Mandrill send API will queue email occasionally - api

My email will occasionally get queued instead of sending download link immediately using a paid Mandrill account- other times it will send quickly. I would like it to be send at time of calling the API. The are no errors in the Mandrill API control panel.
This code works great most of the time via a node server on Heroku...I am using 'send_at' parameter w current Date using the javascript Date() method. How can I send an email consistently - sometimes queues can be 1 hour 30 min long.
// Text version of message
me_data.text += message;
// Html for message
me_data.html = results['html'];
// current Date for sending
var sendDate = new Date();
{"message": me_data, "async": async, "ip_pool": ip_pool, "send_at": sendDate},
function (result) {
function (e) {
console.log('A mandrill error occurred: ' + + ' - ' + e.message);

This issue is no longer a problem. Please ignore the above posts about the time parameter as I am using this variable (clearly "send_at" from API doc) and Mandrill is sending.
This must have been a fluke of timing as I had paid a short time before launching production app. You have to pay (set credits) in Mandrill to use the send_at parameter - in other words upgrade from the free version. It may take some time to come into effect.
Mandrill has been working flawlessly since this issue like quick as lighting. So this is not an issue any longer for my stuff.


How to troubleshoot issues related to requests and responses from ws loaded in SM

I am working on an integration between Microfocus Service Manager and Remedy. In order to troubleshoot issues related to requests and responses from SM to Remedy is needed to print or send that information to a log. I have tried using a debug -RTM:3 flag in my testing port configuration, but unfortunately there is a lot of information in my log since it writes every step performed by the tool. After that, I set the -debughttp flag in my port, but it only writes inputs/outputs from external resources.
Here is what I have done:
Load Remedy customer's endpoint with WSDL2JS utility.
Invoke the endpoint with a SL.
Perform a request to the endpoint.
Get an undefined response.
Check logs written by -RTM and -debughttp without success.
Is there any way to check what’s happening with my requests or with my customer’s reponses?
You can get the content of your requests and responses using the sl created by WSDL2JS only adding a piece of code within it.
For your requests, look for this part of the code (about line 129):
this.resultXML = doSOAPRequest( this.location, soapOp.SOAPAction, result.xml,
this.user, this.password,
this.connectTimeOut, this.sendTimeOut, this.recvTimeOut,
this.attachments, this.acceptfastinfoset );
Add the following code below:
//Print your request
//Send your xml request to a internal log called integration_debug.log in your app server
writeFile("../logs/integration_debug.log","a","######### REQUEST INFO XML######\n");
+ "\n"
+ result.xml
+ "\n"
+ "\n");
For your customer’s responses, look for this part of the code:
if ( soapOp.responseObj == "null" ) // one-way MEP ?
return null;
var resultObj = new Object();
resultObj.responseObj = soapOp.responseObj;
Add the following code below:
//Print your customer response
//Send your xml response to a internal log called integration_debug.log in your app server
writeFile("../logs/integration_debug.log","a","######### RESPONSE INFO XML#######\n");
+ "\n"
+ this.resultXML.getDocumentElement()
+ "\n"
+ "\n");
As a reference you can check the following picture to identify where inserting your code:
Hopefully, that can be helpful for your troubleshooting.

Twilio mobile number verification - VerificationCheck was not found on Express

The requested resource /Services/serviceSSID/VerificationCheck was not found is the eroor showing in the console
my code is
otpLogin:async (req,res)=>{
try {
const isOTP = await{
return res.status(200).json({message:" mobile number verified"})
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({message:"something went wrong"})
Twilio developer evangelist here.
From the documentation:
Twilio deletes the verification SID once it’s:
expired (10 minutes)
when the max attempts to check a code have been reached
If any of these occur, verification checks will return a 404 not found error like this:
Unable to create record: The requested resource /Services/VAXXXXXXXXXXXXX/VerificationCheck was not found
If you’d like to double check what happened with a given verification - please use the logs found in the Twilio Console under your Verification Service:
I've found that if you submit a form twice by clicking a submit button twice quickly, that the verification is successfully checked and then because it was a success deleted, then the second check fails with a 404 like this and that is the error result you see. To avoid this, you should stop users from being able to submit the form twice by disabling the submit button after the first attempt.
I can confirm that philnash 2nd statement is correct. However wouldn't it have been handled way better if instead we just get a response from that the 2nd (and so on checks) failed??

React native in app purchase not giving latest receipt

I am using react-native-iap package. I am trying to get latest subscription and check its validity
await RNIap.validateReceiptIos(receiptBody, true).then((receipt) => {
try {
const renewalHistory = receipt.latest_receipt_info
const expiration = renewalHistory[0].expires_date_ms
expired = > expiration
productId = renewalHistory[0].product_id
} catch (error) {}
I am multiple auto renewal subscription in a single group. I subscribe to one and I execute code above give me the subscribed product and i tag it as subscribed. First try works fine. Now after that I subscribe again another package and run code above gives me the previous subscription not the current that i subscribed. Sometime second steps also works fine but issue came in third step. Reason I found is I am not getting latest subscribed receipt info in latest_receipt_info above.
Have a look to this tutoriel on YouTube it may help you :
Also, here is what he said in the comment section :
where I write renewalHistory[renewalHistory.length - 1], this works fine in the test environment. HOWEVER, it seems that when the app is published, this doesn't work and you should instead do renewalHistory[0].
I fixed this in my app by first trying to validate using the production URL, using renewalHistory[0].
If you receive a 21007 status code after trying to validate with the production URL, you validate using the test URL using renewalHistory[renewalHistory.length - 1]

XmlHttpRequest not reporting server side progress

I have a client server application. The server side is completely in java. The client side has a few lines of html and the rest in plain javascript (I don't use ajax or jquery etc).
The client receives user inputs through an input box and when the user clicks a button, the client sends a POST request to the server using XmlHtpRequest. The server then runs a process that can take several minutes. The server periodically (every 5 seconds) sends a progress update message with HTTP status code 202 and with content "Processing.... completed 5 / 100". The numbers 5 and 100 are a sample. Instead of 100, it is the actual final counter of the process and instead of 5 it is the current counter indicating the progress. When the server finishes the processing it sends a 200 OK with the final output as the content. I have an output text area where I want to display the progress message during the processing and later the final output is also placed in the same output text area.
My client side javascript code is:
var xhr = new XmlHttpRequest();
function sendCommandToServer() {
window.xhr.onreadystatechange = getServerResponse;"POST", (document.domain + "/" + "executeCommand"), true);
window.xhr.send("arguments and data for the command");
function getServerResponse() {
if(window.xhr.status === 202) {
myTextArea.value = window.xhr.responseText;
window.xhr.onreadystatechange = getServerResponse;
if(window.xhr.status === 200) {
myTextArea.value = window.xhr.responseText;
alert("processing error");
The server correctly gets the command and runs the process and finishes and produces the output. It also correctly sends the progress messages. But my client side javascript does not get all of them. I am able to get the 1st progress message from the server - something like - "Processing .... 5 / 100" - but after that I am not able to get further calls to getServerResponse() to continue updating the progress as and when the server sends messages. If I modify the server side to avoid sending progress and send only the final output result, it works correctly and I get the final output result displayed at the client. I run this on IE10 and Chrome, with the same behavior. Can xmlHttpRequest() be used for this use-case? Am I doing something wrong? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm new to this myself and trying to work out a method of achieving something similar.
I think the 202 status code is the only response you will get, ie the server will send a single response when it has accepted the job (202), or a 200 response when it has completed.

400 Bad Request error when using .net Paymill Wrapper

I'm trying to use the .net Paymill Wrapper
When trying to add a subscription, I'm getting back a 400 Bad Request.
To illustrate the problem, I created a branch and changed the Sandbox console app to call the method to test addSubscription
The problem is happening here where the request is actually posted.
The content posted is: (as an example)
It appears this hasn't been updated for sometime, and the original author is unresponsive via email or twitter, so I've forked the repo and am trying to fix the error.
I had a look at your code and found out that you are not creating the offer object correctly.
In your addSubscription method (SandboxConsole project), i found this code snippet
Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
subscription.Client = new Client() { Id = "client_bbe895116de80b6141fd" };
subscription.Offer = new Offer() { Id = "offer_32008ddd39954e71ed48" };
subscription.Payment = new Payment() { Id = "pay_81ec02206e9b9c587513" };
Offer object should be initialized with parameters like amount, currency, interval.
Since the offer object doesn't exist, assigning a subscription to it fails, giving you bad request error.