying to filter items by relation using a knex query. I'm almost there (I think) but struggling a little and could use some help as this is new to me.
I have a list of users who are following people and have followers. I'm trying to return a list of users who I'm not already following. Below is my code so far:
const users = await knex("users-permissions_user").whereNotExists(
function () {
.where("user_id", "users-permissions_user.id")
.where("follower_id", id);
This returns a list of users who currently have no followers and users where I'm the only follower. Any users who I follow and also have more followers are still returned. I thought like would achieve this type of filter but I must be doing it wrong.
Here is how the table for the followers/following relation appears in my db:
And here is the data that would be returned from the above query:
"id": "138",
"followers": [
"id": "143"
"id": "140",
"followers": [
"id": "160"
"id": "136"
"id": "135",
"followers": []
"id": "136",
"followers": []
As you can see, users with no followers are returned as are users who I'm not already following but users who have multiple followers, including me (ID 160), are returned when they should be omitted.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
So the reason that users like 140 are being returned even though they are following you (160) is because they are following at least one other person who isn't you, which means your where clause will match them.
If you want to return only users who are not following you, you could achieve this by replacing your left join and where clause with a where not exists clause. In knex that would look something like:
qb.whereNotExists(function() {
.where('users_followers__users_followings.user_id', knex.ref('users-permissions_user.id'))
.where('users_followers__users_followings.follower_id', id);

express-graphql: How to remove external "data" object layer.

I am replacing an existing REST endpoint with GraphQL.
In our existing REST endpoint, we return a JSON array.
"id": "ABC"
"id": "123"
"id": "xyz"
"id": "789"
GraphQL seems to be wrapping the array in two additional object layers. Is there any way to remove the "data" and "Client" layers?
Response data:
"data": {
"Client": [
"id": "ABC"
"id": "123"
"id": "xyz"
"id": "789"
My query:
Client(accountId: "5417727750494381532d735a") {
No. That was the whole purpose of GraphQL. To have a single endoint and allow users to fetch different type/granularity of data by specifying the input in a query format as opposed to REST APIs and then map them onto the returned JSON output.
'data' acts as a parent/root level container for different entities that you have queried. Without these keys in the returned JSON data, there won't be any way to segregate the corresponding data. e.g.
Your above query can be modified to include another entity like Owner,
Client(accountId: "5417727750494381532d735a") {
Owner {
In which case, the output will be something like
"data": {
"Client": [
"Owner": [
Without the 'Client' and 'Owner' keys in the JSON outout, there is no way to separate the corresponding array values.
In your case, you can get only the array by doing data.Client on the returned output.

elastic search query filter out ids by wildcard

I'm hoping to create a query where it will filter out IDs containing a wildcard. For instance, I would like to search for something everywhere except where the ID contains the word current. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible using Regex Filter/Regex Query. I could not figure a way to directly do it using the Complement option hence I've used bool must_not to solve your problem for the time being. I'll refine the answer later if possible.
POST <index name>/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must_not": [
"regexp": {
"ID": {
"value": ".*current.*"

Query Mongo collection for all documents with empty array nested in an array

I have documents that look like this in a collection called movies:
"_id" : ObjectId("51c272623021490007000001"),
"movies": [
"name": "Booty Call"
"play_times": []
"name": "Bulletproof"
"play_times": [{...},{...}]
I would like to query for documents where "play_times" is not empty or null. Basically I only care about movies with play times.
If you want to query for separate array elements within documents, that is not possible AFAIK. If you want to get documents which have non-empty play_times, then use $size operator:
movies.play_times : { $size : { $gt : 0} }
To check if field exists, there is an $exists operator.

Elasticsearch/Tire text query DSL for excluding certain fields from being searched

I have a elastic search query like the following,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"fields": ["title"],
"query": "test"
"must_not": [],
"should": []
"from": 0,
"size": 50,
"sort": [],
"facets": {}
I am able to execute an elastic search query on certain fields by giving a fields param to query_string as mentioned above. In my index mapping i have around 50 fields indexed. How do i query for all but one field. Something like an exclude option to query string. Is it possible with Tire/Elastic Search ?
I assumed it cannot be done and proceeded with getting all the mappings and parsing the hash which kinda sucks actually.