Remotely show the most recent tag reachable from a git commit - git-remote

I can use git describe to locally show the most recent tag on a local git repository that is reachable from a git commit. Using procps as an instance, git describe returns this v3.3.11-4-g99fa7f9 value (at the time of this writing). However, if I don't already have a local git repository, I can use
git ls-remote --tags | grep -v "\^" | cut -d/ -f3 | sort -Vu | tail -1
to remotely do the same as git describe --abbrev=0 that returns this v3.3.11 value and not this v3.3.11-4-g99fa7f9 value. So, is it possible to remotely show the most recent tag that is reachable from a git commit to return this v3.3.11-4-g99fa7f9 value instead of this v3.3.11 value (preferably with a single instruction sans external scripts)?


Get SVN URL of removed git-svn file

I would like to track a removed file as far back in history as possible, while using git-svn on a subdirectory of the SVN repository.
Using git log --full-history -- path/to/, I can get see the history starting with the time the file was moved into the subdirectory I checked out using git-svn.
I can see which SVN revision that was in the git-svn commit message postfix, so I would now like to use svn log <full_url>#revision to see the rest of the history.
I know that I could use git svn info --url path/to/ to see the required full SVN url, but what is a quick (ideally scriptable) way of getting the SVN URL of a file that is no longer in the repository?
To git, it doesn't matter much that a file foo/ is removed in HEAD — as long as you have it in history, you can view every past version of it.
For clarity of concreteness, I'll take this git-svn repo from the LLVM project as an example. There, the file docs/todo.rst has been deleted in svn revision 308987, git commit fb572868… and is absent in master.
Let's first init a local clone.
$ git clone && cd lnt
Cloning into 'lnt'...
$ git svn init
$ git update-ref refs/remotes/git-svn refs/remotes/origin/master
$ #-- ask svn info of anything to check setup and/or force laziness
$ git svn info --url
Rebuilding .git/svn/refs/remotes/git-svn/.rev_map.91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8 ...
r154126 = 3c3062527ac17b5fac440c55a3e1510d0ab8c9d9
r154135 = 82a95d29ac7d25c355fbd0898a44dc3e71a75fd8
r374687 = 446f9a3b651086e87684d643705273ef78045279
r374824 = 8c57bba3687ada10de5653ae46c537e957525bdb
Done rebuilding .git/svn/refs/remotes/git-svn/.rev_map.91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
So it gives back the URL as expected. Now let's try the case of a deleted file:
$ git svn info --url docs/todo.rst
svn: 'docs/todo.rst' is not under version control
Fails, just like you say. man git-svn says that info Does not currently support a -r/--revision argument.
OK then, let's try emulating what it does, first by hand. — this is the URL for given file at given revision.
Our vanished docs/todo.rst is available at Notice the decrement: per git show fb572868 | grep git-svn-id, docs/todo.rst is already deleted in r308987 — so we request r308986.
On to scripting it... rather simple job.
git-svn-oldinfo () {
git log -n1 -- "$relfname" \
| awk '/git-svn-id:/ {sub(/#/, " ", $2); print $2}' \
| { read baseurl rev; echo "${baseurl}/${relfname}?p=$((rev-1))"; }
#-- test:
$ git-svn-oldinfo docs/todo.rst
Quick-n-dirty but tested — you're welcome to adjust & extend as needed.
Despite git log being a "porcelain" command (i.e. not really designed for scripting), it's quite possible to parse out the filenames from it too, if you're to query by globs like **/
git-svn-oldinfo-glob () {
git log -n1 --stat --format=oneline -- "$fileglob" \
| { read commit msg; \
read fullname _remainder_dummy; \
git cat-file -p $commit \
| tail -n1 \
| awk '/git-svn-id:/ {sub(/#/, " ", $2); print $2}' \
| { read baseurl rev; echo "${baseurl}/${fullname}?p=$((rev-1))"; } \
#-- test:
$ git-svn-oldinfo-glob '**/todo.rst'
Take it with a grain of salt: it'll probably break in hilarious ways or output garbage if the glob matches multiple files, non-removed files, files with whitespace in the name, etc.
As always, check out man git-log and customize as needed.

Add git submodule using a specific commit number

I'm using git submodule commands to add this FSM repo in my project. I want to checkout a specific release commit. By default the master branch is checked out.
After adding the git repo, when I run
$ git submodule
It gives
d1b66d66cfa95f238a7498465908a262f4b2326a directory_path/fsmlite
The commit number here belongs to a master branch commit. How can I checkout another commit instead, using its commit number?
There might be some other way to do this, but I got the desired commit by
$ cd directory_path/fsmlite
$ git checkout v0.7.1 (this is the branch I wanted to point to)
$ git submodule update
$ cd parent_dir
$ git submodule
+de19ea0a71cb6082fe9311694a27e8f0cc2f972a directory_path/fsmlite (v0.7.1)
which is the specific commit number I wanted

Get svnversion with git-svn

with git svn I can use a svn repository with git. In svn, I can get version of revision with
how I can get the version of svn revision with git svn?
git svn info | grep '^Revision: ' | cut -c 11-
git svn info displays some information including the current revision
grep '^Revision: ' extracts from this the line where the current revision is mentioned
cut -c 11- extracts the actual revision number from it by cutting off the first 10 characters which are Revision:
The #Vampire answer is pretty good, I'd just like to include just one more command, in case you want to get the revision of a specific commit, instead the last one of the repository:
git svn log
This command will list all the commits that you have into the SVN repository, giving the SVN revision, author, timestamp, lines edited, and the commit message.

Enabling SVN tracking in a git clone of a git-svn clone that didn't start at revision 1?

Suppose I have a git svn clone that I created like this:
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ git svn clone -s -r 100:HEAD
and then I git clone it like this:
$ cd ..
$ git clone foo bar
$ cd bar
So now bar has foo as its origin.
How do I make bar track the original SVN server? The git-svn man page provides an example of the case where the original git svn clone includes the full revision history, but this doesn't seem to cover the case that the original git svn clone doesn't start from r1. When I try the various things I see described, what git svn fetch does is always start a disconnected history starting at r1.

How to commit a Git repo to an empty repo SVN server?

I have setup an empty svn on a server and I have been working on locally making commits along the way. Now I wish to commit my repo to an svn server. For this I tried:
git-svn checkout
git-svn dcommit
Git complains that:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/git-svn line 411.
Committing to ...
Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history
Since I started on my local computer first, and the repo online is empty, I can't find any info on how to make this work.
I needed something like this recently and the process is relatively straightforward.
There's good tutorial by Brandon Dimcheff, "Commit a linear git history to subversion" (replaces old broken link), which these steps are based on.
As of Git version 1.6.3 these are the steps:
$ svnadmin create svn_repository
$ svn mkdir -m "Initial setup" file:///full/path/to/svn_repository/trunk
$ mkdir gitrepo && cd gitrepo
$ git init
$ echo 'Hello from Git' > file.txt
$ git add file.txt
$ git commit -m "Hello from Git"
$ git svn init --trunk=trunk file:///full/path/to/svn_repository/
$ git svn fetch
$ git branch -a # Lists remotes/trunk
$ git rebase --onto remotes/trunk --root master
# => Applying: Hello from Git etc.
$ git svn dcommit
# => Committing to ... Committed r2 ... etc
You can do a svn checkout of svn_repository now and see your Git repo.
Here is what I would do:
git-svn clone otherdir
Then in other dir pull the changes locally from your previous dir. Then you should have a git repo that is "connected" via git-svn and you should be able to use dcommit on it.
This might also be a useful read.